Rolling back to old application in IBM WebSphere? - deployment

now we are going to deploy a new version from our applications, to avoid any risk we planed to design a roll back plan , so please anyone have an idea about how we can roll back the old version from application on IBM WebSphere application server , please i need it ASAP .

If you haven't yet deployed the new version, you can export a copy of the existing application as an EAR file through the WAS console (which you can then use as a backup to deploy if there are problems with the new version). In WAS 6.1, the process looks like this:
Applications > Enterprise Applications > Select the relevant application > Export.

As mentioned by Anthony Grist and dbreaux, there is no rollback facility.
You can do this though.
Shut down the current server
Create another server with the same port(s) (if you don't wnat to change anything) as the current server
Install the new copy/versions of your application to the new server.
Test things out.
If things fail, shut down your new server. Turn on your current server and you are good to go. The same approach can be used for both clustered as well as non-clustered environments.


Best way to deploy a Click Once application on a network

I am trying to install an Outlook 365 Add In that I have developed. I have published the application as a click once which can be installed by running the setup file.
I need the application to be installed on all company computers, so the best place to host the application would be the company network.
How can I deploy my application to all users and allow the application to automatically update every time there is a new version published?
I greatly appreciate any help with this issue. This is the first large application deployment that I have undertaken.
I can't advise on the specific mechanism for deploying an "installed" version of your solution - I imagine you can accomplish that with most application deployment systems. Otherwise users will have to run the setup.exe from your network deployment. When you do have an update you simply copy the new files to a new versioned folder and existing installations will detect the change of version number in the deployed manifest and auto-update. See also:

Deploying an application without undeploying previous one and with no downtime?

I use Glassfish Java, and JSP over MySQL for my web applications. Many online people uses this web application and that web-site should not be down.
When I want to deploy a new war file, I should undeploy and deploy the new one for my application at server.
My question is that;
Is there any technology that doesn't need to undeploy my application and just change the appropriate classes so no need to redoploy it again?
There are java technologies that would allow you to replace classes on the fly (like JRebel). But since you're using Glassfish already, you should just start using clustering which is built into glassfish. You'll need either 2.1 or 3.1, as 3.0 does not support clustering. With a Glassfish cluster, you have a load balancer (Apache, Sun Web Server, hardware (Big IP, Coyote), etc) distribute the load among your cluster nodes. When you want to upgrade the app, you can technically do it one node at a time. Setting up the cluster is not the easiest thing in the world, but it is doable and it would get you some great benefits. You'll be able to scale the load by adding new hardware and even using Amazon (or whoever) cloud services. You'll be able to keep your site running even if the hardware fails on one of the nodes.
Personally I'm in the middle of converting from Glassfish 2.1 to 3.1. So far I like the management of the Glassfish 3.1 cluster much better, but I can't personally vouch for how it will run in production, though I have high expectations.
Jim is right, the best solution is currently to use a cluster and perform a manual rolling-upgrade.
But there is actually work ongoing to address your needs. We are working on a rolling-upgrade feature in a single standalone instance. To sum up in a nutshell (as the specifications have not been published yet), it will let you switch from an application version to another (see application versioning and the enable command) with no downtime. Stay tuned.

How to handle a ear deployment which copies files under the application servers bootstrap folder

Our database drivers are usually copied under <jboss.home>\common\lib folder in JBoss 5.1 and this is quite annoying since if you have to upgrade the driver you will have to re-start the JBoss 5.1 server. How does everyone else handle such situations in a production environment?
Upgrading database drivers is not something you want to do on a running server. Your connection pools will all be using the "old" driver - there's no sensible way to make that switch without a restart.
If downtime is important to you, then you should be using more than one server in a cluster, and perform rolling upgrades/restarts on each one.

I have a J2EE application that needs updating within a client's intranet

I have a J2EE application that runs fine and is accessible to the internet. Some of our prospective customers would like to use it, but are unwilling to send their data over the internet.
As a workaround I've thought of providing them with the war file and letting them run it themselves.
The problem is: how do I make it trivial for them to update the application when I make a new version available? The more difficult it is, the less likely they are to buy in.
What's involved in writing an updater that fetches the latest war file from online and updates the web application? Is this even possible?
In the least they would need to redeploy the war file. Most application servers have an interface through which you can upload a new war file. I am in favor of doing this process manually i.e. you send them a war file and they can use the app server's admin page to deploy the new war. This way they explicitly know when they are updating the app. Also they control when they want to deploy a new version of the app and easily roll back to an older version.
I would recommend using Jetty as an embedded solution. I have used a few apps that that use the embeded functionality. It allows you to create a packaged distribution of your application that runs a servlet container out of the box.

How do you apply patches on a web project at production server?

We recently had a project where we released beta of a big web app on our client's server. Our client requested us to do bug fixes as they come, and we tried to do it same way. Normally while building an app on our prototype server is way easier, as I just have to issue simple 'svn up' command which takes a second.
But on production environment, we do not have any version control tool available. Is it possible to automate the patching work, so that we need not to login to ftp and upload each a every file one by one?
Its very difficult to work this way. As I'm having this problem, its for sure that some of you have already solved the problem. Please share your solutions.
Looking forward to your replies... Thanks a lot for reading guys.
Depending on the tools available on the server, you could either do a svn diff -r x:y where x is the revision you last updated too and y the last revision you want to update to (probably the last revision on your repository) to generate a patch and then apply the patch with the patch command.
If rsync is available on the production platform, and you can use it (though ssh for instance) you could set up a production ready tree, rsync it on the production server, and when an update comes in, svn update your production tree, and rsync it again.
What is stopping you from installing a Subversion client on the production server?
[EDIT] So someone doesn't allow you to install the software you need on the server. The question is: What is more important? A stable production server or an arbitrary policy? If the someone doesn't listen to arguments, go to your computer, start MS Word and write this letter:
"I hereby refuse to accept any responsibility for the stability of our production system based on the fact that [insert name here] refuses to equip me with the tools to make sure that the production system contains all the necessary files and data after an installation."
Sign this, have your boss sign it and then send a copy to [insert name here]. All of a sudden, any problem that might arise after an installation will be on his turf. Or to put it more clearly: He will be responsible for any mistake you might make.
Now, all you have to do is wait. :)
Depends on the programming environment you use. In Smalltalk and the web application server like Aida/Web we can upgrade the live web applications on the fly, without stopping it.
The server is connected to the SCM of choice like Monticello for Squeak Smalltalk or Store for VisualWorks. New versions are then manually or automatically loaded to the server's Smalltalk image.