Facebook like button shows wrong like count (very low some periods) - facebook

I'm using the new Facebook like/share button on a website.
I'm using the HTML5 version, the URL is always the same (only http no https and only used in the frontpage). So not different URLs at all.
Everything works fine with liking/sharing but the like count is really really weird. The like count seems to fluctuate like crazy. Yesterday the page had 76 likes but this morning it's down to only 6. The site has done this the last couple of days. Show the correct like count for a couple of hours and then a very low number (4 or 6 I think) only to go back to the correct amount a couple of hours later.
First I thought is was some kind of caching problem on facebooks side but this has happened the last few days now and I can't figure out why.
https://graph.facebook.com/http://example.com always shows the correct amount even when the HTML output on the site doesn't. Very weird.
Any idea what could cause this or if there is anything I can do abut it?


Google Search Console keeps telling me my content is wider than screen when it isn't

It's happening multiple times per month at this point, basically randomly, to different pages on my wiki. Every... single... time... I go to the page in question, view it with a simple inspect, check the narrowest mobile setting (typically iphone 6), and it's fine.
Then I just go back to the search console, and click validate fix. In the next day or two, it comes back and congratulates me for fixing the issue.
This is the url of the last iteration of this happening: https://golfcourse.wiki/course/presidio_golf_course-san_francisco/holes/1
This has been happening for months. Am I missing something here? Is this normal?

Facebook Suddenly Not Showing og:image?

Seems like FB has an issue fetching or displaying properly set og:image on our links suddenly - this affects share dialogs etc.
Everything has been working fine so far. I noticed this issue today.
Debugger https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ shows the image after refetching (try: http://cakesdecor.com/cakes/194565-3d-vintage-clock-cake) but the image doesn't appear in the share dialog at all.
Is it a temporary bug or are there some new FB policies re images?
Approx. 2 hours ago, this bug was confirmed by FB!
see: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/978421888869140/
I confirm this issue also occurs on multiple sites I own. It began some time in the past 14 hours. The debugger is returning a valid output (but the post preview at the bottom is lacking the image).
My guess is that it is somehow related to the face that today (30/apr) they've forced all fb apps to migrate to sdk2.0.
I sure hope they're already working on a fix... but go figure :-/

Is there any way to get the 206px version of a photo via the Facebook Graph API?

I'm trying to get version of a photo that FB uses as the background image for album layouts where one side is always exactly 206px and the other one at least the same, for example https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p206x206/10401476_409218399235620_1454525834273554679_n.jpg?oh=eda59fce63113796b35c46cc4bec162a&oe=55760EFD&gda=1433681435_6b4729404e05493108c271a50c753d7f I've scoured both the graph and SO, but am having absolutely no luck here. I'm aware that you can get 3 versions of a photo using type=album/thumbnail/normal ie https://graph.facebook.com/409218399235620/picture?type=album (you'd think this one would work, but they probably never updated it to redirect to the new size?). I've tried all kinds of variants of this knowing that the graph documentation is pretty crap, to no avail.
I've also used the Explorer to for example pull up ?fields=images, but it's never one of the listed images there. I've tried using widths, replacing parts of the URL etc. etc. I am running the checks with a valid access_token.
I've pretty much resigned myself to just resizing myself, but given the time I've spent on this, I thought I'd at least put it out there in case someone else has had the same problem, and come up with a solution.

Facebook like button with button_count layout missing space

Since last week, my Facebook like button with count display + send button ("button_count layout" as they name it in their plugin page) is looking weird, missing the blank space there used to be between the "like" count and the "send" buttons. First I thought it had something to do with Wordpress and the plugin being used to display it since I first noticed it in my WP based site, but after investigating I've come to the conclussion that Facebook has changed the styling without advice. It is looking this way in their own plugin page, tested with different browsers and operating systems.
This is how it looks now. Notice the lack of space between like count and the send button:
This is how it used to look until one or two weeks ago:
Has anyone else noticed this change? I still have not tried to add the missing spacing by any means because I am not yet sure if the change will be permanent or if it is some sort of "bug" by Facebook. I haven't been able to find any reference using Google about this.
Well, after 9 days with no answers and having Facebook changed during this period the style of its "like with count + send" button, getting back the little gap between them, this question has lost its sense. It seems like they weren't minding a lot their "old" button since they were going to change it.
It seems also like I have such good aim making the right questions in the right moment! xD

Facebook struggles to scrape one domain

I have already checked out this question, and it sounds like he's describing the same exact problem as me except for a few things:
I'm not running on https
80% of the time I try to debug, I get this message " Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped."
The scraper works perfectly on a different domain, but same server, same theme with almost identical content. Every time I try a domain it scrapes it perfectly including the image
During the 20% that it actually scrapes my page, I am having the same issue in the above link. It is reading my thumbnail, yet showing a blank image. The link brings me to a working image but it doesn't want to show anything.
The weird part is it worked completely fine about 10 months ago when I updated this blog on a daily basis. The only difference is I've switched servers recently. While that would explain a possibility, the other domain switched as well and doesn't have this problem.
I am at a loss why my links either show no image at all in facebook or give me the:
Domain Link
(no image, no description)
Very frustrating situation. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have 6 domains...
When I moved servers recently, I found the new server wasn't prepared to compress the pages, so my blog posts looked crazy. This forced me to turn compression 'off' on WP Super Cache on my main blog. I also did it to my 2nd highest traffic blog figuring I'd get to the other 4 later.
Well, now those first two blogs appear to work fine in the facebook debugger, but the remaining 4 have troubles. The tricky part is, I completely removed WP Super Cache from one site and still had trouble fetching the data.
So while it seems logically it should have been a WP Super Cache issue, continuing to have errors despite removing it leads me to believe now? I'm still so baffled.
Ok, I loaded Chrome and IE, and both were able to pull the data with ease. The google snippet tool also worked great. I am going to try posting a link to my facebook fan page via chrome and see if it works correctly.
I did clear my FF cache and it didn't change, but I am still confused why one domain works ok while the other does not. Either way, if adding in Chrome works, I'll stick with that for now.
Any other suggestions?
Cache should not make any problem. If a browser can see your page, so can facebook debugger.
See if some 500 error is there. Try from different browser, clearing the browser cache etc. Try google rich snippet and see if a custom search engine is scrapping it fine.
PS: It will be nicer if you post url.