ARC : Is this approach correct - iphone

This may sound a newbie question however I'm new to iOS dev.
I've following code in my project, the project is ARC enabled, and I get error on its execution (bad access), and would like to understand the cause of the problem and solve it.
on some button press following code is invoked in MTClassA.m file
-(void) someMethod
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
(param1 and param2 are location variables)
mFlickr = [[MTFlickr alloc] initWithParam1:param1 param2:mparam2];
mFlickr.delegate = self;
[mFlickr fetchImages];
in MTClassA.h header file mFlickr is declared as MTFlickr* mFlickr so default it it with __strong qualifier.
the callback function of fetchImages class is following
- (void)didRecieveImageLinksFromFlickr:(NSArray*)response
param1:(NSString*)param1 param2:(NSString*)param2 {
So basically I would like to know is it correct to create mFlickr objects this way in for loop and expect the callback to work correctly, if no please suggest what need to be changed ?
P.S. Do I need to change mFlickr to local variable ? If yes how should I be guaranteed that param1 and param2 methods are the one's that I've passed for teach iteration in for loop ?

You are creating multiple instances of the mFlickr object within your loop, and presumably assigning them to the same instance variable. Under ARC an assignment to an instance variable will automatically release the previous value, so your mFlickr objects are getting destroyed as soon as they are created (except the last one).
Presumably your mFlickr object is setting itself as a delegate for a URL request, it is probably this callback which is failing since the request's delegate no longer exists.
If you are creating multiple instances you should store them in an array instance variable. The callback should include a reference to the particular instance that has returned, and at this point, you remove it from the array.

You don't need to change the mFLicker to local variable. The only thing that i found in your code wrong is that, you are immediately setting mFlicker to self after initializing it. i think you must want to set the delegate of the mFlicker that you can do it by
[mFlicker setDelegate:self]

Did you set #property for mFlicker?
#property(nonatomic, retain) MTFlickr *mflicker;
#synthesis mflicker;
I also had similar experience, ARC was releasing my object after initialization.
so try changing your code to
self.mFlickr = [[MTFlickr alloc] initWithParam1:param1 param2:mparam2];
mFlickr.delegate = self;
[mFlickr fetchImages];
I am also not sure but i just wanted to provide some help


When to use properties and allocation initializing

I was just working on my application where I needed to set an instance variable of NSMutableData a value. Now I also created a property for my instance variable which means that my program automatically allocates it etc, right? But then I assigned it a value but it was not taking it but staying null. I then manually allocated it and then it suddenly accepted the value. So now my question is what is the need for properties and why do I have to manually allocate my instance variable although I have a property set up for it?
Thanks in advance!
edit: my code:
in my .h file I have
#interface FirstScreen : UIViewController{
NSMutableData* fetchedData;
#property(nonatomic, retain)NSMutableData*fetchedData;
in my .m file I have:
-(void) connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection{
NSString* fetchedDataString= [[NSString alloc]initWithData:fetchedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Now if I do not implement:
self.fetchedData=[[NSMUtableData alloc]init];
fetchedDataString does not have any value. However if it is allocated it has a value. I am confuces when to allocate instance variables and when not to.
It doesn't allocate. All properties do for you is define the instance variable & implement accessor methods.
I'm assuming by "assigning a value" you mean trying to set the contents of the NSMutableData object you thought had been allocated for you.
Now I also created a property for my instance variable which means
that my program automatically allocates it etc, right?
Wrong. If you synthesize accessors for the property, an ivar will also be created for it if you haven't created one. But your property is just a pointer... it doesn't point to anything until you create an object for it to point to, and set it:
self.fetchedData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
That's C. What you're saying is true for every single variable, whether it's local or an instance variable. It's one thing to declare storage for a variable (that's all you're doing by declaring a property). It's another to give it a value. This declaration in code:
NSMutableArray* arr;
...does not cause arr to take on any particular value (under ARC it's nil; prior to ARC it could be anything at all). It is certainly not an empty mutable array! But that's exactly analogous to what you're doing when you declare a property.
If this is the first value the variable is to adopt, that's called initializing. You might say in code:
NSMutableArray* arr = [NSMutableArray array];
But you can't do that in a property declaration, so you have to initialize at some later time while the code is running. A typical approach is to do this in your designated initializer, so that no matter what happens later there will be an actual array at this address, from very early on.
I've written a book on this topic (iOS programming), and the chapter dealing with the issue you're having is free to read online:

Require some understanding for Singleton Pattern

I am going to paste a code here and had a question regarding that which I wanted to understand merely, based on the logical way.
#interface MySingleton : NSObject {
NSString *enteredCode;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *enteredCode;
#synthesize enteredCode;
-(void) addInput:(NSString *) input
self.enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];
- (void)dealloc {
[enteredCode release];
In my code, if I utilize "self.enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];"
everything works fine but "enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];" it gets exc_bad_access, and I am just wondering why this case be?
I am just trying to understand what difference really does it makes without having self there?
This is not to do with singletons. When you do self.enteredCode you are going through the property which is set to 'retain'. The stringByAppendingString method is a convenience method with returns an autoreleased object to you, meaning that it will be released at some point on the next run loop. You need to retain this value to stop it being released, which is fine when you assign it through the property as it is properly retained by you and you can use it as you like.
When you reference the variable directory (without the self.) you bypass this and as such you don't ever retain the value, the value is subsequently released and you reference bad memory and BOOOOOOOOM, bad access.
when you call self.enteredCode = XXX it will call [self setEnteredCode:XXX]. Since you are using a retain property this will release the old value of enteredCode, and retain the new value.
if you directly manipulate the enteredCode variable you will have memleaks and crashes because it will try to release something that is not retained later.
If I understand correctly, self.enteredCode works but enteredCode fails.
If that's the case then I believe it's because you're bypassing the property and setting the iVar directly. That means you're assigned an auto released object and bypassing the retain mechanism.
Consider using something like _enteredCode for your iVars do it's clearer in your code when you're bypassing properties.

Why is my instance variable nil even though I'm setting it?

I've got a custom class BoardMatchData, containing information about a chess match.
I've also got a custom UIViewController named BoardViewController, which is alloc'ed when a user selects a match from a list.
Here's a snippet from where I create the BoardViewController, set its delegate, and then set the new BoardMatchData:
Games *selectedGame = [[self fetchedResultsController] objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
if (!self.bvc) {
NSLog(#"Alloc-ing a BVC");
self.bvc = [[BoardViewController alloc] init];
self.bvc.delegate = self;
[self.bvc setNewBoardMatchData:[MasterViewController boardMatchDataFromGame:selectedGame]];
When debugging, I can see this method setNewBoardMatchData being called, and it has valid data coming into it. However, later on within the BoardViewController, this boardMatchData always seems to be nil. Here's the setNewBoardMatchData method:
- (void)setNewBoardMatchData:(BoardMatchData *)newBoardMatchData {
NSLog(#"BMD is being set");
if (self.boardMatchData != newBoardMatchData) {
self.boardMatchData = newBoardMatchData;
[self configureView];
if (self.masterPopoverController != nil) {
[self.masterPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
And within BoardViewController.h, I just have an instance variable:
BoardMatchData *boardMatchData;
A method declaration:
- (void)setNewBoardMatchData:(BoardMatchData *)newBoardMatchData;
And then at the top of BoardMatchData.m, I have:
#interface BoardViewController ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIPopoverController *masterPopoverController;
#property (nonatomic,retain) BoardMatchData *boardMatchData;
- (void)configureView;
#synthesize boardMatchData = _boardMatchData; intent here was to make sure that the setter was only ever being called by itself, and not by some other object.
Is there something wrong with how I'm trying to set self.boardMatchData?
I'm not doing any retains/releases because I'm using ARC.
Caleb - I did that #synthesize statement as part of my flailing around trying to find this bug. Originally I had:
#synthesize boardMatchData;
... which I just switched back to. The behaviour is the same; self.boardMatchData always ends up nil, even after I've set it.
I think now I have only one ivar, boardMatchData, and I'm always accessing it through self.boardMatchData.
How do I prevent this from becoming nil?
#synthesize boardMatchData = _boardMatchData;
This says that the ivar the accessors should use is _boardMatchData, but you've also got an ivar named boardMatchData. If you're using the accessors, only _boardMatchData will be set. Since Objective-C automatically clears any ivars when your object is created, theboardMatchData ivar will always be nil.
Your comment (that you posted as an answer which you shouldn't do) suggests that you work on two different instances.
Here are a couple of possible reasons for this:
self.bvc is just assign property instead of retain.
You load one from within a nib and one is constructed in your code
(as shown) - this is probably the most like one. Maybe you just
forgot to wire up the outlet.
Your set self.bvc to nil somewhere so that you keep creating new
Aha; I found this question with an almost identical problem:
Objective-C – Retained property after being set is nil?
There was no conclusion to that one, but the last suggestion was to "try logging the address of self in -viewDidLoad and -viewWillAppear and -queueFinished. Something like NSLog(#"self is %p", self); and making sure they are the same."
I did that myself and now see that in initWithNibName/configureView/setNewBoardMatchData, I'm seeing one pointer for self, and then when viewDidLoad runs, I'm getting a different one!
I'm not sure how or why yet, but this clearly appears to be the problem (a new instance of my class is being instantiated AFTER I've set boardMatchData).
While the above led me to the path of finding this bug (I was getting multiple versions of my BoardViewController), it's not the complete answer. I wanted to add here should anyone find this and be in the same position.
I was actually using storyboarding in Xcode4, and the Apple provided master-detail template with Core Data.
When I was instantiating my detail controller (BoardViewController), I was doing an alloc/init. I should have simply been referencing [segue destinationViewController], as the segue already instantiated a version for me.
I did not provide enough context to actually get to the root

Programmatically create an object then release it later

I programmatically create an ActivityIndicatorView with
UIActivityIndicatorView* cactivity = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc]
initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite] retain];
Then when I want to stopAnimating and release in the next
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading, im using an undeclared identifier? But i thought i retained it and had to release it myself.
First off there is no need to retain the UIActivityIndicatorView after you alloc init it, it already has an retain count of 1.
Just declare an UIActivityIndicatorView in the .h file, so you can then reference it as a Instance variable. (thnx Rob).
Local Declaration : You have declared the UIActivityIndicator in a local method due to which it is unreachable to other methods. You'll have to declare in the header file. Also, give it property of retain. Then, you can access it wherever you want.
No need of Retain Message : Also, when you have initialized it, its retain count is increased by 1, so no need to pass the retain message to it. You'll be having access to it anyways.
Undeclared identifier means the variable is not defined in the current scope. To have the same variable available in multiple methods, make it a class ivar or property.
Try to get to the result or avoid warnings using "autorelease". But this is not suppose to be good in every case.

Correct way to alloc/init instance variables in Objective-C?

I was looking at some sample code on Jeff LaMarche's excellent blog when I came across the following:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication*)application
CGRect rect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
GLViewController *theController = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
self.controller = theController;
[theController release];
// ...
In the .h, we see that "window" and "controller" are ivars declared as so:
#interface OpenGLTestAppDelegate : NSObject
UIWindow *window;
GLViewController *controller;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet GLViewController *controller;
My question is: Why are "window" and "controller" assigned in different ways?
I think I understand why each kind of assignment works (keeping track of retain count), but why are they assigned in different ways? Specifically, why isn't controller assigned in the same way window is with a single line like so without going through the setter:
controller = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
In general, when would you use the single line method and when would you use the multiple line method?
Does he create a custom setter for the controller instance variable?
If so, there may be code which is called when the controller variable is changed through the setter. Merely setting the controller variable with:
controller = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
would not invoke the setter method; however, assigning the newly allocated object to a local variable then setting it with:
self.controller = theController;
would invoke the setter method since it is a shorthand way of writing:
[self setController:theController];
and the extra code in the setter would be executed. This is commonly where you would expect the differentiation between the two methods.
Evidently, after taking a look at the code, he doesn't implement a custom setter method, however the method that he has used is still most commonly used when a custom setter method would be implemented.
My guess at the reason behind the extra code would be that he plans to release the variable after allocation, and if assigned to a local variable, he can call the setter method with the local variable and then call release on the local variable afterwards. This would be overall more readable than using
[[self controller] release]
However, it is an odd way to do it, as the synthesized implementation of the setter will retain the instance variable, yet he then releases it once it has been set to the instance variable, and as the release call cancels out the retain call, it would make more sense to set the variable using the one-line method.
The extra code seems to be just because he specifically wants to use the property (setter method). In his implementation (GLView.m), -setController also sets a boolean ivar based on whether the controller responds to (implements) the -setupView: method.
Even so, it would seem that a one-line solution would work just as well:
self.controller = [[[GLViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
The same line as an explicit message send (without dot syntax) works as well:
[self setController:[[[GLViewController alloc] init] autorelease]];
Either approach will leave the new controller with the proper retain count, and still uses the setter property as desired.
(Note: The code in question is linked at the end of this blog post.)
Sorry for any confusion. The code has a "GLViewController *controller" ivar and property both in ___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___AppDelegate.m and GLView.m, and I was looking at the latter. (In the former, the setter is indeed synthesized, and it will retain the controller. On lines 77-81, you can see the code I mentioned, and he doesn't actually retain the controller — only the AppDelegate retains it.)
In the app delegate code, the synthesized setter will retain the GLViewController, so my one-line replacement advice still stands. One can argue both ways about readability, but for those who understand the retain-release idiom well, I would suggest that the one-line version is much more readable. It communicates the intent succinctly, and even provides an implicit hint that the setter will retain the controller. The extra local variable is really just unnecessary fluff.
As Quinn pointed out, the assignment to the controller ivar may be written in one line using autorelease method. The reason to use more verbose version is exactly to avoid autorelease and use manual release instead. This is due to Apple recommendation to minimize the use of autorelease pools on iPhone. So you must store the reference to the newly allocated object in a local variable to release it after a call to setter.
Considering the question when to use direct assignment to an instance variable (as in the case of window ivar) and when to use a setter method (as in the case of controller ivar), it is mostly a question of style, but you better be consistent.
There are two styles of ivar setting:
Always use direct assignment to an ivar. Switch to setter methods only for ivars for which setter must perform some additional work beside assignment.
Always use setter methods for all ivars.
Personally, I think that use of the second style results in more consistent and maintainable code. If some day you realize that your setter must perform more work you should change only the setter, while when using the first style you also should change all occurrences of direct assignment to the setter call.
Just found the good discussion of the issue in another thread: instance variable/ method argument naming in Objective C.