running scheme from emacs - emacs

I'm a newbie to LISP.
I am attempting to invoke the scheme interpreter from within emacs (version 23 running on windows). I loaded the xscheme library by telling emacs to M-x load-library and then entering xscheme at the prompt in the minibuffer. The library loaded, and then I issued the M-x run-scheme command. (I realize that all this loading can be done from .emacs at startup, but I am not concerned with that at the moment.)
So far so good - the *scheme* buffer has been created, and now I'm hoping that I'm able to talk to the scheme interpreter.
However, when I try to evaluate something in that *scheme*buffer (e.g. (define shoe-size 14)), I get this Output file descriptor of scheme is closed message in the minibuffer.
Does anybody know how to fix this in emacs?
(Also, how does one set the major-mode as REPL in the *scheme* buffer?)
Thank you.

Try setting the scheme-program-name variable to the path to your Scheme interpreter. The major-mode of the scheme buffer is probably just comint and you cannot do much about it unless you switch to something more capable like Geiser - something that I'd recommend you do.

Add this line to your .emacs file:
(setq scheme-program-name "gsi")
(Replace "gsi" with the name of your Scheme interpreter.)
You can then start the interpreter with M-x run-scheme. You can evaluate pieces of code by using C-x C-e (to evaluate the sexp before the point) or with C-M-x to evaluate the sexp you're in right now. You can also load a file with C-c C-l.

I'll start by saying that I'm very new to programming, scheme and SICP, but I'm trying to work through the course and watch the lectures that are online.
I'm running emacs on Ubuntu 12.10 and I really wanted to get MIT scheme working in emacs instead of relying on Edwin.
The above tips didn't work for me, but here's the step-by-step instructions that did work:
Install emacs 24 from the Ubuntu Software Center (search "emacs" and install it!)
Open a terminal (ALT + CTRL + t)
Go to your home directory (cd ~)
Open the hidden file .emacs in gedit (gedit .emacs)
On the first line of the file, type exactly what's after the colon: (require 'xscheme)
Save the changes to .emacs
That's it!!!
You can now open .scm files in emacs and use commands like C-x C-e.
*directions courtesy of

My guess is that it's just a known issue I still dunno how to sort that out (it's out of my current skills) but I got a macro that probably helps: just after writing the s-exp you can do Cc-Cz (it calls the geiser REPL) then C-spc, C-M-b, M-w, C-x-o, C-y and RET.
There are a variation (same, placed just after writing the s-exp): C-spc, C-M-b, M-w, C-c Cz, C-y and RET


I'm having issues setting up ansi-term in emacs [duplicate]

I use ansi-term for my normal terminal sessions. I tend to use unicode characters in my prompt to do things like set the trailing character based on the type of source control I'm using.
I use the character "±" as my prompt for git repositories.
In Emacs' ansi-term, my prompt isn't rendered as unicode, and shows as "\302\261". Displaying the current coding system shows that it defaults to utf-8-unix for input to the process, but I get raw binary as the decoding output. I can hit C-c RET p to change the encoding and decoding coding systems. I'm drawing a blank as to how to set this automatically when I start a terminal? I've tried adding to term-mode-hook to set the buffer's coding system to no avail. I think I've found what I'm looking for in term.el, but I don't care to tweak the distribution elisp, and it appears the raw binary was added to fix a bug somewhere else.
EDIT: This was unclear originally. I'm having issues setting the default process coding system for ansi-term running under Cocoa-ized Emacs 23.3 on MacOS. Emacs itself isn't running in a terminal, my terminal is running in Emacs.
The following worked for me:
(add-hook 'term-exec-hook
(lambda ()
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))))
ansi-term seems to ignore the default-process-coding-system variable, so I had to set it buffer-locally after it executes my shell.
After getting a better understanding of term.el, the following works:
(defadvice ansi-term (after advise-ansi-term-coding-system)
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))
(ad-activate 'ansi-term)
Trying this with term-mode-hook is broken because in term.el, term-mode-hook is called before switching to the terminal buffer, so set-buffer-process-coding-system breaks due to the lack of a process associated with the buffer.
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
That's C-x RET t not C-x RET p.
So C-x RET p helps?
Unless C-h v default-process-coding-system is (utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix) try
(setq default-process-coding-system '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix))

How to make speedbar list the C functions + Unable to use sr-speedbar+macro+command history

I am new to Emacs on Windows XP and have multiple queries which I could not find/understand after a lot of search.
I understand that speedbar will support showing of C functions list. As mentioned in, I added the code in .emacs as
(speedbar 1)
(add-to-list 'speedbar-fetch-etags-parse-list
'("\\.c" . speedbar-parse-c-or-c++tag))
I see the speedbar startup but it never shows the functions. Maybe I need to install etags but cannot find it. I also found gtags but could never find a binary
I copied sr-speedbar.el in ~/emacs.d/ directory. I added (require 'sr-speedbar) in .emacs, commented out speedbar related code, reloaded M-x ~/.emacs but did not find any sr-speedbar. If I uncomment speedbar code and comment sr-speedbar, it shows the speedbar on loading. Emacs is able to find sr-speedbar.el in ~/emacs.d/ directory since if I change filename, it shows an error: unable to find sr-speedbar.
I wanted to make a keyboard macro for logging using tramp and ssh. However, when I record a macro, I have to delete multiple characters to provide the path from the beginnig i.e. emacs automatically shows the last path and so I have to delete all the characeters and then start again with ssh://. The keyboard macro records all backspaces and returns error if the backspaces are more than the length of the current path. Is there a way to avoid it
I configured linum package. I want it to start at the beginning of emacs session automatically with typing M-x linum. How can I do that?
Is there way to retrieve command history (not shell commands) and then replay some command
Thanks again for patience on reading until the point :-)
For C, C++, and other languages, supported by CEDET/Semantic, the Speedbar is able to show functions & other objects. But you need to setup Semantic correctly, for example, you can use my article in CEDET.
As I understand, to enable linum-mode globally, you need to put (global-linum-mode 1) into your ~/.emacs
For 3, there are two options:
just type "/ssh:blabla" at the end of the pre-inserted directory (this directory will be ignored as witnessed by it becoming grey).
do C-a C-k to erase the content of the minibuffer.
For 5, there is repeat-complex-command bound to C-x ESC ESC and there is repeat bound to C-x z.

Use semicolon in global-set-key for function in .emacs

I am trying to set [Ctrl]-[;] as a keybinding in my .emacs like this
(global-set-key "\C-;" 'comment-or-uncomment-region)
however it doesn't work when I try (i don't get any error messages, it just has no effect). It will work though if i try a normal character (such as setting it to "\C-p").
I have also tried
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'comment-or-uncomment-region)
but I don't like this option because for me it doesn't work when i run "emacs -nw". Any thoughts on how I can do this?
When I run C-hcC-; in emacs -nw I get the output:
; runs the command self-insert-command
which is exactly the same as when I run C-hc; in emacs -nw
So I believe phils is right, that it is a terminal problem, because emacs never actually sees C-;, it only sees ;
Indeed C-; is typically not something your terminal is able to send to an underlying application like Emacs (so it works under a GUI but not in a terminal). But I wonder: why do you need such a binding anyway, given that M-; is already bound to comment-dwim which does comment/uncomment the region when the region is selected, so it provides a superset of comment-or-uncomment-region.
Using (kbd "C-;") is absolutely fine and correct.
I suspect when you type C-; when running emacs -nw, your terminal is not actually sending anything to Emacs.
So your problem is more likely to be a question of how to get your terminal to send C-; to Emacs (or alternatively how to get Emacs to recognise the sequence which is sent).
If you run emacs -Q -nw and type C-hcC-;, do you get a "C-; is undefined" message?
Assuming that it is a terminal issue, here are some related Q&As which may point you in the right direction, but it's going to depend upon the particular terminal you are using.
Binding M-<up> / M-<down> in Emacs 23.1.1
Send "C-(" to Emacs in VT100/xterm terminal (Mac OS X's Terminal)?
How does one send S-RET to Emacs in a terminal?
emacs -nw issues with cscope and terminals

Unicode characters in emacs term-mode

I use ansi-term for my normal terminal sessions. I tend to use unicode characters in my prompt to do things like set the trailing character based on the type of source control I'm using.
I use the character "±" as my prompt for git repositories.
In Emacs' ansi-term, my prompt isn't rendered as unicode, and shows as "\302\261". Displaying the current coding system shows that it defaults to utf-8-unix for input to the process, but I get raw binary as the decoding output. I can hit C-c RET p to change the encoding and decoding coding systems. I'm drawing a blank as to how to set this automatically when I start a terminal? I've tried adding to term-mode-hook to set the buffer's coding system to no avail. I think I've found what I'm looking for in term.el, but I don't care to tweak the distribution elisp, and it appears the raw binary was added to fix a bug somewhere else.
EDIT: This was unclear originally. I'm having issues setting the default process coding system for ansi-term running under Cocoa-ized Emacs 23.3 on MacOS. Emacs itself isn't running in a terminal, my terminal is running in Emacs.
The following worked for me:
(add-hook 'term-exec-hook
(lambda ()
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))))
ansi-term seems to ignore the default-process-coding-system variable, so I had to set it buffer-locally after it executes my shell.
After getting a better understanding of term.el, the following works:
(defadvice ansi-term (after advise-ansi-term-coding-system)
(set-buffer-process-coding-system 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))
(ad-activate 'ansi-term)
Trying this with term-mode-hook is broken because in term.el, term-mode-hook is called before switching to the terminal buffer, so set-buffer-process-coding-system breaks due to the lack of a process associated with the buffer.
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
That's C-x RET t not C-x RET p.
So C-x RET p helps?
Unless C-h v default-process-coding-system is (utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix) try
(setq default-process-coding-system '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix))

How can I reload .emacs after changing it?

How can I get Emacs to reload all my definitions that I have updated in .emacs without restarting Emacs?
You can use the command load-file (M-x load-file, and then press Return twice to accept the default filename, which is the current file being edited).
You can also just move the point to the end of any sexp and press C-x, C-e to execute just that sexp. Usually it's not necessary to reload the whole file if you're just changing a line or two.
There is the very convenient
M-x eval-buffer
It immediately evaluates all code in the buffer. It's the quickest method if your .emacs file is idempotent.
You can usually just re-evaluate the changed region. Mark the region of ~/.emacs that you've changed, and then use M-x eval-region RET. This is often safer than re-evaluating the entire file since it's easy to write a .emacs file that doesn't work quite right after being loaded twice.
If you've got your .emacs file open in the currently active buffer:
M-x eval-buffer
M-: (load user-init-file)
you type it in Eval: prompt (including the parentheses)
user-init-file is a variable holding the ~/.emacs value (pointing to the configuration file path) by default
(load) is shorter, older, and non-interactive version of (load-file); it is not an Emacs command (to be typed in M-x), but a mere Elisp function
M-: > M-x
M-x load-file
Others already answered your question as stated, but I find that I usually want to execute the lines that I just wrote.
For that, Ctrl + Alt + X in the Elisp part works just fine.
The following should do it...
M-x load-file
I suggest that you don't do this, initially. Instead, start a new Emacs session and test whatever changes you made to see if they work correctly. The reason to do it this way is to avoid leaving you in a state where you have an inoperable .emacs file, which fails to load or fails to load cleanly. If you do all of your editing in the original session, and all of your testing in a new session, you'll always have something reliable to comment out offending code.
When you are finally happy with your changes, then go ahead and use one of the other answers to reload. My personal preference is to eval just the section you've added/changed, and to do that just highlight the region of added/changed code and call M-x eval-region. Doing that minimizes the code that's evaluated, minimizing any unintentional side-effects, as luapyad points out.
Keyboard shortcut:
(defun reload-init-file ()
(load-file user-init-file))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-l") 'reload-init-file) ; Reload .emacs file
C-x C-e ;; current line
M-x eval-region ;; region
M-x eval-buffer ;; whole buffer
M-x load-file ~/.emacs.d/init.el
Define it in your init file and call by M-x reload-user-init-file
(defun reload-user-init-file()
(load-file user-init-file))
I'm currently on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet); I like to define a key for this.
[M-insert] translates to Alt + Ins on my keyboard.
Put this in your .emacs file:
(global-set-key [M-insert] '(lambda() (interactive) (load-file "~/.emacs")))
Besides commands like M-x eval-buffer or M-x load-file, you can restart a fresh Emacs instance from the command line:
emacs -q --load "init.el"
Usage example: Company backends in GNU Emacs
Here is a quick and easy way to quick test your config. You can also use C-x C-e at the end of specific lisp to execute certain function individually.
C-x C-e runs the command eval-last-sexp (found in global-map), which
is an interactive compiled Lisp function.
It is bound to C-x C-e.
Evaluate sexp before point; print value in the echo area.
Interactively, with prefix argument, print output into current buffer.
Normally, this function truncates long output according to the value
of the variables ‘eval-expression-print-length’ and
‘eval-expression-print-level’. With a prefix argument of zero,
however, there is no such truncation. Such a prefix argument also
causes integers to be printed in several additional formats (octal,
hexadecimal, and character).
If ‘eval-expression-debug-on-error’ is non-nil, which is the default,
this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.
Although M-x eval-buffer will work, you may run into problems with toggles and other similar things. A better approach might be to "mark" or highlight what’s new in your .emacs file (or even scratch buffer if you're just messing around) and then M-x eval-region.
You can set a key binding for Emacs like this:
;; Reload Emacs configuration
(defun reload-init-file ()
(load-file "~/.emacs"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'reload-init-file)
If you happen to have a shell opened inside Emacs, you can also do:
. ~/.emacs
It may save a few key strokes.