How to recompile a netbeans project from commandline? - netbeans

I have a java application develeped in netbeans. I want to create a batchfile that recompiles the project and packs the resulting jar files along with some documentation to a zip file and generate an installer.
The packing and generation of the installer is no problem, but I dont know how to automate the compilation from commandline/batchfile - whenever I change something in the source-code I have to manually click on "Clean and Build" inside netbeans and run my batchfile afterwards.
What do I have to add to the batchfile to do the same as "Clean and Build" from inside netbeans?

I found out myself what to do:
Make sure ant is in your path (e.g. I added C:\Programme\NetBeans 6.9.1\java\ant\bin to my PATH environment)
Make sure your JAVA_HOME is set correctly
execute "ant clean" and "ant jar" in the directory of your netbeans project
The batchfile I use:
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Programme\Java\jdk1.6.0_12
call ant deps-clean
call ant clean
call ant jar
cp -r doc dist
cp -r scripts dist
cp -r examples dist
cp -r crypt dist
cp -r db dist
cp -r license dist
rm dist/README.TXT
cp README.TXT dist
echo package creation %date:~-4,4%_%date:~-7,2%_%date:~0,2% >> dist/README.TXT
cd win_service
RCEDIT.exe /C wizard.exe
RCEDIT.exe /I wizard.exe my_app.ico
RCEDIT.exe /N wizard.exe pre_wizard.ini
RCEDIT.exe /C my_app_service.exe
RCEDIT.exe /I my_app_service.exe my_app.ico
RCEDIT.exe /N my_app_service.exe pre_my_app_service.ini
cp my_app_service.ini ../dist
cp my_app_service.exe ../dist
cp wizard.exe ../dist
cp wizard.ini ../dist
cp service*.bat ../dist
cp *.nsi ../dist
cp *.nsh ../dist
cp my_app.log ../dist
cd ..
cd dist
mkdir windows
cp *.jar windows
cp -r lib windows
cp -r crypt windows
cp -r db windows
cp examples\empty_settings.ini windows\settings_example.ini
mv *.exe windows
mv *.ini windows
mv *.bat windows
mv *.nsi windows
mv *.nsh windows
mv my_app.log windows
cd windows
mv my_appInstaller.exe ../my_appInstaller_gpl.exe
rm lib\jdbc-mysql.jar
mv my_appInstaller.exe ../my_appInstaller.exe
cd ..
rm -rf my_app
mkdir my_app
mv *.jar my_app
mv lib my_app
mv crypt my_app
mv db my_app
mv examples\empty_settings.ini my_app\settings.ini
ren my_app 9880
mkdir my_app
mv 9880 my_app
7z a -r -tzip doc license examples scripts my_app README.txt my_appInstaller_gpl.exe
rm my_app\9880\lib\jdbc-mysql.jar
7z a -r -tzip doc license examples scripts my_app README.txt my_appInstaller.exe
cd ..

"Error running javac.exe compiler" Looks if the JDK was not in the PATH.


Install MongoDB on Debian Buster

How to install the latest MongoDB 3.4 or even 3.6?
They support with Ubuntu, but my server is Debian Buster and I am stuck with MongoDB 3.2.
I don't know if this is a good idea yet, but I just installed it by adding the sid repos and installing using the mongodb-server package. For me this installs version 3.4.18.
I created /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list with:
deb sid main
deb-src sid main
then did
apt update
apt install mongodb-server
and verified that it's working by connecting with mongo.
I have found the solution for a build script, the description is found here:
The description:
Debian Stretch / Buster / Bullseye / Testing MongoDB and MongoDB Tools build stable builder script, what it does as exactly:
It is basically a built for the latest MongoDB for Debian.
The current varsion is the r4.0.x build (release).
Warning It will remove all mongodb* apt packages in ./scripts/ and /etc/systemd/system/mongodb-server.service is replaced.
It install the required apt dependencies and generates the SystemD service and makes it enabled.
Check if the build works (building is below). It runs all tests, so if it works, then it really does, actually. If there is an error, of course, you will not deploy on your server. So, if building and testing works, then it puts the binaries as it follow and you are sure and done.
The build as follows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# based on
# the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# if an error exit right away, don't continue the build
set -e
# some info
#echo "Works like command, use a tag: sudo ./scripts/ r4.2.0"
echo "Works like command, use a tag: sudo ./scripts/ r4.0.12"
# check if we are root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be ran via root 'sudo' command or using in 'sudo -i'."
exit 1
# require mongo branch
#if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
# echo "First argument must be the MONGODB_BRANCH for example 'v4.1'"
# exit 1
# require mongo release
#if [ -z "${2}" ]; then
# echo "The second argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.1.0'"
# exit 1
# require mongo release
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "The first argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.0.12'"
exit 1
# delete all mongo other programs, we self compile
apt remove --purge mongo*
# the required packages for debian
apt -y install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev build-essential gcc python scons git glibc-source libssl-dev python-pip libffi-dev python-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev #libcurl-dev
pip install -U pip pyyaml typing
# generate build directory variable
# delete previous build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo
# generate new build directory
mkdir -p $BUILD
# the mongodb.conf and systemd services files in a directory variable
# find out how many cores we have and we use that many
if [ -z "$CORES" ]; then
CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
echo Using $CORES cores
# go to the build directory
pushd $BUILD
# clone the mongo by branch
#git clone -b ${MONGODB_BRANCH}
# clone the mongo by branch
git clone
# the mongo directory is a variables
# go to the mongo directory
pushd $MONGO
# checkout the mongo release
git checkout tags/${MONGODB_RELEASE}
# hack to old version python pip cryptography from 1.7.2 to use the latest
sed -i 's#cryptography == 1.7.2#\#cryptography == 1.7.2#g' buildscripts/requirements.txt
# this is only because 4.0.12 uses 1.7.2 and
# support minimum latest (2.2)
pip install cryptography
# install the python requirements
#pip install -r etc/pip/dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt
# somewhere in the build it says if we install this, it is faster to build
pip2 install --user regex
# build everything
scons all --disable-warnings-as-errors -j $CORES --ssl
# install the mongo programs all
scons install --disable-warnings-as-errors -j $CORES --prefix /usr
# create a copy of the old config
#TIMESTAMP=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
#cp /etc/mongodb.conf /etc/mongodb.conf.$
# copy the mongodb.conf configured and the systemd service file
# dangerous!!! removed
# cp -avr $ROOT_FS/. /
chown root:root /$MONGODB_SERVICE
chmod o-rwx /$MONGODB_SERVICE
# generate mongodb user and group
useradd mongodb -d /var/lib/mongodb -s /bin/false || true
# create the required mongodb database directory and add safety
mkdir -p /var/lib/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /var/lib/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
# create the required mongodb log directory and add safety
mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /var/log/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/log/mongodb
# create the required run socket directory and add safety
mkdir -p /run/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /run/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /run/mongodb
# add safety to the mongodb config file
chmod o-rwx /etc/mongodb.conf || true
chown mongodb:mongodb /etc/mongodb.conf || true
# reload systemd services
systemctl daemon-reload
# enable the mongodb-server
systemctl enable mongodb-server
# start the mongodb-server
#service mongodb-server start
# exit of the mongo directory
# exit the build directory
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo
The build as follows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# based on
# the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# if an error exit right away, don't continue the build
set -e
# some info
echo "Works like command: sudo ./scripts/ r4.0.12"
# check if we are root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be ran via root 'sudo' command or using in 'sudo -i'."
exit 1
# require mongo release
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "The first argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.0.12'"
exit 1
## delete all mongo other programs, we self compile
##apt remove --purge mongo*
## the required packages for debian
##apt -y install gcc python scons git glibc-source libssl-dev python-pip
apt -y install golang libpcap-dev
export GOROOT=$(go env GOROOT)
# generate build directory variable
# delete previous build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools
# generate new build directory
mkdir -p $BUILD
# find out how many cores we have and we use that many
CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
# go to the build directory
pushd $BUILD
# clone the mongo by branch
git clone
# the mongo directory is a variables
# go to the mongo directory
# checkout the mongo release
git checkout tags/${MONGODB_RELEASE}
bash ./
chown root:adm -R ./bin
chmod o-rwx -R ./bin
chmod ug+rx ./bin/*
cp -r ./bin/. /usr/bin
# for PROGRAM in bsondump mongodump mongoexport mongofiles mongoimport mongoreplay mongorestore mongostat mongotop
# do
# go build -o bin/${PROGRAM} -tags "ssl sasl" ${PROGRAM}/main/${PROGRAM}.go
# done
# exit of the mongo directory
# exit the build directory
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools

chown -R not working in Yocto-Project recipe

Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker.
I'm trying to install my web application using a Yocto-Project recipe file.
PR = "r0"
PV = "1.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
SRC_URI = "\
file://sources \
file://COPYING \
S = "${WORKDIR}"
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${localstatedir}/www
cp -r ${S}/sources/* ${D}${localstatedir}/www/
chown -R www-data:www-data ${D}${localstatedir}/www/
chmod -R 775 ${D}${localstatedir}/www/cgi-bin
But /var/www is still owned by root:root and not www-data:www-data like desired.
So how do I chown the /var/www directory recusively to www-data:www-data?
I have seen page 9 of the following presentation: .
I created this recipe file to mimic this page.
First, chown and chmod should work in YP/OE recipes the way you use them.
The problem may be that you've missed a / in your path arguments for the commands. According to the documentation [1] ${D} has no trailing /.
Therefore the following should work:
do_install() {
install -d ${D}/${localstatedir}/www
cp -r ${S}/sources/* ${D}/${localstatedir}/www/
chown -R www-data:www-data ${D}/${localstatedir}/www/
chmod -R 775 ${D}/${localstatedir}/www/cgi-bin
(If not please post your bitbake logs)
sudo chown -R wwwdata:wwwdata /var/www/ to make the ownership of the desired folder and its inner folders or files recursively

Source RPM Can't Find Files

I'm trying to build an RPM of a node.js project I'm working on. The project's code is entirely contained in one directory and its subdirectories. Here's part of my build script:
Put everything in the SOURCES directory, except the node_modules
echo "Copying sources..."
cd $DIR/dashboard
tar -zcf $DIR/rpmbuild/SOURCES/project-$VERSION.tgz . --exclude=node_modules > /dev/null
cd $DIR
# Create the spec file
touch $DIR/rpmbuild/SPECS/specfile
# write to it
cat >$DIR/rpmbuild/SPECS/specfile <<EOL
Summary: [Summary]
Name: [Name]
Version: $VERSION
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Applications/WebApp
Source: [Name]-$VERSION.tgz
Vendor: None
Requires: nodejs
echo "in prep"
echo $(ls -al)
%setup -c
npm install
yes | ./
mv app/index.html app/index_big.html
mv app/index_small.html app/index.html
echo "Nothing to build!"
mkdir -p /opt/project
mv -r ./ /opt/project
ln -s /opt/project/server_start /usr/local/bin
ln -s /opt/project/server_stop /usr/local/bin
HOME=`pwd` rpmbuild -bs $DIR/rpmbuild/SPECS/specfile
The script just minifies the html, css, and javascript and concatenates them. index_small.html uses the smaller versions. $DIR points to the location of the script, which is one directory above the project code.
The script does indeed generate the source rpm. I've looked at it using mc, and inside CONTENTS.cpio there's the specfile and the tgz archive of the source code. However, trying to install doesn't work. With rpm -Vp project.rpm, I can see that it lists the specfile and the tgz archive as missing. With verbose mode enabled, I see something similar to:
Directories not explicitly included in package:
My rpmbuild directory isn't in my home directory, it's in the same directory as the build script. This leads to my actual question: how can I point rpmbuild at the correct location?

Delete non git directory in git bash, windows

xx#xx-PC ~/xampp/htdocs/sites
$ rmdir /s "yo-2"
rmdir: `/s': No such file or directory
rmdir: `yo-2': Directory not empty
xx#xx-PC ~/xampp/htdocs/sites
$ rmdir "yo-2"
rmdir: `yo-2': Directory not empty
I cant seem to get rmdir to work in git bash. Its not in a git repo and I've tried the above. Mkdir works as expected, why doesnt this?
rmdir will not work if directory is empty
rm -rf yo-2
git-bash is a Linux like shell
If you are trying to remove an entire directory regardless of contents, you could use:
rm <dirname> -rf
just use the command below:
rm -rfv mydirectory
After trying out a couple of other commands, this worked for me:
rm dirname -rf
A bit late, but I believe it still can help someone with performance problems on Windows systems. It is REALLY FAST to delete on Windows using git bash comparing with just the ordinary rm -rf. The trick here is to move the file/directory to another random name in a temporary directory at the same drive (on Windows) or at the same partition (on *nix systems) and invoke the rm -rf command in background mode. At least you don't need to wait for a blocking IO task and OS will perform the deletion as soon it gets idle.
Depending on the system you are using you may need to install the realpath program (ie macOS). Another alternative is to write a bash portable function like in this post: bash/fish command to print absolute path to a file.
fast_rm() {
path=$(realpath $1) # getting the absolute path
echo $path
if [ -e $path ]; then
export TMPDIR="$(dirname $(mktemp -u))"
kernel=$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
# if windows, make sure to use the same drive
if [[ "${kernel}" == "mingw"* ]]; then # git bash
export TMPDIR=$(echo "${path}" | awk '{ print substr($0, 1, 2)"/temp"}')
if [ ! -e $TMPDIR ]; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR; fi
if [ "${kernel}" == "darwin" ]; then MD5=md5; else MD5=md5sum; fi
rnd=$(echo $RANDOM | $MD5 | awk '{print $0}')
to_remove="${TMPDIR}/$(basename ${path})-${rnd}"
mv "${path}" "${to_remove}"
nohup rm -rf "${to_remove}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# invoking the function
fast_delete $directory_or_file
I have faced same issue. this is worked for me
rimraf is a Node.js package, which is the UNIX command rm -rf for node, so you will need to install Node.js which includes npm. Then you can run:
npm install -g rimraf
Then you can run rimraf from the command line.
rimraf directoryname
I found this solution because npm itself was causing this problem due to the way it nests dependencies.
Late reply, but for those who search a solution, for me the
rm <dirname> -rf
wasn't good, I always get the directory non-empty or path too long on node directories.
A really simple solution :
Move the directory you want to delete to the root of your disk (to shorten your path) and then you can delete it normally.

iOS DOxygen adding docSet to Xcode Documents

Hey Everyone just having a problem with DOxygen, Ive generated my documentation and its allthere, but i find i am unable to add it to Xcode.
I currently have a script which takes the HTML directory containing all the files, and generates the .docset file.
# Run the makefile. The --silent parameter stops it from spamming us with too much output.
make --silent -C "$DOCSET_OUTPUT/html" install
# Load docset
osascript "$[location of personal library]/Scripts/XcodeLoadDocSet.scpt"
This should also add the item to xcode, but running it manually reveals a problem..
/Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil index com.[my app].docset
make: /Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil: No such file or directory
make: *** [docset] Error 1
This is what i have atm for the makefile,
DOCSET_NAME=com.[my app].docset
XCODE_INSTALL=$(shell xcode-select -print-path)
all: docset
cp Nodes.xml $(DOCSET_RESOURCES)
cp Tokens.xml $(DOCSET_RESOURCES)
cp Info.plist $(DOCSET_CONTENTS)
tar --exclude $(DOCSET_NAME) \
--exclude Nodes.xml \
--exclude Tokens.xml \
--exclude Info.plist \
--exclude Makefile -c -f - . \
| (cd $(DOCSET_DOCUMENTS); tar xvf -)
$(XCODE_INSTALL)/usr/bin/docsetutil index $(DOCSET_NAME)
rm -f $(DOCSET_DOCUMENTS)/Nodes.xml
rm -f $(DOCSET_DOCUMENTS)/Info.plist
rm -f $(DOCSET_DOCUMENTS)/Makefile
rm -f $(DOCSET_RESOURCES)/Nodes.xml
rm -f $(DOCSET_RESOURCES)/Tokens.xml
install: docset
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)
If anyone has had a similer problem please let me know.
With Xcode 4, docsetutil is located under /Applications/