IE View Source unable to find the dynamic value binded through jQuery Ajax calls -

View Source from the IE browser, to check if the values are binded to labels and input boxes whenever the partial view are being loaded dynamically through jQuery ajax call.
How to find the updated values to text boxes and labels?
I know by using Firebug or web-kit or chrome inspect element we can identify but through view source how can this be achieved>?

You cannot do that through IE View Source, in IE8 you have Developer Tools for this (Shortcut: F12)

View Source will show you the actual static markup sent from the webserver.
It doesn't show dynamic updates.


Dialog in a Dynamic Content Control

I have a custom control that contains a dynamic content control. The dynamic content displays one of several custom controls. This control is then added to the middle facet (callback1). A Navigator then controls which panel in the dynamic control displays. To this point everything works as it should.
One of the pages that is displayed in the dynamic content has a button that calls a dialog. When the button is clicked it looks like it it is trying to display the dialog but it does not (no errors reported).
If I put the dynamic content control in a simple XPage and load this XPage and have the panel with the control that contains the button to display the dialog open by default it works fine.
So it would appear that the Extension Library Application Layout is blocking the dialog from displaying. I'm at a loss I have the whole application working but not in the ext Library application layout. Wasting an awful lot of time, and not using the ext library app layout is not a good option either.
Found the problem. On the Application Layout custom Control I had some code in the onClientLoad with a try{}catch. If this code failed it 'blocked' the dialog box from displaying properly but the other functions of the window seems to work OK. So I'm not sure what exactly was going wrong in the inner workings of the Application Layout but I moved the code to the BeforePageLoad event and everything now works fine.
This is the code that I moved from onClientLoad to beforePageLoad :
if (!sessionScope.containsKey("ssHelpRepID")){
sessionScope.put("ssError","Error in setting Rep IDs");
Once I did that the original Application Layout started allowing the dialog to be displayed. Very strange, wish I could bill the time to someone :-)

Get HTML Source of temporary drag & drop element

I have this page I can only access in the browser. There is a HTML element that only exists during drag&drop, and I want to get / analyze its HTML code in the Inspector / Firebug.. but as soon as I stop dragging, the element is removed.
Is there any way of getting the generated HTML element without wading through the JS source that builds it?
EDIT: got it, using the ctrl+S shortcut in chrome to save the page while holding mouseDown with the dragged-element did the trick.
Firebug html inspection shows the HTML of the page real time, so it does show changes caused by interaction. The trick is probably to scroll the inspection panel to the section of the HTML where your drag element appears. That way you would be able to see it while you drag.

Use attribute selector to change panels in a panel stack (Microstrategy)

So I have an attribute selector that currently changes the view of a grid based on the attribute passed to that grid. I also have a panel stack directly below the grid, with panels that hold iframes, which needs to be changed as the user selects an attribute in the selector. In other words, as the user selects an attribute from the selector, the panels would changes and show the new iframe. Is there a way I can somehow control the panel stack from an attribute selector?
The panel stack contains iframes , and each panel has an iframe with a specific URL source. What would be great is if I could somehow pass the attribute to the URL so that the iframe in a SINGLE panel could change based on the selection made in the attribute selector. For example, if I set the URL source of the iframe to "/servername/microstrategy/asp/{&attribute}.html" and had my html files stored in the correct folder. But there doesnt seem to be a way to pass the selected attribute to the source URL of the iframe.
The only thing I can think of is to somehow access the "code-behind" for the click event so that it BOTH changes the grid as usual, AND causes the panel stack to change panels.
Is there something in the Web Editor or SDK/Eclipse IDE that would allow me to access such logic? Or is there some cool work-around that would allow an attribute selector to change the panels shown in a panel stack.
Thank you for your help,
Kind of old question, but AFAIK there is no way to do it. You should probably go with text-boxes and use them as selectors. Maybe with view filters you could achieve something similar...

Smartgwt form's item

I am developing a website using both Smartgwt and GWTP.
When tesing with IE8, I click on some form items which have some button on it, like SelectItem, ColorPickerItem and DateItem, it will lead me to the default page. For example if i am on!somepage
, then I click on those items on this page, the address will become
But when I use Chrome, then there is no problem.
Could any one tell me what is the problem?
This sounds like a bug in GWTP - it suggests that they are adding anchors to all <a> elements anywhere on the page, or adding event handlers to all such elements, including ones rendered by SmartGWT.

Wicket: Form in a modal window

I have written an panel which supports file / image uploads. So the panel is a simple plain form. The panel works in a normal Wicket page.
What I would like to do now:
I would like to use the panel in a modal window. The panel is displayed correctly. However, when I submit it / upload a new file, my browser prompts whether or not I would like to leave the page. The page which contains the DIV of the modal window is a form itself.
My research didn't turn up any interesting information about forms in a modal window expect it has to be self contained (nested form). I think this prerequisit is met.
Is there any information available, what I have done wrong? Any tutorials?
You need to use an AjaxSubmitButton (or AjaxSubmitLink) to submit your form. The problem is that the modal window requires Ajax communication. If you use the window to just reprocess a whole page and don't care about the Ajax'ness, then you can override the ModalWindow#getCloseJavaScript() method.
As Martijn pointed out, the modal window relies on AJAX communication. So use AjaxSubmitButton or equivalents. When components in the main window need to be updated after the submit of the modal window, this can be done by adding them to the AjaxRequestTarget.
However when it comes to multi part forms (file uploads) this does not work quite. Apparently multi part doesn't play nicely with AJAX. One has to do an IFrame trick as pointed out e.g. here: