I running a simple code:Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration on about 700 users but I keep getting The I / O operation was aborted error.
I thought it was a session issue so I added to code $EOLSession.state -eq 'Broken' -or !$EOLSession
That did not work.
So I googled more and i found that it might be related to WinRM service so I added more code.
That also did not work ...I can't find anything else.
Can someone help me please?
my code is below:
foreach ($user in $users) {
Function Reconnect-ExchangeOnline
if ($EOLSession.state -eq 'Broken' -or !$EOLSession)
Disconnect-ExchangeOnline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 3; Connect-ExchangeOnline
$serviceWinRM = get-service WinRM
if ( $serviceWinRM.Status -eq "Stopped")
start-service WinRM;Start-Sleep -Seconds 4
Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -identity $user.userprincipalname -WorkDays Weekdays -WeekStartDay "Monday"
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName xxxxxx
I implemented a powershell script, which assigns Exchange settings to our user mailboxes (Exchange 2016). As we have a lot of mailboxes and assigning settings is slow, the script would run more then 15 hours. However after about 10 hours I get the following error:
Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: Error occurred during the Kerberos response.
[Server=XXXXX, TimeStamp = 74/2018 01:25:49]
For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At C:\Users\ACCOUNT\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_cj3akhk4.osq\tmp_cj3akhk4.osq.psm1:77943 char:9
+ $steppablePipeline.End()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (XXXX:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : JobFailure
+ PSComputerName : XXXX
My script retires the operation and after two retries (which fail) an authentication prompt is shown. There I can enter the password of the service account and the script continues. However this dialog is only visible if I run the script in a PS command prompt. If the script is started as Windows Task, it just hangs and does not continue.
The connection to Exchange is opened and imported with the following code. The code can either connect to our on premises Exchange or Exchange online based on the passed parameter. The problem is currently only happening, when connected to our local (on premises) Exchange infrastructure.
Function Connect-Exchange{
[String]$TargetExchange = 'Local'
if ($ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type -eq $TargetExchange -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session.State -eq 'Opened'){
# Nothing to do, we are already connected.
Write-Log "Exchange connection type $($TargetExchange) already established, nothing to do."
} else {
if ($ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type -ne $TargetExchange -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session.State -eq 'Opened'){
# We have a open session with the wrong type. We close it.
Remove-PSSession $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = $null
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'undefined'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = ''
# We close all other existing Exchange sessions we created.
get-pssession -Name "Exchange" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | remove-pssession
# Now connect to the requestes Exchange infrastructure and import session.
$Connected = $False
$RetryCount = 5
try {
If ($TargetExchange -eq 'Local'){
$ExchangeServer = Get-Random -InputObject $LocalExchangeConfig.ExchangeServers
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://$($ExchangeServer)/PowerShell/" -Credential $EOCredentials -Authentication Kerberos -Name "Exchange"
} else {
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri 'https://ps.protection.outlook.com/powershell-liveid/' -Credential $EOCredentials -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection -Name "Exchange"
$Res = Import-PSSession $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -AllowClobber
# Store Exchange status in session variable.
$Connected = $True
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'connected'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = $TargetExchange
} catch {
$err = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Could not connect to Exchange server type '$($TargetExchange)' (Retries left: $($RetryCount))." -Break $false
get-pssession -Name "Exchange" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | remove-pssession
$RetryCount -= 1
} while (!$Connected -and ($RetryCount -gt 0))
# If we do not have connection here, this is an error.
if (!$Connected) {
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = $null
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'undefined'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = ''
throw "No connection to Exchange server (type: $($TargetExchange)) could be established."
} else {
# Get list of available mailbox DBs including mailbox count and create hashtable to store statistics. We only have to get it the first time.
if (($MailboxDBList.count -eq 0) -and ($TargetExchange -eq 'Local')){
Write-Log "Getting current Exchange DB configuration and mailbox count. Takes a moment."
$MailboxDBList = Get-MailboxDBCount -Type $LocalExchangeConfig.DistributeMailboxes
return $ExchangeSessionInfo
The following code is applying a predefined set of Exchange settings:
$TryCount = 0
$Done = $false
# It takes a while after enabling mailbox until settings can be applied. So we need to retry.
# If we need to execute a setting several times.
if ($MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# We have a loop value (array).
foreach ($LoopValue in $MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# Copy parameter as we have to change a value (loop value).
$TempParams = $Params.PsObject.Copy()
#($Params.getenumerator()) |? {$_.Value -match '#LOOPVALUE#'} |% {$TempParams[$_.Key]=$LoopValue}
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #TempParams -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
} else {
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #Params -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
# Write-Log "Setting command $($MailboxSetting.Command) executed successfully"
$Done = $true
} catch{
$res = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Error applying mailbox settings, account: $($AccountDetails.sAMAccountName), retry count: $($TryCount)" -Break $false
Start-Sleep -s $(($Retires-$TryCount) * 5)
} while ((!$done) -and ($tryCount -lt $Retires))
I am sure the error is not related to the code, because the script runs for hours without a problem and applies all settings. However after a around 10 hours it seems the Kerberos ticket expires and then the script cannot longer access Exchange without a re-login.
Is there a way to keep the Kerberos ticket from expiring or renew it?
Any help would be appreciated.
I think you are hitting the domain security policy (group policy object - GPO) => security settings/account policy/Kerberos policy restriction.
The two valid options for you are:
Maximum lifetime for user ticket => the default value is 10 hours
Maximum lifetime for user ticket renewal => the default value is 7 days (this is the period within which the ticket can be renewed).
Is there a way to keep the Kerberos ticket from expiring or renew it?
For the first questions you "just" need to adjust the maximum lifetime for user ticket setting to value as you deem appropriate.
The second one is more tricky. I would just purge all kerberos tickets via the powershell. For more - viewing and purging cached kerberos tickets which would get you a new one.
If the ticket can be renewed you have to check the RENEABLE flag - you wan view it via kinit. Perhaps kinit -R could be enough for ticket renewal. (I did not do this my self) You could also renew it via kerberos for windows
Edit -- adding klist purge to purge all Kerberos tickets so it can be renewed.
As you have klist then you can purge all tickets via must be run in elevated powershell prompt
(all credits to JaredPoeppelman):
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession | Where-Object {$_.AuthenticationPackage -ne 'NTLM'} | ForEach-Object {klist.exe purge -li ([Convert]::ToString($_.LogonId, 16))}
Then check if your TGT was updated via:
klist tgt
Note: you must use FQDN name everywhere!
Thanks for your suggestion. In a first try I will extend my code as follows and try to reestblisch a new Exchange connection. Needs 10 h runnig the script in order to see if this works.
I am not able to influence the domain security Policy, additionally as I do not know how long the script runs, it will be difficult to set a value.
On my Windows 2016 the command "kinit" ist not recognized. Possibly I need to install additional modules/roles.
$TryCount = 0
$Done = $false
# It takes a while after enabling mailbox until settings can be applied. So we need to retry.
# If we need to execute a setting several times.
if ($MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# We have a loop value (array).
foreach ($LoopValue in $MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# Copy parameter as we have to change a value (loop value).
$TempParams = $Params.PsObject.Copy()
#($Params.getenumerator()) |? {$_.Value -match '#LOOPVALUE#'} |% {$TempParams[$_.Key]=$LoopValue}
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #TempParams -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
} else {
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #Params -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
# Write-Log "Setting command $($MailboxSetting.Command) executed successfully"
$Done = $true
} catch{
$res = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Error applying mailbox settings, account: $($AccountDetails.sAMAccountName), retry count: $($TryCount)" -Break $false
Start-Sleep -s $(($Retires-$TryCount) * 5)
# We may have lost the Kerberos ticket, reconnect to Exchange.
$ConnectionType = $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type
Connect-Exchange -TargetExchange $ConnectionType
} catch {}
} while ((!$done) -and ($tryCount -lt $Retires))
I've recently created a little script that allows me to get the disk size and free space of 2 servers at each school site when I provide the script with the schools 4 digit site code.
First it pulls the information on the sites from a .csv file, and then uses that information to put together a string for the DC FQDN hostname, and the .10 server.
Then it requests the password for my elevated access account used to get the information on the disks.
I am having an issue where when the script creates the script block and then uses Invoke-Command and sends the script block to the servers, and provides back the PowerShell object with the information.
The error provided is as per below:
[{ServerName}] Connecting to remote server {ServerName} failed with the
following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following
error with errorcode 0x80090311 occurred while using Kerberos authentication:
There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
Possible causes are:
-The user name or password specified are invalid.
-Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified.
-Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.
-The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does
not exist.
-The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust
between the two domains.
After checking for the above issues, try the following:
-Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication.
-Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM
TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport.
Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated.
-For more information about WinRM configuration, run the following command:
winrm help config. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting
Help topic.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: ({ServerName}:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AuthenticationFailed,PSSessionStateBroken
Things I've tried:
Resetting my password
Altering the Authentication type to Basic
Getting others to try the same thing - some have the same issue, others do not
Other users on my workstations also have the same issue
I re-imaged my workstation and it worked for a bit, but then stopped again as it appeared to stop after the device installed software updates, so I'm in the middle of uninstalling those updates, however two of them won't allow me to uninstall, I assume they're forced installs by Microsoft and required to be installed (The uninstall button disappears when selected) - KB4019472 and KB4049065.
Device is running Windows 10 1607 v14393.1944, PowerShell v5.1.
There is a one-way trust between the domain I am in and the domains the DC1 and MS10 (.10) are in, the domains trust us, but we don't trust the domains.
The account I use is local admin on the device via a nested AD Group, across all domains.
I'm not very understanding of Kerberos, so any help would be amazing.
The script is below:
Note: I've had to remove some parts, so I've filled the area with what would be there (i.e. {String} where there would just be standard text, and {FQDNServerName} where there would be a FQDN server name written as text, or {Region} where I would have had the region written as text}).
$csvSchoolsLoc = "{FQDNServerName}\SharedReports$\SchoolsExport.csv"
$Schools = Import-Csv $csvSchoolsLoc -Delimiter "`t" -Header LocCode,SchoolName,SchoolAddress,SchoolPhoneNumber,SchoolFaxNumber,SchoolOfficerInCharge,DistrictCode,DistrictNumeric,RegionCode,RegionNumeric,LSD,WANLinkType,RouterName,RouterIP,RouterStatus,OneSchemaGraphUrl,OneSchemaSiteUrl,SCCMSiteID,SiteAdminNetwork,ProxyServerIP,PrimaryDcName,PrimaryDcIP,PrimaryDcOS,PrimaryDcVersion,PrimaryDcPatch,Style
#Gets the users credentials for their GBN ZZ account - this is used throughout the script for authentication
$username = "{Region}\zz-$env:USERNAME"
$mycreds = Get-Credential -UserName $username -Message "Enter your password for {region}\zz-$env:USERNAME"
Write-Host "What is the schools 4 digit site code?" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Global:SiteCode = Read-Host
Function Main {
$SchoolName = $schools | Where-Object {$_.LocCode -eq $SiteCode} | ForEach-Object SchoolName
$Region = $schools | Where-Object {$_.LocCode -eq $SiteCode} | ForEach-Object RegionCode
Write-Host "Getting details for: " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline; Write-Host "$SchoolName - $SiteCode - ($Region)"-ForegroundColor Yellow
$DC1 = "{String}$($Region)$($SiteCode)001.$region.{String}.{String}.{String}"
$MS10 = "{String}$($Region)$($SiteCode)010.$region.{String}.{String}.{String}"
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $DC1 -Count 2 -Delay 1 -Quiet) {
$DC1Run = $true
} else {
$DC1Run = $false
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $MS10 -Count 2 -Delay 1 -Quiet) {
$MS10Run = $true
} else {
$MS10Run = $false
$ScriptBlock = {
$DiskCTotal = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" -Impersonation 3 | ForEach-Object {$_.size / 1GB}
$DiskCFree = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" -Impersonation 3 | ForEach-Object {$_.freespace / 1GB}
$DiskZTotal = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='Z:'" -Impersonation 3 | ForEach-Object {$_.size / 1GB}
$DiskZFree = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='Z:'" -Impersonation 3 | ForEach-Object {$_.freespace / 1GB}
return #{
'ZFreeSpace' = $DiskZFree
'CFreeSpace' = $DiskCFree
'ZTotalSize' = $DiskZTotal
'CTotalSize' = $DiskCTotal
if (($DC1Run -eq $true) -and ($MS10Run -eq $true)) {
$ServerDC1 = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $DC1 -Credential $mycreds -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
$ServerMS10 = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $MS10 -Credential $mycreds -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$SchoolName - $SiteCode - ($Region)"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Server $DC1 - Domain Controller"
Write-Host "$([math]::round($ServerDC1.CFreeSpace,2)) GB free on C Drive (Total Size $([math]::round($ServerDC1.CTotalSize,2)) GB)"
Write-Host "$([math]::round($ServerDC1.ZFreeSpace,2)) GB free on Z Drive (Total Size $([math]::round($ServerDC1.ZTotalSize,2)) GB)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Server $MS10 - Distribution Point"
Write-Host "$([math]::round($ServerMS10.CFreeSpace,2)) GB free on C Drive (Total Size $([math]::round($ServerMS10.CTotalSize,2)) GB)"
Write-Host "$([math]::round($ServerMS10.ZFreeSpace,2)) GB free on Z Drive (Total Size $([math]::round($ServerMS10.ZTotalSize,2)) GB)"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$SchoolName - $SiteCode - ($Region)"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Server $DC1 - Domain Controller"
if ($DC1Run) {
Write-Host "DC1 connection status is running" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "DC1 connection status is down" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Server $MS10 - Distribution Point"
if ($MS10Run) {
Write-Host "MS10 connection status is running" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "MS10 connection status is down" -ForegroundColor Red
if ($DC1Run -eq $true) {
$RDP = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to RDP to $DC1 'Y'"
if ($RDP -eq "Y") {
Start-Process -FilePath "$env:windir\System32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "/v:$DC1" -Wait -WindowStyle Maximized
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "What is the next schools 4 digit site code? -or- Press Enter to retry the above site again" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Entry = Read-Host
if ($Entry -eq "") {
# Do nothing
} else {
$Global:SiteCode = $Entry
$x = 0
do {
} until ($x -gt 0)
EDIT: The uninstall of the software updates did not fix the issue, so unless it's something to do with those 2 updates that I can't uninstall it doesn't appear to be Software Updates.
It turns out that the domains I am trying to reach were not in my TrustedHosts config for WinRM.
By using the following command, I was able to add the domains (of which I have numerous) to the TrustedHosts using the '*' wildcard.
NOTE: I have replaced part of the domain with {String} where it would normally have part of the domain name for confidentiality reasons.
winrm set winrm/config/client #{TrustedHosts="<local>,*.{string}.edu.au"}
I am fairly new to PowerShell and I am wondering why when I run this code it skips everything and then goes straight to the pause?
Once I hit enter it does not display anything and closes the window.
To better explain what I am doing here. I am trying to connect remotely to a server in our network and check to see if specific processes are running. If they are not running the script will make them run.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong in PowerShell v3 on Windows 7 64bit?
$recall = Get-WmiObject win32_service -computername srv-95-obweb | Where {$_.name -eq 'Hyland Sch4'}
$sleeplab = Get-WmiObject win32_service -computername srv-95-obweb | Where {$_.name -eq 'Hyland Sch3'}
$date = Get-Date
if($recall.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
Write-Host "Recall service is currently stopped and will be automatically started"
Get-Service '*Sch4' | Start-Service
Write-Host "Recall service has been started $date"
} Else {
if($recall.Status -eq 'Running') {
Write-Host "Recall service is currently running"
if($sleeplab.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
Write-Host "Sleep Lab service is currently stopped and will be automatically started"
Get-Service '*Sch3' | Start-Service
Write-Host "Sleep Lab service has been started $date"
} Else {
if($sleeplab.Status -eq 'Running') {
Write-Host "Sleep Lab service is currently running"
The second if caused it to be false so it didnt post. Also had the wrong propertie. Making it .State instead of .status resolved the issue. Thanks all for your help
I have prepared below script to change sql server service account. But the service is not stopping and starting when i run below script. Any diea? is there any beeter way to do this. is there any alternative for Sleep. We don't know how much service takes to stop and start. Is there a way to keep powershell to wait until service completely
$Services = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName "." | Where { $_.name -eq 'MSSQLSERVER' }
ForEach($Service in $Services)
$StopStatus = $Service.StopService()
Sleep 15
If ($StopStatus.ReturnValue -eq "0")
{write-host "$Service -> Service Stopped Successfully"}
$ChangeStatus = $Service.change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$ServiceAccount,$Password,$null,$null,$null)
If ($ChangeStatus.ReturnValue -eq "0")
{write-host "$Service -> Sucessfully Changed Service Account"}
$StartStatus = $Service.StartService()
Sleep 25
If ($ChangeStatus.ReturnValue -eq "0")
{write-host "$Service -> Service Started Successfully"}
You can see if the service is stopped ( or started ) in a loop and then proceed:
$sleepCounter = 1
While((Get-Service $serviceName).status -ne "Stopped" ){
Write-Host "Waiting for service to stop. Attempt $sleepCounter of 20"
sleep 1
if($sleepCounter -eq 20) { break }
Also, you can do the following to get the service instead of using where-object
$svc=gwmi win32_service -filter "name='$serviceName'"