I am using ruby 1.9.2 and sinatra 1.3.2, Datamapper
I get error: "can't convert nil into Hash"
in /new_record i have a form, and when submitting the form (with some blank fields) instead of getting validation messages i get this error!
here post '/new_record' - because I populating this form with some values of previous form
post '/new_record' do
#projects = Project.all
#date = DateTime.parse(params[:report][:date])
erb :new_record
post '/create_record' do
#user = User.get(current_user.id)
if #user.records.create(params[:record])
flash(:notice => "Report created successfully!")
redirect "/"
#projects = Project.all
#date = DateTime.parse(params[:report][:date])
erb :new_record
I can't guess why because similar form works well:
get '/new' do
#session[:user_id] = nil
title "Create new account"
erb :new_user
post '/create' do
#user = User.new(params[:user])
if #user.save
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect "/"
erb :new_user
I think it is something with #user.records.create(params[:record]) with create method, that it tries to build hash, but why if it can't build a hash just don't throw error that it couldn't save (build) #user.records dependency ?
Is there any way to work around this? Because I would like to build record using relationship.
Thanks in advice!
DataMapper is not throwing an error that it couldn't save because it detects a problem even before it tries to save the record. (Also notice that, by default, DataMapper doesn't throw exceptions anyway -- you have to enable it.)
create takes a hash with the values you want to set as input. So, according to the mesasge you are reporting, apparently a nil was passed to it -- and it's complaining that it can't convert a nil to a Hash.
Try something like this:
#user.records.create({:column => params[:record]})
I apologize if this is too vague a question, but we're having the following problem:
We use a search form to find a record, then load it in a bound-control form where changes are made. Then we return to the search form and open another record. When we do that, the form's BeforeUpdate property fires a 3020 error, "Update without Add New or Edit" and stepping through the code it's referring to the FIRST opened record. This is strange because there is no explicit update call, but after much trial and error I think the error is thus:
Record #1 is opened via the form and changes are made. Record #2 is opened on that same form without closing the first recordset. Even though we now re-opened the form with the second record, Access still assumes we're editing record 1, i.e. that we're trying to edit 2 records concurrently. Same as though we had a datasheet form and we edited one row and then tried to edit a second row without saving the first. What I want to be able to do is have it automatically do an update on the first record when the form deactivates so loading a new record doesn't cause this conflict.
So the bottom line is this: **Is there a way, on say the form's Dirty or Deactivate event, that we can force the form's recordset to update and close ** before loading a second record?
I hope I made this clear enough, it's a complex problem, so any small guidance would help. Btw, you may ask, "Why are you running the same code to open the same form twice?" Good question! Hey it's an old and badly written app (the thing has GoSubs in it for Pete's sake) but I have no choice but to make the best of a bad situation.
EDIT: I was asked to post code, which is reasonable, but it's in several different places. So I have the data form, it has a "Search" button to go back to the search form for opening another record. The search button on the data entry form is:
Private Sub CommandSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CommandSearch_Click
DoCmd.OpenForm "Reference Form", acNormal 'This is the form that does the searching
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CommandSearch_Click
End Sub
When a record is selected on that search form, then the new form is opened with this code. Now this is where it gets tricky. I'm not the original programmer, as I said I think it was written in Access 97 by someone after taking an hour to read "Access for Dummies" :). But it always looks like only one copy of the form is open, so maybe it's re-opening it?
Public Sub CommandLoadCase_Click()
Dim LoadUTUCaseNumber As String, lengthUTUCaseNumber As Integer
lengthUTUCaseNumber = InStr(Forms![Reference Form]![Reference Query SubForm]![UTU Case Number], "-") - 1
If (lengthUTUCaseNumber = 0) Then
LoadUTUCaseNumber = ""
LoadUTUCaseNumber = Left$(Forms![Reference Form]![Reference Query SubForm]![UTU Case Number], lengthUTUCaseNumber)
End If
On Error Resume Next
Forms![Case Appeal_Add-On Form].UTUCaseKeyToFind = LoadUTUCaseNumber
DoCmd.OpenForm "Case Appeal_Add-On Form", acNormal, , , , , LoadUTUCaseNumber
'Case Appeal Add On Form referred to here is the data entry form I refer to above.
End Sub
Finally, the Error 3020 (Update without Add/Edit) is occurring after it executes this line on the data entry form. (I know the code is complicated which is why I didn't enter it at first).
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
[UTU Claim Sequence Key] = [UTU Claim Alpha Sequence] & CStr([UTU Claim Numeric Sequence])
End Sub
I figured out how to get the focus on my subform. If it is a subform then :
ParentFormName = frm.Parent.Name
SubFormName = frm.Name
This seems to work (although Andre451's post is more effective). But this resulted in the underlying problem of my subform causing the suspended state. My subform is relatively big (194 records) and when doing a MoveFirst/Last on the recordset of larger records I get the error 3021 (no current record). This probably has something to do with the entire recordset of the subform isn't loaded on the load event of the main form. Smaller recordsets can be looped faster so won't generate the error (this is just an assumption though).
The new question is: How can I avoid the 3021 error and let the subform records load entirely so I can move through them with either:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToLast
A while a go we migrated our Access data to a SQL server with still using the Access as the frontend. We did this by linking the SQL Server tables with Access and this all works (almost) fine. Recently however we encountered a problem with Access queries getting in suspended state on the SQL server (mainly happens on queries in combo boxes).
After some research we figured out that this could be solved by looping through the query records on the load of the form (so by doing a simple acCmdRecordsGoToLast and acCmdRecordsGoToFirst) and this seems to work.
So to counter this suspended state we added to each forms load an init that runs through the records of the recordsource and rowsource (the main forms recordsource, the comboxes rowsource etc.).
So on a forms load:
This init is in a module and looks like this:
Dim InitFormResult As Boolean
InitFormResult = InitFormRecordSource(frm) ' Initialize the recordsource of the form
InitFormComboBoxes frm ' Initialize all the comboboxes on the form
InitFormCommandButton frm ' Initialize all the buttons on the form
The first init of the forms RecordSource (where the error happens) looks like this:
Public Function InitFormRecordSource(frm As Form) As Boolean
If frm.RecordSource <> "" Then ' if recordsource found
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToLast
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToFirst
GoTo EndSuccess
MsgBox (Err.Number)
Debug.Print "ERROR during InitFormRecordSource in form : " & frm.Name
InitFormRecordSource = False
Exit Function
InitFormRecordSource = True
InitFormRecordSource = True
End If
End Function
To run through the forms recordset with First and Last it needs to have the focus. This all works great for one form but it doesn't for Subforms in a main form. In subforms we want to counter the suspended state as well by also running through the subforms records, though when using the above code we keep getting the error 2449.
After some research I encountered this post: Module Function frm.setfocus runtime 2449 error which is more or less the same problem. So I figured out that a subform needs to be given it's focus in a different way, yet all my efforts to do this won't work.
What I tried so far:
If frm.RecordSource <> "" Then ' if recordsource found
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim HasParent As Boolean
Dim sParentForm
HasParent = TypeName(frm.Parent.Name) = "String"
If HasParent = True Then 'The form is a subform
'sParentForm = frm.Parent
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToLast
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToFirst
GoTo EndSuccess
The tried fixes are all commented out in the above code. The HasParent does work, with this I can check if the form is a subform (it has a parent) or not and setting the focus differently.
Though I can't seem to get the focus on the subform and I don't quite know how to get it fixed!
I have had a similar problem, queries on Sql Server 2008 R2 going into a "ASYNC_NETWORK_IO" wait state, until the last record was loaded.
My solution: don't use the form itself to go to the last record, but its .RecordsetClone:
I make a form in drupal to store data (for annonymous user) so when the form is validate i would like to save it to access it from all page but that does not work outside this function the variable is NULL
can you help me or have you another method to proceed ?
function myform_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$GLOBALS ['info'] = $info;
When a Drupal form is evaluated, it executes any code, including database changes. But then it redirects the user to a new page, which discards the PHP session, including $GLOBALS, among other things.
The more Drupally way is to use persistent variables, which are stored in the "variables" database table.
The variable_set function can be used here. So replace
### $GLOBALS['info'] = $info ### replace with:
variable_set('mymodule_info', $info);
and then when you access it, instead of using $GLOBALS, just use
$info = variable_get('mymodule_info', NULL);
You can use any name to specify the variable. I add NULL as a second parameter to variable_get in case the value isn't present in the database.
If the data is associated with a particular user, you might need to do something like
global $user;
variable_set('mymodule_info_uid_' . $user->uid, $info);
and then to retrieve the data use
global $user;
$info = variable_get('mymodule_info_uid_' . $user->uid, NULL);
EDIT: Ah, now I see you're dealing with anonymous users. In that case, PHP can identify anonymous users for you by giving a session id that can be used in the same way:
variable_set('mymodule_info_session_' . session_id(), $info);
variable_get('mymodule_info_session_' . session_id(), NULL);
This should be persistent for an anonymous user's browsing session.
The issue with this approach is that you'll need to come up with some way of clearing these out. You'll probably need to store a timestamp in the $info variable and have a cron job to delete expired entries from the variable table.
I've been messing around with CGI::application the past couple of days and decided to create a really basic forum: the first page displays all posts (only first level, no replies or anything) and a form which can be used to create a new post.
The issue I'm running into is that the data that gets entered into the form never gets inserted into the SQLite database.
Here's the sub procedure I'm having trouble with:
sub newpost {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->param() ){
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$database_file","","");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO posts (author, time, text) VALUES('testuser', '2011-10-23', 'This is a test!')");
$self->header_props(-url=> '?rm=viewall');
else {
my $tmpl_obj = $self->load_tmpl('newpost.html');
return $tmpl_obj->output();
What happens correctly is that when the newpost run mode is first called, the code within the else statement is run (the template with the form is loaded). The action for the form calls this same run mode, but now that parameters are being provided, the code in the if statement is run. I've checked the SQL code itself and it works, so there must be something else I'm over looking.
Also, is it considered best practice to go about implementing the form logic in this way?
You're confusing $self->param() with $self->query->param. The 1st is per-request application level parameters (stuff you might set in one method and use again in another method) and the 2nd are the parameters from the GET query string or the POST body of the request. If you're expecting something from the user it will be in $self->query->param.
BTW, the $self->query object is a normal CGI object, so see it's documentation for specifics.
I have created a doctype in umbraco which has one of the following property:
Property - Case study link
Datatype - Content picker
I need to fetch the URL of this document in a Razor macro and assign it to a hyperlink.
Currently am doing it in this way but it's giving me an error:
#foreach (var item in #Model.OurWork){
Read case study
And here is the error I get on viewing the page:
Error loading Razor Script OurWorkGrid.cshtml The best overloaded
method match for 'umbraco.library.NiceUrl(int)' has some invalid
I have tried outputting the node id without using the niceURL() function and it works fine (outputs 1088).
Read case study
results in this:
Read case study
But as soon as I put back NiceURL() function, it chokes again.
I really don't know what am I doing wrong here!
Instead of using the umbraco library method, try loading the node with the ID first, and then using the Url property to get the nice URL.
#foreach (var item in #Model.OurWork){
var caseStudyNode = #Model.NodeById(item.caseStudyLink);
Read case study
Also, add some form of a check to make sure the value is set, in case it's not a mandatory property on the doc type. Here's one example:
if (#item.HasProperty("caseStudyLink") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(#item.caseStudyLink))
Try something like:
#foreach (var item in #Model.OurWork){
Read case study
You may want to check first whether item.caseStudyLink contains a value because this will throw an error otherwise.