Recreating a query using OpenJPA - openjpa

THere is a oracle query that I am trying to recreate using OpenJPA. I am writing a service in Websphere integration developer, and I am using OpenJPA as my ORM tool of choice. Previously this query was performed using a stored proc, a ref cursor was used and the information was retrieved like that. Now we are trying to use OpenJPA as our tool of choice. So I am thinking that I should then reconstruct the stored proc using OpenJPA...
P.col1 as ID,
FROM EPCD13.PROVIDER P, EPCD13.provider_channel PC, EPCD13.provider_channel_link pcl,
EPCD13.provider_specialty ps, EPCD13.SPECIALTY S, EPCD13.Address A, EPCD13.ADDRESS_LINK AL
AND 9 = pc.channel_type_id (+)
Notice all those inner Joins and so forth. I am thinking right now of putting a named query in one my methods that will return the same results as above. As you may note, there are multiple tables that are being called there and joined at various points... I am thinking I can just put this query into the createNamedQuery() function with minor changes... But I am thinking there has to be a simpler way to do this? Maybe not. Can I just call a stored proc using JPA?

Because your SQL is very complex it's not easy to convert to JPQL, I suggest preserve it.
You can use OpenJPA's NativeQuery, which can do SQL query. If your SQL is not started with SELECT, it will be treated as stored proc.

You can create a JPA entity for each table and then join the entities by doing something similar to this:
Look at the #OnetoMany and #ManytoOne and #ManytoMany annotations in the example for some ideas.


Spring JPA repository and QueryDsl how to force left join

Let's say I have two entities User and Task, each user can have one task.
The issue that I'm facing is if I have one record in the user table whose email starts with a and there are no records at all in the task table.
This snippet below will return no records although I would expect users that have mail starting with a.
UserRepository in example extends QuerydslPredicateExecutor.
If I check logs, Hibernate is creating cross join with as a part of where clauses. This type of join automatically discards users whose mails are starting with a if they don't have a task assigned.
Is there a way to force usage of left join instead of a cross join in findAll method of the repository?
I know I can do it by using JPAQuery but then I would have to reimplement paging functionality...
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
// ...
I am not sure if we can do that since the findAll implementation is generated for us. However we can pass a predicate in the findAll method which will help deal with issue you are encountering.
You can try to do something like this:
QUser qUser = QUser.user;
QTask qTask = QTask.task;
JPQL<UserEntity> userJpqlQuery = JPAExpressions.selectFrom(qUser)
.leftjoin(qUser.task, qTask)
.where(, qTask.text...);
In the code above I have used Querydsl, which is an alternative to CriteriaBuilder and is type safe. Then I have created a subquery to make the selection I want and return the all users matching the subquery.
In the end , hibernate should generate something like this:
select * from User qUser0 where
select from User qUser1
left join Task qTask0 on
qUser1.taskId =
where ...

Faster/efficient alternative to IN clause in custom/native queries in spring data jpa

I have a custom query along these lines. I get the list of orderIds from outside. I have the entire order object list with me, so I can change the query in any way, if needed.
#Query("SELECT p FROM Person p INNER JOIN p.orders o WHERE o.orderId in :orderIds)")
public List<Person> findByOrderIds(#Param("orderIds") List<String> orderIds);
This query works fine, but sometimes it may have anywhere between 50-1000 entries in the orderIds list sent from outside function. So it becomes very slow, taking as much as 5-6 seconds which is not fast enough. My question is, is there a better, faster way to do this? When I googled, and on this site, I see we can use ANY, EXISTS: Postgresql: alternative to WHERE IN respective WHERE NOT IN or create a temporary table: or join this to VALUES clause: Alternative when IN clause is inputed A LOT of values (postgreSQL). All these answers are tailored towards direct SQL calls, nothing based on JPA. ANY keyword is not supported by spring-data. Not sure about creating temporary tables in custom queries. I think I can do it with native queries, but have not tried it. I am using spring-data + OpenJPA + PostgresSQL.
Can you please suggest a solution or give pointers? I apologize if I missed anything.
You can use WHERE EXISTS instead of IN Clause in a native SQL Query as well as in HQL in JPA which results in a lot of performance benefits. Please see sample below
Sample JPA Query:
SELECT emp FROM Employee emp JOIN emp.projects p where NOT EXISTS (SELECT project from Project project where p = project AND project.status <> 'Active')

Get EF generated SQL query with variables values already plugged in ("p__linq__n")

Calling .ToString() to a IQueryable will return the generated SQL query with the values of the variables not plugged in yet. So there are these p__linq__n with n=0, 1, 2... in the query itself.
eg: SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = p__linq__0
Question: Is it possible to get the final query? with the values of these variables already plugged into the query?
eg: SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = 6
EF parametrizes queries to avoid Sql injections attacks and to be able to cache and re-use the same query even if some values change. To see parameters you can use the logging feature introduced in EF6. See this blogpost series for more details.

EntityFramework 6: ExecuteStoreQueryAsync with multiple result sets

I'm using EF 6 beta1. I have a simple stored proc that returns two result sets:
#parentID int
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ParentID = #parentID
SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE ParentID = #parentID
I want to call that stored proc using my ObjectContext. I'm using database first and I have an edmx, but I don't want to import the stored proc as a function if I don't have to.
I created two simple classes Table1DTO and Table2DTO to store the results of the stored proc. For the first result set I call this:
var result1 = ExecuteStoreQueryAsync< Table1DTO >("EXEC GetItemsByParentId #parentID", new SqlParameter("parentID", parentID));
List table1DTOList = result1.ToList();
That works fine. Then for the second result set I'm trying this:
var result2 = result.GetNextResult< Table2DTO >();
List improvementDetailInfos = result2.ToList();
The problem is result2 is coming back as null. What am I missing?
This may sound like splitting hairs, but Entity Framework supports multiple result sets. The problem is that the Entity Framework Tooling does not. This has been an issue since EF 4.1/4.2. So you have three options (that I can think of):
split up your calls to only use single result sets
use an alternate technology (dapper?) for the few critical stored procedures that require multiple result sets
manually edit the EDMX to create a multi-result set mapping for GetItemsByParentId
To be honest I've wrestled with this in a number of scenarios and none of the options are great. If you're something of a masochist, I wrote up an example and answered a question on how to edit the EDMX for multiple result sets.

Struggling with Lambda expression (VB .net)

I have a relatively simple thing that I can do easily in SQL, but I'm trying to get used to using Lambda expressions, and having a hard time.
Here is a simple example. Basically I have 2 tables.
tblAction (ActionID, ActionName)
tblAudit (AuditID, ActionID, Deleted)
tblAudit may have an entry regarding tblAction with the Deleted flag set to 1.
All I want to do is select actions where we don't have a Deleted entry in tblAudit. So the SQL statement is:
Select tblAction.*
From tblAction LEFT JOIN tblAudit on tblAction.ActionID=tblAudit.ActionID
where tblAudit.Deleted <> 1
What would be the equivalent of the above in VB.Net's LINQ? I tried:
Context.Actions.Where(Function(act) Context.Audit
.Where(Function(aud) aud.Deleted=False AndAlso aud.ActionID=act.ActionID)).ToList
But that is really an inner join type scenario where it requires that each entry in tblAction also has an Entry in tblAudit. I am using Entity Framework Code First to do the database mapping. Is there a way to define the mapping in a way where you can do this?
You should add
Public Property Audits As DbSet<Audit>
into your action entity class (to register the association between those tables).
Now you can just write what you mean:
(From act in Context.Actions Where Not act.Audits.Any(Function(audit) audit.Deleted)).ToArray
which is equivalent to
Context.Actions.Where(Function(act) Not act.Audits.Any(Function(audit) audit.Deleted)).ToArray
and let the LINQ parser do the hard SQL work.