Add "next" button to display next table entity - iphone

Still completely new to this whole xcode thing so bear with me..
Im using xcode 4's 'master-detail' template with core data. When you click a cell in the table of the rootView, it segues to a detail view passing selectedItem as managedobject "detailItem".
I want to add a "next" Button (or a swipegesture preferably, if possible) that will display the next cell/detailItem, from the table in rootView, in the detailView
(exactly like the
Do i need to recreate a fetchedresults controller and pass the objectIndex then fetch index+1 And display that as next object?
Or is there an easier more efficient way that wont drive me crazy trying to fabricate???
any help would be Most appreciated. And hopefully detailed as i would barely understand it

I would create a delegate relationship between the master and detail view controllers. If you don't know how delegates work, check documentation in that link, and plenty of good tutorials are a Google search away… this one's not bad. Here's the high-level approach:
On the detail controller, you'll create an (id) delegate property, and a "DetailViewControllerDelegate" protocol with methods like -(BOOL)detailViewShouldShowNextItem:(DetailViewController *)detailViewController and a similar one for previous.
On the master controller, declare support for the protocol in the header, and then implement the delegate methods so that they select the previous or next item in the list, loading it in the detail view.
Finally, after the detail view controller is instantiated, set its delegate to be the master view controller.


Objective - C How to manage multiple views with View Controller iphone

I am new in developing iOS apps. I am trying to develop a multiple views app. My doubt is how to manage a multiple views app with View Controller, I mean, I do not want to use Navigation Controller nor Tab Controller.
My idea is to show a first View to choose the language, and after this, I want to show some different profiles in a table view. When you choose the profile, you get into a menu where you have some different functionalities (Once in this menu, I might use Navigation Controller).
My problem is that I don't know how to manage these two first views. I don't know if I have to declare them in the appDelegate, or if I can do it nesting one to other, I mean, I do the first view, and when I pressed the button, I declare the new view. Once in the new view, when I pressed a row in the table view, I make the another view.
I know it is a little bit confusing, so I hope you could understand it quite well.
I want to clarify that I am not using storyboards. My main doubt is what to do with all de view controllers, Do I have to declare all of them in the appDelegate? or Can I declare each view in every controller?
If you are using storyboards, you can use Segue's to navigate between the views, so you would show your first view, then you could tie a button to the next view (by control dragging in storyboard). If you want to transition programmatically you can use the performSegueWithIdentifier method. You could use the same approach to get from your tableViewController to your next viewController by using the performSegueWithIdentifier method from within the tableViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath delegate method (i.e. when a user taps a cell).
That should get you started. Good luck!
You really should be using storyboards. It's the way to do things these days. If you refuse, then the best approach is to create a container view controller that manages your "children" view controllers. You can find information on doing this, as well as the methods needed to present/remove child view controllers here:
Custom Container View Controllers
You can use navigation controller with "hidden" property.
self.navController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
If you want to have two different views and transition between them, you will want to use UIViewControllers presented modally. Here is Apple's Guide to this.

One view that cooperates with every cell uniquely

Im new to iOS development, and Im developing an app the uses a lot of UITableViews. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how Im going to accomplish this app.
I am going to have the user be able to add cells to a table view, and for each cell, I need a UIViewController (this view controller will look the EXACTLY same for every cell) that will save data.
So my question is how can i write the code to create a view that only cooperates with one cell, but has the same interface for all the other cells? (The view im talking about is when the user drills down on a cell, it allows them to input some data).
Every "drilled down view" is the same, but they all must work uniquely with the cells of the table! I am having such a difficult time with this one, and any help would be greatly appreciated, if anyone knows of a tutorial I can check out, that'd be great! Thanks again!
Generally you would, if at all possible, have two view controllers, your table view controller and your detail view controller. You'll often hear this described as a "master-detail" (the table view controller being the "master"). Your table view controller will, when someone selects an item from the tableview, trigger a detail view controller, passing it the necessary information.
You would only consider different detail view controllers (what you call the "drilled down view") if the nature of the view is structurally different from each other. Thus, you would have one detail view controller for each "type" of detail view, and you'd just pass it the necessary information to present the appropriate details. You haven't provided enough detail in your question to let us ascertain whether one detail view controller would be sufficient, whether you'd need a few, or whether you really need unique detail view controllers.
For more information on view controllers, I'd suggest you go through the ViewController Programming Guide as a more detailed discussion of how to construct master-detail apps is probably beyond the scope of this forum. You can probably also google "iOS master detail tutorial" and get tons of hits.

reuse view from storyboard

I have a tableview with custom section headers. The view for the section header is defined in the storyboard and wired to an instance variable. Is there a way to request a new instance of the view from the storyboard?
In the past I have done this by having the section header defined in its own xib file and getting a new instance by using
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"TimerViewSectionHeader" owner:self options:nil];
UIView *newHeaderView = self.sectionHeaderView;
I dont' think there is a way to do that. Best bet is to put the tableview custom header view in a separate nib and load it like you did in your code sample whenever you need to use it.
I tried to do the same thing and ran into the same problem.
I like to work with storyboards a lot and was impressed how fast I could create a working UI. However, as soon as you need to re-use views it makes a lot of sense to put those into a separate nib along with its UIViewController subclass.
You can then place a generic UIView in all the places where your re-used view should go and add the view using your ViewController:
[myReusableViewController loadView];
[myReusableViewController viewDidLoad]; // You have to handle view callbacks yourself.
[self.myReusableViewPlaceholder addSubview:myResusableViewController.view];
[myReusableViewController viewWillAppear:YES];
So to sum it up:
Use storyboard, it's great
Create the scaffold of your application in the storyboard, along with any static view (like About screens etc.)
Create re-used views in a custom nib + UIViewController subclass and add UIView placeholders in your storyboard.
In another answer I thought about some Pros and Cons of Storyboard
The solution I've come up with for this is as follows:
I have a tableview with multiple prototype cells that displays complex data. There is a segue to a detail view, and a transaction process view.
This first tableview has a search button that displays a new tableview with the results. It needs the same functionality as the main tableview that pushes it; including segues to the detail and transaction progress views so:
On storyboard, select and copy your main tableview. Deselect and paste. Create a push segue from your main tableview to your 2nd tableview; or from where ever you want to navigate to it from. Modify the 2nd tableview as you like. IE: If it requires some UI changes no problem.
Create a new viewcontroller class that is a subclass of the viewcontroller running the main tableview.
Override the data delegate in your subclass to serve up the subset of data you want.
Back in the storyboard, select your 2nd tableview controller and in the identity inspector select your subclass as the custom class.
For this solution to work smoothly, your app really needs to be managing data for the views. You could use prepareforsegue to pass data from 1st tableview to the second, but I've found the app data model far more flexible from numerous points of view.
Unless you have buttons that push to the sub views via segue, your subclass will need to override functions that push via segues with identities. NB Segues must have unique identifiers if you id them at all.
It took a lot of trial and error to figure this out, but once you understand the concept, it's a relatively smooth solution that is quite adaptable and not so bad to implement.
I am not sure about just views, but the way that I was able to get view controllers out of my storyboard is as follows.
UIViewController *viewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"IdentifierName"];
From here, perhaps you might be able to use this similarly to how it was once done with nibs.
I've been able to reuse a view in the storyboard just by connecting a transition from one tableview into the one I want to reuse.
so my tableview that I want to reuse is pointed to twice.
It sort of works but the problem I'm running into it setting a variable (using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier) in my app delegate to my table view that is getting reused.
It seems that if I reuse it, the storyboard is creating 2 instances of my tableview and the one I get with instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier isn't the one I want.
I'm not really sure if this is the proper way to do it. But I assume many others are doing this somehow. With the custom table cells in storyboard I suspect lots of people want to reuse their views.
For example: We want to reuse the view(include subviews) in storyboard shown below.
The best solution I know so far is clip and paste the view related code to the New Singe View file without losing the information.
Detailed steps are as follows
Step 1: Rename the view we want reuse. Just prepare for step 2.
Step 2: Open storyboard as source code in order to clip the XML code we need
Step 3、4: Search and clip the code we need
Step 4.5(Not needed): Open as Interface Builder to see the view removed
Step 5、6: New XXX.xib and paste the code we clipped just now
Step 7: Important. Insert code<freeformSimulatedSizeMetrics key="simulatedDestinationMetrics"/> to XXX.xib source code.
Warning: Do this before open it as Interface Builder! Otherwise, you will see wrong size and layout waring.
[![step 7][9]][9]
Step 8: New XXX.swift to connect the XXX.xib
[![step 8][10]][10]
Step 9: Add the view anywhere we want
[![step 9][11]][11]
I get warning: "You need at least 10 reputation to post more than 8 links."
Can you support me to upload the remaining 3 screenshots?

how to pass variables between a complex navigational stack

I have several uitableviews that the user can use to set different types of search parameters in my application, I will allow the user to select a cell that will then push a new view onto the stack in which the user can choose what to search and then return back to the original view with the value passed into the originally selected cell..
Where this gets complicated is that each of the original search views will be able to push the same view for search results onto the stack..
here is a graphical example of what I mean as it is hard to explain.
In this example only one viewcontroller can show at a time when a cell in the current view controller is selected the subview is loaded with the list of options, both view controllers use the same subviewcontroller.
My question is to do with returning values that you select in the subviewcontroller back to the correct viewcontroller...
I am trying to figure out how to return the selected value in the subviewcontroller to the correct cell in the correct viewcontroller.. I am hoping to get some suggestions on the correct way to handle this type of view structure as its not really covered in many books that I have available to me, plus I hope to draw on your guys knowledge and experience with similar projects.
One common way is to define a protocol in the sub view controller for callbacks, and have each of the main view controllers implement that... when they create or call up the sub view controller, they tell it that they are the selection delegate to be called when a change is made. Then they can also choose to dismiss the sub view controller.

iPhone programming guideline : List / detail / modify

I have a program that displays a list (a TableView).
When the user clicks an item, it's detail is shown.
On the detail view, the user can ask to modify it so a modify window is shown.
Here, the user can ask to delete the item.
I would like at this time return to the list with the item deleted from the list and from the data source.
There may be thousands of methods to do this, but I wonder which is the best / good one.
Could you help me, and/or give me a good reference to read about this ?
I think he ask how to get from view number 3 back to first view.
Then you can put your three views inside a UINavigationController and call on the last view popToRootViewControllerAnimated:
at least Two options:
Delegation - Create a protocol called something like: TableDetailModifierDelegat
and add methods like modifierDidChangedItem:(id)item
or modifierDidDeleteItem:(id)item
and to the modifying view controller add instance variable id so when you done editing or deleting you will call the appropriate methods.
of course you will need to make your table view controller implement the protocol you created. if you modified or deleted an item you should update your data source and reload the data to the table.
also pass the Table View Controller as the delegate when creating the Modifying View Controller.
Passing The Data Model.
This is much more simple to implement.
you can simply pass your data model to the modifying view controller, and make the changes directly to the data model.
You should keep the data model as Instance Variable in the modifying view controller.
when you done, dont forget to reload the data to your table.
In this instance, you could simply remove the data from the data source the UITableView is using and then call the reloadData method on the table. (As you're editing the data in question, you'll presumably have a suitable method/reference by which to delete it.)
As a bit of reading, I'd recommend Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iOS - this provides a lot of useful background information.