Running Matlab MCR and MATLAB on the Same Machine - matlab

I'm having trouble getting a compiled .exe file to run with MCR instead of Matlab (I can tell because the program is using multiple threads, which it would not do if it were running with MCR). The MATLAB documentation ( says:
"To run deployed components against the MCR install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
If mcr_root\ver\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MCR install area.
If matlabroot\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MATLAB Compiler installation area."
Can anyone connect the dots a bit more for me? I don't know what this means. Thanks!

I had the same problem: my compiled code was multithreaded, which I did not want.
The problem got solved by compiling with the option:
-R -singleCompThread

You need to set properly the PATH global environment variable in Windows. How you do it exactly depends on Windows version.
Here is the first link from Google by query "set path on Windows":
This variable is a list of directories. Make sure you have a directory with MCR executable earlier in this list than a directory with MATLAB executable.


library error after compiling

Using 2012b on Centos6 I compiled my code using deploytool.
To be sure I'm doing things correctly, I re-install the MCR to make sure I'm using the exact version matlab wants me to use. Following the instructions after installing the MCR (v83) I append the corresponding paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR.
When I use the script. It echos out the library paths and I can see that the MCR paths are correct.
However, at the startup of my compiled program, I'm getting this error:
"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
Anyone out there have a way to fix this? For example, is it a problem with my system configuration or a problem with my deployment?
The plot thickens. I noticed that in the MCR installation, I only have How does the deploytool not give me the version I need?
You need to download MCR version 8.0 for r2012b. Please see the table here : MCR Version Table

MATLAB 2014a (8.3) Compiler Runtime Errors

MATLAB 2014a (8.3) Runtime Compiler (MCR) Errors when trying to launch deployed (using
deploy tool) application in Ubuntu 13.04.
Right after installation of MCR if one runs the deployed application following error appears:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Since I have already found a solution to this problem wasting a day, I just want to share it:
This seems to be a problem of MATLAB MCR installation script designed for Linux by MathWorks. Furthermore, it is a result of a known Ubuntu bug. To fix it, add your MCR to the $PATH as shown below:
First make sure to add the missing files to the right folder, in terminal:
sudo cp /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/runtime/glnxa64/* /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/bin/glnxa64
Add the proper library folder to your .profile, such that this change will stay after logout
ubuntu: gedit .profile
In the end of the file add following lines:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/bin/glnxa64
export XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/X11/app-defaults
Invoke following code in the terminal to make sure that Ubuntu bug doesn't re-write your variable:
echo STARTUP=\"/usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} \${STARTUP}\" | sudo tee /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90preserve_ld_library_path
If this solution doesn't work, try to reinstall MATLAB MCR 8.3 from the MathWorks website and repeat the steps.
In my case (Matlab R2016b = v91), the binary generated by Matlab was accompanied by a shell script which sets up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for me. If I just run
it complains about the missing <deployedMCRroot>. So running the script with
./ /home/user/MatlabMCR/v91
it worked out of the box.
For me, it was not obvious that the path shown above is the <deployedMCRroot> because I chose /home/user/MatlabMCR as installation directory. And with the wrong path specified, it led to the same error message.

Error: Invalid MEX file, the specified module could not be found

I have compiled Mex file successfully on my laptop. But when I am running it, it says Invalid mex file 'c:\newfolder\filename.mexw32' The specified module could not be found.
System specification:
OS: windows 7
MATLAB 2010a
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
The same mex file is compiled and run successfully on my PC under XP SP3.
This MathWorks support link suggests two possible reasons to your problem:
You do not have all of the necessary libraries that the MEX-function is dependent upon.
You are running a MEX-file on a different version of MATLAB than it was compiled on.
Either way, to locate the source of this error it says that you need to list all dependent library files and verify their existence in the system you're trying to run the MEX file on, and also recommends the Dependecy Walker as the tool to to do that.
Do you you the mex file on another system than the one it is created on?
If so, then you need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable on that machine.
I had this problem also when upgrading from Matlab2010a/VS2008 to Matlab2013a/VS2010.
All my environment variables were sent correctly.
A reboot fixed problems with OpenCV dlls not being found, I assume that it was still trying to link to the OpenCV dlls for VS2008 (even though I had changed the path). However still my mex file could not find libmex.dll.
When I installed Matlab2013a, I did not uninstall the old version (in case I wanted to go back).
However that was the cause of my problem.
Once I uninstalled the old version of Matlab and rebooted again, the problem was gone.
I had a similar problem. I was only linking against 1 'lib' so I simply copied that lib into the same folder as the mexw64 and it worked.
I have not poked around for the correct place to tell MATLAB to add the lib's real location to whatever path it's looking at.

MCR Installation

So I have a MATLAB program that I made and compiled in Matlab R2011b. Now I want to distribute the compiled version. I understand the user will have to install MCR on their computers to run my program. My question is: will it make a difference if this user already has some other version of MATLAB installed on his system. I checked MATLAB help and this was written
"Windows. To run deployed components against the MCR install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
To run deployed components against the MCR install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
If mcr_root\ver\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MCR install area.
If matlabroot\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MATLAB Compiler installation area."
So does each user has to change his system paths as instructed or will my program work even without this change?
Yes, if the target machine has a version of Matlab installed things will likely not work as expected. I say likely as if you have the the same version of Matlab installed on the target machine some things might work ok.
To avoid all of this you must ensure the MCR appears first on the path.
To run the application on the MCR on your local development machine you should make sure the MCR path appears before Matlab's path.
I can talk just from the viewpoint of my own experience:
Part 1, matlab + MCR of the same version
I think, this is just a recommendation... I never cared about it, and I never had problems with it...
It would work, and you, most probably, won't notice any difference.
I've just changed those records in PATH upside-down, and my compiled app is still working.
Part 2, several MCRs of different version
Multiple MCRs, say, R2010b and R2012b won't interfere. Tested 100+ times. So, unexperienced end user, who don't have Matlab, won't have to edit PATH.

Runtime error for MCC compiled program using parfor

I have problems running a program compiled with MCC that uses parfor. The non-compiled .m version works (no bug). When I run the compiled version, I get
"distcomp.remoteparfor" is undefined. I believe I exactly have the error described in
the following link.
However, since MCR is not installed on my machine (got Matlab and MCC),
I am wondering what the pathes $APPNAME_mcr/java/jar/toolbox and
$MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox correspond to. I found
the distcomp.jar file in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\java\jar\toolbox, but I don't know where to put it since see any path corresponding to $MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox since MCR is not installed.
Thanks a lot!
No need to install the MCR if you are simply trying to run the application on the same machine that has MATLAB. The question to ask is, HOW are you launching the compiled application? From a DOS command window? From within MATLAB using the SYSTEM command?
If you are launching the application from a DOS / UNIX command line, then the important thing to keep in mind is that the MATLAB binaries need to be on your system path i.e. just make sure:
is on your system path. Where $MATLABROOT is the matlab installation folder, and $ARCH is your system architecture. For example:
on my machine since my installation folder which contains MATLAB is:
and i am on a win64 machine.
The problem is solved. The solution is to make the program
a function instead of a script :