FB Connect API - cannot get friends email id - facebook

I'm developing an web application in Java and using facebook account for login to my applications. After sucessfull login i need to get the logged in facebook account user friend's details including email id's. I can get the logged in user's friend's profile details but not the email ids of them. It always shows null. How do i get the email ids of my facebook friends.
Any help is very much appreciated.

Currently, this is not supported by Facebook. You cannot get user's friends' email, regardless of what permissions the user gives your app. Refer to the this for details.


How to get facebook friends using playfab?

i have been trying to access the facebook friendlists of the facebook test users through playfab. am using this code
public void FriendLists(){
GetFriendsListRequest request = new GetFriendsListRequest ();
request.IncludeFacebookFriends = true;
PlayFabClientAPI.GetFriendsList (request, GetFriends, FriendListError);
void GetFriends(GetFriendsListResult result){
friends = result.Friends;
for(int i=0;i<friends.Count;i++){
I have saved the Facebook app id and secret in playfab/setting/secret keys
All my test users are friends with each other
I have also logged in from the individual accounts to play fab.
but the friendlist still returns a null.
where am i going wrong?
Make sure your test users have granted the permission user_friends to your app.
You can check the permission for each test user using their access token at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/.
We have a thread in our ticket system, but so others have the info:
Yes, setting IncludeFacebookFriends to true will cause the API to include Facebook friends who have also played the same game (Title ID), if those friends have also linked their Facebook account to their PlayFab account, and the token permissions allow for friend info.
The most common issue we see is a mistake when entering the Facebook App ID and Secret. Can you re-check those, to ensure they match exactly?
Next, check that the players in question have all linked their Facebook accounts. If both of those check out (given that you've already confirmed the token permissions), could you send us the PlayFab sign-in credentials for a user in this state (you can email devrel#playfab.com)?
The PlayFab Friend Manager Module is specifically designed to manage friend features. There are 4 method by which we can get facebook friends using playfab.
1.Add Friend by Email
2. Add Friend by PlayFabID
3. Add Friend by DisplayName
4.Add Friend by Username

track facebook logout

Thanks in advance.
How can I track facebook logout, when user is not on my facebook application? I've offline_access permission from my app user.
I am developing a facebook app, in which I want to show to other my app user that which (my app) user is login on facebook at this particular time.
You have no way of knowing what the user is up to when he's not in your application.
You have 2 options:
(1) Ask for the "user_online_presence" permission from the user, then check what's his status using a fql like this:
SELECT uid, name, online_presence FROM user WHERE uid=me();
(Take a look at the result in the Graph API Explorer)
(2) You can use the Chat API to connect the user to the xmpp, then you get presence messages for all of his online friends, and that can help you to maintain the online presence of a users friends.

Get Facebook User Id of my website visitors w/o auth

Is there any way to get the Facebook User Id of visitors in my website by using the FB API, but without need to ask them to authenticate my Facebook app?
All I need is some facebook-related-identifier, it does not even have to be the User Id, but any kind of identifier that can relate the user to a facebook profile.
If the user does not explicitly authorize you to get some private data from his Facebook account (included his Facebook ID), you can not get them.
I cannot think of a way to get the Facebook ID without the authorization of the user.
Hope that helps.

Facebook Connect api in php

HI, I hava a website in php where i have integrated a Facebook Connect API which enabled the Facebook login button.
I login using the button by providing my Facebook credentials. It gets logged in. I can access my profile picture, full name and some other information. But i can't access the user email id i.e. the Facebook user id. I have checked the FBML page here but i didn't get any tag that may give me the user id. I guess that Facebook might not allow me to get the id.
Please help me how to get the Facebook user id from the Facabook Connect API.
Apparently, Facebook uses an numeric increment ID instead of email addresses to uniquely identify each User entity. By Facebook API policies, email addresses are protected to prevent spam and other issues.
In order for an application to get the email addresses of a Facebook User, you will need special permissions from the User. See the API for such permissions.

How to get email of a facebook friend in an iPhone app

I am developing an iPhone application that will send email to a logged in user friends'. I am using FacebookConnect for the same. The problem is I am getting the uid of all friends but what is the way to send email to these uids(friends UID).
Also I m not able to get the email id of any of the facebook friends.Can I get the emails of the users facebook friends in my iPhone App ?
Please help me out
I don't think you can get email of friends. Although you can send an email to uids provided they have granted permission to you app.
A comma-separated list of recipient user IDs. The recipients must be people who have already authorized your application. You can email up to 100 people at a time.
Beyond general information you are require extended permissions which requires authentication (which you are using). Any extended permission works only with the user who has granted it to. So your app's user's friends will have to grant the permission to email before you can send them one. In other words, you can send a notification email to those friends of your user who have added your app and have granted you the permission to email. Facebook has this page on communicating via email.