IOS sharing framework for twitter, facebook, flicr, tumblr - iphone

I need to share UIImage from my IOS application to Facebook, Twitter, Flicr, Picassa (if possible), Tumblr.
Is there any library that can help me with this task?
Or should i download SDK for every one social network?
Please, help me, and
thank you for the answers:)

You can also use the Socialize SDK which handles sharing and user management as well:

For Facebook and Twitter, you can use the simple way bellow. The UI will look like Twitter on iOS 5 and Facebook on iOS 6:

Great share API

ShareKit is an option as it covers some of the services you require.


how to share our ipad app for social networks like fb,twitter,etc

like web project where we can share to socialnetworks by cliking on fb share/like button ,tweet button. i want to do the same thing in my ipad app.please any one help me?
You can either use each social networks API individually, or you can use ShareKit.
ShareKit is a lot simpler, and easier to use, but there are very few limitations, but mostly it does everything you need it to. And the limitations are outweighed by the easy of use. (you'll still need to register as a developer on the social networks you want to support, there is a tutorial on the website, and explanation in the code)
Just read the documentation of the twitter and Facebook API, then use the REST interface to interact with the service.
For that you have to make the application which integrates facebook and twitter
USe the following link for doing so
1. For Twitter
2. For Facebook

Facebook and Twitter API help for Iphone SDK

Im trying to implement Facebook and twitter into my app, anyone link a place with a good step by step for each.
I have tried several on various sites and youtube, and all have made my app crash. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
One place to start might be using ShareKit:
That bundles together a lot of social platform updates in something easy to integrate. I think you can customize it beyond what is there.
Don't forget you'll need application ID's for each service you intend to link to - you need to create a twitter and Facebook app account.
For twitter I use cocoa built in
for iOS apps.
USE MGTwitter Engine to use twitter api in iphone.and PlainOauth library..It can be downloaded from githubsite..

How to implement Facebook and Twitter into an iPhone app

Hey guys! I'm making my own Facebook app (or Twitter) and I would like to know how to implement it into your iPHone app.
If anyone could help me, send me a link or something
ShareKit allows you to add support for many social sites to your app. It's super great and free. Check it out. You can look at the code to see how endlessly complicated the facebook/twitter apis are :)
You can take a look for Facebook API.

Twitter integration iPhone app?

I am looking for a simple method to allow the user to share their score using Twitter. Originally I just opened a Twitter share URL in Mobile Safari to make the Tweet, however I can't seem to find a valid Twitter share URL. What would you suggest?
I would suggest you look at MGTwitterEngine. It's what MOST people I know of are using for twitter integration in their iPhone apps.
For just sharing, try ShareKit:
Here is My FACEBOOK and TWITTER framework with basic app

iphone xcode - Twitter api or snippet

I've seen a few "Share" twitter or FB on some iphone. Is there any framework or SDK for this or some code snippet to copy from.
I dont want to write it from scratch if there is something already available.
ShareKit is very easy to configure and use and supports Facebook, Twitter, and many other services.
Take a look at MGTwitterEngine.
You can use facebook-ios-sdk for Fb and Twitter.framework for twitter.