Flash movies are played like in slow motion - windows-xp

All flash movies are played like in slow motion... I reinstalled windows but this happens again.. how I can fix this problem?

The problem is most likely your Flash version. The same thing has been happening with me since I upgraded it, so try an earlier version. Of course, the best way to fix the problem is to stop everyone from distributing video content in Flash. It is not a video player, never has been, and never will be. It can consume at least 5x the resources of a good video player, so if you have an older computer like I do, it sometimes makes websites SO SLOW.


kweb3 projeckktor raspberry pi memory leak

I am using Kweb3 in kiosk mode with projekktor on raspberry pi to play html5 mp4 video files. The time I play 5-6 files, it keeps on increasing virtual memory & hence the time it reaches 500mb, browser start showing loader & nothing happens (basically goes out of memory/memory leak is happening). How can this memory issue be fixed? it is not removing the older video from memory. I also tried the iframe way of doing it. no luck. Please help.
I note your question was asked a long time but there is a solution to this.
We had the same problem and the solution is to:
Play the video in an iframe within your application
When the video has finished, remove the iframe from the DOM
This effectively creates a fresh page and then destroys that page once it is removed. This causes it to be freed up from memory.
We were able to play 12 videos consecutively (in a single page app) after finally finding this fix.

Stream screen from Mac to iPhone

I want to create a program that stream the screen of my Mac to my iPhone. Kind of like it is done in Liveview. I'm still relatively new to Objective-C, so I don't know where to start to make such an application.
It seems you have to have something installed both on your Mac and on your iPhone, but how would you actually stream the screen of your Mac to your iPhone?
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Update of question
Thanks for the answers. Still seems a bit vague to me and I'm not sure I really need full video streaming. Implementing also seems to be a pain, since there aren't any real good resources for it.
Taking a screenshot every second or so and streaming it to my iPhone as an image, would actually be ok. I've figured out how to stream an image with Bonjour from my Mac to my iPhone.
The screenshot I need to send to my iPhone is of the design that I'm currently working on in photoshop. I've figured out how to take a screenshot and how to get a list of all open windows. But how to make a snapshot of an open PSD-file, I don't know.
Any suggestions on that?
It's a very big subject, so not really something that can be tackled with a simple response. However, I would suggest that one approach would be to write a VNC client for the iPhone. Indeed, this open source exists that's probably worth a look:
I would go with the frequent screenshot approach. You would prepare a screenshot of the item you want to transmit and then use some easy library like my DTBonjour to transmit these objects via WiFi to iOS clients.
If you were using layer-backing then you could also use the renderLayer... methods which would also include sub-layers.
The most fidelity you'd get from encoding the individual screen shots in a streaming video format, though this is way more work.
This is called RFB (or RDP), and most remote-screen applications use RFB/RDP protocol and libraries which implement it.

.m3u8 based video still has severe buffering issues on iOS

I'm working on getting a streaming video solution implemented for a client, with iOS devices targeted (mostly iPad).
I have diced up my video files into TS's and I have my accompanying m3u8 file. They are being hosted by a generic web host, and CDN'd by Amazon CloudFront, so on paper speed should be fine.
I am noticing that pretty much no matter what, the iPad is still having substantial buffering problems at pre-determined points (presumably where one segment ends and another begins).
My lowest bitrate for the TS files is 600kb/s which seems like that would be plenty low for typical WiFi streaming, but it still stops pretty hard.
I'm trying to figure out what is going wrong... I don't think it's the file hosting... as once it STARTS downloading, it goes fast. I feel like perhaps my m3u8 is somehow incomplete or inadequate...
As a side note, these videos are only 30-35 seconds long, and the media segmenter slices them into 3-4 pieces.
Has anyone seen anything like this?

AVPlayer restart sync issue

Hi all
Im working with AVPlayer app to run on an iPad and just getting my head around it. Currently stuck with an issue that i cant seem to get the avplayer to restart a currently playing file safely. The video doesnt need to be finished for a call for the command to restart is called.
[player[currentPage] seekToTime:startTime toleranceBefore:startTime toleranceAfter:startTime];
[player[currentPage] play];
is what im using at the moment and it works majority of the time but sometimes the video seems to go out of sync with the sound . that is to say the sound restarts fine but the video seems to be paused and doesnt restart until the sound catches back up with it.
Anyone have experience with this or can point me in the right direction to research it myself. I have gone through the avplayer class files on the apple dev site and have been unlucky with searching for similar problems.
Thanks for any help
Check out my answer for this question:
iOS Multiple AVPlayer objects results in loss of audio/video sync

AVAssetExportSession missing audio track when exporting on device

I run the export on the simulator and everything works great. I run it on the device and the video gets exported but there's no audio. This leads me to believe that I must be using an audio format that the device doesn't support but OS X does, as the simulator uses what OS X uses. I've tried m4a, aiff, and aifc and have had no luck! Any ideas??
I have a very similar problem. It does not seem to do with codecs, as I made a separate test case that runs fine with the same video. There’s a related question that says the problem might be in playing the same assets using MPMoviePlayerController. That got me on the right track (sort of).
In my case the trouble stem from using the assets in an AVPlayer during the export. I was not able to find the exact combination that causes the export to drop the audio track – in the separate test project the export runs fine even though the asset plays in AVPlayer at the same time. After several hours of trying to find the exact cause I gave up and simply popped the asset out of the player using replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:nil during export. It’s a hack, but it works.
AVFoundation is a very powerful framework, but God I wish it wasn’t so finicky or at least logged more errors instead of silently producing garbage.