Automatically Format and Arrange Declarations and Definition in Eclipse [duplicate] - eclipse

Is there an easy way to sort methods within a class in Eclipse?

select the class, Source > Sort
you can set the order in Java
via Eclipe forums

Found it on the Eclipse newsgroup:
select the class, Source > Sort


Order Scala methods alphabetically (by name) using Intellij IDEA

I wanted to order Scala functions alphabetically, I'm using Intellij IDEA is there is a way to do that ?
Settings > Editor > Code Style > Scala > Arrangement
In Matching Rules click + to add a new rule
If you want to order def without modifiers (which is public by default) in Type click function and in Modifier click public, in Order choose order by name. Then click OK.
After that you can open your file with unordered methods, click Code > Rearrange Code and they will be ordered by name.
PS I used IDEA Community Edition 2019.3

Find in Eclipse all classes that are under specific package

I have project in which I have a package "com.mysite.Entities". Under this package I have several entities: "","","". Currently in the names we don't have the string "Entity". And now I want to find what entities I have in this package. I want to write somewhere the package and as a result to have the 3 classes defined above.
Is this possible in Eclipse?
I don't want to find them with java code. What I need is just in some way to search in Eclipse IDE and to see in the UI that there are 3 classes, which were written under this package and to be able to select one of them and to open it into the Editor Window.
In Search > Java..., enter the search string com.mysite.Entities.*, search for Type and limit to Declarations.

Why eclipse is generating argument names as arg0,arg1,arg2.... for methods?

When I try to access some class's method; eclipse gets that method but arguments inside that method are replaced by arg0, arg1, arg2...
Suppose I have this method in some class named
public int readXXX(int start, int end, String xxx) throws IOException {
return 0;
When I try to access that method from an instance of class it shows me as follows:
readFile.readXXX(arg0, arg1, arg2);
It becomes hard to identify what I should pass in argument. The same thing also happens for java methods. i.e. when I implement interface all method under that will be generated but arguments in that methods are arg0, arg1.....
Is there any setting I can do prevent this?
I'm using Eclipse Galelio.
Eclipse can't work out the arguments because it can't find the source or javadoc attachments.
Make sure your source is attached.
To check, click on the method call readXXX and press F3 which should open the method declaration. If the source is not attached, Eclipse will say "Source not found" and will allow you to "Attach Source...".
Anyone having the same issue, try performing a Project > Clean, this will delete the old class files, and Eclipse will recompile them in debug mode this time. Worked for me in Indigo 3.7.2
The problem is that your class files lacks debug information embedded in them. JDT doesn't reparse the source files or the javadoc for dependencies, when building the AST for your project, so it doesn't have idea what the name of the parameter is, even when you are able to open the class and clearly see what are the method names.
In order to correct this, you need to recompile your class files with debug information enabled, which makes the class file considerably larger, but unless you are developing for memory-constraint devices, you should be fine.
for those like me who tried to apply one of our colleagues suggestions and unfortunately hasn't worked, please, give a try to check the option "Add variable attributes to generated class files (used by the debugger)" within Window -> Preferences -> Java + Compiler.
Once you've done that, try to build the project again.
I solved this by going to preferences
Java / Content Assist
On this page under "Sorting and Filtering" I unchecked "Hide proposals not visible in the invocation context" now instead of seeing (arg0, arg1, arg2) etc in autocomplete I see (catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern...)
I am using Spring Tools Suite 3.7.2 which runs on the Eclipse Mars 4.5.1 platform.
This link helped me to solve this problem.
1) Right click on your android.jar and select Properties.
2) Select Java Source Attachment. Enter the source directory location (you can also use External Folder… to browse to the directory) and click on “Apply“.
The code names match the following version numbers, along with API levels and NDK releases provided for convenience:

Creating an interface from a huge class using resharper

I have a very big class with lots of methods, is it possible to build an interface from this class using Resharper?
My shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + R to bring up the refactoring options. Doing this on the class name allows you to" Extract Interface..."
Optionally, you can choose from the menu > ReSharper > Refactor > Extract Interface...
Uh, maybe I'm missing something here (I've never used resharper) but you can extract an interface from a class using the standard VS IDE refactoring tools (at least you can in 2008). Right click the class, select 'Refactor' and then 'Extract Interface'. This will bring up a dialog box where you can select which properties to include.

Sorting methods in Eclipse

Is there an easy way to sort methods within a class in Eclipse?
select the class, Source > Sort
you can set the order in Java
via Eclipe forums
Found it on the Eclipse newsgroup:
select the class, Source > Sort