How can I trigger an action from a tab bar item? - iphone

I have a little problem with adding actions on UITabBarItems. I am not using a TabBarController, just the tabbar with items.
I have tried the following in viewDidLoad:
[_myTabItem performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(myfunction:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
This is causing a Unrecognized Selector sent to instance exception.
Have anyone dealt with similar problem?

[_myTabItem performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(myfunction:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
from the above line of code its is clear that myfunction having an argument , but you are not passing any argument ,you set withObject:nil
Either pass required parameter for myfunction ,or just use simple myfunction { }

I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish using the performSelectorOnMainThread call. That just sends the tab bar item the myfunction: message, and obviously the bar item does not respond to that.
I don’t think the tab bar items are supposed to trigger actions. They are just building blocks for the tab bar, which then sends you – the delegate – all events as described by the UITabBarDelegate protocol. The protocol includes a tabBar:didSelectItem: method, which is how you respond to a tab bar item being pressed. (But in general, don’t think about tab bar items being pressed, think about tabs being selected.)


Refreshing the content of TabView

Ok I am trying to refresh the tab content of each of my tabs after a web call has been made, and I have tried soo many different methods to do this that I have lost count. Could someone please tell me how this is possible?
The web call just calls JSON from a server and uses it to update the content of the tabs. For testing purposes I have a button set up inside my settings class. Settings class is a view within the home tab which has a button called refresh. When clicked this takes JSON stored on the device which is different to the one called from the web call on application start up. This saves me having to change the JSON on the server.
I will take you through some of the techniques I have tried and would be grateful if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong.
I tried making an instance of the class and calling the refresh method like this
DashboardVC *db = [[DashboardVC alloc] init];
[db refreshMe];
The refresh method in dashboard class is this
-(void) refreshMe
[self loadView];
[self viewDidLoad];
However no luck. This method will work if I call it inside the Dashboard class, but wont work if I call it from another class. I think it is become I am instantiating a new class and calling refresh on that. So I dropped that technique and moved onto the next method
This loops through all the tabBars and changes the tabTitles without any issues, so it I know it is definitely looping through the ViewControllers properly.
I also tried every varient of the view methods like ViewDidAppear, viewWillAppear etc, no luck.
I also tried accessing the refreshMe method I made in the dashBoard class through the tabController like this
[[[self.tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:0] refreshMe];
But again no luck, this just causes my application to crash.
I read through this guide
on the apple website but it doesn't seem to cover how to refresh individual tab content.
All I want is to have each individual tab refresh its content after the web call is made, and have spent ages trying to figure this out, but nothing is working.
So would be very grateful if someone could show me what I am doing wrong?
Thanx in advance....
Expand on what I have tried
After discussion with Michael I realised you should never call loadView as against Apple guidelines. So I removed any references to LoadView. I have now placed a method in all the main ViewControllers called RefreshMe which sets up the views, images texts etc in the class. And this method is placed inside the ViewDidLoad. Now I want to be able to call these methods after a web call has taken place, so effectively refreshing the application.
My viewDidLoad now looks like this in all my the main classes.
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self refreshMe];
And then the refreshMe method contains the code which sets up the screen.
The JSON data pulled from the web call will set up the content of each of the 5 tabs, so need them all to be refreshed after web call.
I tried looping through the viewControllers and calling viewDidLoad, which should in turn call the refreshMe method which sets up the class, however nothing happens. Code I used was this
NSArray * tabBarViewControllers = [self.tabBarController viewControllers];
for(UIViewController * viewController in tabBarViewControllers)
[viewController viewDidLoad];
For the time being I have also included
NSLog(#"Method called");
in the viewDidLoad of each class to test if it is being called. However the message is only being printed out when I first load the application or if I re-enter the application. This method should be called after I click the refresh button in the settings screen but it isn't and I have no idea why.
Anyone have any idea why this is not working?
From the question and your comments, it sounds like there are at least two problems:
You're having trouble accessing the view controllers managed by your app's tab bar controller.
You seem to be working against the normal operation of your view controllers.
The first part should be straightforward to sort out. If you have a pointer to an object, you can send messages to that object. If the corresponding method doesn't execute, then either the pointer doesn't point where you think it does or the object doesn't have the method that you think it does. Let's look at your code:
NSArray * tabBarViewControllers = [self.tabBarController viewControllers];
for(UIViewController * viewController in tabBarViewControllers)
[viewController viewDidLoad];
This code is supposed to call -viewDidLoad on each of the view controllers managed by some tab bar controller. Leaving aside the wisdom of doing that for a moment, we can say that this code should work as expected if self.tabBarController points to the object that you think it does. You don't say where this code exists in your app -- is it part of your app delegate, part of one of the view controllers managed by the tab bar controller in question, or somewhere else? Use the debugger to step through the code. After the first line, does tabBarViewControllers contain an array of view controllers? Is the number of view controllers correct, and are they of the expected types? If the -viewDidLoad methods for your view controllers aren't being called, it's a good bet that the answer is "no," so figure out why self.tabBarController isn't what you think.
Now, it's definitely worth pointing out (as Michael did) that you shouldn't be calling -viewDidLoad in the first place. The view controller will send that method to itself after it has created its view (either loaded it from a .xib/storyboard file or created it programmatically). If you call -viewDidLoad yourself, it'll either run before the view has been created or it'll run a second time, and neither of those is helpful.
Also, it doesn't make much sense to try to "refresh" each view controller's view preemptively. If your app is retrieving some data from a web service (or anywhere else), it should use the resulting data to update its model, i.e. the data objects that the app manages. When a view controller is selected, the tab bar controller will present its view and the view controller's -viewWillAppear method will be called just before the view is displayed. Use that method to grab the data you need from the model and update the view. Doing it this way, you know that:
the view controller's view will have already been created
the data displayed in the view will be up to date, even if one of the other view controllers modified the data
you'll never spend time updating views that the user may never look at
Similarly, if the user can make any changes to the displayed data, you should ensure that you update the model either when the changes are made or else in your view controller's -viewWillDisappear method so that the next view controller will have correct data to work with.
Instead of refreshing your view controllers when updating your tab bar ordering, why not simply refresh your views right before they will appear by implementing your subclassed UIViewController's viewWillAppear: method?
What this means is that each time your view is about to appear, you can update the view for new & updated content.

Programmatically dismissing a UIAlertView on iOS 5 doesn't call didDismiss delegate method

I'm running into a problem where 9 times out of ten, when I call UIAlertView's dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:, the delegate method alertView:willDismissWithButtonIndex: is not called. Is anyone else running into this problem? I'm about to file a bug with Apple but I'm curious to see if anyone else has run into this issue and figured out any workarounds.
To ensure a consistent behavior across iOS4 and 5, you could just remove the UIAlertView's delegate just prior to calling its dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: method, then manually invoke the delegate method. e.g.
- (void)somethingDidHappen {
id<UIAlertViewDelegate> delegate = myAlertView.delegate;
myAlertView.delegate = nil;
// now, we know the delegate won't be called...
[myAlertView dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:0 animated:NO];
// we call it ourselves below
[delegate alertView:myAlertView clickedButtonAtIndex:0];
(That code isn't tested, but you get the point.)
Delegates of UI objects are only called when the user performs an action. Apple assumes that when you do something from code, you already know what you're doing and you don't need to be informed. That applies to all delegates (scrolling delegate methods of UIScrollView vs. code-scrolling, Table View manipulation, ...)
Anyway, what button index should the delegate be called with?.. there is no one when you dismiss programmatically
According to Why doesn't dismissWithClickedButtonIndex ever call clickedButtonAtIndex? the problem is that a different method is being called. However, that doesn't explain why you get erratic calls. On the devices I tested the dismiss method gets called correctly, so I only redirect it to the click version.
Maybe you should file a bug with Apple if you continue seeing the erratic behaviour.
There are alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:, alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex: and alertView:willDismissWithButtonIndex:. The method that you're referring to (clickedButtonAtIndex:) is only called when the user explicitly taps on a button on your alert view (hence 'clicked').
Programmatic calls via dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: to dismiss the alert does not seem to call alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:.
So, if you need some behavior to be always triggered upon the dismissal of the alert view—whether it was triggered by the user tapping on a button or triggered programmatically—then using the didDismissWithButtonIndex: and willDismissWithButtonIndex: makes more sense.

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar

I keep getting the following errors:
2011-04-02 14:55:23.350 AppName[42430:207] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar
2011-04-02 14:55:23.352 AppName[42430:207] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar
2011-04-02 14:55:23.729 AppName[42430:207] Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
2011-04-02 14:55:23.729 AppName[42430:207] Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
Here is what I am doing. From a view controller, I call the following when a certain button is pushed:
EventsViewController *viewController = [[EventsViewController alloc] init];
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:viewController];
navController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor blackColor];
[self presentModalViewController:navController animated:YES];
[viewController release];
[navController release];
Then, if a certain button is pushed in EventsController, I call:
SingleEventViewController *viewController = [[SingleEventViewController alloc] initWithEvent:[currentEvents objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController release];
Then, if a certain button is pushed in SingleEventViewController, I call:
EventMapView* viewController = [[EventMapView alloc] initWithCoordinates];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController release];
So yea, it's obvious that there's nested push animations, but isn't this the right way to go about it? I checked out Apple's DrillDownSave code and this appears to be how they're doing it. Does it matter that I use init methods instead of viewDidLoad methods?
Calling pushViewController before viewDidAppear is unsafe.
Once in code, and once from interface builder, but both at the same time...
I was getting the same error as the rest of you. Only my problem was I was accidentally firing the same segue, twice. Once from interface builder, and once from within my code.
I have a UITableView. When a cell is selected, a segue in interface builder fires. Heres my problem, I had the segue set up to be directly fired off clicking the CELL ITSELf, inside interface builder, then in my code, I had under didSelectRowAtIndexPath, code that would fire that same segue... like so...
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"MySegue" sender:tableView];
That means when didSelectRowAtIndexPath gets called because a row was selected, it fires the segue with the above line of code. Then interface builder, also triggers the segue, because its connected directly to the cell object in interface builder. To stop interface builder from directly firing the segue. You have to connect the segue from the top of the view controller, not nested down inside coming off of the cell itself.
So if you are having this problem for the same reason as me, that is, you are calling the same segue twice, you can fix this by unlinking the connection from the CELL DIRECTLY, to your segue, and having the segue connection originate at the top of the table hierarchy in IB, rather than nested inside the cell. Connect the segue from you View Controller itself, to the segue. If you have done this correct, when you select the segue, it should highlight the ENTIRE view it is coming from, not just the cell.
Now Apples documentation states thus under the performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: reference:
Apps normally do not need to trigger segues directly. Instead, you configure an object in Interface Builder associated with the view controller, such as a control embedded in its view hierarchy, to trigger the segue. However, you can call this method to trigger a segue programmatically, perhaps in response to some action that cannot be specified in the storyboard resource file. For example, you might call it from a custom action handler used to process shake or accelerometer events.
In my case, I have a search button for my UITableView, and whether the segue is called when the search results table is present, or the normal table view is present, had to be determined. So I needed to trigger the segue directly.
So remove the embedded control from interface builder, and just stick it on the view controller itself, then trigger the segue in your code!
Now, no more double segues! And no more errors.
I had the same problem / error message as you did just now, was looking for a solution and ended up at this thread, however, for me I found that the solution is actually having only one animated:YES when doing a nested push (I put animated:YES only for the final push), hope this helps
I've figured it out. Apparently if you call -pushViewController from outside of the -didSelectRowAtIndexPath method of a UITableViewDelegate, it doesn't work. Moving the call into that function worked. Weird.
I happened upon this same problem that resulted from a button in a nib being connected to two different actions. It tried loading both view controllers, thereby corrupting the stack.
What do you mean when you say you use init methods instead of viewDidLoad methods?
If you're pushing a new view controller before the old push has bad a chance to be actioned, you will get this sort of error. So putting certain code into init and doing things prematurely could certainly get you the error being reported.
At the point where init is being run on a view controller, the view hasn't been loaded yet!
Um I had this issue, and Im new to the whole iOS dev scene. But after looking at my connections inspector (with file's owner) in the interface builder i saw that as I had copied a button it had the previous buttons method assigned to it as well as the new method I had created. I guess that was where the nested aspect of my problem came from, as it was executing 2 different methods both of which pushed a view onto the Nav Controller. I know this has already been answered but I figured I would put this up just in case anyone else had a silly mistake like mine.
This has already been answered, but I thought this might help others as I got the same error but without using table views. I finally figured out the problem.
I had an existing button whose IBAction invoked a pushViewController. I had created a new button by copying the existing button. The new button also had an action that invoked pushViewController. When the new button was tapped (touch up inside) and the view controller was pushed, I got this error. I deleted the new button, created it from scratch, bound it to the existing outlets and actions, and the error went away.
Ran into the same problem. In my case I was missing a break in the switch statement so two segues were fired at the same time. Easy fix for me.
My problem had to do with the keyboard being active.
This was caused for me by pushing a ViewController from a textField's delegate method:
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
FilterLocationViewController *destViewController = (FilterLocationViewController *)[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"FilterLocationViewController"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:destViewController animated:YES];
By changing the code to this:
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
[_textFieldLocation resignFirstResponder]; //adding this line
FilterLocationViewController *destViewController = (FilterLocationViewController *)[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"FilterLocationViewController"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:destViewController animated:YES];
(adding the line [textField resignFirstResponder];) the problem went away.
Basically the lesson is that you shouldn't modify the navigationController stack if the keyboard is out.
Recently, I've faced the same problem. The reason was: -I was trying to pop view controller twice by mistake. you can check this crash by setting breakpoints on push and pop View controllers
1) Perhaps you could try passing the necessary variables as properties before pushing the UIViewController rather than using the init methods with parameters. Most likely you will need these parameters beyond your init method anyway.
Also, in your initWithCoordinates: method you are missing the parameters. Possibly your custom init methods are a part of the problem.
2) Just because you mentioned viewDidLoad -- this method is for initialization after a view has loaded . If you create the UIViewController in code, as it seems you do, you should use loadView to set up your subviews.
This was happening for me because of my UIControlEvents
[button addTarget:self action:#selector(callSecondView) forControlEvents:UIControlEventAllTouchEvents];
I had to change the UIControlEventAllTouchEvents to UIControlEventTouchUpInside or however you want your button to work if you had the issue because of a UIButton call.
My Solution was
[self performSelector:#selector(moveTo) withObject:nil
Don't know about other's. I think most of the People using StoryBoard is facing such Problem. I am using XIB.
In my case The Problem Was, when I was moving to another view using push,
I was also using
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
in the ViewWillDisappear of the current View at the same time. Just remove it and it works fine.
I was using POP, because of the requirement and the Flow.
The Hierarchy was 1 -> 2 ->3
I was on view 2 and wanted to move to view 3. In that case I encountered this error.
In my case I was both setting the push segue from the storyboard and programatically. Hopefully that'll help anyone
I had this error message too, and the navigation bar and navigation controller transitions were weird. My setup was a bunch of Navigation Controllers embedded in a Tab bar Controller. The problem was that I didn't call super.viewDidLoad() in my Tab bar Controller implementation of viewDidLoad.
Calling super is something the docs clearly point out that you should do when overriding viewDidLoad, and I learned this the hard way.
Maybe this can help someone else too!
I know that this was answered, but it could help others.
I had the same problem, but it was caused because I was using a bad event for an info button.
I was using "UIControlEventAllTouchEvents" and this generated two push of the same view into the navigation controller. The correct event was "UIControlEventTouchUpInside". I'm new to iOS.
This resolves the problem:
If you push (or pop) a view controller with animation(animated:YES) it doesn't complete right away, and bad things happen if you do another push or pop before the animation completes.
To reproduce this bug, try pushing or popping two view controllers at the same time. Example:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
You will receive this error:
2014-07-03 11:54:25.051 Demo[2840:60b] nested push animation can
result in corrupted navigation bar 2014-07-03 11:54:25.406
Demo[2840:60b] Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected
state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
Just add the code files into your project and makes your navigation controller as a subclass of APBaseNavigationController, and you'll be good to do.
Just to complete the list, here is another reason which can cause "nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar":
I did setup several NavigationController within a TabBarController and set
the selectedIndex within the storyboard Identifiy Properties. After moving active Tab to Code error disappeared.

How to call method automatically when switching views in TabBar app with a single ViewController

My application uses UITabBarController with 4 tabs. Each tab will have a UIWebView along with other types of objects. When the app launches I need to call the method for this first webView to retrieve my web content.
I have this method in my viewdidLoad:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(getAdvisory) withObject:nil];
The web content on the first tab works fine. I'm just at a loss to get my other tabs to load up. I think I would use a switch or if statement but I do not know how to tell which view is loaded.
I need to do the same for the rest of the tabs. The app has a single view controller.
When setting an action using a button everything works fine. I just do not know how to call the method when a different view (tapping tabs) loads.
Also when retrieving data from the network, what are the best methods to use to not tie up the main thread? I have read where NSOperation would be used in this scenario. Is this correct? If so how would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.
I was looking for a solution to this problem and there is a better method.
Simply override the viewDidAppear method and insert the code you want to execute when the view does appear!
As an example the following code will call myMethod.
-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[self MyMethod];
maybe by using a user delegate of your UITabBar and the method:
- (void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item
Sent to the delegate when the user selects a tab bar item.
See reference.

UIBarButtonItem ignoring just about every action, ever

I have a toolbar, in which is placed a UIBarButtonItem. The selector is targeted at a custom view of mine; a method with this signature:
However, clicking it does not cause any action to occur. The buttonitem doesn't appear to respond to the click either, it just stays gray.
Linking a UIButton's TouchUpInside event to the pop method is fine, it operates the method and displays the popover. But as soon as I connect the BarButtonItem's selector to it instead, it stops responding.
Make sure the selector has no colon after it - #selector(pop). If you use #selector(pop:) it expects a (void)pop:(id)sender { ... } function.