Ignore .classpath file while sync CVS in eclipse - eclipse

I know that you can ignore the file (preference-team-ignore resources) type while committing to CVS from eclipse however how can I ignore the file type being synchronized with CVS. I have got 40 project in workspeace and every time I sync with CVS, it list all the .classpath files from all the project however I would like to ignore this file to make CVS sync view better.
any help will be appreciated.

You can add the .classpath file to the .cvsignore file. In Eclipse, you should be able to right click on the .classpath file and go to Team -> Add to .cvsignore. Here are some additional details.


Eclipse complains for the readonly .classpath file

We keep .classpath files in ClearCase. When a teammate gets a project from ClearCase, Eclipse complains that .classpath file is readonly. It is readonly because the teammate has not checked it out. We don't want them to check-out .classpath files, as changes on these files should be reflected to their workspaces without extra effort.
Is there anything we can do to stop Eclipse complain about readonly .classpath files?
Looking at the JDT source code it is expected that this file is available and is read/write at all times. I don't see anything to work around this.

What files should be committed to github for an eclipse project

What files should I commit to github so that its a valid Eclipse project ?
I am just committing my source files and packages but when I try to re-create the project I receive this error 'no projects found' :
I think I need to also commit the .project file ?
You need to commit your:
.settings dir
.classpath file
.project file
The better idea will be to use maven for your project so that
you will have a common configuration for all the IDEs (eclipse, netbeans, ideaj ...) and no need to push your eclipse specific configuration.
For a typical Java SE Eclipse project, you must commit .project and .classpath files, but not necessary .settings folder. I tested this scenario by committing one project from my windows environment and cloning that onto my Linux environment; Eclipse imported and run this project without any error. Hope this tip helps you reduce committing one folder (the .setting).

APTANA: Ignore .project file when uploading?

I'm new to Aptana and I noticed that when uploading via FTP or checking in a project through SVN, it also uploads / checks in the .project file. I did hide this and other hidden files in the Project and App Explorers but for some reason the .project file still uploads when deploying a whole project. Any suggestions?
If you use command line SVN client (like CollabNet Subversion on Windows), go to your project folder which contains .project and .classpath file (we usually ignore both with some other IDE generated folders/files), this is the command to add a specific file to SVN ignore list:
> svn propset svn:ignore -F .project
If you use GUI SVN client (like TortoiseSVN on Windows), ignore function is usually integrated into Right-Click Menu, right click the file you want to ignored then choose TortoiseSVN -- Delete and add to ignore list).
Check out the ignore section in SVN user giude here.

Prevent perforce from demanding eclipse project files be checked out

I'm currently working on several eclipse projects, using Perforce as my source control. I have the perforce eclipse plugin installed.
My problem is that eclipse likes to, for no particularly good reason, write to my .project or .classpath files. It also loves to change the order in which things appear. As such, it demands that I have these files checked out almost all the time. I've somewhat worked around this by creating a pending changelist called "Files which I've checked out for convenience" and stuffing all of the metadata objects that eclipse asks about there.
This has the downside that if anyone updates some metadata (for example, adding a new project reference or changing the classpaths) I now have to resolve differences before they'll show up, adding extra time and trouble to my project.
Coming from Subversion, this is a really rude surprise. With SVN I could just wait until I checked in and move these files to the ignore-on-commit changelist, as needed. SVN would also merge new updates into these files without bugging me.
Basically, is there any way to prevent eclipse from constantly futzing with my projects, or am I just stuck here?
I'm assuming the .classpath and .project files are in version control, since that what causes them to be read only. There is an option in Perforce using P4V to make just those files always writable. Right click the files and select 'Change Filetype...' and select the +w Always writable in workspace option. This will affect all clients using that branch / stream, but now changes can be made without marking for edit first.
If you would like that to be the default for all of your depots, then you can have a Perforce admin to change the p4 typemap so that any new .classpath and .project files will be writable.
See http://www.perforce.com/perforce/r12.1/manuals/cmdref/o.ftypes.html
Have you tried adding a .p4ignore file to the project root dir, containing
Support docs for P4IGNORE

eclipse+bzr (Or: DVCS + IDE)

I have some projects on bzr code repositories shared with colleagues.
Problem is, I really want to switch to eclipse in some projects, but I don't want to pollute the repository with the unnecessary metadata eclipse creates in its Workspaces.
Any idea how to keep Eclipse's metadata outside my bzr repo?
If you know the names of the meta files created, you could put them into your .bzrignore file in your repository's directory.
See this part of the bzr docs
All the main metadata in eclipse are in the workspace.
You project, meaning:
your .project file
your .classpath file
your .settings directory
your source files
should all be located elsewhere, within your main project directory.
All those files (except the .class files generated by the compilation) should be versioned.
See "Do you keep your project files under version control?" for more, but also:
What to put under version control?
When working with Eclipse, should I add the workspace to the source control?