How to deny EF update model from database for certain tables? - entity-framework

Is there a way to tell EF not to update SSDL for the single table when doing Update Model From Database?
A little more details:
We're using EF 4.3 with Db-first approach (so, edmx and Update Model From Database).
We have a table that for some reasons does not have a primary key set in SQL Server, but have an auto-incremented Identity column that we can tell EF to use as primary key.
Since EF isn't finding any primary key in a table itself, it generates a DefiningQuery in SSDL for that table (and prevent update/inserts).
I can easily delete that DefiningQuery (and modify other EntitySet attributes) and everything works fine.
Except when I do another Update Model From Database that DefiningQuery is back again.
Is there a way to tell EF not to update SSDL for that single table?

Is there a way to tell EF not to update SSDL for the single table when
doing Update Model From Database?
Not with default designer provided in Visual Studio. Once you modify SSDL part of your EDMX file you should maintain it manually or write a script which will fix it every time you run Update from database.
Alternatively you can buy more powerful designer or extension to Visual Studio which will offer you selective update.
Anyway what you are trying to do should be avoided. If the database is owned by ERP you should do the access only through ERP programming API (real ERP has some). Otherwise you can break functionality of your ERP, corrupt ERP data, cause performance issues or even cause deadlocks.


What SQL Server 2017 features are not supported in Entity Framework Core code first?

Our team is thinking of utilizing Entity Framework Core code-first to help model the database. We can have both DB projects and EF models, as per article here Database Projects vs. Entity Framework Database Migrations utilizing schema compares, just trying to figure out what will be the source of truth?
Does Entity Framework support all features in SQL Server SSDT Database Projects?
What features does EF Core 2 not support? (eg, does it not support any of following: triggers, views, functions, stored procedures, encryption keys, certificates, db properties (ansi null, quoted identifier), partitions)
I am trying to locate the Microsoft Resource.
tl;dr Database Projects are feature-rich, but database-first. Migrations is code-first, but has a very limited built-in set of database features.
For many people it won't be relevant to compare Database Projects and Migrations. They represent two different modes of working with Entity Framework. Migrations is code-first, DP is database-first. Sure, you can use migrations to control the database schema and besides that keep a DP in sync with the generated database to satisfy DBAs (as the link suggests). But both lead their own separate lives and there's no Single Source Of Truth.
So comparing them is useful if you're not sure yet wich working mode you're going to choose.
For me the most important difference is that DP will cover all database objects and detect all changes between them when comparing databases. Migrations only detect changes between a database and the mapped model. And the set of options for generating database objects is very limited. For everything you need additionally you have to inject SQL statements into the migration code. These statements are your own responsibility. You have to figure out yourself if a migration needs an ALTER PROCEDURE statement or not (for example). EF won't complain if the script and the database differ in this respect.
This is the main reason why I've never been a great fan of migrations. It's virtually impossible to maintain a mature database schema including storage, file groups, privileges, collations, and what have you.
Another advantage of DP is that they're great in combination with source control. Each database object has its own file and it's very easy to check the change history of each individual object. That's not possible with generated migrations. Indeed, many intermediate changes may never make it to a generated migration.
Of course the obvious advantage of migrations is the possibility to do a runtime check (albeit incomplete) whether the code and the database match. In database-first projects you need to create your own mechanism for that.
EF Core is only ORM.
1) You should be ready to create all DB objects except tables manually. What I create manually: constrates (defaults as well as conditions). Since this is code first - there is no need in SP, functions and so on. If you use ORM - DB is only storage. Of course practice is important. For me default constraints adds comfort on tables where I create test data manually. And conditions also are usefull in situations when you do not trust your (team) code.
2) you will do creation (and dropping) of views, triggers, sp and so on to the "migration" code (there is such concept in EF) in plain sql:
migrationBuilder.Sql("CREATE VIEW ...");
As a result you could have a separate "migration" program (e.g. command line tool) that install or remove both Ef Core tables and your manually created objects, do and revert the data migrations.
"EF Core migrations" is quite complex api (reserve a week for learning). Interesting topics: managing several dbcontexts in one db, createing db object during migration from model annotations, unistall. Or find a freelancer for it (this part of project is good for outsourcing).

Do I need to run EF UI to include added non-clustered indexes?

I am using Entity framework version 5. In SQL Server database, I add a non-clustered index added for a column on a table. Do I need to run EF UI in Visual Studio to update the edmx file? If so, where I need to do that with EF UI? Thank you.
No, the nonclustered index is database-internal only - it doesn't have any impact on the entity data model (your .edmx file), so you don't need to update anything.
If SQL Server executes a query that will benefit from that new index, the query optimizer will use that index - and will return the data faster - but from the point of view of Entity Framework, nothing changes (no model properties need to be changed)

Why do Entity Framework Migrations store the whole model and not a hash in the __MigrationHistory table?

Code First Entity Framework, from versions 5 - 6.1.1+, with migrations enabled stores database updates as "migration" classes. Each class has an accompanying resource file containing a serialized version of the model, i.e. the entities, properties, relationships, etc.
This serialized version of the model is then stored in the database in the __MigrationHistory table with a single row per migration. The information in this table is used to check what model version a database is at and thus what migrations still need to be run. It is also used during some database initialization strategies to determine if the running code's model matches the last migration deployed to that database.
In neither of the use cases for the __MigrationHistory table is the fully serialized model needed. At best only a hash of the model would appear to be required.
As we've had our code first database running for a while, the __MigrationHistory table is storing 36K per row for a total of 4MB. This isn't huge but seems unnecessary.
So the question: Why doesn't Entity Framework store a hash of the model in the __MigrationHistory table?
When you changing your model and adding a new migration, EF migrations generates Up and Down methods for you. And these changes comes from comparing full model from previous migration to your actual model.

How to set a field as indexed in Entity Framework Model-First designer

This has been asked a lot in the past, and I know that there was no direct support for setting a field as indexed in the EDMX designer, but since Visual Studio 2012 is out and Entity Framework 5 is released, it may now be supporting editing indexing options in the designer (no reason for it not to support it anyway), I've looked at the properties of fields and all I can find is to set a field as entity key but it doesn't solve my issue (I already have an entity key, I just want to create indexes on some other fields for performance reasons).
How do I set a field as an indexed column in the EDMX designer? (I know how to do it after via SQL queries, but I need a more modular approach as I'll be editing the database and recreating it and I will most likely forget to add an index every time by an SQL query).
Unfortunately things have not changed in VS2012 in this area. I would encourage you to open a work item on EF6 codeplex site

Must I use all tables in an Entity Framework model?

I am building an Entity Framework model for a subset of the Pubs database from microsoft. I am only interested and publishers and books, not publishers and employees, but there is a foreign key constraint between the publishers and emoloyees tables. When I remove the employees entity from my model, the model won't validate because of the foreign key constraint.
How do I create a model for a subset of a database when that subset links to other tabes with foreign key constraints?
Because this is for a demo, I deleted the offending tables and constraints from the database, but this won't work in production.
The correct way to do this is by exposing the foreign key columns as scalar properties. There is a complete explanation, and downloadable sample code, in this blog post. You might find the rest of the post interesting, as well.
You could create views of the pertinent data and bind your model to that. I am not a database expert, but a DBA that I formerly worked with recommended this approach because she said that the view is less intensive on the database server to begin with.
Prior to the release of 3.5 SP1, we built a DAL on top of LINQ to SQL (without DBML mappings, but that is another story) that mapped all of the domain objects to either stored procedures or views. That way, the DBA was happy about the calls following a more set execution plan, as well as being able to encapsulate the database logic outside of the codebase.