Touch events in Meteor - touch

The first thing I started to do with Meteor was start writing a touch-based web application for mobile/tablets. Here's how you reproduce the problem:
First step: create a blank project
meteor create touch_example
cd touch_example
Second, add these things to the .js file This first bit spits out an alert for touch devices and because they have no console.
Meteor.log = function(input){
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof Touch !== "object")
And here's the culprit. = {
'touchmove' : function (e){
Last step, change the template around so there's at least one "touchbox" div on the page. IN theory, it should be taking the events. You'll notice that if you change 'touchmove' to 'click' that it works just fine. If you change it to dblclick it will also work fine. Touch events don't do anything.

This may help. I was looking for a long time to get the click working on mobile for my meteor app. I discovered you can add a comma after your click, and add touchstart{
'click, touchstart .red': function(event){
// add function

Looks like jQuery as standard doesn't handle these, try using jquery-mobile:
To add it as a package you might want to look at my other answer here:
jQuery-Mobile Meteor sample integration and/or integration guidelines
I found some other help regarding binding touches the same as mouse events however this uses bind and I doubt that will hook up with the live-ui meteor stuff:


CKEditor Plugin: text fields not editable

I am creating a CKEditor plugin, using version 4.2.1. I am trying to follow the tutorial on a Simple Plugin. However, the text inputs in my dialog window are not editable / clickable in the dialog, even when I just copy in the entire abbr plugin from the tutorial with no changes.
I can still click the dialog tabs, OK / Cancel buttons, and drag the dialog around. I have added in other elements (like selects) to the dialog in my custom version, and I can interact with those.
When I check the text input elements in Chrome's Dev Tools, I can add text via the Console / jQuery and it appears. I get no failures in the Console.
Will add text to the text input and display it on the screen. But I can't interact with the element via mouse / keyboard / browser. Is there something obvious in the CKEditor configuration that I am missing? Sorry if this is a really stupid question--first time working with CKEditor. I have also searched the CKEditor forums and Google, without finding any related issues.
This happens in both Chrome 30 and FF 24.
My call to create the editor:
var me = document.getElementById('resource_editor_raw');
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(me, {
fullPage: true,
removePlugins: 'newpage,forms,templates',
extraPlugins: 'abbr',
allowedContent: true
Thanks for any tips or hints!
Update #1
Thinking this might be related, I have also tried setting the z-index of the text element to very high, using Chrome's Dev Tools. No luck, it is still not editable / highlightable...
Update #2
This seems to be this conflict with jQuery UI. The suggested fix doesn't work for me yet, but will poke around...leaving this up for anyone who might stumble across it.
Final Update
So Brian's tip helped me. Both the Bootbox modal backdrop (what I am using to generate the original dialog) and the CKEditor dialog backdrop have tabindex=-1, so they conflict somehow. Manually turning off the Bootbox backdrop (i.e. setting tabindex='') works with Chrome dev tools, so I think I can hack something together with jQuery or whatnot. Amazing stuff...thanks for the help!! Not sure why I got this working in a jsFiddle...if I recall correctly, I might not have had a backdrop on those dialogs.
Also, for reference, a tabindex of -1 makes things untabbable, which makes sense for a backdrop.
The modal html attribute tabindex='-1' is what seems to be causing the issues for me.
The tabindex='-1' is actually in the bootstrap documentation and is needed for some reason that I am unaware of.
Use the 100% working script..
<script type="text/javascript">
// Include this file AFTER both jQuery and bootstrap are loaded.
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() {
modal_this = this
$(document).on('focusin.modal', function (e) {
if (modal_this.$element[0] !== && !modal_this.$element.has(
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_select')
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea')
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_text')) {
Note: Include this file after both jQuery and bootstrap are loaded.
OMG I have been googling this for hours and finally fond some code that works!!
Stick this in your dialog page that will have a ckeditor in it:
orig_allowInteraction = $.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(event) {
if ($('.cke_dialog').length) {
return true;
return orig_allowInteraction.apply(this, arguments);
I found the fix here:
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue now. I was ripping my hair out trying to create a hack. It was a pretty simple solution after a while of digging and search the web. This fix helped me. Just place it on the same page where you want to place your editor - when loading from jQuery. The issue is conflicting tabindex, so I simply removed that attribute from the modal.
I am using Semantic UI and fix this problem by create an instance of CKEDITOR after create Modal.
$('#modal-send').modal('attach events', '.btn-close-modal').modal('show');
var ckeOptions = {
entities: false,
htmlEncodeOutput: false,
htmlDecodeOutput: true
CKEDITOR.replace('message', ckeOptions);
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'justify';
I also faced this issue when I updated the CKEditor into 4.14
I found the fix in here -
In this case,
$.widget("ui.dialog", $.ui.dialog, {
_allowInteraction: function (event) {
return !!$(".cke").length || this._super(event);
It will return false, so the textbox gets disabled/ unfocused (losing focus)
As a solution, we need to return true or need to modify the class .cke in the return statement into .cke_dialog
return !!$(".cke").length || this._super(event);
I tried to upload images to server from CK Editor[without CKFinder] and on positive side i am able to do. whenever we are trying to create some dialog, they are creating one div on the fly which will hold your dialog box. Better you check the CSS property for your text box using chrome and change it. Hope this will help you.

Hook into onExecCommand event with TinyMCE 4

I am using TinyMCE 4 but the documentation is terrible. I am trying to provide a live preview of the content in another div (outside of the editor). Right now I am listening to these events:
$(document).on('tinymce:changed tinymce:init', ...)
This is working when text is entered, but it does not trigger when commands are executed (changing existing text to bold for example).
It looks like in TinyMCE 3.x there is an onExecCommand event that does what I want. But I can't find any documentation on how to listen to the global jQuery event like I am doing with with change and init. Does anyone know what event it is firing?
In the migration guide you can find the following example:
// Old event
editor.onInit(editor, args) {
// Custom logic
// New event
editor.on('init', function(args) {
// Custom logic
So the one problem is to get right event name and the right editor instance :)
The onExecCommand() event becomes 'ExecCommand' in v4.
So adding a handler on command execution should be like this (be sure that editors are already initialized when executing code below):
for (ed_id in tinymce.editors) {
tinymce.editors[ed_id].on('ExecCommand', function(args) {
For some reason this event fires twice when command is executed. I think you will overcome this issue.
Though this method does not uses jQuery bindings, it works for me and possibly will solve your problem too.
In case this helps anyone else, here is a list of all the events tinymce 4 allows:

Dragging and dropping something onto an xna window?

I have an XNA4 wndow set up and was wondering if I could get it to accept drag+drop actions, what I envision is someone grabs a jpeg and drags it into the window, upon release of the mouse an event is fired off with a string pointing to the jpeg.
Is this doable and if so how?
First, here is a link to a tutorial on doing this with a windows form:
and here is a link to a post about doing just this (answer is past a few posts saying that it's impossible):
finally here is some code for ease of access (you need a reference to the System.Windows.Forms namespace):
protected override void Initialize()
Form gameForm = (Form)Form.FromHandle(Window.Handle);
gameForm.AllowDrop = true;
gameForm.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(gameForm_DragEnter);
gameForm.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(gameForm_DragDrop);
Also, it seems it's possible to run a game inside a Form control as of XNA 2
While I recognise that this is many years too late here is a direct link to a working demo.
The SLN might not want to autoload but you can just drop it into VS2013 and it will update it. I was getting a "licencing" popup when I tried to just run the SLN.
Hope this helps anyone who might still be working on this.

SIMPLIFIED: jqtouch mobile app ajax loading issue

In jqtouch and iui, what do you do if you want to follow a link like This is a FEED AND dynamically load the content of the <div id="feed-49"></div>?
I've tried bind/live a click handler onto the "a" and onto a parent "div" but it never gets fired, just the event for actually following the link. Thanks.
This is a simplified version of my other question:
jqtouch mobile app ajax loading issue
It depends whether you want the page pre-loaded or load-on-demand.
If you want it pre-loaded, you might want to fill in the page upon, say, $(document).ready:
If you want it to load on-demand, you can listen to the pageAnimationStart event:
$('#feed-49').bind('pageAnimationStart', function(event, info){
if (info.direction == 'in')
You may want to read the jQTouch's documentation on callback events.
I just went through what you are going through and know exactly how to solve it. You need to turn that XML into JSON objects, which will be numbered [0],[1], etc.
This JQuery plugin works and rocks : Add that JS to your app. Your parse XML function will then convert the XML nodes you want (like item nodes within a channel) into JSON objects and then numbers the items.
So look how I then empty the current list of items, build a list of the items and add a custom CLICK function to the list items with a class of "sun" (i love jquery). That function then will add it's parent node title and desc to the divs that need it. The href will push it to the new jqtouch DIV which will handle all the detail info. Cool 'eh? Vote me up if this works. It did for me, like a charm.
function parseXml(xml)
var rss = $.xml2json(xml);
$.each(, function(i, item)
$('#feedList').empty().append('<li class=sun'+i'><a href=#contentDiv>'+item.title+'</a></li>');
$('.sun'+i).click(function() {

hide keyboard in iphone safari webapp

I'm creating a webapp for the iPhone, based in HTML/CSS/JS. I'm using forms to receive input and pass data to the script, but a problem I'm encountering is that the keyboard won't disappear. The user will enter the information, hit submit, and since it's JavaScript the page doesn't reload. The keyboard remains in place, which is a nuisance and adds another step for users (having to close it).
Is there any way to force the keyboard in Safari to go away? Essentially, I have a feeling this question is equivalent to asking how I can force an input box to lose focus or to blur. Looking online, I find plenty of examples to detect the blur event, but none to force this event to occur.
Even more simply, you can call blur() on the currently focused element. $("#inputWithFocus").blur()
You could try focus()ing on a non-text element, like the submit button.
Here's a small code snippet that always hides the keyboard whenever the focus is in an input or textarea field and the user taps outside of that element (the normal behaviour in desktop browsers).
function isTextInput(node) {
return ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(node.nodeName) !== -1;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
if (!isTextInput( && isTextInput(document.activeElement)) {
}, false);
To detect when the return button is pressed use:
$('input').bind('keypress', function(e) {
if(e.which === 13) {
I came across this issue and have spent some time until getting a satisfactory solution. My issue was slightly different from the original question as I wanted to dismiss the input event upon tapping outside input element area.
The purposed answers above work but I think they are not complete so here is my attempt in case you land this page looking for the same thing I was:
jQuery solution
We append a touchstart event listener to the whole document. When the screen is touched (doesn't matter if it's a tap, hold or scroll) it will trigger the handler and then we will check:
Does the touched area represent the input?
Is the input focused?
Given these two conditions we then fire a blur() event to remove focus from the input.
ps: I was a little bit lazy so just copied the line from above response, but you can use the jQuery selector for document in case you want to keep consistency of code
$(document).on('touchstart', function (e) {
if (!$('.my-input') && $('.my-input').is(':focus')) {
Hammer.JS solution
Alternatively you can use Hammer.JS to handle your touch gestures. Let's say that you want to dismiss that on a tap event but the keyboard should be there if the users is just scrolling the page (or let's say, hold a text selection so he can copy that and paste into your input area)
In that situation the solution would be:
var hammer = new Hammer(document.body);
hammer.on('tap', function(e) {
if (!$('.search-input') && $('.search-input').is(':focus')) {
Hope it helps!
using the CSS attribute for focused element, this blurs any input that currently has focus, removing the keyboard.
Be sure to set, in CSS:
body {
cursor: pointer;
otherwise, your event handler calling document.activeElement.blur() will never get fired. For more info, see:
For anyone using Husky's code in AngularJs here is the rewrite:
function isTextInput(node) {
return ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(node.nodeName) !== -1;
angular.element($document[0]).on('touchstart', function(e) {
var activeElement = angular.element($document[0].activeElement)[0];
if(!isTextInput( && isTextInput(activeElement)) {
In my case, I have an app:
AppComponent -> ComponentWithInput
and with the html:
<div class="app-container" (click)="onClick()">
And everything I do is adding (click)="onClick()"
You can leave the method empty as I did:
onClick() {
This works for me.