Multiple document update issue in mongodb - mongodb

Does MongoDB support multiple document update if selector (first argument) is selecting more than 1 document inside a collection.
In the below example first one works fine as it selects only a particular document and modifies zip value.
While in second case collection $addresses has multiple documents which has 'home' => 'canada', it doesn't update anything.
Can someone please help me ?
$addresses->update(array('_id' => new MongoId('4f69de380c211d6c21000001')),
array('$set' => array('zip' => 20)));
$addresses->update(array('home' => 'canada')),
array('$set' => array('zip' => 20)));
Equivalent javascript command
db.addresses.update({home: "canada"}, {$set: {zip: 20}})
Updates zip value of first encountered match, is this the expected behavior.
console command is updating at least one document, PHP is not doing anything if selector matches more than 1 document.

As long as the second statement matches anything it should always update a single document.
If you want it to apply to multiple documents you should pass in the multiple flag as documented here.
In your case the query should read:
$addresses->update(array('home' => 'canada'),
array('$set' => array('zip' => 20)),
array('multiple' => true)


sync data from mongodb to elasticsearch via logstash

I just want to sync the data from mongodb to elastic using logstash. Its working good, when any new record comes in mongodb, logstash pushes into elastic. But when I update any record in mongodb then it does not change into elasticsearch even when i delete it nothing happen . I want to make changes in the config file so that when any record updates or deleted in mongo it should reflect in elastic as well.
input {
mongodb {
uri => 'mongodb://xxxxxx:32769/database'
placeholder_db_dir =>'/usr/share/logstash/bin/opt/logstash-mongodb/'
placeholder_db_name => 'logstash_sqlite.db'
collection => 'tags'
filter {
mutate {
rename => { "_id" => "mongo_id" }
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
index => "mongo_data"
hosts => ["https://xxxxxxxx:8443"]
ssl => true
doc_as_upsert => true
That is not a use-case that the input was designed to support. The documentation states "This was designed for parsing logs that were written into mongodb. This means that it may not re-parse db entries that were changed and already parsed." For "may not" read "will not". The code builds a cursor that finds documents with an id greater than the last id it read. It never looks for updates or deletions. Note also that the test is "greater than the last id" and the way it initializes the last id means it never reads the first document in the collection.

Perl module for Elastisearch Percolator

I'm trying to use the Elasticsearch Percolator with perl and I have found this cool module.
The Percolation methods are listed here
As far as I can tell they're just read methods, hence it is only possible to read the queries index and see if a query already exists, count the queries matched, etc.
Unless I'm missing something it is not possible to add queries via the Percolator interface, so what I did is use the normal method to create a document against the .percolator index as follow:
my $e = Search::Elasticsearch->new( nodes => 'localhost:9200' );
index => 'my_index',
type => '.percolator',
id => $max_idx,
body => {
query => {
match => {
...whatever the query is....
Is that the best way of adding a query to the percolator index via the perl module ?
As per DrTech answer the code I posted looks to be the correct way of doing it.

Mongodb findAndModify embedded document - how do you know which one you've modified?

findAndModify in mongodb is great, but I am having a little trouble knowing which embedded document I modified.
Here is an example where a Post embeds_many Comments. (I'm using Mongoid ORM but the question is generic to any MongoDB setup).
p = Post.asc(id).where(comments: { '$elemMatch' => {reserved: false} }).find_and_modify({'$set' => {'comments.$.reserved' => true}}, {new: true}
# now i need to find which comment I just reserved
c ={|c| c.reserved }.first
c.update_attribute :reserved, false
Ok this sort of works, but if I have multiple processes running this simultaneously my select could choose a comment that another process had reserved (race condition).
This is the closest I have for now (reserving by process id):
p = Post.asc(id).where(comments: { '$elemMatch' => {reserved: nil} }).find_and_modify({'$set' => {'comments.$.reserved' =>}}, {new: true}
# now i need to find which comment I just reserved
c ={|c| c.reserved == }.first
c.update_attribute :reserved, nil
Which seems to work. Is this the best way to do this or is there a better pattern?
Was able to solve it by generating a SecureRandom.hex and setting this on the embedded document with find_and_modify. Then you can loop through the embedded documents and see which one has your matching hex, to see which one you are working with.

Working with nested documents/arrays in Lithium and MongoDB

I'm new to both MongoDB and Lithium and I can't really find the "good way" of working with nested documents. I noticed that when I try
$user = Users::find('first' ... );
$user->somenewfield = array('key' => 'val');
what I get for "somenewfield" is a Document object. But there is also a DocumentArray class - what is the difference between them?
When I call
this results in Mongo (as expected):
"somenewfield" : {
"key": "value"
OK, but when I later want to add a new key-value to the array and try
$user->somenewfield['newkey'] = 'newval';
var_dump($user->somenewfield->to('array')); // shows the old and the new key-value pairs
$user->save(); // does not work - the new pair is not added
What is the correct way to adding a new array to a document using lithium? What is the correct way of updating the array/adding new values to the array? Shall I alywas give a key for the array value?
Thanks for the help in advance. I'm kinda stuck ... reading the documentation, reading the code ... but at some points it gets difficult to find out everything alone :)
What I found at the end was that the way I shall use nested arrays is with $push and $pull:
Users::update(array('$push' => array('games' => (string) $game->_id)),
'_id' => $this->user()->_id,
'games' => array('$ne' => (string) $game->_id)),
array('atomic' => false));
I think there are some quirks in handling subdocuments, you can try:
$somenewfield = $user->somenewfield;
$somenewfield->newkey = newvalue;
$user->somenewfield = $somenewfield;
Or the alternative syntax:
$user->{'somenewfield.newkey'} = $newvalue;
You should be able to find more examples in the tests (look in tests/data at any tests for Document).

How to select subdocuments with MongoDB

I have a collection with a subdocument tags like :
Collection News :
title (string)
tags: [tag1, tag2...]
I want to select all the tags who start with a pattern, but returning only the matching tags.
I already use a regex but it returns all the news containing the matching tag, here is the query : {"tags":/^proga/i}, ["tags"] ).sort( {"tags":1} ).
limit( 0 ).skip( 0 )
My question is : How can I retrieve all the tags (only) who match the pattern ?
(The final goal is to make an autocomplete field)
I also tried using distinct, but I didn't find a way to make a distinct with a find, it always returning me all the tags :(
Thanks for your time
A bit late to the party, but hopefully will help others who are hunting for a solution. I've found a way to do this using the aggregation framework and combining $project and $unwind with the $match, by chaining them together. I've done it using PHP but you should get the gist:
$ops = array(
array('$match' => array(
'collectionColumn' => 'value',
array('$project' => array(
'collection.subcollection' => 1
array('$unwind' => '$subCollection'),
array('$match' => array(
subCollection.subColumn => 'subColumnValue'
The first match and project are just use to filter out to make it faster, then the unwind on subcollection spits out each subcollection item by item which can then be filtered using the final match.
Hope that helps.
UPDATE (from Ryan Wheale):
You can then $group the data back into its original structure. It's like having an $elemMatch which returns more than one subdocument:
array('$group' => array(
'_id' => '$_id',
'subcollection' => array(
'$push' => '$subcollection'
I translated this from Node to PHP, so I haven't tested in PHP. If anybody wants the Node version, leave a comment below and I will oblige.
Embedded documents are not collections. Look at your query: will return documents from the news collection. tags is not a collection, and cannot be filtered.
There is a feature request for this "virtual collection feature" (SERVER-142), but don't expect to see this too soon, because it's "planned but not scheduled".
You can do the filtering client-side, or move the tags to a separate collection. By retrieving only a subset of fields - only the tags field - this should be reasonably fast.
Hint: Your regex uses the /i flag, which makes it impossible to use indexation. Your db strings should be case-normalized (e.g. all upper case)