Do i need server for autorenuable in app purchase - iphone

Sorry for posting this question again.
But I want to know "Do i need server for auto renewable in app purchase"
Can I go without help of server ?
I have checked many threads on google but did not find any satisfied answer.
Please help

No, you don't have to use your own server for this. But the reason it's recommended is that, if you want to verify receipts with iTunes from the app (instead of your server) you'd have to include your secret in the app.


questions about facebook oauth migration

When Oct 1 rolls around, I want to make sure my games are covered. So in that light, I have a couple of questions.
I understand I need to offer SSL version, which is done, but does that mean that the http version is going away? or will it just mean that all apps will require both versions, rather than being able to leave one blank?
With the dashboard increment calls going away, what prompts the system to add a [1] next to the app in the sidebar when the player has something they need to do? unless the app has some way of telling the facebook server that a user has some task they need to perform, how is that going to increment?
with the new "manage_notifications" permission, does this imply that after a long haitus, apps will once again be able to post messages to a users notification drop down? which would be great and would make the previous dashboard question void.
thanks for your help!
The SSL version is required for your users who have secure browsing enabled in their security settings. Without an https version your app is not accessible to users who opt for secure browsing.
The [1] that you see next to the apps is the number of pending requests sent using the request Dialog.
For more details...

Will HTTPS + ASIHTTPRequest get approved by App Store?

I know ASIHTTPRequest works perfectly well with HTTPS. All we need is this one line of code:
[myASIHTTPRequest setValidatesSecureCertificate:NO]
Here's my question, I don't have any HTTPS certificates approved by any authority, including the US government. And I am not a US citizen, and my app isn't targeted at the US market. When I submit an app containing the above HTTPS code,
Do I need to check the encryption box when submitting?
If I don't check that box, will the HTTPS code be detected? (Like an private API?)
If I check that box, will I get rejected? (since I don't have any certificates approved by any authority)
If I have to get a certificate approved by someone before my app get approved by the App Store, how long will this apply-and-get-approved process be, and what about the cost?
Thanks in advance!
Do I need to check the encryption box when submitting?
No. Your not encrypting any data on the device, it's only transport encryption provided by apple so don't have to tick the box.
If I don't check that box, will the HTTPS code be detected? (Like an
private API?)
As above, it doesn't matter.
If I check that box, will I get rejected? (since I don't have any
certificates approved by any authority)
If you tick the box you have to fill out a lot more information and your in for a long long wait just getting the legal stuff squared away before you even get to the app review..
If I have to get a certificate approved by someone before my app get
approved by the App Store, how long will this apply-and-get-approved
process be, and what about the cost?
You buy a certificate from any root certificate authority. Certificates expire, so you have to renew it when it runs out. The cost depends on who you buy the certificate from. I would recommend that you shop. You can also get wildcard certificates e.g. * that would allow you to setup any site ending in
The accepted answer is simply wrong, and following its advice puts your app in danger of being removed from the App Store. You should look at the FAQ for Worldwide Trade Compliance on the iTunes Connect site. It clearly states that even if you use iOS-provided HTTPS, you still need to submit an ERN request to the US government. Also, it does not matter that you live outside the US, as your app is distributed by a company (Apple) in the US.
See this blog post for more details, especially the comments, as BIS has recently made it easier to apply.

App Store Feedback Question

We received the following email for our new app submitted a week ago. Got a few questions: Anyone know what the "information needed" part means? Does this send us to the back of the queue - once we submit the requested data?
Hello ,
Thank you for submitting DG to the App
We've completed the review of your
app, but cannot post this version to
the App Store because it did not
comply with the App Store Review
Guidelines, as detailed below:
3.4: App names in iTunes Connect and as displayed on a device should be
similar, so as not to cause confusion
Information Needed
To reply to this message or to get
more information, visit the Resolution
Center in iTunes Connect. Do not reply
directly to this email.
App Review
Yes - you go back to the queue (and also need to upload a new version).
I'm not sure regarding the "Information needed" but does your app require a login? If so, have you gave them a login name + password to use?
Apple won't really say if they checked everything, but I did encounter situations in the past where I was rejected about stuff like "keywords" and the whole process again took the usual amount of time. There were also cases where my update got approved in 2 hrs. after submission, so just hope for the best and keep calm, there's nothing more you can do.
Visit the Resolution Center in iTunes Connect. That is the best way to get in contact with them. You get there from the screen in iTunes Connect where you filled out the metadata before you submitted the app for review.

iPhone in app purchase subscription to web server data. How should I auth?

I'm working on an app that will provide data from a web server to users but only if they've bought an in app purchase subscription. I understand the basics of IAPs but how do I securely make sure the data from the server is only accessible to the app, and only if the subscription has been purchased? I don't want to make the user set up an account, I just want to auth the app/purchase securely.
Thanks in advance :)
I'm going to use subscription model too with IAP.
AFAIK, you SHOULD NOT use a unique phone identifier like the IMEI of the phone to identify the user on your server. According to the Apple documentation, you MUST provide a way so that an user can restore his subscriptions on several devices!
Besides, a call to restoreCompletedTransactions of the SKPaymentQueue will restore ONLY nonconsumable products! Subscriptions are not supported by this method.
See these links : (section « Frequently Asked Questions », point 10)
iPhone - How to recognize the iTunes user of my app
The only way I know is to use a login/password to identify the user on the web server but this could be quite ugly...
However, if someone know another way, could he describe his solution ?
You should upload store receipts to your server, to be able to check them on Apple's site. And, with request you should upload phone identifier. And, of course, store somewhere in the database. After all, you will have information about which phone id has access to subscription.
And, when you will request subscription-related info from your server, you'll be able to check who has acces (via phone id) and who hasn't.

iPhone app developed by me and submitted by client?

I am finishing an app for my client.
He wants to submit it to Apple himself.
What must I do ?
Should I give him the app unsigned ?
Should I ask him a provisioning profile ?
Should I be added to his team and to his Distribution Profile ?
Thanks a lot for your help ?
Have your client sign up for the iPhone Developer Program so that way when your client submits the app to the App Store it will be under the client's company name. You can still manage all the code signing and provisioning for your client if they do not know how to do this stuff. The client can simply give u access to their developer account to handle all that stuff.
I would just give him the source code, unless you specifically don't want to do that for some reason. That way, he can just compile it himself.
What I've done for clients who want to submit to Apple themselves:
The client must create (or you can create for them if they give you their login info) the app store distribution profile for the app and send it to you. Requires some communication between you and client to make sure they use the right app id, etc.
(I think you may need the client's developer certificate as well in order for them to "own" the app -- not 100% sure about this)
Don't forget to also get the private key file as the certificate signing won't work without it
I set the client cert / app store dist profile into the app and build the app for app store.
Deliver the binary to the client.
Client uploads to itunes connect.