Deadlock detected in PL/pgSQL function - postgresql

I am facing a deadlock problem from a PL/pgSQL function in my PostgreSQL database. Please find the SQL statement in the code block (just example):
UPDATE accounts SET balance = 0 WHERE acct_name like 'A%';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE acct_name like '%A';
I've found that the deadlock occurred during this statement was running. But I'm not sure that there were other statements trying to update this table in the same time (because I didn't find any in my logging system).
So, is it possible that the deadlock occurred within this statement? As far as I know, if we blocked whole statement with BEGIN/END. There will be the same transaction and should not be locked by itself.

There is definitely some other process competing for the same resource. That is the nature of a deadlock. A function like you display can never deadlock itself. See comment by #kgrittn below, who is an expert on concurrency in PostgreSQL.
Your version of PostgreSQL is missing. Modern versions raise a detailed error message. Both processes that compete for resources are listed in detail with standard logging settings. Check your db logs.
The fact that you catch the error may prevent Postgres from giving you the full details. Remove the EXCEPTION block from your PL/pgSQL function, if you don't get the information in the db log and try again.
To alleviate deadlocks, you can do a number of things. If all your clients access resources in a synchronized order, deadlocks cannot occur. The manual provides the basic strategy to solve most cases in the chapter about deadlocks.
As for version 8.3: consider upgrading to a more recent version. In particular this improvement in version 8.4 should be interesting for you (quoting the release notes):
When reporting a deadlock, report the text of all queries involved in
the deadlock to the server log (Itagaki Takahiro)
Also, version 8.3 will meet its end of life in February 2013. You should start to consider upgrading.
A deadlock situation involving VACUUM should have been fixed in 8.3.1.

You would not get deadlock problem, if you add commit, to release exclusive locks.
UPDATE accounts SET balance = 0 WHERE acct_name like 'A%';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE acct_name like '%A';

In PostgreSQL, begin means that you start batch transaction.
Your first update will lock rows for accounts WHERE acct_name like 'A%';
Those rows are exclusively locked after first update.
Second update tries to open up exactly same rows as first update , to update
fail, because first update has NOT yet committed yet.
Thus second update hit deadlock was rollback.


Postgres add column on existing table takes very long

I have a table with 500k elements. Now I want to add a new column
(type boolean, nullable = false) without a default value.
The query to do so is running like for ever.
I'm using PostgreSQL 12.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit on my Windows 2012 Server
In pgAdmin I can see the query is blocked by PID 0. But when I execute this query, I can't see the query with pid = 0
FROM pg_stat_activity
Can someone help me here? Why is the query blocked and how can I fix this to add a new column to my table.
UPDATE attempt:
FROM pg_prepared_xacts
It works after rollback all prepared transaction.
ROLLBACK PREPARED 'gid goes here';
You have got stale prepared transactions. I say that as in "you have got the measles", because it is a disease for a database.
Such prepared transactions keep holding locks and block autovacuum progress, so they will bring your database to its knees if you don't take action. In addition, such transactions are persisted, so even a restart of the database won't get rid of them.
Remove them with
ROLLBACK PREPARED 'gid goes here'; /* use the transaction names shown in the view */
If you use prepared transactions, you need a distributed transaction manager. That is a piece of software that keeps track of all prepared transactions and their state and persists that information, so that no distributed transaction can become stale. Even if there is a crash, the distributed transaction manager will resolve in-doubt transactions in all involved databases.
If you don't have that, don't use prepared transactions. You now know why. Best is to set max_prepared_transactions to 0 in that case.

Firebird 2.5 exception handling within autonomous transaction

I'm experiencing performance drop in one of our Firebird stored procedures and I have no clue why. I have found the following code in the mentioned SP:
declare v_dummy integer;
in autonomous transaction do
-- insert may fail, but that is not a problem because it means the record is already there
insert into my_table(my_field) values (:input_param);
when ANY do
v_dummy = 1;
I see few dozens of records in RDB$TRANSACTIONS table with STATE 3, no relevant records in MON$TRANSACTIONS table.
The question is, if the insert fails will the autonomous transaction be rolled back or does the "when ANY do" prevent the rollback and there will be an opened transaction? Can I just remove the exception handling, so it will be rolled back automatically without raising an exception and blocking the rest of the code?
Using a when any do inside an autonomous transaction block will not rollback the transaction, instead it will commit once the block ends because the exception does not escape the block.
However, this is probably the desired result: committing transactions in Firebird is (relatively) cheaper than rolling back. In fact, if a transaction rolls back when nothing was changed, Firebird will convert a rollback into a commit anyway.
I don't think this is the cause of your performance problem, but without reproducible example, it is hard to reason about this.
As an aside, transactions with state 3 are rolled back, and rolled back transactions have ended. MON$TRANSACTIONS only shows active transactions, so rolled back transactions will not be shown in that virtual table.

Deal with Postgresql Error -canceling statement due to conflict with recovery- in psycopg2

I'm creating a reporting engine that makes a couple of long queries over a standby server and process the result with pandas. Everything works fine but sometimes I have some issues with the execution of those queries using a psycopg2 cursor: the query is cancelled with the following message:
ERROR: cancelling statement due to conflict with recovery
Detail: User query might have needed to see row versions that must be removed
I was investigating this issue
PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery
but all solutions suggest fixing the issue making modifications to the server's configuration. I can't make those modifications (We won the last football game against IT guys :) ) so I want to know how can I deal with this situation from the perspective of a developer. Can I resolve this issue using python code? My temporary solution is simple: catch the exception and retry all the failed queries. Maybe could be done better (I hope so).
Thanks in advance
There is nothing you can do to avoid that error without changing the PostgreSQL configuration (from PostgreSQL 9.1 on, you could e.g. set hot_standby_feedback to on).
You are dealing with the error in the correct fashion – simply retry the failed transaction.
The table data on the hot standby slave server is modified while a long running query is running. A solution (PostgreSQL 9.1+) to make sure the table data is not modified is to suspend the replication on the slave and resume after the query.
select pg_xlog_replay_pause(); -- suspend
select * from foo; -- your query
select pg_xlog_replay_resume(); --resume
I recently encountered a similar error and was also in the position of not being a dba/devops person with access to the underlying database settings.
My solution was to reduce the time of the query where ever possible. Obviously this requires deep knowledge of your tables and data, but I was able to solve my problem with a combination of a more efficient WHERE filter, a GROUPBY aggregation, and more extensive use of indexes.
By reducing the amount of server side execute time and data, you reduce the chance of a rollback error occurring.
However, a rollback can still occur during your shortened window, so a comprehensive solution would also make use of some retry logic for when a rollback error occurs.
Update: A colleague implemented said retry logic as well as batching the query to make the data volumes smaller. These three solutions have made the problem go away entirely.
I got the same error. What you CAN do (if the query is simple enough), is deviding the data into smaller chunks as a workaround.
I did this within a python loop to call the query multiple times with the LIMIT and OFFSET parameter like:
query_chunk = f"""
FROM {database}.{datatable}
LIMIT {chunk_size} OFFSET {i_chunk * chunk_size}
where database and datatable are the names of your sources..
The chunk_size is individually and to set this to a not too high value is crucial for the query to finish.

How to wait during SELECT that pending INSERT commit?

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2 in a Windows environment.
I'm in a 2PC (2 phase commit) environment using MSDTC.
I have a client application, that starts a transaction at the SERIALIZABLE isolation level, inserts a new row of data in a table for a specific foreign key value (there is an index on the column), and vote for completion of the transaction (The transaction is PREPARED). The transaction will be COMMITED by the Transaction Coordinator.
Immediatly after that, outside of a transaction, the same client requests all the rows for this same specific foreign key value.
Because there may be a delay before the previous transaction is really commited, the SELECT clause may return a previous snapshot of the data. In fact, it does happen sometimes, and this is problematic. Of course the application may be redesigned but until then, I'm looking for a lock solution. Advisory Lock ?
I already solved the problem while performing UPDATE on specific rows, then using SELECT...FOR SHARE, and it works well. The SELECT waits until the transaction commits and return old and new rows.
Now I'm trying to solve it for INSERT.
SELECT...FOR SHARE does not block and return immediatley.
There is no concurrency issue here as only one client deals with a specific set of rows. I already know about MVCC.
Any help appreciated.
To wait for a not-yet-committed INSERT you'd need to take a predicate lock. There's limited predicate locking in PostgreSQL for the serializable support, but it's not exposed directly to the user.
Simple SERIALIZABLE isolation won't help you here, because SERIALIZABLE only requires that there be an order in which the transactions could've occurred to produce a consistent result. In your case this ordering is SELECT followed by INSERT.
The only option I can think of is to take an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the table before INSERTing. This will only get released at COMMIT PREPARED or ROLLBACK PREPARED time, and in the mean time any other queries will wait for the lock. You can enforce this via a BEFORE trigger to avoid the need to change the app. You'll probably get the odd deadlock and rollback if you do it that way, though, because INSERT will take a lower lock then you'll attempt lock promotion in the trigger. If possible it's better to run the LOCK TABLE ... IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE command before the INSERT.
As you've alluded to, this is mostly an application mis-design problem. Expecting to see not-yet-committed rows doesn't really make any sense.

Transactions, when should be discarded and rolledback

I'm trying to debug an application (under PostgreSQL) and came across the following error:
"current transaction is aborted, commands ignored".
As far as I can understand a "transaction" is just a notion related to the underlying database connection.
If the connection has an auto commit "false", you can execute queries through the same Statement as long as it isn't failing. In which case you should rollback.
If auto commit is "true" then it doesn't matter as long as all your queries are considered atomic.
Using auto commit false, I get the aforementioned error by PostgreSQL even when a simple
select * from foo
fails, which makes me ask, under which SQLException(s) is a "transaction" considered invalid and should be rolled backed or not used for another query?
using MacOS 10.5, Java 1.5.0_16, PostgreSQL 8.3 with JDBC driver 8.1-407.jdbc3
That error means that one of the queries sent in a transaction has failed, so the rest of the queries are ignored until the end of the current transaction (which will automatically be a rollback). To PostgreSQL the transaction has failed, and it will be rolled back in any case after the error with one exception. You have to take appropriate measures, one of
discard the statement and start anew.
use SAVEPOINTs in the transaction to be able to get back to that point in time and try another path. (This is the exception)
Enable query logging to see which query is the failing one and why.
In any case the exact answer to your question is that any SQLException should mean a rollback happened when the end of transaction command is sent, that is when a COMMIT or ROLLBACK (or END) is issued. This is how it works, if you use savepoints you'll still be bound by the same rules, you'll just be able to get back to where you saved and try something else.
It seems to be a characteristic behaviour of PostgreSQL that is not shared by most other DBMS. In general (outside of PostgreSQL), you can have one operation fail because of an error and then, in the same transaction, can try alternative actions that will succeed, compensating for the error. One example: consider a merging (insert/update) operation. If you try to INSERT the new record but find that it already exists, you can switch to an UPDATE operation that changes the existing record instead. This works fine in all the main DBMS. I'm not certain that it does not work in PostgreSQL, but the descriptions I've seen elsewhere, as well as in this question, suggest that when the attempted INSERT means that any further activity in the transaction is doomed to fail too. Which is at best draconian and at worst 'unusable'.