REST - How would a PUT request handle auto-incremented resource identifiers - rest

According to the HTTP 1.1. spec:
If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that
URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting
user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI.
So in other words, PUT can be used to create & update. More specifically, if I do a PUT request e.g.
PUT /users/1
and that user does not exist, I would expect the result of this request to create a user with this ID. However, how would this work if your backend is using an auto-increment key? Would it be a case of simply ignoring it if it's not feasible (e.g. auto-increment is at 6 and I request 10) & creating if it is possible (e.g. request 7)?
From the snippet I have extracted above it does appear to give you this flexibility, just looking for some clarification.

I'd suggest that you use POST, not PUT, for an auto-increment key, or do not use the auto-increment key in the resource ID.
If you use POST, then you'd POST to /users rather than to /users/1. The reply might redirect you to /users/1 or whatever the ID is.
If you use PUT, then you might PUT to /users/10292829 where the number is a unique resource key generated on the client. This key can be time-generated, or it can be a hash of time, session ID, and some other factors to guarantee uniqueness of the value across your client audience. The server can then generate its own auto-incremented index, distinct from 10292829 or whatever.
For more on that, see PUT vs POST in REST
Following up. . .
In the case of allowing PUT to /users/XXXXXXX, for all users, you'd end up with two distinct unique keys that refer to the same resource. (10292829 and 1 might refer to the same user). You'd need to decide how to allow the use of each of these different keys in a REST-style URL. Because of the need to reconcile the use of these two distinct ids, I'd prefer to use the first option, POSTing to /users and getting a unique REST url of the created resource in the response.
I just re-read the relevant section of RFC 2616, and saw a return code specifically designed for this in REST applications:
10.2.2 201 Created
The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the most specific URI for the resource given by a Location header field. The response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of resource characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. The origin server MUST create the resource before returning the 201 status code. If the action cannot be carried out immediately, the server SHOULD respond with 202 (Accepted) response instead.
So, the RESTful way to go is to POST to /users and return a 201 Created, with a Location: header specifying /users/1.

You should be using POST to create resources while the PUT should only be used for updating. Actually REST semantics forces you to do so.


REST API Design: Path variable vs request body on UPDATE (Best practices)

When creating an UPDATE endpoint to change a resource, the ID should be set in the path variable and also in the request body.
Before updating a resource, I check if the resource exists, and if not, I would respond with 404 Not Found.
Now I ask myself which of the two information I should use and if I should check if both values are the same.
For example:
PUT /users/42
// request body
"id": 42,
"username": "user42"
You should PUT only the properties you can change into the request body and omit read-only properties. So you should check the id in the URI, because it is the only one that should exist in the message.
It is convenient to accept the "id" field in the payload. But you have to be sure it is the same as the path parameter. I solve this problem by setting the id field to the value of the path parameter (be sure to explain that in the Swagger of the API). In pseudo-code :
idParam = request.getPathParam("id");
object = request.getPayload(); = idParam;
So all these calls are equivalent :
PUT /users/42 + {"id":"42", ...}
PUT /users/42 + {"id":"41", ...}
PUT /users/42 + {"id":null, ...}
PUT /users/42 + {...}
Why do you need the id both in URL and in the body? because now you have to validate that they are both the same or ignore one in any case. If it is a requirement for some reason, than pick which one is the one that is definitive and ignore the other one. If you don't have to have this strange duplication, than I'd say pass it in the body only
If you take a closer look at how HTTP works you might notice that the URI used to send a request to is also used as key for caching results. Any non-safe operation performed on that URI, such as POST, PUT, PATCH, will lead to (intermediary) caches automatically invalidating any stored responses for that URI. As such, if you use an other URI than the actual resource URI you are actually bypassing that feature and risk getting served outdated state from caches. As caching is one of the few constraints REST has simply skipping all caching via certain directives isn't ideal in first place.
In regards to including the ID of the resource or domain entity in the URI and/or in the payload: A common mistake in designing so-called REST APIs is that the domain object is mapped in a 1:1 manner onto a resource. We had a customer once who went through a merger and in a result they ended up with the same products being addressed by multiple IDs. In order to reduce the data in their DB they at one point tried to consolidate their data and continue. But they had to support still the old URIs they exposed for their products. In the end they realized that exposing the product ID via the URI wasn't ideal in their situation as it lead to plenty of downstream changes that affected their customers. As such, a recommendation here is to use UUIDs that don't give the target resource any semantic meaning and don't ever change. If the product ID in the back changes it doesn't affect the exposed URI at all. Sure, you might need a further table/collection to map from the product to the actual resource URI but you in the end designed your system with the eventuality of change which it now is more likely to coop with.
I've read so many times that the product ID shouldn't be part of the resource as it is already present in the URI. First, the whole URI is a unique identifier of that resource and not only a part of it. Next as mentioned above, IMO the product ID shouldn't be part of the URI in first place but it should be part of the resources' state. After all, the product ID is part of the products properties and therefore should be included there accordingly. As such, the media type exposed should contain all the necessities that a client is able to identify the product ID off the payload. The media type the resource's state is exchange with should also provide means to include the ID if you want to perform an update. I.e. if you take HTML as example, here you get served a HTML form by the server which basically teaches you where to send the request to, which HTTP operation to use, which media-type to marshal the request with and the actual properties of the resource, including the ones you are not meant to change. HTML does this i.e. via hidden input fields. Other form-based media types, such as HAL forms, JsonForms or Ion, might provide other mechanisms though.
So, to sum my post up:
Don't map the product ID onto URIs. Use a mapping from product ID to UUIDs instead
Use form-based media-types that support clients in creating requests. These media types should allow to include unmodifiable properties, such as hidden input fields and the like

Rest with natural keys: Can a 201 Created response to HTTP PUT include a Location header that differs from the request URI?

I am designing an API endpoint that uses natural keys as resource identifiers.
PUT /api/thing/key
GET /api/thing/key
My service exposes an Update(...) operation that would result in an SQL UPDATE query that could change this key i.e.
void Update(key, newRow);
When using immutable surrogate keys I had instead
void Update(key, newRowExceptKey);
but since newData can now contain a key the resource can be moved as a result.
Is it acceptable to respond to PUT with 201 AND a Location header to the new resource? This is normal for POST requests but seems antithetical to PUT. A PUT with a new key actually results in a DELETE (in terms of server state) at the request URI and a PUT/POST at some other URI.
On the other hand maybe I shouldn't be using PUT at all. RFC 2616 says
"the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request". In relational terms, if the new key doesn't match the old key, then the request URI doesn't identify the enclosed resource. But it's not that simple. The enclosed resource is a replacement for the request URI so in some context (specifically the one reified by a surrogate key) the the URI does identify the enclosed entity.
I could just use POST here since that doesn't seem to violate any rules, but using POST everywhere seems fast and loose.
PUT assumes that the client can assign the URI. If that's not the case, don't use PUT.
POSTing to the parent folder seems totally correct to me.

Should HTTP PUT create a resource if it does not exist?

Lets suppose that someone performs a PUT request on my endoint:
However there is not resource with the given id stored in my PostgreSQL database.
According to the RFC 2616, I should create the resource if I am capable to:
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI.
Would be okay to create the resource with the provided id? As manually assigning ids on database insert is not the best practice.
Should I return a 404 error if the creation of the resource is not possible?
First of all, you are using an obsolete document: The RFC 2616 is no longer relevant nowadays and anyone using such document as reference should stop right away.
Quoting Mark Nottingham who, at the time of writing, co-chairs the IETF HTTP and QUIC Working Groups:
Don’t use RFC2616. Delete it from your hard drives, bookmarks, and burn (or responsibly recycle) any copies that are printed out.
The old RFC 2616 has been supplanted by the following documents that, together, define the HTTP/1.1 protocol:
RFC 7230: Message Syntax and Routing
RFC 7231: Semantics and Content
RFC 7232: Conditional Requests
RFC 7233: Range Requests
RFC 7234: Caching
RFC 7235: Authentication
If you are looking for methods, status codes and headers definitions, then the RFC 7231 is the document you should refer to.
Having said that, let's go back to your question.
Should HTTP PUT create a resource if it does not exist?
It depends.
But, if your application generates resource identifiers on behalf of the client, as you mentioned in your question, then you should use POST instead of PUT for creating resources.
Some parts of the PUT method definition are quoted below. The last sentence seems to be the most relevant to you (highlight is mine), supporting what I've just mentioned above:
4.3.4. PUT
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message payload. [...]
If the target resource does not have a current representation and the PUT successfully creates one, then the origin server MUST inform the user agent by sending a 201 (Created) response. If the target resource does have a current representation and that representation is successfully modified in accordance with the state of the enclosed representation, then the origin server MUST send either a 200 (OK) or a 204 (No Content) response to indicate successful completion of the request. [...]
Proper interpretation of a PUT request presumes that the user agent knows which target resource is desired. A service that selects a proper URI on behalf of the client, after receiving a state-changing request, SHOULD be implemented using the POST method rather than PUT. [...]
Should I return a 404 error if the creation of the resource is not possible?
That's seems to be an accurate status code to be returned, as no representation has been found for the requested resource:
6.5.4. 404 Not Found
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. [...]
Now, for the sake of completeness, find below some relevant quotes on the POST method definition, which should be used to create resources in the scenario described in your question:
4.3.3. POST
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics. For example, POST is used for the following functions (among others):
Creating a new resource that has yet to be identified by the origin server;
If one or more resources has been created on the origin server as a result of successfully processing a POST request, the origin server SHOULD send a 201 (Created) response containing a Location header field that provides an identifier for the primary resource created and a representation that describes the status of the request while referring to the new resource(s).
While the 201 status code indicates that a new resource has been created, the Location header indicate where the newly created resource is located. If no Location header is provided, then the client should assume that the resource is identified by the effective request URI:
6.3.2. 201 Created
The 201 (Created) status code indicates that the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. The primary resource created by the request is identified by either a Location header field in the response or, if no Location field is received, by the effective request URI. [...]
In short, it depends wheter the payload you want to store violates any constraint the server has for resources or not.
In general I'd say it should attempt it as the client explicitly expresses his intent to store that particular representation at the target URI. The server should though perform constraint checks before! Usually, in a real REST scenario though, the client should use URI that are provided by the server and not just chose any URI on its own. Thereby, a server should be in control of its namespace, as such using PUT to create resources is not recommended here by default.
With that being said, as PUT is idempotent while POST being not, some clients might want to benefit from this property. Here a POST-PUT creation pattern has evolved, where a client is attempting to create a new resource via POST until it receives a confirmation via a Location header in the response and afterwards attempts the update of that resource's state via PUT. This way the client can be sure that in case of transmission problems the representation was only created once. Depending on the stance, some people might consider the actual update of the resource as the actual resource creation, though as the client beforehand received the respective link, this is not quite the case.
Note that a server also has the right to transform the representation to something different if i.e. the server is configured to provide specific representations for certain URI endpoints. Think of uploading an image via PUT to a URI and the server embedds the image into a HTML page
There's two questions embedded here: 1) should PUT try to create the resource and 2) what happens if it cant.
The RFC linked by #cass says
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be
created or replaced with the state defined by the representation
enclosed in the request message payload. A successful PUT of a given
representation would suggest that a subsequent GET on that same
target resource will result in an equivalent representation being
sent in a 200 (OK) response.
Further, Mozilla's text
The HTTP PUT request method creates a new resource or replaces a representation of the target resource with the request payload.
Further, from the original RFC (that was replaced with the above test)
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI.
This is a bit anecdotal, but the Kubernetes API also carefully makes this distinction and informs it's users of PATCH if they really meant update:
For PUT requests, Kubernetes internally classifies these as either create or update based on the state of the existing object. An update is different from a patch; the HTTP verb for a patch is PATCH.
In terms of "what happens if it fails" I think the code depends on what went wrong:
400: it couldnt be created due to a bad payload
409: it couldnt be created due to a conflict - for example some field in the input JSON has some global uniqueness check on it
502/3 - it couldnt be created because it tried to call the database and it was dead
I'm not sure if 404 is the best code, becuase it doesnt tell the user anything about why.

Rest Api: When to use Post, PUT, PATCH and Delete

I am working on a restful api and I need to update a resource (i.e. a customer detail record with 10 fields).
On Add request, I send a Post request with complete record.
On update request, I send a PUT request with complete record of 10 fields.
On Verify request, I send a PUT request with just two fields i.e. recordId and versionNo.
On Delete request, I send a DELETE request with two fields in HttpOptions.
I have few questions that:
Although, it a restful api but specific application which would be used by an angular application, So should I return data in response of POST/PUT requests.
Should I use PATCH in case of Verify (or anyother action where just recordId and versionNo send to server to change some fields) or it is OK to use PUT.
To make uniformity, should I send data in body of delete request as I need recordId and versionNo to delete a record.
Should I use PATCH in case of Verify (or anyother action where just
recordId and versionNo send to server to change some fields) or it is
OK to use PUT.
In RESTful API designs, PUT requests are generally used to add or replace an entire resource, whereas a PATCH should be just used to update an existing resource. A PUT request is called "idempotent" - no matter how many times you send a PUT response, you should get the same result. A PATCH is not idempotent.
PATCH /Cars/vauxhall-astra/engine --> This request would be used to only update the engine of my already existing vauxhall astra
PUT /Cars/renault-clio --> This request would create a new Renault Clio or, if it already exists, replace the entire Clio using the data specified in my request. A Clio would then be guaranteed to exist after my request is successful, regardless of whether it existed or not before.
Although, it a restful api but specific application which would be used by an angular application, So should I return data in response of POST/PUT requests.
Totally up to you, returning data from a POST/PUT is fine - especially if it saves you having to make extra GET api requests. Just always make sure you are only ever returning the data you need from a response.
To make uniformity, should I send data in body of delete request as I need recordId and versionNo to delete a record.
Again it's totally up to you. Whether you use query parameters (e.g. DELETE cars?id=123) or a request body is just your preference, there's nothing in REST that has rules for this.
REST Response
A RESTful API MUST always answer with HTTP codes to client requests:
Success and error responses are a vital part to define how an API is used correctly.
Refer to this guide to solve all your RESTful related questions.
From Wikipedia:
The main difference between the PUT and PATCH method is that the PUT method uses the request URI to supply a modified version of the requested resource which replaces the original version of the resource whereas the PATCH method supplies a set of instructions to modify the resource. If the PATCH document is larger than the size of the new version of the resource sent by the PUT method then the PUT method is preferred.
Using the PUT method consumes more bandwidth as compared to the PATCH method when only a few changes need to be applied to a resource. But when the PATCH method is used, it usually involves fetching the resource from the server, comparing the original and new files, creating and sending a diff file. On the server side, the server has to read the diff file and make the modifications. This involves a lot of overhead compared to the PUT method.[11] On the other hand, the PUT method requires a GET to be performed before the PUT and it is difficult to ensure that the resource is not modified between the GET and PUT requests.
So I will use PATCH for verifying a resource.
Normaly, for DELETE requests, the client specifies the id of the resource and pass it ass a Path Variable on the URL:
curl -X DELETE{id}
But you can pass a body on the request also. This possibility is stated by MDN Mozilla Web DOCS:
Request has body - May
Successful response has body - May
Even though others have answered the question in details before me but still I'm posting this just to provide a handy short difference between all of these HTTP methods
1.HTTP Post:It is used to create an item
2.HTTP Put:It is used to update an item
3.HTTP Patch:It is used to partially update an item
4.HTTP Delete:It is used to delete an item

should I use PUT to create a resource with a known id (e.g.: email)

I believe to have read some time ago that creating a resource when the id is known (e.g.: email) should be done using a PUT on that resource.
PUT /user/
is this correct?
Yes, it is correct to use
PUT resource/{id} --> 204 No Content
when the id of the resource is being specified by the client and the operation is idempotent. The operation is idempotent if doing it two or more times in a row has the same effect as doing it once.
If you use POST, you usually do not provide a client identifier. Instead the server chooses its own identifier and informs the client of the created resource's location by sending a 201 Created response with a Location header.
POST resource --> 201 Created
Location: /resource/7
Yes, it's correct to use PUT to create a resource with a known URI. PUT asks the server to replace the resource at the target URI with the resource representation in the payload, so you have to know the target URI. However, keep in mind that PUT requires a complete representation, so if you're creating or updating a resource with an incomplete representation, you should use POST.
I think what more correctly to do it throught POST on new url and create if thid id does not exists.
Because PUT method is idempotent (e. g. if you send one request many time - result would be same).