How to access buffer contents of Expect module in perl - perl

I am using expect to automate terminal based applications. I will send data depending on result from "expect" command. I knew that expect, while doing a string matching stores all the unmatched string patterns in a buffer. For example $expect_out(0,string) is used to store the string that expect is actually waiting for, while $expect_out(buffer) contains all the unmatched string patterns occurred till the previous command.
I want to know if there is any way of accessing these expect buffers, like copying expect buffer contents into some variable as shown below
$mybuffer = $expect_out(buffer);
but the above statement is actually throwing an error "syntax error at line 72, near "$expect_out(""
I just want to copy contents of expect buffer to a variable. So please help me on this issue.

You're going to have to read the documentation for the Expect module. $expect(buffer) is not valid Perl.
$exp = Expect->spawn(...);
$buffer = $exp->before();


Perl interface with Aspell

I am trying to identify misspelled words with Aspell via Perl. I am working on a Linux server without administrator privileges which means I have access to Perl and Aspell but not, for example, Text::Aspell which is a Perl interface for Aspell.
I want to do the very simple task of passing a list of words to Aspell and having it return the words that are misspelled. If the words I want to check are "dad word lkjlkjlkj" I can do this through the command line with the following commands:
aspell list
dad word lkjlkjlkj
Aspell requires CTRL + D at the end to submit the word list. It would then return "lkjlkjlkj", as this isn't in the dictionary.
In order to do the exact same thing, but submitted via Perl (because I need to do this for thousands of documents) I have tried:
my $list = q(dad word lkjlkjlkj):
my #arguments = ("aspell list", $list, "^D");
my $aspell_out=`#arguments`;
print "Aspell output = $aspell_out\n";
The expected output is "Aspell output = lkjlkjlkj" because this is the output that Aspell gives when you submit these commands via the command line. However, the actual output is just "Aspell output = ". That is, Perl does not capture any output from Aspell. No errors are thrown.
I am not an expert programmer, but I thought this would be a fairly simple task. I've tried various iterations of this code and nothing works. I did some digging and I'm concerned that perhaps because Aspell is interactive, I need to use something like Expect, but I cannot figure out how to use it. Nor am I sure that it is actually the solution to my problem. I also think ^D should be an appropriate replacement for CTRL+D at the end of the commands, but all I know is it doesn't throw an error. I also tried \cd instead. Whatever it is, there is obviously an issue in either submitting the command or capturing the output.
The complication with using aspell out of a program is that it is an interactive and command-line driver tool, as you suspect. However, there is a simple way to do what you need.
In order to use aspell's command list one needs to pass it words via STDIN, as its man page says. While I find the GNU Aspell manual a little difficult to get going with, passing input to a program via its STDIN is easy enough and we can rewrite the invocation as
echo dad word lkj | aspell list
We get lkj printed back, as due. Now this can run out of a program just as it stands
my $word_list = q(word lkj good asdf);
my $cmd = qq(echo $word_list | aspell list);
my #aspell_out = qx($cmd);
print for #aspell_out;
This prints lines lkj and asdf.
I assemble the command in a string (as opposed to an array) for specific reasons, explained below. The qx is the operator form of backticks, which I prefer for its far superior readability.
Note that qx can return all output in a string, if in scalar context (assigned to a scalar for example), or in a list when in list context. Here I assign to an array so you get each word as an element (alas, each also comes with a newline, so may want to do chomp #aspell_out;).
Comment on a list vs string form of a command
I think that it's safe to recommend to use a list-form for a command, in general. So we'd say
my #cmd = ('ls', '-l', $dir); # to be run as an external command
instead of
my $cmd = "ls -l $dir"; # to be run as an external command
The list form generally makes it easier to manage the command, and it avoids the shell altogether.
However, this case is a little different
The qx operator doesn't really behave differently -- the array gets concatenated into a string, and that runs. The very fact that we can pass it an array is incidental, and not even documented
We need to pipe input to aspell's STDIN, and shell does that for us simply. We can use a shell with command's LIST form as well, but then we'd need to invoke it explicitly. We can also go for aspell's STDIN by means other than the shell but that's more complex
With a command in a list the command name must be the first word, so that "aspell list" from the question is wrong and it should fail (there is no command named that) ... except that in this case it wouldn't (if the rest were correct), since for qx the array gets collapsed into a string
Finally, apsell nicely exposes its API in a C library and that's been utilized for the module you mention. I'd suggest to install it as a user (no privileges needed) and use that.
You should take a step back and investigate if you can install Text::Aspell without administrator privilige. In most cases that's perfectly possible.
You can install modules into your home directory. If there is no C-compiler available on the server you can install the module on a compatible machine, compile and copy the files.

How to print variable inside function

I'm using RRDs::Simple function and it needs bunch of parameters.
I have placed these parameters in a special variable (parsing, sorting and calculating data from a file) with all quotes, commas and other stuff.
Of course
RRDs::create ($variable);
doesn't work.
I've glanced through all perl special variables and have found nothing.
How to substitute name of variable for the data that contained in that variable?
At least could you tell me with what kind of tools(maybe another special variables) it can be done?
Assuming I'm understanding what you're asking:
You've build the 'create' data in $variable, and are now trying to use RRDs::create to actually do it?
First step is:
print $variable,"\n"; - to see what is actually there. You should be able to use this from the command line, with rrdtool create. (Which needs a filename, timestep, and some valid DS and RRA parameters)
usually, I'll use an array to pass into RRDs::create:
RRDs::create ( "test.rrd", "-s 300",
"DS:name:GAUGE:600:U:U", )
If $variable contains this information already, then that should be ok. The way to tell what went wrong is:
if ( RRDs::error ) { print RRDs::error,"\n"; }
It's possible that creating the file is the problem, or that your RRD definitions are invalid for some reason. rrdtool create on command line will tell you, as will RRDs::error;

perl memory usage when processing a file inline

I have a CGI script that's used by our employees to fetch logs from servers that they don't have direct access to. For reasons I won't go into, after a recent update to our app some of these logs now have characters like linefeeds, tabs, backslashes, etc. translated into their text equivalents. As such, I've modified the CGI script to invoke the following to convert these back to their original values:
perl -i -pe 's/\\r/\r/g && s/\\n/\n/g && s/\\t/\t/g && s/\\\//\//g' $filename
I was just informed that some people are now getting out of memory errors when they try to fetch logs that are fairly large (a few hundred MB).
My question: How does perl manage memory when an inline command like this is invoked? Is it reading the whole file in, processing it, then writing it out, or is it creating a temporary file, processing the lines from the input file one at a time then replacing the file once complete?
This is using perl 5.10.1 on a 64-bit Amazon linux instance.
The -p switch creates a while(<>){...; print} loop to iterate on each “line” in your input file.
If all of your newlines have been converted into "\\n", then your file would just be a single very long line. Therefore, your command would be loading the entire file into memory to perform your fix.
To avoid that, you'll have to intentionally buffer the file using either sysread or $/.
It would probably be easiest to create an actual script instead of a one-liner to do the work. However, if you know that all of your newlines are converted, then one simple fix would be to use $/ = "\\n"
As a secondary note, your regex is flawed. You're currently listing out your translations s/// using a shortcut operator. If any one of the earlier regexes doesn't match for a particular line, then no other translations would be attempted. You should instead use simple semicolons to separate your regexes:
's/\\r/\r/g; s/\\n/\n/g; s/\\t/\t/g; s|\\/|/|g'

Strange problem with Email::MIME - can't use string as a HASH ref

I'm having a strange problem with Email:MIME. I have the following code, which is intended to parse a MIME email message piped to it:
my $parsed = Email::MIME->new(<STDIN>);
print $parsed->body;
When I run this, either by piping a sample MIME email into it, or by setting my host to pipe new email to it and sending myself one, I get the following error on the first line:
> Can't use string ("Received: from
> servera02.tk2adsm") as a HASH ref
> while "strict refs" in use at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Email/
> line 100, <STDIN> line 71.
The line shown in the error varies according to the email but it is always the second line of the email content (so I'm really not very sure why it's claiming it's STDIN line 71). I've done some googling about this and it really seems to be unique to me - does anyone have any ideas?
I'm not a Perl expert by a long way, and I've never used Email::MIME, so I'm hoping this is something simple.
The documentation says that new() expects its argument to be a message in the form of a string. <STDIN> is an array (since an argument list is in list context).
Try converting the message to a string as you pass it: my $parsed = Email::MIME->new(join('', <STDIN>));
i mean you might not get the error if you turn off strict refs

How to verify normal termination of R scripts executed from Perl?

I have written a shebang R script and would like to execute it from a Perl script. I currently use system ($my_r_script_path, $r_script_arg1, $r_script_arg2, ...) and my question is how can I verify the R script terminates normally (no errors or warnings).
guess I should make my R script return some true value at the end, only if everything is OK, then catch this value in Perl, but I'm not sure how to do that.
You can set the return value in the command quit(), eg q(status=1). Default is 0, see also ?quit. How to catch that one in Perl, is like catching any other returning value in Perl. It is saved in a special variable $? if I remember right. See also the examples in the perldoc for system, it should be illustrated there.
On a sidenote, I'd just use the R-Perl interface. You can find info and examples here :
Just for completeness :
At the beginning of your script, you can put something like :
warn=2, # This will change all warnings into errors,
# so warnings will also be handled like errors
error= quote({
sink(file="error.txt"); # save the error message in a file
q("no",status=1,FALSE) # standard way for R to end after errors
This will save the error message, and break out of the R session without saving, with exit code 1 and without running the .Last.
Still, the R-Perl interface offers a lot more possibilities that are worth checking out if you're going to do this more often.