How to pin to start menu using PowerShell - powershell

I can pin some programs to taskbar on Win7 using PowerShell.
$shell = new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace('C:\Windows')
$item = $folder.Parsename('notepad.exe')
$verb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name -eq 'Pin to Tas&kbar'}
if ($verb) {$verb.DoIt()}
How do I modify the above code to pin a program to the Start menu?

Another way
$sa = new-object -c shell.application
$pn = $sa.namespace($env:windir).parsename('notepad.exe')
Or unpin

Use the code below
$shell = new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace('C:\Windows')
$item = $folder.Parsename('notepad.exe')
$verb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name -eq 'Pin to Start Men&u'}
if ($verb) {$verb.DoIt()}
Note: the change is in the fourth line.

The main problem with most of the solution is that they enumerate the verbs on a file, search for the string to perform the action (“Pin to Startmenu” etc.) and then execute it. This does not work if you need to support 30+ languages in your company, except you use external function to search for the localized command (see answer from shtako-verflow).
The answer from Steven Penny is the first that is language neutral and does not need any external code. It uses the verbs stored in the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{90AA3A4E-1CBA-4233-B8BB-535773D48449} and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{a2a9545d-a0c2-42b4-9708-a0b2badd77c8}
Based on this, here’s the code we are now using:
function PinToTaskbar {
ExecuteVerb $FilePath "taskbarpin"
function UnpinFromTaskbar {
ExecuteVerb $FilePath "taskbarunpin"
function PinToStartmenu {
ExecuteVerb $FilePath "startpin"
function UnpinFromStartmenu {
ExecuteVerb $FilePath "startunpin"
function ExecuteVerb {
$path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($File)
$basePath = split-path $path -parent #retrieve only the path File=C:\Windows\notepad.exe -> C:\Windows
$targetFile = split-path $path -leaf #retrieve only the file File=C:\Windows\notepad.exe -> notepad.exe
$shell = new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace($basePath)
if ($folder)
$item = $folder.Parsename($targetFile)
if ($item)
# "This method does not return a value." (
# Therefore we have no chance to know if this was successful...
write-host "Method [$Verb] executed for [$path]"
write-host "Target file [$targetFile] not found, aborting"
write-host "Folder [$basePath] not found, aborting"
#PinToTaskbar "%WINDIR%\notepad.exe"
#UnpinFromTaskbar "%WINDIR%\notepad.exe"
PinToStartmenu "%WINDIR%\notepad.exe"
#UnpinFromStartmenu "%WINDIR%\notepad.exe"

See the script (international) here :
If you want to add an action like Pin to Modern UI interface (Windows 8), at $verbs, add 51201

Steven Penny's second answer above worked well for me. Here are a couple more tidbits.
It's doing COM through PowerShell, so you can do the same thing with pretty much any COM client. For example, here's an AutoHotkey version.
Shell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
Target := Shell.Namespace(EnvGet("WinDir")).ParseName("Notepad.exe")
VBScript or InnoSetup would look almost the same except for the function used to create the object.
I also found that I have one program that pinned OK, but didn't have the right icon and/or description because of limitations in the compiler. I just made a little 1-line WinForms app that starts the target with Process.Start, and then added the appropriate icon, and the name I wanted in the Start Menu in the Title property in AppInfo.cs.


"GetLatest" with Powershell doesn't download files on new TFS workspace

I'm trying to create a Powershell script that will setup a brand new workspace in a temporary location, do a GetLatest on selected solutions/projects, and download the source code so that I can then trigger further build/versioning operations.
I think I have the script more or less right, but the problem is every time I run this, it tells me there were 0 operations... i.e. I already have the latest versions. This results in nothing at all being downloaded.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
$subfolder = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$tfsServer = "http://tfsserver:8080/tfs"
$projectsAndWorkspaces = #(
$tfsCollection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($tfsServer)
$tfsVersionCtrl = $tfsCollection.GetService([type] "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer")
$tfsWorkspace = $tfsVersionCtrl.CreateWorkspace($subfolder, $tfsVersionCtrl.AuthorizedUser)
Write-Host "Operations:"
foreach ($projectAndWs in $projectsAndWorkspaces)
if (-not(Test-Path $projectAndWs[1]))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $projectAndWs[1] | Out-Null
$tfsWorkspace.Map($projectAndWs[0], $projectAndWs[1])
$recursion = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.RecursionType]::Full
$itemSpecFullTeamProj = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.ItemSpec($projectAndWs[0], $recursion)
$fileRequest = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetRequest($itemSpecFullTeamProj, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionSpec]::Latest)
$getStatus = $tfsWorkspace.Get($fileRequest, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetOptions]::Overwrite)
Write-Host ("[{0}] {1}" -f $getStatus.NumOperations, ($projectAndWs[0].Substring($projectAndWs[0].LastIndexOf("/") + 1)))
Write-Host "Finished"
The $tfsServer = "http://tfsserver:8080/tfs" should be $tfsServer = "http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/nameOfACollection"
The "$/Client1/Project1" string smells. I would add a backtick before the dollar sign so it is not read as a variable or use single quotes.
Single quote

Create TFS work item with PowerShell

I'm working on a TFS build with a pre-build PowerShell script that (in addition to building my app) automatically checks out a file where we maintain version, increments the build number, then checks the file in.
I have been able to do this, except that I get an error from the script which results in a partially successful build (orange). I need to have a fully successful (green) build.
Here's the check-in line (using TFS Power Tools for VS 2013):
New-TfsChangeset -Item $versionFile -Override "Automated" -Notes "Code Reviewer=tfs" -Comment "Automated"
The error I receive is that the changeset is not associated with a work item, but the -Override should handle that. The funny thing is that it checks in anyway.
Running locally on my machine instead of the build server, I get the same thing, except that I also see a line that says The policies have been overridden. This tells me that the override is working, but it still outputs the error.
I've tried adding -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue, but it has no effect.
I need one of three options:
A way to suppress output of the checkin error,
A way to create a work item and associate it to the checkin, or
Some other third option that will result in a green build.
Any ideas?
Credit goes to Eddie - MSFT for leading me the right direction, but I wanted to consolidate everything here.
WARNING This will check in all pending changes in the workspace.
Creating a new work item (source)
I did modify it quite a bit to support automation. It connects to TFS and generates a new work item.
function New-WorkItem()
# These *should* be registered in the GAC.
# The version numbers will likely have to change as new versions of Visual Studio are installed on the server.
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
$server = "http://YOURTFSSERVER:8080/tfs"
$tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer($server)
$type = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore]
$store = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore] $tfs.GetService($type)
$workItem = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem($store.Projects[0].WorkItemTypes[0])
$workItem.Title = "Automated work item"
Associating the work item and checking in
Slight modifications to the code from the link given by Eddie, we get the following:
function CheckIn()
param([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem] $workItem)
$col = Get-TfsCollection("http://YOURTFSSERVER:8080/tfs/YOURCOLLECTION")
$vcs = Get-TfsVersionControlServer($col)
$ws = $vcs.GetWorkspace([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($anyPathInWorkspace))
$pc = $ws.GetPendingChanges()
$wici = Get-TfsWorkItemCheckinInfo($workItem)
$changeset = $ws.CheckIn($pc, "Automated check in", $null, $wici, $null)
That post doesn't tell you that Get-TfsCollection, Get-TfsVersionControlServer, and Get-TfsWorkItemCheckinInfo aren't defined. I had to find them.
I found the first two on I didn't have to change anything.
function Get-TfsCollection
param([string] $CollectionUrl)
if ($CollectionUrl -ne "")
#if collection is passed then use it and select all projects
$tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($CollectionUrl)
#if no collection specified, open project picker to select it via gui
$picker = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamProjectPicker([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamProjectPickerMode]::NoProject, $false)
$dialogResult = $picker.ShowDialog()
if ($dialogResult -ne "OK")
$tfs = $picker.SelectedTeamProjectCollection
function Get-TfsVersionControlServer
param([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollection] $TfsCollection)
But I couldn't find Get-TfsWorkItemCheckinInfo. The only Google hit was the kinook link from Eddie (and soon probably this answer). Here's what I came up with:
function Get-TfsWorkItemCheckinInfo
param([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem] $workItem)
$wi = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.WorkItemCheckinInfo($workItem, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.WorkItemCheckinAction]::Resolve)
Now we can use it
CheckIn (New-WorkItem)
That's it!
You can create a work item from PowerShell by following this article:
Quote the code here for reference:
$key = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0
$dir = [string] (Get-ItemProperty $key.InstallDir)
$dir += "PrivateAssemblies\"
$lib = $dir + "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.dll"
$lib = $dir + "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll"
"Please enter your Team Foundation Server Name:"
$server = [Console]::ReadLine()
$server = $server.Trim()
"Connecting to " + $server + "..."
$tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServerFactory]::GetServer($server)
$type = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore]
$store = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore] $tfs.GetService($type)
$workItem = new-object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItem($store.Projects[0].WorkItemTypes[0])
"Created a new work item of type " + $workItem.Type.Name
$workItem.Title = "Created by Windows PowerShell!"
And then refer to this article to associate the work item to changeset:

Why functions are not available locally until after first ran?

I have two questions here, why does the following function in a script not recognized when I run the script:
$pathN = Select-Folder
Write-Host "Path " $pathN
function Select-Folder($message='Select a folder', $path = 0) {
$object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path)
if ($folder -ne $null) {
I get error:
The term 'Select-Folder' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try aga
But if I load and run it in the Windows Powershell ISE, it will give me the error the first time, and then act like it has "registered" the function and work after that.
And in case it is a procedural issue, I have tried listing the function at the top with no better luck.
Note I have tried simple functions like:
Write-host "Say "
function Hello {
Write-host "hello"
With the same exact results/error, it complains that Hello is not function....
Also, it still won't every work just running the script in powershell (only in ISE after the first initial attempt).
You need to declare your Select-Folder function before you try to use it. The script is read from top to bottom, so on the first pass when you try to use Select-Folder it has no idea what that means.
When you load it into the Powershell ISE it'll find out what Select-Folder means on the first run, and it'll still know that the 2nd time you try to run it (so you won't get the error then).
So if you change your code to:
function Select-Folder($message='Select a folder', $path = 0) {
$object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path)
if ($folder -ne $null) {
$pathN = Select-Folder
Write-Host "Path " $pathN
that should work each time you run it.

Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline

I'm new at writing in powershell but this is what I'm trying to accomplish.
I want to compare the dates of the two excel files to determine if one is newer than the other.
I want to convert a file from csv to xls on a computer that doesn't have excel. Only if the statement above is true, the initial xls file was copied already.
I want to copy the newly converted xls file to another location
If the file is already open it will fail to copy so I want to send out an email alert on success or failure of this operation.
Here is the script that I'm having issues with. The error is "Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline." I know it's to do with the email operation but I'm at a loss as to how to write this out manually with all those variables included. There are probably more errors but I'm not seeing them now. Thanks for any help, I appreciate it!
$CSV = "C:filename.csv"
$LocalXLS = "C:\filename.xls"
$RemoteXLS = "D:\filename.xls"
$LocalDate = (Get-Item $LocalXLS).LASTWRITETIME
$RemoteDate = (Get-Item $RemoteXLS).LASTWRITETIME
$convert = "D:\CSV Converter\csvcnv.exe"
if ($LocalDate -eq $RemoteDate) {break}
else {
& $convert $CSV $LocalXLS
$FromAddress = ""
$ToAddress = ""
$MessageSubject = "vague subject"
$SendingServer = ""
$SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $MessageSubject, $MessageBody
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SendingServer
$SendEmailSuccess = $MessageBody = "The copy completed successfully!" | New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SMTPMessage
$RenamedXLS = {$_.BaseName+(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd)+$_.Extension}
Rename-Item -path $RemoteXLS -newname $RenamedXLS -force -erroraction silentlycontinue
If (!$error)
{ $SendEmailSuccess | copy-item $LocalXLS -destination $RemoteXLS -force }
{$MessageBody = "The copy failed, please make sure the file is closed." | $SMTPClient.Send($SMTPMessage)}
You get this error when you are trying to execute an independent block of code from within a pipeline chain.
Just as a different example, imagine this code using jQuery:
Each dot (.) will chain the array into the next function. In the above function this breaks with console because it's not meant to have any values piped in. If we want to break from our chaining to execute some code (perhaps on objects in the chain - we can do so with each like this:
$("div").not(".main").each(function() {console.log(this)})
The solution is powershell is identical. If you want to run a script against each item in your chain individually, you can use ForEach-Object or it's alias (%).
Imagine you have the following function in Powershell:
$settings | ?{$_.Key -eq 'Environment' } | $_.Value = "Prod"
The last line cannot be executed because it is a script, but we can fix that with ForEach like this:
$settings | ?{$_.Key -eq 'Environment' } | %{ $_.Value = "Prod" }
This error basically happens when you use an expression on the receiving side of the pipeline when it cannot receive the objects from the pipeline.
You would get the error if you do something like this:
$a="test" | $a
or even this:
"test" | $a
I don't know why are trying to pipe everywhere. I would recommend you to learn basics about Powershell pipelining. You are approaching it wrong. Also, I think you can refer to the link below to see how to send mail, should be straight forward without the complications that you have added with the pipes :

PowerShell script to check an application that's locking a file?

Using in PowerShell, how can I check if an application is locking a file?
I like to check which process/application is using the file, so that I can close it.
You can do this with the SysInternals tool handle.exe. Try something like this:
PS> $handleOut = handle
PS> foreach ($line in $handleOut) {
if ($line -match '\S+\spid:') {
$exe = $line
elseif ($line -match 'C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\segoeui\.ttf') {
"$exe - $line"
MSASCui.exe pid: 5608 ACME\hillr - 568: File (---) C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf
This could help you: Use PowerShell to find out which process locks a file. It parses the System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection Modules property of each process and it looks for the file path of the locked file:
Get-Process | foreach{$processVar = $_;$_.Modules | foreach{if($_.FileName -eq $lockedFile){$processVar.Name + " PID:" + $}}}
You should be able to use the openfiles command from either the regular command line or from PowerShell.
The openfiles built-in tool can be used for file shares or for local files. For local files, you must turn on the tool and restart the machine (again, just for first time use). I believe the command to turn this feature on is:
openfiles /local on
For example (works on Windows Vista x64):
openfiles /query | find "chrome.exe"
That successfully returns file handles associated with Chrome. You can also pass in a file name to see the process currently accessing that file.
You can find a solution using Sysinternal's Handle utility.
I had to modify the code (slightly) to work with PowerShell 2.0:
#/* */
Function Get-LockingProcess {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True,
HelpMessage="What is the path or filename? You can enter a partial name without wildcards")]
# Define the path to Handle.exe
# //$Handle = "G:\Sysinternals\handle.exe"
$Handle = "C:\tmp\handle.exe"
# //[regex]$matchPattern = "(?<Name>\w+\.\w+)\s+pid:\s+(?<PID>\b(\d+)\b)\s+type:\s+(?<Type>\w+)\s+\w+:\s+(?<Path>.*)"
# //[regex]$matchPattern = "(?<Name>\w+\.\w+)\s+pid:\s+(?<PID>\d+)\s+type:\s+(?<Type>\w+)\s+\w+:\s+(?<Path>.*)"
# (?m) for multiline matching.
# It must be . (not \.) for user group.
[regex]$matchPattern = "(?m)^(?<Name>\w+\.\w+)\s+pid:\s+(?<PID>\d+)\s+type:\s+(?<Type>\w+)\s+(?<User>.+)\s+\w+:\s+(?<Path>.*)$"
# skip processing banner
$data = &$handle -u $path -nobanner
# join output for multi-line matching
$data = $data -join "`n"
$MyMatches = $matchPattern.Matches( $data )
# //if ($MyMatches.value) {
if ($MyMatches.count) {
$MyMatches | foreach {
FullName = $_.groups["Name"].value
Name = $_.groups["Name"].value.split(".")[0]
ID = $_.groups["PID"].value
Type = $_.groups["Type"].value
User = $_.groups["User"].value.trim()
Path = $_.groups["Path"].value
toString = "pid: $($_.groups["PID"].value), user: $($_.groups["User"].value), image: $($_.groups["Name"].value)"
} #hashtable
} #foreach
} #if data
else {
Write-Warning "No matching handles found"
} #end function
PS C:\tmp> . .\Get-LockingProcess.ps1
PS C:\tmp> Get-LockingProcess C:\tmp\foo.txt
Name Value
---- -----
ID 2140
toString pid: 2140, user: J17\Administrator, image: WINWORD.EXE
Path C:\tmp\foo.txt
Type File
User J17\Administrator
PS C:\tmp>
I was looking for a solution to this as well and hit some hiccups.
Didn't want to use an external app
Open Files requires the local ON attribute which meant systems had to be configured to use it before execution.
After extensive searching I found.
Thanks to Paul DiMaggio
This seems to be pure powershell and .net / C#
You can find for your path on handle.exe.
I've used PowerShell but you can do with another command line tool.
With administrative privileges:
handle.exe -a | Select-String "<INSERT_PATH_PART>" -context 0,100
Down the lines and search for "Thread: ...", you should see there the name of the process using your path.
Posted a PowerShell module in PsGallery to discover & kill processes that have open handles to a file or folder.
It exposes functions to: 1) find the locking process, and 2) kill the locking process.
The module automatically downloads handle.exe on first usage.
Retrieves process information that has a file handle open to the specified path.
Example: Find-LockingProcess -Path $Env:LOCALAPPDATA
Example: Find-LockingProcess -Path $Env:LOCALAPPDATA | Get-Process
Kills all processes that have a file handle open to the specified path.
Example: Stop-LockingProcess -Path $Home\Documents
PsGallery Link:
To install run:
Install-Module -Name LockingProcessKiller
I like what the command prompt (CMD) has, and it can be used in PowerShell as well:
tasklist /m <dllName>
Just note that you can't enter the full path of the DLL file. Just the name is good enough.
I've seen a nice solution at Locked file detection that uses only PowerShell and .NET framework classes:
function TestFileLock {
## Attempts to open a file and trap the resulting error if the file is already open/locked
param ([string]$filePath )
$filelocked = $false
$fileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $filePath
trap {
Set-Variable -name filelocked -value $true -scope 1
$fileStream = $fileInfo.Open( [System.IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate,[System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None )
if ($fileStream) {
$obj = New-Object Object
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty FilePath -value $filePath
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty IsLocked -value $filelocked
If you modify the above function slightly like below it will return True or False
(you will need to execute with full admin rights)
e.g. Usage:
PS> TestFileLock "c:\pagefile.sys"
function TestFileLock {
## Attempts to open a file and trap the resulting error if the file is already open/locked
param ([string]$filePath )
$filelocked = $false
$fileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $filePath
trap {
Set-Variable -name Filelocked -value $true -scope 1
$fileStream = $fileInfo.Open( [System.IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None )
if ($fileStream) {