Is there any cookie system on samsung smart tv - samsung-smart-tv

I want to store my smarttv aplication's status. Example: I have a multipaged document and I want to store where the user left the program to open this page when the user reopens the program.
What is the efficient way to achieve this?

Given that you are talking about pages and cookies, I'll assume you are using the HTML / JavaScript API.
According to Samsung's list of JavaScript properties, the cookie property is supported. This is defined in the DOM Level 1 specification and Quirks Mode has a guide to using cookies from JavaScript.

You can use the official Samsung SDK to save a small quantity of data on the persistent memory of the device.
SDK: localData
This API allow you to save and read a value:
# saves current page state
sf.core.localData("currentPage", "home");
# reads current page state
var previousPage = sf.core.localData("currentPage");
Otherwise you can use the readFile API:
SDK: readFile


visitor id mid is not consistent across domains when i login from app and then from moving from app to web

Experience cloud vistor id is used. App, web are using same adobe launch library. When I login into app url change and mid changes and then if I navigate from app to web responsive page mid is changed and I am not seeing any cross-domain pathing report from app to web ?
anything do I need to do with s.cookiedomainperiod or anything to make this work?
The Experience Cloud Visitor ID is not automatically carried over from the native mobile app to a (mobile) web page. The long story short is native apps don't really store data locally in the same way as web browsers, so there's no automatic ability to use the same local storage mechanism/source between the two.
In order to do this, you must add some code to the mobile app to append the mid value to the target URL, e.g. :
String urlString = "";
String urlStringWithVisitorData = Visitor.appendToURL(urlString);
Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(urlStringWithVisitorData));
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#”"];
NSURL *urlWithVisitorData = [ADBMobile visitorAppendToURL:url];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:urlWithVisitorData];
If implemented properly, you should now see a adobe_mc= parameter appended to the target URL. Then on page view of the target page, if you have the Adobe Analytics javascript and Experience Cloud Visitor ID libraries implemented, they will automatically look for and use that value instead of generate a new value (should not require any config / coding on this end).
#Ramaiyavraghvendra you made a comment:
Hi #Crayon, mny thanks for your profound answer. I am sorry that i
missed to inform that this app is not native one but this is a SPA
app. so the implementation of entire app is also done through launch.
Could you pl help in this case then.
I'm not entirely sure I understand your issue. If you are NOT moving from a native mobile app to web page, and your mobile app is really a web based SPA that outputs Launch as regular javascript code throughout the entire app, then you shouldn't have to do anything; the Experience Cloud ID service should carry over the id from page to page.
So it sounds to me like perhaps your Experience Cloud Visitor ID and/or Adobe Analytics collection server settings are not configured correctly. the cookie domain period variables may be an issue, if logging in involves moving from say to or similar, but shouldn't be a problem if the TLD has the same # of periods.
Or, the trackingServer and trackingServerSecure variables may not be configured properly. In practice, I usually do not set trackingServerSecure at all. These variables get kind of confusing and IMO buggy in different scenarios vs. what you are using, so I tend to use the "secure" value in the trackingServer field and leave the trackingServerSecure blank, and then Experience Cloud Visitor ID and Adobe Analytics will just use the secure version 100% of the time. could be a number of other config variables not properly set. It's hard to say if any of this is off, without access to the app and Launch container.
Also you may want to check the response headers for your logged in pages. It may be that they are configured to reject certain existing non-https cookies or something else that effectively causes the existing cookies to be unreadable and make the Experience Cloud ID service generate a new ID and cookies.
Or.. maybe your app kind of is a native mobile app but using an http wrapper to pull in web pages, so it is basically a web browser but it is effectively like moving from one web browser to another (e.g. starting on on Chrome, and then copy/pasting that URL over to Internet Explorer to view). So effectively, different cookie jar.
Launch (or DTM) + Experience Cloud ID (Javascript methods)
In cases such as the last 2 paragraphs, you have to decorate your target links the same as my original answer, but using the Launch + Experience Cloud ID Service javascript syntax:
_satellite.getVisitorId().appendVisitorIDsTo('[your url here]');
You write some code to get the target URL of the link. Then run it through this code to return the url with the parameters added to them, and then you update your link with the new URL.
Super generic example that just updates all links on the page. In practice, you should only do this for relevant link(s) the visitor is redirected to.
var urls = document.querySelectorAll('a');
for (var i = 0, l = urls.length; i < l; i++) {
if (urls[i].href) {
urls[i].href = _satellite.getVisitorId().appendVisitorIDsTo(urls[i].href);

How do I know I am being called from a progresive web app?

I've been following the guidance on google to create a PWA, but I am interested if there are any conventions to communicate with your data server that you are being called by a PWA. Is the easiest thing to add a parameter to the request i.e.
var dataUrl = '';
and then check the source parameter? Or should I add to the request header?
In your code
if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) {
// do things here
// set a variable to be used when calling something
// e.g. call Google Analytics to track standalone use
** Assumption made that you are also setting up your app to be added to the users home screen as a shortcut
You have to pass in the traffic source to Google Analytics indicating its from PWA. Refer this answer on more details.

How to use cookies for GWT Interface changes

how to store gwt user interface settings in persistent cookies, so that user can get them on next visit? I have user interface designed using gwt. Some user prefer to see few columns from the interface every time they visit what needs to be done
You can use local storage for that.
HTML5 Storage is technology for caching data on client-side. There are two types: LocalStorage (shared by all browser tabs, stored on disk, 5 MB per webapp) and SessionStorage (accessible only within one tab, stored in memory). In your case, you should use LocalStorage to allow user close his browser and then reload settings from disk.
GWT has built-in API for using LocalStorage. See details at
Also let me propose you some sample code (you'll need to provide some details to be more concrete):
Storage storage = Storage.getLocalStorageIfSupported();
if (storage != null) {
//adding your settings to storage
storage.setItem("some setting key", "some setting");
//removing your settings from storage
storage.removeItem("some setting key to remove");
//clearing the whole storage contents

Google Analytics - Tracking pages using history token

I would like to know if Google Analytics automatically keeps track of the pages that have their state retained using the ajax history token ('#'), developed for example with GWT.
My app has a single html page and different modules (pages) have the same URL, except that part that comes after # (ex.
Also, if this mentioned behavior is not by default, is there a way to set up the Google Analyics to have this functionality ?
I found this article which explains how #hashtag can be tracked:
But, if i use this solution, will the page access be recorded when a user presses an Anchor with href'#hastag' or only when a a page is accessed directly with that hashtag (in that case, I should register a function that calls trackPageview when history changes)?
Google tracks the # just fine. You just need to take it actually receives the # as-is (in our case the # got url-encoded to %23 and we had to use a search-and-replace-filter to restore it).
The most elegant way would be probably to look in GA admin into the instructions for the advanced filter - there is a nice example how to rewrite obscure URls into something readable by humans in the reports, which could be easily adapted for your needs.
I added the following lines to the initial analytics script:
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', location.pathname + + location.hash]);
window.onhashchange = function(){
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview',location.pathname + + location.hash]);
which tracks the history change.

Using a WebViews cookies with an HTTP Client

This is with reference to using Google Contacts Data API.
It requires that the application gets authentication view a WebBrowser/WebView (in the case of android).
Therefore the RequestTokenUrl is passed to the webview which will show a Google Sign-in page and then ask the user if it allows the application to access their account.
Once authorized, there needs to be some kind of callback to the activity.
The activity will then use the WebViews cookie (which should contain the AccessToken) with an HTTP client to request data from Google Data API. This could be anything, in our case it is the Google Contacts.
Any ideas on how this can be done?
EDIT: Found another way around the problem by using OAuth 2.0.
This still required getting the AuthorizationCode from the WebView but that is accessed through the pagetitle instead of a cookie.
The selected answer still addresses the original question correctly.
The following code which uses the reflection library will print a line with the cookies:
Sub WebView1_PageFinished (Url As String)
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("android.webkit.CookieManager", "getInstance", Null, Null)
Log(r.RunMethod2("getCookie", Url, "java.lang.String"))
End Sub