Symfony 1.4 - are forms always in <table>? - forms

I'm using sfDoctrineAllowPlugin. I need form which has Twitter's Bootstrap semantics. I looked into template and I found, that there is only $form, which is a <table>. How can I format it in my way? I don't want to use table, rows and cols.

There are plenty of render* functions available to display each item in your form.
etc ...
But you can also define a decorator (a custom sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter) for your form to define the way each item will be display. Check this example of adding * for each required field.


redux-form Wizard form with linked fields

I am building a multi-step application form with React. Having first built it with pure internal state I am now in the process of refactoring to Redux using redux-form.
Having used the example here as a basis: we have come a good way.
However the problem appears when i have two forms which are supposed to have the same value. During one of the pages i have a name field, that is supposed to be duplicated on the name field of the next page. The opposite should happen if you go back from the last page. Any tips to how this could be achieved?
Using the wizard, you are basically working with the exact same form that's split into multiple pieces. Ultimately it's the same form, because redux-form tracks them by name. It is how the library identifies the pieces of the same form - using the name.
form: 'wizard',
Here you can see that the exact same instance of the form will be shared throughout the pieces. fields work in a similar manner. Each field is defined as part of a form.
As long as you use the same field constants inside the fields object that you pass into the reduxForm function and as long as the value for form is the same, so that they use the same underlying form object, it should work for you just fine.
On one page you should pass in
export default reduxForm({
form: 'wizard',
fields : {
And then on the other page:
export default reduxForm({
form: 'wizard',
fields : {
Also, make sure you keep destroyOnUnmount equal to false if you want to navigate back-and-forth.
Hope that helps.

How to remove a validator from a Select?

I have a form where I need to add/remove validators dynamically. Based on a dropdown selection, other form fields may have different validation rules.
For other kinds of inputs, I've used replace(methodThatCreatesTheInput()) to get rid of a previously added validator. (Not knowing of a better way. Specifically, there doesn't seem to be any way to directly remove a validator from a component...)
With Select, from wicket-extensions, this approach fails with something like:
WicketMessage: submitted http post value [[Ljava.lang.String;#5b4bf56d]
for SelectOption component [8:myForm:targetInput] contains an
illegal relative path element [targetConsortiums:1:option] which does not
point to an SelectOption component. Due to this the Select component cannot
resolve the selected SelectOption component pointed to by the illegal value.
A possible reason is that component hierarchy changed between rendering and
form submission.
The method that creates the Select:
private FormComponent<?> targetSelection() {
Map<Class<? extends Target>, List<Target>> targets = targetService.getAllAsMap();
SelectOptions<Target> propertyOptions = new SelectOptions<Target>("targetConsortiums",
targets.get(Consortium.class), new TargetRenderer());
SelectOptions<Target> consortiumOptions = new SelectOptions<Target>("targetProperties",
targets.get(Property.class), new TargetRenderer());
Select select = new Select(ID_TARGET, new PropertyModel<Target>(model, "target"));
return select;
(Why use a Select instead of normal DropDownChoice? We want the two types of choices to be clearly separated, as documented in this question.)
Any ideas how to solve this? What I'm trying to achieve is, of course, very simple. Unfortunately Wicket disagrees, or I'm using it wrong.
Wicket 1.4.
I don't know how to do this on Wicket 1.4, but on Wicket 1.5 there is a remove method for validators on FormComponent (see javadoc)

Extjs 4 :Disable all the input elemets in an Extjs form at once

I have created a extjs form which is divided into 2 parts using column layout and have almost 10-15 input elements in it. How can i disable all these input elements at a time depending on a condition. Currently i have created a function which fetchs all the components in a form and using ext.each loop through each element to disable them
Here is the function that i use
function prepare_form_view(form){
var f=Ext.getCmp(form);
var els=f.query('component');
var xtype=o.getXType();
Is there any alternative way so that I can disable all elements without looping through each and every elements. I want to use this function with other forms too. I looking for something like 'setFieldDefult' function.
If you are using FormPanel in ExtJs 4.x this is what you are looking for -
The getForm() method returns the Ext.form.Basic object, with this class, you also could access to all the fields on this form with getFields(), then you could iterator all the fields to do anything.
Hope this helps and good luck:-)
What about panel's disable/enable method? This seems much easier.
Here is a suggestion.. Since, you say your form is divided into two parts why don't you put them in a FieldSet ? You can disable the fieldset as a whole with one method ie, setDisabled.
This will avoid the looping of components and disabling / enabling them one after the another.
You could use the cascade function of the form panel which is the ExtJs way to to do it but if you check the source code of the cascade function you will see that it uses a for loop also. The only benifit of using the cascade function is that it will work also for forms with nested panels. I think that your implementation will not work properly a case like that.

Parsing comma separated string into multiple database entries (eg. Tags)

I want to create a Symfony 2 Form for a Blog Post. One of the fields that I am wondering how might I implement is the tags field. Post has a many-to-many relationship with Tag. I want my Form to have 1 text box where users enter in a comma separated list of tags. Which will then be converted into multiple Tag's.
How should I implement it? Do I:
Have a tagsInput field (named differently from in the Entity where $tags should be an ArrayCollection)
On POST, I split the tags and create/get multiple tags. Then validate the tags (eg. MaxLength of 32)
I think you are already on the right way since I saw your other question about the form type. I will just comfort you with your choice.
A form type is probably the best way to go. With the form type, you will be able to display a single text field in your form. You will also be able to transform the data into a string for display to the user and to an ArrayCollection to set it in your model. For this, you use a DataTransformer exactly as you are doing in your other question.
With this technique, you don't need an extra field tagsInput in your model, you can have only a single field named tags that will an ArrayCollection. Having one field is possible because the you form type will transform that data from a string to an ArrayCollection.
For the validation, I think you could use the Choice validator. This validator directive seems to be able to validate that an array does not have less than a number of item and not more than another number. You can check the documentation for it here. You would use it like this:
// src/Acme/BlogBundle/Entity/Author.php
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class Post
* #Assert\Choice(min = 1, max = 32)
protected $tags;
If it does not work or not as intended, what you could do is to create a custom validator. This validator will then be put in your model for the tags field. This validator would validate the an array have a maximum number of element no greater than a fixed number (32 in your case).
Hope this helps.

Zend Form dynamic row number with javascript

I have a form here in which there is a textfield which contains a number. In another part of the form there are rows, which coresponds with the number entered. For example 2 = 2 rows etc.
So my idea is to create one row which is duplicated by a javascript. So i must create a input element which name is in a array like name="input[]" how can i do this in Zend Framework?
The only approach i found for this kind of problem is to use subforms. But every Subform has a explicite name which is not in a array.
To make a rendered Zend_Form respond to client-side changes - as in your example, to allow the user to enter the number of rows he wants - you need both client-side and server-handling.
The best example demonstrating the general idea is from Jeremy Kendall: » Blog Archive » Dynamically Adding Elements to Zend_Form
The upshot is that you have client-side code that adds tracks the number of fields and then a preValidation() method that injects the right number of fields into the $form instance before isValid() gets called.
[As noted in the comments there, this preValidation() processing could just be bundled into isValid() so that the controller remains unchanged.]