Typo3 foreign_table & foreign_table_where in TCA - typo3

I am struggling with the following problem.
I have two database tables, "Books" and "Category". I am getting all the data from "books"-table via Sysfolder in Backends List-view for editing, sorting and controlling them.
What I would like to get, is that there would be in that list view also the name of the category where the book belongs.
In "Books"-table there is a field foreign-key "category_id" which defines that for which category the Book belongs. I have tried via this "category_id" to get the name of the Category in List-view of the Books.
When I define in TCA['books'] that category_id like:
'category_id' => array (
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'Cat name',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'category',
'foreign_table_where' => 'AND category.id=###REC_FIELD_category_id###',
'eval' => 'int',
'checkbox' => '0',
'default' => 0
it connects the Books and Categories using category_id (in Books-table) and uid (in Category-table).
Not like I would like, that it would connect them using category_id(in Books-table) and id(in Category-table). This id is a id of the category and can be different that uid.
Am I doing something wrong or does Typo3 somehow automatically makes this "connection" to foreign tables uid. ? Is there some way to get it like I would like?

I'm afraid it's not possible to specify different foreign key. So unless somebody proves me wrong, here is a workaround that I would use.
itemsProcFunc of the select type allows you to completely override the items in the menu and thus create a different relation.
Create an extra class that will be loaded in the backend only and that will have the method that will be called in the itemsProcFunc:
yourMethod($PA, $fobj)
Make the method to load all the categories you want to have in the SELECT box and set them in the $PA['items'] by completely overriding it so that it is an array of arrays where the 0 key is element title and 1 key is the category ID that you want. See items in select.
$PA['items'] = array(array($title, $id, ''));
Include the class in the ext_tables.php:
if(TYPO3_MODE == 'BE') require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath($_EXTKEY).'class.YOUR_CLASS.php');
Set the config for the category field in the books table:
'itemsProcFunc' => 'tx_YOUR_CLASS->yourMethod',

In addition to the great answer of cascaval:
#cascaval: Do you mind pointing to the select.items in the Typo3TCA in the select links? The current links aren't straight forward.
(no permission to comment to your answer, so had to answer myself just for this link ... weird)


Compound fields in search

I'm trying to get first name and last name from a related table
I've tried using an accessor on the related table which works fine when loading the page and for adding/editing but when searching it shows an error
Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'FullName' in 'where clause'
This column obviously does not exist.
So I have this in my related model
return $this->attributes['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->attributes['last_name'];
And under the Backpack crud Controller I have
$this->crud->addColumn([ // n-n relationship (with pivot table)
'label' => 'Account', // Table column heading
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'user_id', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
'entity' => 'user', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
'attribute' => 'FullName', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
'model' => "App\Models\BackpackUser", // foreign key model
Where am I making a mistake, input would be very much appreciated.
That needs a real column.
You can use a view (like you already do) or a model_function column to format the table cell value in your model class - https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/3.5/crud-columns#model_function
Just see what's simpler for you.
Note: if ordering or searching doesn't work as expected see https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/3.5/crud-columns#custom-search-logic-for-columns and https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/3.5/crud-columns#custom-order-logic-for-columns

How to use/link sys_category field in custom model in TYPO3

I am developing an extension in which I am uploading files and for each file upload I need to have one or more categories associated with it.
I have built a custom category model and it shows fine at the backend when creating a record, but I want to show/link the sys_category records instead of my own custom categories.
How do I link that field in my custom model?
If anyone else stumbles upon this, I found the solution from the documentation thanks to #larry-pete.
Simply add these lines to your ext_tables.php file in your extension folder.
// Add an extra categories selection field to the pages table
// Set a custom label
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:ext_key/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:additional_categories',
// This field should not be an exclude-field
'exclude' => FALSE,
// Override generic configuration, e.g. sort by title rather than by sorting
'fieldConfiguration' => array(
'foreign_table_where' => ' AND sys_category.sys_language_uid IN (-1, 0) ORDER BY sys_category.title ASC',
// string (keyword), see TCA reference for details
'l10n_mode' => 'exclude',
// list of keywords, see TCA reference for details
'l10n_display' => 'hideDiff',
Hope it helps someone.

How to add custom subpanel on detail view page without relationship

How to add custom subpanel on detail view page without relationship
Eg.: I want to add Accounts subpanel on Leads Detail View Page.
This might give you an edge towards the correct answer but you should be aware that it is fairly involved.
You can create a custom dashlet by adding a file to the director custom/Extension/modules/Leads/Ext/Layout/name_this_file_anything.php
The content of the file should be something add a new element to the array $layout_defs['Leads']['subpanel_setup']. You can probably find what to add from the layout defs files in the existing modules directory.
If you need to create a custom subpanel that is quite a bit more work and involves creating a function called "getSubpanelQueryParts($params)" which queries the required records and returns an array of query parts and adds an element to the subpanel_setup/custom_dashlet array which reads something like this:
'collection_list' => array(
'calls_opportunities' => array(
'subpanel_name' => 'ForAccounts',
'module' => 'Calls',
'get_subpanel_data' => 'function:getSubpanelQueryParts', // here custom method defined
'generate_select' => true, // to build custom SQL query
'function_parameters' => array(
'import_function_file' => 'custom/application/Ext/Utils/custom_calls_opportunities.php',
'return_as_array' => 'true'
), // to get data for subpanel collection item

Symfony2 entityaudit: Add field on revision table

I have 2 entities in my bundle that are audited via simplethings/entity-audit.
I would like to add a field to REVISIONS table call "reason". Every time a user updates or delete an entity, he/she needs to especicify an reason for doing that (why updating/deleting) via form, and this reason should be associated to the entity revision.
How would you guys do it? I dont have much experience in OOP.
Thank you very much in advance.
for adding field you need to add field in your database like 'ip' next you change your bundle in file "logRevisionsListener.php"
private function getRevisionId()
if ($this->revisionId === null) {
$this->conn->insert($this->config->getRevisionTableName(), array(
'timestamp' => date_create('now'),
'username' => $this->config->getCurrentUsername(),
'ip' => $this->config->getCurrentUsername(),(not correct just for test it give me the user name)
), array(
I added here the ip field and change your Revision.php file by adding your field with the getter method

How to get the value of the form field in drupal 7?

I have added a field on the page_node_form with the following code.
case 'page_node_form':
$form['comment_popup'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Comments popup'),
'#options' => array('On' => 'On', 'Off' => 'Off'),
As the comment form appears on the node so I want when the comment_popup field has the value Off then the subject field should not be displayed in the comment form and when the comment_popup field has the value 'On' then the subject field should be displayed.
I have tried the following code but it did not work.
case 'comment_node_page_form':
if($form_state['comment_popup']['#value'] == 'Off') {
Any one who can help me?
What you're doing can't work I'm afraid, you're setting an element in one form and then trying to read it from another form which doesn't make sense.
What you need to do is add a submit handler to the page_node_form function which saves the comment_popup value for that node to a custom table. Then in the form alter for `comment_node_page_form' you need to read in the comment_popup data for that particular node, and make the access decisions to the form elements based on that.
Hope that helps