Problems with Coldfusion Form Submissions - forms

I'm having a bit of trouble with my form submission, and I'm afraid I need some advice.
I have a form where I want a user to submit some text, and when they press submit it will take them to an action page where the input will be processed. I wrote some code, only to figure out when I test it in Dreamweaver the submit button isn't working correctly.
Code looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Test Page</title>
<cfinclude template="head.cfm">
<cfform name="select_action" action="testaction.cfm" method="post">
Enter some text here
<input type="text" size="50" value="Enter some text here" maxlength="150" name="someText"><br>
<INPUT TYPE="RESET" NAME="reset" VALUE="Reset Form">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit Form">
<cfinclude template="foot.cfm">
I have Dreamweaver correctly configured for testing, because I can reset the form and it shows up properly etc. Just the submit button doesn't take me to anywhere.
I feel that there's something extremely obvious I'm missing, any advice?
Thanks for your time,

While testing in Dreamweaver may seem like a good idea, I haven't found it helpful at all. You should have your page open in several browsers at once, such as Firefox and Chrome. Test the behavior of your pages in real browsers, not Dreamweaver.
Also, I would use CFFORM only if you need CFFORM. From the looks of your elements, you don't need it.


Form Action Page Not Found

I am playing around a bit with Perl and auto-filling out forms. However, when I view the source code and paste the "action" URL of a form into my browser, it goes to a "Page Not Found". How could this be? If data is able to be submitted to a page then wouldn't the page have to exist? Or am i just missing something?
For instance, the HTML looks like:
<form action="/Pages/somepage">
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" />
So if i go to it simply displays a "Page Not Found" error.
If the form action is "/Pages/somepage", then the correct full URL will be, not Not sure where you got that "formPage" from.

Why does my form not upload files in Internet Explorer 9?

Welcome to episode 32,342,343 of "Why does Internet Explorer Suck So Much?"...
I've seen lots of reports that IE9 does a crappy job uploading files. Apparently it has lots of caveats about when it will or won't work (If someone has a definitive list I'd love to see it). However, most of the problems/solutions I see have found are related to javascript, usually the jQuery form plugin or something similar.
My form is not submitted via AJAX and the the file input field is not hidden or obscured with css. Yet, I get several support tickets per day from users on IE9 trying to submit the form and "nothing happens" (=the form submits. No errors, but the file is not uploaded.) I haven't gotten a single complaint with a different browser, and IE8 even seems to work (as well as it ever does).
Here's the top of my form. Am I missing something?
<form action="" method="post" class="wpjb-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="resume_form" value="resume_form" />
<fieldset class="wpjb-fieldset-default">
<input id="firstname" name="firstname" type="hidden" class="regular-text " value="John" />
<input id="lastname" name="lastname" type="hidden" class="regular-text " value="Henry" />
<input id="email" name="email" type="hidden" class="regular-text " value="" />
<div class="wpjb-element-input-checkbox wpjb-element-name-is_active">
<label class="wpjb-label">Show resume? </label>
<div class="wpjb-field">
<label for="is_active_1"><input type="checkbox" class="" name="is_active" id="is_active_1" value="1" checked="checked" /> Yes <small style="display:inline;">(Uncheck to hide your resume)</small></label>
<div class="wpjb-element-input-select-one wpjb-element-name-file">
<label class="wpjb-label">Upload a <i>new</i> resume file</label>
<div class="wpjb-field">
<input style="line-height:1em;" id="file" name="file" type="file" class="regular-text " />
<small class="wpjb-hint">Accepted file types: doc, docx, odf, pdf, rtf</small>
It goes on like this with a couple more <fieldset>s then ends like this:
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" id="wpjb_submit" value="Save Changes" />
I'm happy for everyone who has never experienced this problem but it's not just me:
I'm seeing a lot of suggestions to add a meta tag to force the user agent to IE8...
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
I don't want to do this because although I do support IE8, many of the elements on my site render differently in IE8 vs. IE9. This would create a rather sloppy user experience as any IE users would experience I temporary "time warp" back to IE8 on that specific page.
I was able to fix this nightmare of a problem by wrapping a jQuery form submit in a setTimeout:
$('#complete_profile input[type="submit"]').click(function(){
setTimeout(function() {
$('#complete_profile form').submit();
}, 0);
This may cause duplicate submission when the form DOES submit, however, so be careful.
As Graham does, I think that this might more be a server issue - also I have never had issues with fileuploads in IE9 (or newer) - I guess you don't want to post the code of the PHP Script that handles the upload?
if any data is not being sent, You could check the post data by your hidden input on your server side script. For example if you're using php it would be something like
<? if($_POST['resume_form']=='resume_form'){
//Do something
} ?>
Or you could also use meta compatible tags for IE to render the page like IE8
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
I suggest setting the X-UA-Compatible meta tag value and seeing whether that makes any difference.
See this question for possible values: What does <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> do?
It may also be that the page is triggering a non-standards mode in IE9. I suggest opening the page in IE9, opening the developer tools, and seeing which browser/document modes are selected. That may give you a clue. Note that the "enctype" form attribute was not supported prior to IE8, so if the browser is using an older doc mode, that attribute is not being recognized.
OK I'd rather leave a comment not an answer but I don't have the points for that yet!
Are the users in quirks mode? Most IE users are unaware of the quirks mode and may have accidentally clicked it when trying to refresh the page (instead of pressing F5). If it is intermittent this could be the reason why.
following on from above.. On the server side how are you checking for empty fields? I'm more on the lines of JS here where you often look for "", null and undefined I'm just thinking that perhaps the quirks mode is sending some fuzzy data that your server side error checking is missing because you aren't looking for it and hence reports all is OK.

HTML Form Resets on Submit

I've a website used by over 500,000 people, but a tiny few (about 20) are reporting that one of the forms resets when clicking "submit".
I've stripped out other code, but the HTML in the FORM tags is complete:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<form id="fProfile" action="/cv.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="row"><label for="fName">Your Name:</label><input type="text" id="fName" name="text" /></div>
<div class="row"><label for="fEmail">Your Email:</label><input type="text" id="fEmail" name="email" /></div>
<div class="row"><label for="fCvFile">Your CV:</label><input type="file" id="fCvFile" name="cv" /><em>Please only attach a CV, up to 200kb in size.</em></div>
<input type="submit" class="submit" name="go" value="Save CV" />
There is no JavaScript involved and the form could not be simpler!
Feedback is limited, but it's being reported that this happens on MSIE/Chrome/Firefox. It must be third party software interupting the form but reports come in from computers with McAfee/AVG/Avast. I can't find a single common factor other than the HTML ...
All reports say that the form resets on clicking the submit "Save CV" button without attempting to load a page but I'm unable to replicate this.
I've never come across anything like this and am hoping one of you have!
Thanks for any help or guidance.
EDIT: I've added a name/email input form too to show that it is just the type=file input that is resetting. The remainder of the form holds on to the entered text.
It says you are posting to a HTML page - surely you would need to post to a PhP page or similar.
So basically when you hit submit the page is just refreshing. Also in your HTML page you should always have a head tag.

jQuery Mobile 301 Redirect Issues

I am using jQuery 1.6.4 with jQuery Mobile 1.0.1. I am running into an issue anytime you link to a page that then tries to do a 301 redirect.
I've setup a sample page at:
The only thing on this page is the jQuery Mobile includes and a link to another page that has a 301 redirect somewhere else.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
301 test
301test.php has the following content:
header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
header( "Location: 301success.html" );
This should just simply pass the browser to 301success.html. It works if you directly go to that URL
But when you click on the link from the page using jQuery Mobile, it shows "undefined" instead. Is jQuery Mobile currently incapable of handling redirects?
Any possible work arounds?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT [3/23/12 12:41AM CST]
I also posted this problem on the jQuery Mobile forums. Somebody there recommended adding rel="external" to the anchor tag. This technically works if all you are doing is making a link, but won't fix the issue if you get to the redirect via some other mechanism, such as a POST request.
To illustrate, I've setup a secondary test at
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<form method="post" action="301test.php">
<input type="submit" value="test" />
Instead of arriving at the 301test.php redirect page from a link, it's now the location of a form we're submitting to. The context this would be used, would be such that if you submit a form with errors, it would stay on the same page allowing you to correct the errors. If there were no errors, it redirects you to a success page. This is done to avoid submitting the form again if a user refreshes their browser. It works brilliantly in normal web applications. But in combo with jQuery Mobile it doesn't seem to work.
Just thought I'd give some additional context to anyone else following this issue.
Figured out the answer to my own problem. In the above, I mentioned that this was causing problems using the <form> tag. After browsing through the jQuery Mobile documentation I found this page:
The trick here is if you're doing a form, to force it to not use AJAX. You do this by adding
data-ajax="false" to the FORM tag.
So this changes
<form method="post" action="301test.php">
<form method="post" action="301test.php" data-ajax="false">
And just to reiterate what was said above. If you need to do something with an anchor link, just add rel="external" to it.
So this changes
301 test
301 test
The issue is deeper. Take a look here or here.
It seems that XMLHttpRequest object (the one used for doing AJAX requests) handles redirects on its own and returns the final response. Which means that jQuery Mobile can't know that it should update the URL.
The solution is to use the data-url attribute on the final page. It forces jQuery Mobile to update the URL in the browser. Kind of a workaround but far from being a hack.
By the way there are more issues with jQuery Mobile, AJAX and redirects - for instance if you click the browser's back button after an AJAX-redirect, jQuery Mobile (up till 1.1) might produce a final page under the URL of the redirecting page. Therefore using data-ajax="false" is a wise choice.
But even data-ajax="false" is not a bullet-proof solution. Using it splits your mobile app into multiple browser pages, which brings all sorts of browser differences to the party. For instance Firefox has so called bf cache whereas Chrome doesn't. This is an unholy mess and I'm starting to think that something like Sencha Touch is much better suited for developing pages that pretend to be mobile apps.
Alternatively, one could avoid regular form submissions and use own AJAX code for that and then switch pages based on the result, but I cannot resist thinking that it's 2012 and such things should automated and work flawlessly without sweating.
I'm currently building an application but even though I am logged in, I stay on the login page, and I do not get redirected. I used the data-ajax="false"
this is the code of the form:
<section id="login">
<h2>Want to take a ride? <span>Login</span></h2>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post" data-ajax="false">
<?php if(!empty($feedback_error)): ?>
<div id="feedback_error">
<p><h1><?php echo $feedback_error ?></h1></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<input id="username" type="text" name="username" placeholder="username" />
<input id="password" type="password" name="password" placeholder="password" />
<p>Not yet signed up? <a href="register.php" >Register</a></p>
<input type="submit" name="btnLogin" data-theme="b" value="Sign in">

iframe post-form using fb:friendselector passing values

I am trying to build an facebook-iframe application, where you can select friends to send them some information.
So i build a form method="post", put in some input fields, and a friend selector.
The fb:friend input field is renderd .. works fine.. but it doesn't pass over the selected friends.
Do i have to fix it by javascript?
Is there a simpler solution?
thx sven
<form action="" method="post" target="_top">
<input id="sometext" name="sometext" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30">
<script type="text/fbml">
<fb:friend-selector uid="$user" name="$user" idname="friendselector"/>
</fb:serverFbml><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">
Actually, to my knowledge you can't fix it with Javascript.
I need more details (!), but it sounds like you may be attempting to use the FBML implementation of fb-friend-selector, without fb-request-form.
If so, try this:
(!) Can you post your HTML code here? It's likely an implementation issue that we can figure out through your code.
Ok, i am not alone, so here is an other way to cope with it.
Facebook-like styled Multifriendselector.