Deployment in IBM Websphere 7 cluster with nodes with High availability - deployment

Environment :
Java EE webApp
JDK: 1.6,
AS: Websphere app server 7,
I am not a websphere admin and I am asked to develop a way or a script to solve the issue below:
I have a cluster with three nodes NodeA NodeB and NodeC. My application runs on these clusters. I want to deploy my application on these nodes such that i dont need to bring all of them down at once. These days the deployments is done this way : we come at night to stop all the servers all at once from console. Then we install the application on the main node which is on the same machine as the deployment manager and then we synchronize and bring all the servers back up one by one.
What I am asked to do is that we upgrade the application or install the new ear file by not bringing everything down as this is causing downtime to the application. Is there a way to acheive this. WAS 7 is a very mature product i am sure there must be a way to do it.
I looked at the documentation/tutorial we can do something like "Update" where we select the application (from Apllications> websphere enterprise application)and select update and then select radio button "Replace Entire Application" and radio button"local file system" and point to the new ear file. But in that case the doc says that it will bring down all the servers as well when updating. its the same as before. no online deployment.
I am a java programmer so I thought of using what tools I have to solve this
Tell me if this is can be an issue :
1) We bring down NODEA
2) We remove the NODEA from the cluster (by pressing remove node button or using the
3) Install the new Ear on the NODEA (can we do this in the same admin console? or through shell script or jython or may be like a standalone server)
3) We then start it up back again and then add it to cluster.
NOW we have NODEA with new applicaition while NODE B and NODEC are with old application versions.
Then we bring down NODEB
remove NODEB from cluster
install applciation on NODEB
start it up again
Add it back to cluster
NOW we have two nodes with new application and NODEC with old
we try the same process for NODEC.
Will this work. Has any one tried this. what issues can you think of that can happen.
I will so appreciate any feedback from here. I am sure there are experienced ppl on this forum. I dont think this is a rare issue,i believe this is something any organization would want with High Availability requirements.
Thanks for any help in advance.

This is a possible duplicate of How can i do zero down time deployment on cluster environment?. Here is essentially my answer from that question:
After updating the application, you can utilize the "Rollout Update" feature. Rather than saving and synchronizing the nodes after updating, you can use this feature which automatically performs the following tasks to enable the changes to propagate to all deployment targets while maintaining high availability (assuming you have a horizontal cluster, such that cluster members exist on multiple nodes, which it sounds like you do):
Save session changes to the master configuration
For each node in the cluster (one at a time, to enable continuous availability):
Stop the cluster members on the node
Synchronize the node
Start the application servers (which automatically starts the application)

Alternatively, you can follow the following procedure.
Stop all nodeagents except Node A.
Comment out or disable the Node A from Load Balancer or Plugin (So the traffic will not come to the node)
Deploy the application.
Changes will be synchronized only on Node A as its nodeagent is up.
Uncomment/enable the Node A from plugin / load balancer.
Comment/disable Node B from plugin/load balancer to stop incomming traffic on the node.
Start the nodeagent of Node B so it will synchronize the file changes on the Node. The ear application will stop and start after synchronization.
Uncomment/enable the Node B from plugin / load balancer.
Repeat steps 6,7,8 for all the remaining nodes.
Laique Ahmed


Service Fabric Application - changing instance count on application update fails

I am building a CI/CD pipeline to release SF Stateless Application packages into clusters using parameters for everything. This is to ensure environments (DEV/UAT/PROD) can be scoped with different settings.
For example in a DEV cluster an application package may have an instance count of 3 (in a 10 node cluster)
I have noticed that if an application is in the cluster and running with an instance count (for example) of 3, and I change the deployment parameter to anything else (e.g. 5), the application package will upload and register the type, but will fail on attempting to do a rolling upgrade of the running application.
This also works the other way e.g. if the running app is -1 and you want to reduce the count on next rolling deployment.
Have I missed a setting or config somewhere, is this how it is supposed to be? At present its not lending itself to being something that is easily scaled without downtime.
At its simplest form we just want to be able to change instance counts on application updates, as we have an infrastructure-as-code approach to changes, builds and deployments for full tracking ability.
Thanks in advance
This is a common error when using Default services.
This has been already answered multiple times in these places:
Default service descriptions can not be modified as part of upgrade set EnableDefaultServicesUpgrade to true

Best practice to deploy wso2 esb policies

I have setup an ESB cluster using jdbc connections to ms sql databases for local and remotely mounted config and gov registries. 1x mgt and 2xworker
Our .car file contains some ws-security policy artifacts which go to config. When I deploy to mgt it deploys OK. I have SVN dep sync setup to the cluster and when it picks up the .car it starts to deploy on the worker but fails when loading the policy files into conf. It is trying to duplicate the policy in the shared conf and fails - of course that is right but; how should I deploy these 'shared' artifacts when a .car file is distributed by svn? I need to be able to control the deploy properly. The only way I can see is via the dev studio which is terrible for our change management practice.
Thanks for you help.
I can recommend multiple solutions. You can decide what to choose from them.
Since you have only 2 worker nodes, you can get rid of (disable) deployment synchronization and deploy the car files to all the nodes. I believe you have some automated process, so it wont be a problem to deploy to all nodes. While doing so, modify your project to bundle the policies to a separate car file and the services to another. When deploying, you deploy the policies only to management node and the services to all nodes.
Second option is to, add the policies to local registry. i.e. Not the config registry, not the governance registry. Then, when you deploy the car to the management node, it will add the policies to local registry of the management node. When the car file is dep-synced, worker nodes will deploy them and they will add the policies to their local registry. This will avoid the worker nodes trying to add the policies to the same location.
By going through the question, I felt you have external databases to the local registry too. But, its not necessary. You can use the internal H2 database for the local registry. H2 databases sometimes get corrupted. If such a thing happens, all you have to do is, delete the H2 database and restart the server with -Dsetup option. Having an external DB is fine. But, thats an overkill.

Akka cluster and OpenShift

I'm new to Akka Clusters, however as I am understanding its documentation, I need to know at least one "seed node" to join an existing cluster.
So when using clusters with OpenShift I would need to know if the current gear is the first node - then I would create a new cluster - or if there are already some other gears around - I would need to know at least one of their IPs to join them.
Is this possible with OpenShift cloud? (I'm using the DIY catridge, so customizing the start up script wouldn't be a problem. However I can't find any environment variable which provides me relevant data.)
DIY gears on OpenShift Online do not scale. And if you are spinning up separate applications for each of the nodes in your cluster, you are going to (probably) run into inter-gear communication issues. You might need to create your own akka cartridge (, then you can set your own scaling options. You might check out this cartridge ( which supports scaling and might give you some ideas about how to implement yours.

How to redeploy soa projects to a managed node using Weblogic Enterprise Manager

I have configured a Soa Cluster with one admin node and two managed nodes and all server nodes configured in three different machines. once I deploy a Bpell to one managed node it automatically deploys in the other managed nodes as well(default behavior). once you go to soa enterprise manager those deployed Bpels can be viewed under [Soa -> managed node -> Defult ->..]. It is the same place where we deploy new Bpels. I accidentally undeploy all bpels (you can do it by right clicking a managed node and choosing un-deploy option).
Now I'm having a hard time to get back to previous state, how to deploy all those projects again to a specific managed node. I tried to restart the node hoping it would sync again, yet the managed server went to "admin" state (not the ok state).
is there anything needs to be done !!
Thanks, Hemal
You'll need to start the server from command line, it will work.
For managing 'managed servers' from EM or WLS console, there's one additional step that's needed during instalation process.
Please modify the of WLS and set the property startscriptenabled=true.

How can i do zero down time deployment on cluster environment?

I need to deploy a major deployment on my system (more that 15 ear file ) , my system is high available system , So how can I do this deployment with zero downtime ?
my application server is IBM-WAS
After updating the applications, you can utilize the "Rollout Update" feature. Rather than saving and synchronizing the nodes after updating, you can use this feature which automatically performs the following tasks to enable the changes to propagate to all deployment targets while maintaining high availability (assuming you have a horizontal cluster, such that cluster members exist on multiple nodes):
Save session changes to the master configuration
For each node in the cluster (one at a time, to enable continuous availability):
Stop the cluster members on the node
Synchronize the node
Start the application servers (which automatically starts the application)