Netbeans plugin parsing api - netbeans

How to install netbeans plugin parsing API?
Following are the Error got when I tried to install 'Scan on Demand' plugin in Netbeans:
"Some plugins require plugin Parsing API to be installed.
The plugin Parsing API is requested in implementation version 2.
The following plugin is affected:       Scan On Demand "

You might be using an old ScanOnDemand plugin.
You can add the latest Development Plugins to your Plugins: Plugins > Settings Tab > Add and use the following URL to add a new NB Plugins source:
Documentation Wiki suggests that you: "Watch out! From the moment you add it you'll start receiving notifications for yet not stable updates, so you may want to check new updates carefully before installing."
Then try to install the latest Scan On Demand after the Available Plugin’s Library has been rebuilt.
Review for more information.


Netbeans PHP CS Fixer issue

I'm trying to install the useful plugin PHP CS Fixer on Netbeans 8.2.
I got used to have it on Netbeans 8 and it worked well and I wish I could not go back to that version just for that.
Note that the CodeSniffer has been successfully set up.
When I try to install the plugin 0.53 it says that I need additional plugin which I really don't have a clue of what they are.
Following the errors
The plugin org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi.base is requested in version The following plugin is affected:       PHP CS Fixer
Some plugins require plugin org.openide.filesystems.nb to be installed.
The plugin org.openide.filesystems.nb is requested in version 9.6.1. The following plugin is affected:       PHP CS Fixer
Some plugins require plugin org.openide.util.ui to be installed.
The plugin org.openide.util.ui is requested in version 9.3.1. The following plugin is affected:       PHP CS Fixer Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.
Any suggestions?
NetBeans 8.2 natively includes the plugin.
All you have to do is to navigate to the Options window and setup the path where the PHP CS Fixer .phar file is located in the appropriate tab. Of course if you don't have the .phar file you have to go and download it first, by clicking "Install now" from the official PHP CS Fixer website.
Since one picture speaks more than 1000 words, here is a screenshot:
Last but not least: in order to use PHP CS Fixer in NetBeans 8.2 you must use the obscure menu: Source > Inspect...
Having it nice and quick on the context menu like in the past, was too easy and practical ;)
Took me 2 hours to figure this "detail" out.
To anyone else who found this page and is still having difficuly, please take in to account that on modern versions of php-cs-fixer, you cannot use the level option.
Instead, under custom options, set something like:

Cannot install QAML Builder Plugin for QAFE platform in eclipse kepler

I am trying to evaluate QAFE software for converting Oracle Forms to HTML5 based web application. As described in QAFE website, successfully installed QAFE platform which includes eclipse-kepler. Next while trying to install QAML builder plugin through the update site, getting the following error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: QAML Builder (
Missing requirement: QAML Builder ( requires 'qafe.qaml.builder []' but it could not be found
Looks like some dependency is missing in the update site.
Can someone please help me identify if i have missed anything?
Update site -
Plugin Name - UI Designer Tools --> QAML Builder
Tried re-installing QAFE platform bundle from scratch in a different location.
That was successful and the eclipse-kepler bundled in it had QAML builder plugin installed by default. There was no need to install it through any update site.

GWT plugin error

I'm trying to install GWT plugin i eclipse.
It showing error like,
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.2 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r42
But there is no plugin installed. And also it is not at all working
Please make sure that you are downloading and installling the right plugin.
You can get the details from below link :
You have to run your eclipse as administrator, I have same problem with it.
Also make uncheck Proxy entries from Window->Preferences->Network Connections

plugin installation error

I just downloaded eclipse version Version: 3.7.0.Now for this eclipse I am installing gwt plugin for it.
Plugin link for this is: gwt plugin
Now while installing I have checked to following items:
Google plugin for eclipse
Google app engine for java sdk 1.6.6
Google web tool kit SDK 2.4
All other check box are unchecked.
Now on click on next at the time of installation it is giving me error like below:Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.6.1.v201205091048-rel-r37 ( 2.6.1.v201205091048-rel-r37)
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.6.1.v201205091048-rel-r37 ( 2.6.1.v201205091048-rel-r37) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.server.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
I am not getting what is the issue.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
WST is a requirement for Eclipse Google plugin. To make sure that this requirement is installed, make sure that the indigo update site( is added in the list of Available Software Sites. Also, before starting the installation of GPE, make sure that 'Contact all update sites during install to find required software' check box is checked.
This is an old issue already reported in Google groups.
The option Contact all update sites during install to find required software should be checked. In this case all missed dependencies will be installed automatically

How to install the Eclipse plugin for Symfony 2?

I want to install the Eclipse plugin for Symfony 2. But I'm stuck at the start.
I'm following the guide at
At the current stage the Symfony Eclipse Plugin requires a nightly
build of the PHP Development Tools (PDT), as there have been some
changes to the way extenders can hook into PDT. This nightly build can
be downloaded as a build artifact from the eclipse continuous
integration site. You'll need to download a file called
pdt-Update-N[TIMESTAMP]>.zip by clicking the latest build in the build
history -> Build artifacts -> build/N[TIMESTAMP] .
So, I visited the "eclipse continuous integration site" at but I couldnt find the file they said: pdt-Update-N[TIMESTAMP].
I just can't find it there. I tried downloading some other files but don't know what to do with them.
#Tool no nightly-build of PDT is needed anymore, simply add the updatesite and install the plugin:
I was running into the same issue. I found this link which is in french, but I was able to gleam the following steps:
Go here
Where it says "build / N0000000000000", click the N00000000000
Then look in the file list near the bottom for the archive.
I found this post was particularly helpful for me
As noted in the installation instructions for the Symfony2 Eclipse plugin on Github
just add the update site to your available software sites (Help > Install new software > Add)