Do we need to deploy binaries + (pdb files + xml file)? - deployment

When deploying our .NET application (consisting of web and WCF services) do we need all files from the bin folder including the pdb debug files amd xml ) or will the binaries suffice ? We dont need to debug to the server.
At the moment we have binaries like system.web.helpers.dll as well as the system.web.helpers.xml

you don't need .pdb files if you don't need debugger info


how to download war files from wildfly 8

Wildfly 8:
Where are the deployed war files located on the server file system?
How do I download them? I tried using the JBoss CLI as well as the Web Interface.
Found the war files to be located here. In this directory I found several subdirectories. The war files were all named content and did not have an extension. I could figure out what they were based on file size and timestamp.
wildfly location\standalone\data\content
You want the files 'after' they have been deployed? This generally isn't a good idea as it isn't guaranteed to be exactly the same as the source archive.
The standard location for the deployment archives is ./standalone/deployments/ although this can be changed in the configuration.
After an archive is deployed you can see the exact location of there the deployed archive came from in the configuration, it will be written to the bottom of the xml file.
There is a download button to download the .war
in the management console localhost:9990
click the view button near your war
on top you will find a download icon
I found it in the %WILDFLY_HOME%\standalone\temp\ directory. If it is not present there then you can perform a search in all the subdirectories of the wildfly.

How to Copy Files on War Start

I have a number for Word Docs and PDFs that need to be copied to a file storage on start of my Grails app.
I figured I can just leverage BootStrap.groovy to check for existing files then copy if none found. However, I don't know the best practice of including the files into the WAR file.
How can I copy these files?
I don't know if it is a best practice, however we have all our external files into web-app directory. i.e. We have directories reports and pdf besides css and images directories. All that files are package and deploy into war file.

Tell Glassfish to Use Existing Zip File

I am using Glassfish 3.1.2 with Dojo 1.7 and would like to shorten the build process, it's taking quite a while for maven to copy the dojo js files each build. I could use the CDN version dojo but I would like to be able to debug when offline. Is there a way to tell Glassfish to use the pre-zipped dojo source file? Just to be clear, I don't want Glassfish to zip the files for me.
Can you place the desired resources in an independent WAR file, and deploy separately? You'll have a context path to the resources (diff URL) that is dependent on the new WAR file, but you'll be able to deploy it once.
If that's not satisfactory, you could alternatively write a small servlet (packaged in your normal app) to expose resources that you locate (*.getClass().getResourceStream()) from a jar file you've placed in glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib. This is trivial to do via a restful-ws, also some libraries (primefaces) facilitate exposing resources.

WAS related files getting packaged in ear

I have got an ear file to deploy on WAS. In the ear file, I see the war file, the jar files and other static stuff. But I also see files like variales.xml,security.xml and deployment.xml although the ant build script did not generate these files.
Where did these extra files come from? What purpose do they serve?
These files are part of a feature known as Enhanced EARs. See the WebSphere Application Server V7: Packaging Applications for Deployment redbook for more information. In short, application-specific configuration can be included in the application to minimize the per-server configuration that an administrator must perform when installing an application.

GWT Deployment Confusion, Please give some guidelines

I wanted to know one thing. When deploying a GWT application on
the server, lets say an application in which there are client files,, and server
file, only the client files will converted to
javascript. After compilation, I take the war file and place it on the
server, but where to place the server file that is
The war file will also contain a /WEB-INF folder with the web.xml your libs and the other java classes needed for the server side.
So you only need to copy your war file in the proper webapps folder from your server.