Recording from radio streaming xcode 4 - iphone

I'm building an iPhone app which play some radio over internet ..
I want to make user able to record audio from my application to the radio channel he wants ..
what framework I must use .. and what code for implementation please ?
all Regards

Unfortunately, there is no way to directly capture from the "audio bus". You can either capture the audio via the internal microphone or headset microphone, but that's it. If you are rendering the audio, you could obviously also write that audio out to a file as well at the same time. That's pretty much your only option.


Turn off mic in iphone

I am using openEars to detect speech. It takes one second of silence to detect the end of command.
What I want is to disable the microphone for 1 second.
Can anyone tell me that how to disable mic for 1 second?
As already said in How to mute mic while Recording using UIImagePickerController? :
If you want your app to be in app store , then there is no apple
approved method to actually mute whole iPhone.There are certain
libraries but they are not approved.
Apple's documentation on Audio Session
According to the documentation you can only ask the user to have the
phone silenced physically and you can respond to certain audio changes
such as other sounds,phone calls, email sounds but you cannot mute
Also See this Documentation on Programming in iPhone See the part 3.3
for Audio.(Events that can be accessed and performed in iOS).

Is it possible to access raw iphone audio output?

Is it possible access raw PCM data from the iphone audio output?
I know I can embed an MP3 and use AudioUnit. But if the user is playing music in the background from their itunes library, is it possible to access that audio data?
This is for an app that shows visual effects, which react to the music.
From what I can tell, it isn't possible, but that's just from lack of finding any information at all, rather than actual confirmation that it can't be done.
If it isn't possible to access the audio stream from the ipod, is it possible to access raw audio output from the Media Player inside an app, or is pretty much not permitted to access raw audio data from the itunes library at all?
EDIT: I found this question: iOS - Access output audio from background program, which say I can't access the audio from a background app. But is it possible to get the audio data from the itunes library if I play it inside the app?
I am busy coding something similar and as far as I know an AUGraph is needed, the hardware pulling from the recorder. You will have to get the URL of the MPMediaItem from the track the user selected with Apple's MPMediaPickerViewController. Then use the URL with Core-Audio. Core-Audio is a beast.
If your app is playing raw audio PCM samples, then your app has access to those samples. An app does not have access to the audio samples that another app (including the Music player) is playing via any public API.
An app can use AVAssetReader and Writer to convert mp3 files from the iTunes Library into raw audio (WAV) files.

How can I record currently playing audio on the iPhone?

I'd like to record what the iPhone is currently outputting. So I'm thinking about recording audio from Apps like Music (iPod), Skype, any Radio Streaming App, Phone, Instacast... I don't want to record my own audio or the mic input.
Is there an official way to do this? How do I do it? It seems like AVAudioRecorder does not allow this, can somebody confirm?
Officially you can't. The audio stream belongs to the app playing it ,and iOS.
The Sandbox paradigm means that a resource owned by your App can't be used by another App. Resource here means Audio/Video stream or file. Exceptions are when a mediator like Document interaction controller are used.
If you want to do this you'd have to start with deducing AVFoundation's private methods and find out if theres a way there. Needless to say this it wouldn't be saleable on the App store and will probably only be possible on a jailbreak.
Good Luck.
This is only feasible only from time to time, as it's a time expensive process.
You can record the screen while listening your songs on Spotify, Music or whatever music application.
This will generate a video on your Photos application. That video can be converted on MP3 from your computer.
Actually, this is not true. The screen recordings will not actually have the audio from Apple Music at all, as it blocks it. Discord also uses this pipe as well, so you cannot record Discord audio either this way.

Using MediaPlayer and AVFoundation Framework simultaniously in XCode

I'm an inexperienced XCode use and programmer in general so keep that in mind. I'm trying to use the microphone on the iPhone while at the same time allowing the user to play audio while using the "iPod music picker", but when the user selects music and plays it the recorder stops working? I have no idea what is going on here? Also, on a side note, how do you implement forward and back iPod buttons?
Thanks so much!
Sounds like this is an Audio Session issue - you're probably in a mode where you can either play or record, but not both at the same time.
Check out the Audio Session Programming Guide which should explain how to configure your session.
AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord — Use this category for an application that inputs and outputs audio. The input and output need not occur simultaneously, but can if needed. This is the category to use for audio chat applications.
AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient - This category allows audio from the iPod, Safari, and other built-in applications to play while your application is playing audio. You could, for example, use this category for an application that provides a virtual musical instrument that a user plays along to iPod audio.

Post-processing on audio from the iPhone user's music library?

I want to apply post-processing to audio from an iPhone user's music library (i.e. the iPod app). This could happen in a number of ways:
Piping the media player's output through an Audio Unit.
Writing a custom audio output device, and having the media player send audio to it.
Getting direct access to the files in the user's music library.
Are any of these things possible? I know all of them would be on the desktop, but what about the iPhone?
I've written some sample code that does just this, which is based on some code from Chris Adamson.