IPhone application removal from the appstore? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an application in IPhone which is now on sale.I want to submit an updated version to my application.which is 1.7.Now 1.6 is on sale.Actually i have done all the metadata submission of the version 2.0 for the in-app purchase process.But Now because of a major bugg i need to submit 1.7 soon. How i can remove the metadata of 2.0 that i have already submitted.Any help will be grately appreciated.

If you haven't already submitted the 2.0 binary, you should be able to edit whatever data you've entered in iTunes Connect.


ios changing tags itunesconnect when the app is already upload [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an app already in the app store but I want to change the tags on the app but I can not find a way of doing it. Any of you knows how can this be done or I need to submit a new version with the tags I want?. I'll really appreciate your help.
You need to submit a new version. They can't be changed once the app is approved.

Why my iPhone app's downloads is high although I didn't publish anywhere? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I published an app but before I started to market it (no-one knows about it) I have 300 downloads in 2 months.
How come?
When you publish your application, your application automatically comes in New Release section of iTunes.
Also, you can anytime manage/block your application to be seen on iTunes and not to be downloaded. For that login to iTunesconnect
Hope this info helps you..

Do Apple review an app update when the original version isn't released yet? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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One week ago apple approved my app and it will be sent on AppStore on December 10. But I found a big bug in my first version, so I have fixed it and sent an update. I would like to know if apple reviews updates before an app is published or not ?
Yes. They review every update. (That would be a pretty huge loophole otherwise!)

How to Downgrade iPhone application from Apple Store [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How to Downgrade iPhone application from Apple Store.
I have my one application in Apple Store Live with version 1.4 for some reason i need to downgrade to 1.3 and remove 1.4.
How can i do like this from apple developer portal OR http://itunesconnect.apple.com/.
I don't think it is possible. Re-submit v1.3 of your app as v1.5.

How do I extract an app from an iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I built an ad hoc ipa a few weeks ago and now I need to extract it from the only device it now exists on. Is this possible and if so how? It seems that iTunes only lets you reverse sync purchased apps.
With an app like this
Edit: forgot to say, you'll get the actual .app, not the .ipa.