iPhone - Synchronize two iPhones to make them start task on same time - iphone

I need to make an application that will start playing same media on two (or more) iPhones simultaneously, the problem is that it has to be perfect, no second delays and such. Is it possible that iPhone has some universal time stamp that is perfectly (or near-perfect) on every device. Or maybe I have some other options?

2 rules:
Find a way to have the same time on each devices
Use a "startAtTime" function using this shared uniform time. No "startNow" function.
the iPhones are supposed to be able to sync their date and time using a remote server, if this is not accurate enough (who knows), a way to achieve this (assuming you iPhone are able to communicate between them already):
The master send its time to a slave 10 (or more) times.
Each time the slave compare it's time with the one received and make a delta
After 10 tries, make a mean of the deltas and use this mean to adjust the slave time accordingly

There's no internal clock that is different to the system clock - so this means that each of the devices could have completely different time settings (in fact, it's highly likely that they will have different time settings even if only by a second or two).
Using a network/internet connection to synchronise against a central time server may be an approach that could be taken, but that would then require the network/internet connection and you would have to set the clocks taking into account lags on the connection to/from the time server.
You could have to have some kind of local synchronising system. If they are in close proximity, one approach may be to create an ad-hoc bluetooth connection between the devices in your app and then use some synchronisation code in you app to get the internal timers the same. You could, for example, have the first app to launch be the "controller" and then all the other apps would seek this controller and synchronise against it. The synchronisation could just be the controller sending out timestamp messages which the other devices can get and set an internal counter to match.
Without knowing much more about the requirements, it's hard to say how best to approach this as there may be limitations regarding time between running the app and it making the sound, or if you have to have a triggering signal, or if it is just at time x they need to make the sound.

If they are in same time zone and same time set ,you can schedule it to start your function in the paticular point of time using NSTimer's
- (id)initWithFireDate:(NSDate *)date interval:(NSTimeInterval)ti target:(id)t selector:(SEL)s userInfo:(id)ui repeats:(BOOL)rep;.

One option you have is to access the time from a common server and then start a timer on both devices accordingly (calculating depending on the time you got from the service)so you have exact time on both the devices and then play it ...
Even this has a catch as internet speed may vary and there might be a slight in delay on one of the two devices in getting the response from the server as compared to the other device and looking at your requirement they might go out of sync by a milisecond or so which will be visible.. :/ any other ideas anyone.. ?


Calculating time interval in iOS application

I am developing an iOS application for iPod Touch in which my application displays the server time always. I always sync the application time with server time whenever the application comes to foreground by making a web service call to the server. If there is a connectivity loss between my server and client for few hours I wont be able to sync the application time. I read iOS does not support running a timer when the application is in background other than few limited cases mentioned below:
Apps that play audible content to the user while in the background, such as a music player app
Apps that keep users informed of their location at all times, such as a navigation app
Apps that support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Newsstand apps that need to download and process new content
Apps that receive regular updates from external accessories
So how can I keep track of application time? Whenever the user switches to my application he needs to look at the server time so I need to run a timer to update the last synced server time.
A combination of other answers, create a class in charge of obtaining the server time and maintaining the last time the application was synced to the server using a combination of NSDate* lastSync and applicationDidBecomeActive. For example:
-(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication*)application {
[ServerTimeSync sharedInstance] resync];
ServerTimeSync will maintain an NSDate* property with the last sync time (you'll want to convert what the server gives you to an NSDate*).
You can store the NSDate when the app goes into the background. When it resumes, get the current NSDate again, and add the difference to your stored server time.
You don't need a timer for this at all.
I would suggest that when you sync time with your server, you have it return its current UNIX timestamp. You can then do:
[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
...to get the device's current UNIX timestamp. Then what you can do is store the difference between these two timestamps. This is the clock skew between the server time and the device time.
You can now compute the server's approximate time by taking the device's current UNIX timestamp and adding the clock skew to it. Adjust for time-zone when displaying it (if you want), and you're done. Whenever you sync time with the server, you can just refresh the stored clock skew value.
If you want to get fancy, you can also attempt to measure and take network latency into account when determining the clock skew.
This approach should work much better than trying to store the server's absolute timestamp and then track how much time has elapsed using a timer (or any other mechanism).

Internal clock in iPhone background mode

In my application i want to run an internal clock in background mode [while application is not running in foreground].
The whole functionality will be like this:
The objective is to get the server time to use in the application, because using device time may sometimes cause issues. The issues may be in situations like somebody has changed the user's iPhone time etc. So i am following the below method.
-Running an internal clock in my application background even if the application is not running.
-Communicate with server every 15 minutes to get the real time and run a timer.
-If net is disconnected in between,timer will continue and take the timer time.
My application is heavily depended on this time factor as this is a ticket booking system.Kindly help me to implement this or please confirm whether this is possible or not?
I am developing an iPhone application which involves Ticket Booking System. I registered my application as location based beacuse it is using user's location taken in background for a purpose.
My problem is that i need to run an internal clock in my application in background mode. I need to write the codes for internal clock in core location delegate methods, so that internal clock will also run along with the location bsed services. Will my app get rejected? Is anything wrong in doing like this?
I need to get the correct time to use in my app, so that i am running this internal clock. I can use NSDate, but that will return the device time. Anyone can change the device time. So once somebody chaged, wrong time will affect the smooth functioning of the app. Kindly some body suggest to get the correct time with out running the internal clock ?
Update: Sorry to say my original answer isn't correct. When the device goes to sleep (can happen sometime after it's locked) the internal CPU clock stops ticking, and mach_absolute_time won't update either. Theoretically it will return the exact same value if you call it right before the device went to sleep, and after it awakes.
The best available way I know of to check for date changes is kern.boottime, it holds the boot time, and is modified whenever the system time changes. Among other things, kern.boottime will be updated if the user changes the time, or if the OS changes the time itself according to info from cell towers.
So, in your case, you can take the original time you calculated and modify it according to the modifications in kern.boottime. If you see kern.boottime changed significantly, it may mean that the device was turned off, and in this case you will need to contact the server to ask it for the time until the flight.
Relevant code:
time_t getBootTimeSecs(void)
struct timeval boottime;
size_t size = sizeof(boottime);
int ret = sysctlbyname("kern.boottime", &boottime, &size, NULL, 0);
assert(ret == 0);
return boottime.tv_sec;
Original (incorrect) answer: You can use mach_absolute_time which isn't affected by date changes made by the user.
When you book the ticket, get the correct date from the server and record mach_absolute_time. Now you will always be able to call mach_absolute_time whenever you want, calculate the difference from the one you recorded initially, and display the correct date.
This will only work as long as the device wasn't shut down, in that case it makes sense for the app to re-connect to the server to get the correct date.
You can also either Local or Push Notifications to alert the user when the target date is getting closer, even if the app isn't running.
apple is support small task for background mode which will work for approximate 10 sec only.
so you can do one thing when app is active then get time form server and update your local time according that.
I think that you can only detect that the date of the iOs device has been changed (using NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification).
I guess you to use this notification and force reload the real date of your application from your server (With a WebService).
EDIT: You can use the systemUptime in NSProcessInfo:
NSLog(#"ProcessInfo System uptime: %f",[NSProcessInfo processInfo].systemUptime);
but it will not solve your problem if the Device is restarted.
I think there are 2 ways you can go about solving your problem.
Never use system time. In other words, never call [NSDate date] in your code. When you need the current time, call an NTP server. This will of course cause latency in your app, but will guarantee accuracy.
When the app launches, or enters foreground, verify that the system time is reasonably accurate against an NTP server. If the system time is off by more than your tolerance level, then do not let them continue running the app until they address it. If the system time is okay, then start monitoring to ensure they don't change the system time while running the app (NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification). If they pass the initial check, but the move the clock forward, you can catch that and disable the app til they change it back to being accurate.
Here is an iOS NTP implementation which could be helpful in implementing either solution above. http://code.google.com/p/ios-ntp/
EDIT: The Ticketmaster app uses technique #2, so this seems like a reasonable solution for a ticketing app that requires your system time to be correct.
timezone settings should not affect time as in UTC
your app cannot run in the background. Abusing the location requirement for this will cause your app to be rejected by Apple
so my suggestion: do the logic server side with push notification

How can I locally detect iPhone clock advancement by a user between app runs?

A common exploit in casual games is to artificially advance the system clock to jump ahead in gameplay. How can such user clock advancement be detected by an app on an iOS device?
Must not involve network communication
Must not assume app is open (running or suspended) while clock is advanced
Must detect clock advancement, detecting clock rollback is not sufficient
Ideally, the solution would be robust against reboots, but that is not a requirement.
CACurrentMediaTime & mach_absolute_time
Take a look at this questions:
iOS: How to measure passed time, independent of clock and time zone changes?
Calculating number of seconds between two points in time, in Cocoa, even when system clock has changed mid-way
CACurrentMediaTime uses mach_absolute_time:
Here you have an example on how to use CACurrentMediaTime:
Here you have a more information on mach_absolute_time:
I was thinking about the fact that the CoreLocation stuff could do this if that part of the GPS data was exposed to you. However that got me thinking.
My only (far fetched) suggestion is to put something into background processing - which has to be for one of a small specific set of reasons, for example to track location in the background. As a side effect of that, try to detect a clock change on a regular timer. Apple might reject it as it may be clear that its not using the location information and its just a reason to exploit background processing.
Any solution not involving networking is so much harder to implement, I wonder why you're not using it.
Whilst I don't think it's possible to reliably determine whether or not a user has manually turned their clock forward without network access, you can of course reliably determine if they've travelled back in time. And since we know this to be physically impossible it can therefore be assumed they have manipulated their clock to cheat.
What I mean by this is, isn't the usual process to trigger some action in-app that requires a period of waiting, exit the app and turn the clock forward, re-launch the app to gain whatever they were waiting for and then reset the clock back to the actual time?
If this is indeed the case, then to build on the suggestion by #smgambel, you could store the physical time and current time-zone on each launch and compare with the previously stored time and time-zone. If the time is behind the previously stored time, and the time-zone of the device hasn't changed then you can safely assume the user has manipulated the clock.

Ensuring correct date/time

we are creating a location-enabled app where users use this app to record certain events in the field.
The important part of the event data is when an event happened. This is no issue when user is online, but we also support situations when user is offline (by remembering & later syncing events).
There could be situations when users are offline and they change the time on the phone, so that event times are wrongly recorded.
So, what would be the best way to ensure we get a correct time, independent of user actions, given that device could be offline. Some ideas:
GPS time. Is it possible to acquire it?
Tracking system time changes made by user?
Any other idea?
Note: time does need second accuracy, approximately minute accuracy would be ok.
Note2: we are creating mobile apps for Android and iPhone, so I'm interested for generic solutions and also solutions that are specific to any of those two platforms.
I, personally, wouldn't worry so much about this scenario. The liklihood of someone intentionally changing the time on their Android (which periodically throughout the day syncs to a time server automatically) while offline seems low to me. That being said, the only way I could see compensating for this is to keep a service running in the background that keeps a running tally of the seconds passed since recording the location data offline. Once uploaded to your servers you could use the elapsed seconds to calculate a time offset from current UTC time. It's an awful lot to go through, but it would work.
GPS time is an interesting idea, but Android allows users of the SDK to send mock locations to their devices. I'm not sure you could reliably track changes to system time either, and even if you could you'd be capturing them after the fact without the current real time as context.
We use GPS times in our app for very similar reasons. Since our users are in different time zones and we want local times, we define from our server what time zone they are in at installation time (they don't move very far). Hadn't thought of the mock GPS locations, but you would need to be a fairly advanced user to do that.

iPhone battery life suggestions

I am developing a voice recording application that communicates with the server real-time, therefore requiring persistent Internet connectivity. I have included UIRequiresPersistentWiFi in my info.plist and have also disabled device going to sleep when the app is active. However, this understandably has a serious effect on the battery life of the device. Users end up having to leave this continuously plugged in. For an app that is touted as meant to replace handheld recorders, this is a serious shortcoming. My app also has many xml threads sent from iPhone to server, so wireless connectivity is of paramount importance.
My questions are:
1. Is it possible to somehow switch on UIRequiresPersistentWifi status only when required during a session. For example, can this be switched on only during transfers or xml updates to server and be switched off at other times?
2. Likewise, can IdleTimer be enabled and disabled programmatically at will during a session. For example, enabling idletimer only when no foreground or background tasks are running on the device.
Any other suggestion to ensure normal battery life? All my users will be on iTouch 4 or iPhone 4.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Answer to part 2: Yes, you can enable and disable the idle timer depending on what the user or app is doing, and how long it's been. I know of a couple apps that disable the idle timer, but then re-enable it if the user doesn't touch any UI elements for 10 minutes, but then re-disables it if the user starts some long operation again. etc.
Partial answer to part 1: Using the radios (sending wifi data) takes power. A good way to save power is to not send data for as long as possible. Maybe buffer large amounts of data on the device, and try to burst upload it later.
My suggestion would be to not communicate with the server continuously, sorry :(
Is it possible to cache chunks of data into a file on the phone and transmit the chunks to the server periodically in one big burst? Same for the XML. Or does your app really really require it to be broadcast real-time?
And as far as I know, if you have specified UIRequiresPersistentWifi, you're stuck with it :(
Sorry, probably not the answer you want!