avassetwriter with greenscreen or chromakey - iphone

Is it possible to composite green screen images -- an animated actor against a green background, with a backdrop photo and make a video of that using avassetwriter on the iPhone.
I have an application that creates a sequence of screenshots of an animated character against a green background. I'd like to composite those with a photograph from their library.
Is there some way to composite the two into a video on the iPhone?

Yes, there is. I just added a chroma key filter to my GPUImage framework, which should let you do realtime green screen effects from camera, image, or movie sources. You just need to use a GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter, set the color you want to replace in the first image or video source, set the sensitivity threshold, and optionally set the amount of smoothing to use on colors that are not quite matches of your target.
It acts like the other blend filters in the framework, where you supply the video source to filter as the first input to the filter, and the image or video to replace you target color with as the second input.
I haven't yet tuned this particular filter for performance, but you should easily be able to get 30 FPS processing for 640x480 frames on an older iPhone 4 (~15-20 FPS for 720p).


Mask Video Into Shape and Compose Over Another Video (AVComposition)

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the capabilities of AVComposition, but I have a task that I am failing to know how to approach.
I have a background video, which is a video of a tree;
I also have a foreground video, which is a video of a horse;
I have a transparent .png mask, which is a circle (shown with background for clarity).
My ideal goal is to create a H.264 video, save to the user's device, that shows the tree in the background, with the horse video masked into a circle.
While I believe using init(asset:applyingCIFiltersWithHandler:) to apply a CIBlendWithMask filter could be feasible, I have no idea how I would render the "masked" video (since it would be transparent around the circle) over the background video.

Apply custom camera filters on live camera preview - Swift

I'm looking to make a native iPhone iOS application in Swift 3/4 which uses the live preview of the back facing camera and allows users to apply filters like in the built in Camera app. The idea was for me to create my own filters by adjusting Hue/ RGB/ Brightness levels etc. Eventually I want to create a HUE slider which allows users to filter for specific colours in the live preview.
All of the answers I came across for a similar problem were posted > 2 years ago and I'm not even sure if they provide me with the relevant, up-to-date solution I am looking for.
I'm not looking to take a photo and then apply a filter afterwards. I'm looking for the same functionality as the native Camera app. To apply the filter live as you are seeing the camera preview.
How can I create this functionality? Can this be achieved using AVFoundation? AVKit? Can this functionality be achieved with ARKit perhaps?
Yes, you can apply image filters to the camera feed by capturing video with the AVFoundation Capture system and using your own renderer to process and display video frames.
Apple has a sample code project called AVCamPhotoFilter that does just this, and shows multiple approaches to the process, using Metal or Core Image. The key points are to:
Use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to get live video frames.
Use CVMetalTextureCache or CVPixelBufferPool to get the video pixel buffers accessible to your favorite rendering technology.
Draw the textures using Metal (or OpenGL or whatever) with a Metal shader or Core Image filter to do pixel processing on the CPU during your render pass.
BTW, ARKit is overkill if all you want to do is apply image processing to the camera feed. ARKit is for when you want to know about the camera’s relationship to real-world space, primarily for purposes like drawing 3D content that appears to inhabit the real world.

iOS combining videos using AVFoundation

What is the method of cropping and combining video using AVFoundation? I need to crop away x number of pixels from the top (of a video) and fill that potion of the video with a different video. Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible, but tricky. You need to:
create an AVMutableVideoComposition and add two tracks with the two videos you want to combine.
shift the video on top up by the amount you want. You do this by figuring out the appropriate affine transform and build the AVMutableVideoCompositionInstructions with that affine transform applied.
It's all very messy. These slides will help you through it:
Unfortunately, no. There's no way to crop or mask video on the fly in AVFoundation. You could translate the video down the render area (effectively 'cropping' the bottom) using AVMutableVideoComposition and AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructions setTransform:atTime:

Polling IPhone Camera to Process Image

Scenario is I want my app to process (in the background if possible) images been seen by the iphone camera.
e.g. App is running, user places the phone down on a piece of red cardboard, than want to display an alertview saying "Phone placed on Red Surface"(this is a simplified version of what i want to do but just to keep the question direct).
Hope this makes sense. I know there is two seperate concerns here.
How to process images from the camera in the background of the app (if we cant do this that we can initiate the process with say a button click if needed).
Processing the image to say what solid colour it is sitting on.
Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Generic answers to your two questions:
Background processing of image can be triggered as a timer event. Say for example, every 30 second, capture the image on the screen and do the processing behind. If the processing is not computing/time intensive, this should work
It is technically possible to know the color of say one pixel programatically. If you are sure that the entire image is just one color, you can try that approach. Get few random points and get the color of the pixel in the image. But if the image (in your example, red board) consists of an image or multiple colors, then that will require detailed image processing techniques.
Hope this helps
1) Image Capture
There's two kinds of apps that continually take imagery from the camera: media capture (e.g. Camera, iMovie) or Augmented Reality apps.
Here's the iPhone SDK tutorial for media capture:
Access the camera with iPhone SDK
Augmented Reality apps take continual pictures from the camera for processing/overlay. I suggest you look into some of the available AR kits and see how they get a continual stream from the camera and also analyze the pixels.
Starting a augmented reality (AR) app like Panasonic VIERA AR Setup Simulator
2) Image Processing
Image processing is a really big topic that's been addressed in multiple other places:
..but for starters, you'll need to use some heuristical analysis to determine what you're looking for. Sampling the captured pixels in a bunch of places (e.g. corners + middle) may help, as would generating a histogram of colour intensities - if there's lots of red but little or no blue and green, it's a red card.

approach for recording grayscale video on iphone?

I am building an iphone app that needs to record grayscale video and save it to the camera roll. I'm stumped at how best to approach this.
I am thinking along the following lines:
Use a shader and opengl to transform the video to grayscale
Use AVFoundation (AVAssetWriter with an AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor) to write the video to the file.
My questions are:
Is this the right approach (simplest, best performance)?
If so, what would be the best way to go from opengl output to a CVPixelBufferRef input for the AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor?
If not, what would be a better approach?
Any nudge in the right direction is much appreciated!
In general, I'd agree with this approach. Doing your processing in an OpenGL ES 2.0 shader should be the most performant way of doing video frame alteration like this, but it won't be very simple. Fortunately, you can start from a pre-existing template that already does this.
You can use the sample application I wrote here (and explained here) as a base. I use custom shaders in this example to track colors in an image, but you could easily alter this to convert the video frames to grayscale (I even saw someone do this once). The code for feeding camera video into a texture and processing it could be used verbatim from that sample.
In one of the display options within that application, I render the processed image first to a framebuffer object, then use glReadPixels() to pull the resulting image back into bytes that I can work with on the CPU. You could use this to get the raw image data back after the GPU has processed a frame, then feed those bytes into CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes() to generate your CVPixelBufferRef for writing to disk.
(Edit: 2/29/2012) As an update to this, I just implemented this kind of video recording in my open source GPUImage framework, so I can comment on the specific performance for the encoding part of this. It turns out that you can capture video from the camera, perform live filtering on it, grab it from OpenGL ES using glReadPixels(), and write that out as live H.264 video in 640x480 frames on an iPhone 4 at 30 FPS (the maximum camera framerate).
There were a few things that I needed to do in order to get this recording speed. You need to make sure that you set your AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor to use kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA as its color format for input pixel buffers. Then, you'll need to re-render your RGBA scene using a color-swizzling shader to provide BGRA output when using glReadPixels(). Without this color setting, your video recording framerates will drop to 5-8 FPS on an iPhone 4, where with it they are easily hitting 30 FPS. You can look at the GPUImageMovieWriter class source code to see more about how I did this.
Using the GPUImage framework, your above filtering and encoding task can be handled by simply creating a GPUImageVideoCamera, attaching a target of a GPUImageSaturationFilter with the saturation set to 0, and then attaching a GPUImageMovieWriter as a target of that. The framework will handle the OpenGL ES interactions for you. I've done this, and it works well on all iOS devices I've tested.