Can I use a Neural Network to obtain an estimate of the output series, only knowing the input? - matlab

Let's say I have a model
h(t) = F[h(t-1),h(t-2), ... , u(t-1), u(t-2), ...]
where F[] is a non-linear function of the variables included in the function.
So for example, h(t) could be:
h(t) = h(t-1) + u(t-1) + h(t-1)*u(t-1) + h(t-1)*h(t-2)
Now, for the sake of my problem, I only have the data series u(t) available to me. I don't have a series for h(t) nor do I know the model.
Is it possible for me to use the Neural Network Toolbox to generate a good non-linear estimate of h(t) by just providing u(t)? If so, what neural network do I use?

For me this is like teaching children multiplications without ever giving any hint what could be the right solution. You should at least be able to provide some kind of fitness function that estimates how good your ANN performs. Then you could use an evolutionary algorithm (e. g. CMA-ES) to optimize your ANN.

I'm assuming (h(t-1), h(t-2), ...) is a time series. I'll call (h(t-1), h(t-2), ...) time-series h and (u(t-1), u(t-2), ...) time-series u. So you are fitting an ANN model with knowledge of a current value for h called h(t) and a previous historical time series for u (time-series u).
If you could find a function for h(t) without knowing the previous h time-series then you would not have a function of h(t-1), h(t-2), etc. Mathematically this would mean that you do not have a dependence on the historical values for h.
It is possible that for certain domains your model could accurately predict h(t) given values of time-series u only but I would not trust such a model given that:
you say that h(t) has a non-linear dependence on previous values for h(t) and
you mention time-series h in the first place
This leads me to believe that you will be using the model in domains where time-series h is important and because the model is non-linear the error can increase dramatically once you get outside your fitted region. Even worse, without knowledge of the h time-series you wont even know where the "good fit" region is.
If you had the model, there might be some tricky way to get the h time-series given h(t) and the u time-series but I don't think that is what you are asking.


How to guarantee convergence when training a neural differential equation?

I'm currently working through the SciML tutorials workshop exercises for the Julia language ( Specifically, I'm stuck on exercise 6 part 3, which involves training a neural network to approximate the system of equations
function lotka_volterra(du,u,p,t)
x, y = u
α, β, δ, γ = p
du[1] = dx = α*x - β*x*y
du[2] = dy = -δ*y + γ*x*y
The goal is to replace the equation for du[2] with a neural network: du[2] = NN(u, p)
where NN is a neural net with parameters p and inputs u.
I have a set of sample data that the network should try to match. The loss function is the squared difference between the network model's output and that sample data.
I defined my network with
NN = Chain(Dense(2,30), Dense(30, 1)). I can get Flux.train! to run, but the problem is that sometimes the initial parameters for the neural network result in a loss on the order of 10^20 and so training never converges. My best try got the loss down from about 2000 initially to about 20 using the ADAM optimizer over about 1000 iterations, but I can't seem to do any better.
How can I make sure my network is consistently trainable, and is there a way to get better convergence?
How can I make sure my network is consistently trainable, and is there a way to get better convergence?
See the FAQ page on techniques for improving convergence. In a nutshell, the single shooting approach of most ML papers is very unstable and does not work on most practical problems, but there are a litany of techniques to help out. One of the best ones is multiple shooting, which optimizes only short bursts (in parallel) along the time series.
But training on a small interval and growing the interval works, also using more stable optimizers (BFGS) can work. You can also weigh the loss function so that earlier times mean more. Lastly, you can minibatch in a way similar to multiple shooting, i.e. start from a data point and only solve to the next (in fact, if you actually look at the original neural ODE paper NumPy code, they do not do the algorithm as explained but instead do this form of sampling to stabilize the spiral ODE training).

Linear vs nonlinear neural network?

I'm new to machine learning and neural networks. I know how to build a nonlinear classification model, but my current problem has a continuous output. I've been searching for information on neural network regression, but all I encounter is information on linear regression - nothing about nonlinear cases. Which is odd, because why would someone use neural networks to solve a simple linear regression anyway? Isn't that like killing a fly with a nuclear bomb?
So my question is this: what makes a neural network nonlinear? (Hidden layers? Nonlinear activation function?) Or do I have a completely wrong understanding of the word "linear" - can a linear regression NN accurately model datasets that are more complex than y=aX+b? Is the word "linear" used just as the opposite of "logistic"?
(I'm planning to use TensorFlow, but the TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial uses a binary classification problem as an example, so that doesn't help me either.)
For starters, a neural network can model any function (not just linear functions) Have a look at this -
A Neural Network has got non linear activation layers which is what gives the Neural Network a non linear element.
The function for relating the input and the output is decided by the neural network and the amount of training it gets. If you supply two variables having a linear relationship, then your network will learn this as long as you don't overfit. Similarly, a complex enough neural network can learn any function.
WARNING: I do not advocate the use of linear activation functions only, especially in simple feed forward architectures.
Okay, I think I need to take some time and rewrite this answer explicitly because many people are misinterpreting the point I am trying to make.
First let me point out that we can talk about linearity in parameters or linearity in the variables.
The activation function is NOT necessarily what makes a neural network non-linear (technically speaking).
For example, notice that the following regression predicted values are considered linear predictions, despite non-linear transformations of the inputs because the output constitutes a linear combination of the parameters (although this model is non-linear in its variables):
Now for simplicity, let us consider a single neuron, single layer neural network:
If the transfer function is linear then:
As you have already probably noticed, this is a linear regression. Even if we were to add multiple inputs and neurons, each with a linear activation function, we would now only have an ensemble of regressions (all linear in their parameters and therefore this simple neural network is linear):
Now going back to (3), let's add two layers, so that we have a neural network with 3 layers, one neuron each (both with linear activation functions):
(first layer)
(second layer)
Now notice:
Reduces to:
Where and
Which means that our two layered network (each with a single neuron) is not linear in its parameters despite every activation function in the network being linear; however, it is still linear in the variables. Thus, once training has finished the model will be linear in both variables and parameters. Both of these are important because you cannot replicate this simple two layered network with a single regression and still capture all the effects of the model. Further, let me state clearly: if you use a model with multiple layers there is no guarantee that the output will be non-linear in it's variables (if you use a simple MLP perceptron and line activation functions your picture is still going to be a line).
That being said, let's take a look at the following statement from #Pawu regarding this answer:
The answer is very misleading and makes it sound, that we can learn non-linear relationships using only linear transformations, which is simply not true. When we back-propagate, we take the derivative of a single weight w1 and fix everything else. Now as mentioned above, we are still moving on a linear function.
While you could argue that what #Pawu is saying is technically true, I think they are implying:
The answer is very misleading and makes it sound, that we can learn non-linear relationships using only linear activation functions, which is simply not true.
I would argue that this modified statement is wrong and can easily be demonstrated incorrect. There is an implicit assumption being made about the architecture of the model. It is true that if you restrict yourself to using certain network architectures that you cannot introduce non-linearities without activation functions, but that is a arbitrary restriction and does not generalize to all network models.
Let me make this concrete. First take a simple xor problem. This is a basic classification problem where you are attempting to establish a boundary between data points in a configuration like so:
The kicker about this problem is that it is not linearly separable, meaning no single straight line will be able to perfectly classify. Now if you read anywhere on the internet I am sure they will say that this problem cannot be solved using only linear activation functions using a neural network (notice nothing is said about the architecture). This statement is only true in an extremely limited context and wrong generally.
Allow me to demonstrate. Below is a very simple hand written neural network. This network takes randomly generated weights between -1 and 1, an "xor_network" function which defines the architecture (notice no sigmoid, hardlims, etc. only linear transformations of the form mX or MX + B), and trains using standard backward propagation:
#%% Packages
import numpy as np
#%% Data
data = np.array([[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1],[1, 0, 1],[1, 1, 0]])
train_data = data[:,:2]
target_data = data[:,2]
#%% XOR architecture
class XOR_class():
def __init__(self, train_data, target_data, alpha=.1, epochs=10000):
self.train_data = train_data
self.target_data = target_data
self.alpha = alpha
self.epochs = epochs
#Random weights
self.W0 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(2)).T
self.b0 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(1))
self.W2 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(2)).T
self.b2 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(1))
#xor network (linear transfer functions only)
def xor_network(self, X0):
n0 =, self.W0) + self.b0
X1 = n0*X0
a =, self.W2) + self.b2
return(a, X1)
#Training the xor network
def train(self):
for epoch in range(self.epochs):
for i in range(len(self.train_data)):
# Forward Propagation:
X0 = self.train_data[i]
a, X1 = self.xor_network(X0)
# Backward Propagation:
e = self.target_data[i] - a
s_2 = -2*e
# Update Weights:
self.W0 = self.W0 - (self.alpha*s_2*X0)
self.b0 = self.b0 - (self.alpha*s_2)
self.W2 = self.W2 - (self.alpha*s_2*X1)
self.b2 = self.b2 - (self.alpha*s_2)
#Restart training if we get lost in the parameter space.
if np.isnan(a) or (a > 1) or (a < -1):
print('Bad initialization, reinitializing.')
self.W0 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(2)).T
self.b0 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(1))
self.W2 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(2)).T
self.b2 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(1))
#Predicting using the trained weights.
def predict(self, test_data):
for i in train_data:
a, X1 = self.xor_network(i)
#I cut off decimals past 12 for convienience, not necessary.
print(f'input: {i} - output: {np.round(a, 12)}')
Now let's take a look at the output:
#%% Execution
xor = XOR_class(train_data, target_data)
test_data = data[:,:2]
input: [1 0] - output: [1.]
input: [0 0] - output: [0.]
input: [0 1] - output: [1.]
input: [1 1] - output: [0.]
And what do you know, I guess we can learn non-linear relationships using only linear activation functions and multiple layers (that's right classification with pure line activation functions, no sigmoid needed). . .
The only catch here is that I cut off all decimals past 12, but let's be honest 7.3 X 10^-16 is basically 0.
Now to be fair I am doing a little trick, where I am using the network connections to get the non-linear result, but that's the whole point I am trying to drive home: THE MAGIC OF NON-LINEARITY FOR NEURAL NETWORKS IS IN THE LAYERS, NOT JUST THE ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS.
Thus the answer to your question, "what makes a neural network non-linear" is: non-linearity in the parameters or, obviously, non-linearity in the variables.
This non-linearity in the parameters/variables comes about two ways: 1) having more than one layer with neurons in your network (as exhibited above), or 2) having activation functions that result in weight non-linearities.
For an example on non-linearity coming about through activation functions, suppose our input space, weights, and biases are all constrained such that they are all strictly positive (for simplicity). Now using (2) (single layer, single neuron) and the activation function , we have the following:
Which Reduces to:
Where , , and
Now, ignoring what issues this neural network has, it should be clear, that at the very least, it is non-linear in the parameters and variables and that non-linearity has been introduced solely by choice of the activation function.
Finally, yes neural networks can model complex data structures that cannot be modeled by using linear models (see xor example above).
As pointed out by #hH1sG0n3, non-linearity in the parameters does not follow directly from many common activation functions (e.g. sigmoid). This is not to say that common activation functions do not make neural networks nonlinear (because they are non-linear in the variables), but that the non-linearity introduced by them is degenerate without parameter non-linearity. For example, a single layered MLP with sigmoid activation functions will produce outputs that are non-linear in the variables in that the output is not proportional to the input, but in reality this is just an array of Generalized Linear Models. This should be especially obvious if we were to transform the targets by the appropriate link function, where now the activation functions would be linear. Now this is not to say that activation functions don't play an important role in the non-linearity of neural networks (clearly they do), but that their role is more to alter/expand the solution space. Said differently, non-linearities in the parameters (usually expressed through many layers/connections) are necessary for non-degenerate solutions that go beyond regression. When we have a model with non-linearity in the parameters we have a whole different beast than regression.
At the end of the day all I want to do with this post is point out that the "magic" of neural networks is also in the layers and to dispel the ubiquitous myth that a multilayered neural network with linear activation functions is always just a bunch of linear regressions.
When it comes to nonlinear regression, this is referring to how the weights affect the output. If a function is not linear with respect to the weights, then your problem is a nonlinear regression problem. So for example, let's look at a Feedforward Neural Network with one hidden layer where the activation functions in the hidden layer are some function and the output layer has linear activation functions. Given this, the mathematical representation can be:
where we assume can operator on scalars and vectors with this notation to make it easy. , , , and are the weight you are aiming to estimate with the regression. If this was linear regression, would equal z, because that would make y linearly dependent on & . But if is nonlinear, say like , then now y is nonlinearly dependent on the weights .
Now provided you understand all that, I am surprised you haven't seen discussion of the nonlinear case because that's pretty much all people talk about in textbooks and research. The use of things like stochastic gradient descent, Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient, RProp, and other methods are to help find local minima (and hopefully good local minima) for these nonlinear regression problems, even though a global optimum is not typically guaranteed.
Any non-linearity from the input to output makes the network non-linear. In the way we usually think about and implement neural networks, those non-linearities come from activation functions.
If we are trying to fit non-linear data and only have linear activation functions, our best approximation to the non-linear data will be linear since that's all we can compute. You can see an example of a neural network trying to fit non-linear data with only linear activation functions here.
However, if we change the linear activation function to something non-linear like ReLu, then we can see a better non-linear fitting of the data. You can see that here.
I do not have enough reputation to comment on itwasthekix post, but I want to share my insight.
Someone asked in the comments whether equation 8 was linear, and the
answer was, that if w1 were to be varied when all else is constant
we would move up and down a non-linear function. This is not true.
When we vary w1, we essentially only change the output of z1 = (w1*p + b1). Since z1 is linearly transformed later, we will still
move an a linear function. If we were to fix everything except w1
AND w2, then we would move on a non-linear function.
If a multi-layer ANN is non-linear in parameters, because we have a
multiplication of parameters. That does not mean it can learn non-linear relationships.
The answer is very misleading and makes it sound, that we can
learn non-linear relationships using only linear transformations,
which is simply not true. When we back-propagate, we take the derivative of a single weight w1 and fix everything else. Now as mentioned above, we are still moving on a linear function.
If we take the gradient of w1*w2 and perform gradient descent, we only know the joint gradient, there is no way to determine the influence of the separate parameters without fixing one of them. And if we fix one, we move on a linear function.
If we add an (non-linear) activation function, we linearly transform a non-linear output enabling us to learn non-linear relationships, since we do not move on a linear function anymore.
Lets look at the case z = w2 * g(w1 * p + b1) + b2 assuming g is a non-linear activation function. Then if we fix everything and vary w1, we will move on a non-linear function, since w1 * p + b1 is transformed by g.
Non-linearity means different things in communities of regression analysis and neural network machine learning.
In regression analysis, when we say a fitting model is nonlinear, we mean that the model is nonlinear in terms of its parameters (not in terms of the independent variables).
A multiple-layer neural network is usually nonlinear in terms of the weights even the activation function is linear. This is simple to see because the information propagating in the network corresponds to function composition: f3(f2(f1())), which generally gives nonlinear functions of weights. Therefore, in terms of regression analysis, all neural networks are nonlinear models.
However in the community of neural network, people talk about the linearity in terms of input variables, rather than the weights/biases. Therefore, they define a neutral network with linear activation functions as linear and that with nonlinear activation function as nonlinear.
I had the same struggle, most online courses use ANNs for classification, but you never actually solve a regression problem with them in the courses.
What does make an ANN non-linear? The activation function.
Even if you have an ANN with thousands of perceptrons and hidden units, if all the activations are linear (or not activated at all) you are just training a plain linear regression.
But be careful, some activations functions (like sigmoid), have a range of values that act as a linear function and you may get stuck with a linear model even with non-linear activations.
How to predict continuous output with an ANN? The same way as when you classify.
It is the same problem, you just backpropagate the error (label - prediction) and update the weights. But don't forget to CHANGE THE ACTIVATION FUNCTION of the output layer to a continuous function (maybe ReLu if all labels are positive or don't activate the output at all), the intermediate hidden layers can be activated however you wish.
For small regression problems with ANNs you may need to start with a veeeeeery small learning rate since there will be lots of variance since the error will be "unbounded" at first.
Hope this helps :)
I don't want to be impolite, but the current answers are all related to nonlinear ND-polynomials resulting from linear activation functions. That simply doesn't make sense in terms of this question.
I get the point because you will have a polynomial as the objective function to minimize with coefficients that are products of layer coefficients and a product is nonlinear. Anyway, such a system will never be able to converge and doesn't make sense at all without any extra constraints.
The described system is not only completely unnecessarily nonlinear, but also ill-posed. Don't argue about stuff that leads ad absurdum. The original question actually completely nailed it.
Build a "linear neural network" with layers and try to use it as usual... then you will realise that this goes nowhere and you wasted your time.
So unless there is good reasons to believe this kind of ill-posed stuff has been handled I would never ever consider using a linear activation function. If you have extra constraints this might make sense. If you use stochastic gradient descent then you will at least skip some bad properties of it.
That the objective function is nonlinear in its parameters gives an impression that is wrong and bogus. And if the writer would have known about optimisation problems connected to terms with a product of coefficients he would have never written anything like this.
Any objective function can be made nonlinear. If you just replace one linear coefficient with a product of two coefficients. But that is nonsense because you can never determine those coefficients. NEVER. There are infinitely many solutions! And that doesn't even depend on the amount of data.
Because the activation is w*x, which is linear operation, so you need to have extra elements to make it non-linear.

Matlab: Help in running toolbox for Kalman filter

I have AR(1) model with data samples $N=500$ that is driven by a random input sequence x. THe observation y is corrupted with measurement noise $v$ of zero mean. The model is
y(t) = 0.195y(t-1) + x(t) + v(t) where x(t) is generated as randn(). I am unsure how to represent this as a state space model and how to estimate the parameters $a$ and the states. I tried the state space representation would be
d(t) = \mathbf{a^T} d(t) + x(t)
y(t) = \mathbf{h^T}d(t) + sigma*v(t)
sigma =2.
I cannot understand how to perform parameter and state estimation. Using the toolbox mentioned below, I checked the Equations of KF to be matching with those in textbooks. However, the approach for parameter estimation is different. I will appreciate a recommendation for the implementation procedure.
Implementation 1:
I am following the implementation here : Learning Kalman Filter. This implementation does not use Expectation Maximization to estimate the parameters of AR model and it finds out the Covariance of the process noise. In my case, I don't have a process noise, but an input $x$.
Implementation 2: Kalman Filter by Kevin Murphy is another toolbox which uses EM for parameter estimation of AR model. Now, it is confusing since both the implementations uses different approach for parameter estimation.
I am having a tough time figuring out the correct approach, the state space model representation and the code. Shall appreciate recommendations on how to proceed.
I ran the first implementation for the KalmanARSquareRoot technique and the result is completely different. There is Exponential Moving Average Smoothing being performed and a MA filer of length 30 being used. The toolbox runs fine if I run the Demo examples. But on changing the model, the result is extremely poor. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Do I need to change the equations of KF for my time series?
In the second implementation, I cannot figure out what and where to change the Equations.
In general, if I have to use these tools, then do I need to change the KF equations for every time series model? How do I write the Equations myself if these toolboxes are inappropriate for all the time series model - AR, MA, ARMA?
I only have a bit of experience with Kalman Filters, so take this with a grain of salt.
It seems you shouldn't need to change the equations at all. Working with the second package (learn_kalman), you can create an A0 matrix of size [length(d(t)) length(d(t))]. C0 is the same, and in your case the initial state probably makes sense to be the Identity matrix (unlike your A0. All you need to do is choose a good initial condition.
However, I took a look at your system (plotted an example) and it seems noise dominates your system. KF is an optimal estimator but I have not known it to reject that much noise. It only guarantees a reduced covariance...which means that if your system is mostly dominated by noise, you will calculate a bad model that estimates your system given the noise!
Try plotting [d f] where d is the initial data and f is calculated using the regressive formula f(t) = C * A * f(t-1) :
f(t) = A * f(t-1)
; y(t) = C * f(t)
That is, pretend as if there is no noise but using the estimated AR model. You will see that it rejects all the noise and 'technically' models the system well (since the only unique behaviour is at the very beginning).
For example, if you have a system with A = 0.195, Q=R=0.l then you will converge to an A = 0.2207 but it still isn't good enough. Here the problem is that your initial state is so low, that within a few steps of data and you are essentially at 0 accounting for noise. Naturally KF can converge to a LOT of model solutions that are similar. Any noise will throw off even the best initial condition.
If you increase the resolution of your data in some way (e.g. larger initial condition, more refined timesteps) you will see a good fit. Ex, changing your initial condition to 110 and you'll find the two curves similar, though the model is still fairly different.
I am not aware of any approach to model your data well. If the noise variance is in fact 1 and your system converges to 0 that quickly, it seems doomed to not be effectively modelled since you just don't capture any unique behaviour in the dataset.

Beginners issue in polynomial curve fitting [Part 1]

I have just started understanding modeling techniques based on regression models and was going through MATLAB curve fitting toolbox and the SO. I have fundamental doubts and unable to proceed further. I have a single vector set with k=100 data points which I want to fit into an AR model,MA model,ARMA model successively to see which is better suited.Starting with an AR(p) model of the form y(k+1)=a*y(k)+ b*y(k-1)The command
coeff = polyfit(x,y,d)
will fit a polynomial of degree say d=1 with p number of coefficients indicating the order of the model (AR(p)). But I just have 1 set of data which is the recording of the angular moment.So,what will go as the first parameter (x) of the function signature i.e what will be x,y?Then, what if the linear models are not good enough so I may have to select the nonlinear models.Can somebody please guide with code snippets what are the steps in fitting,checking for overfitting,residual calculation etc.
x is likely to be k (index of y). And the whole code:
c =polyfit(1:length(y), y, d).
Matlab has a curve fitting toolbox. You could use it to check different nonlinear fitting in GUI to get some intuition.
If you want steps there's a great Coursera Machine Learning course. The beginning of this course is related to linear regression and I recommend you to spend some hours at least on that beginning.

Scipy/Python indirect spline interpolation

I need to fit data in quite an indirect way. The original data to be recovered in the fit is some linear function with small oscillations and drifts on it, that I would like to identify. Let's call this f(t). We can not record this parameter in the experiment directly, but only indirectly, let's say as g(f) = sin(a f(t)). (The real transfer funcion is more complex, but it should not play a role in here)
So if f(t) changes direction towards the turning points of the sin function, it is difficult to identify and I tried an alternative approach to recover f(t) than just the inverse function of g and some data continuing guesses:
I create a model function fm(t) which undergoes the same and known transfer function g() and fit g(fm(t)) to the data. As the dataset is huge, I do this piecewise for successive chunks of data guaranteeing the continuity of fm across the whole set.
A first try was to use linear functions using the optimize.leastsq, where the error estimate is derived from g(fm). It is not completely satisfactory, and I think it would be far better to fit a spline to the data to get fspline(t) as a model for f(t), guaranteeing the continuity of the data and of its derivative.
The problem with it is, that spline fitting from the interpolate package works on the data directly, so I can not wrap the spline using g(fspline) and do the spline interpolation on this. Is there a way this can be done in scipy?
Any other ideas?
I tried quadratic functions and fixing the offset and slope such to match the ones of the preceeding fitted chunk of data, so there is only one fitting parameter, the curvature, which very quickly starts to deviate
What you would need is a matrix of spline basis functions, b(t), so you can approximate f(t) as a linear combination of spline basis function
f(t) =, coefs)
and then estimate the coefficients, coefs, by optimize.leastsq.
However, spline basis functions are not readily available in python, as far as I know (unless you borrow experimental scripts or search through the code of some packages).
Instead you could also use polynomials, for example
b(t) = np.polynomial.chebvander(t, order)
and use a polynomial approximation instead of the splines.
The structure of this problem is very similar to generalized linear models where g is your known link function and similar to index problems in econometrics.
It would be possible to use the scipy splines in an indirect way if you create artificial data
y_i = f(t_i)
where f(t_i) are scipy.interpolate splines, and the y_i are the parameters to be estimated in the least squares optimization. (Loosely based on a script that I saw some time ago that used this for creating a different kind of smoothing splines than the scipy version. I don't remember where I saw this.)
Thank you for these comments. I tried out the polynomial basis suggested above, but polynomials are no option for my needs, ads they tend to create ringing, which is difficult to condition.
The solution on using splines I now found is quite simple and straightforward, and I think it is what you meant by "using the splines in an indirect way".
The fitting function f(t) is obtained by the interpolate.splev(x, (t,c,k)) function, but providing the spline coefficients c by the omptimize.leastsq function. In this way, f(t) is no direct spline fit (as one would usually obtain with the splrep(x, y) function) but indirectly optimized in the fit, and therefore it is possible to use the link function g on it. The initial guess for c might be obtained by one evaluation of splrep(xinit, yinit, t=knots) on model data.
One trick is to restrict the number of knots for the spline to below the number of datapoints by explicitly specifying them during the function call of splrep() and giving this reduced set during the evaluation using splev().