Customized Vertical Tab bars in iphone - iphone

I am new to iphone development. Can anyone tell me how to implement a vertical tab bar? I want something that looks like the tab bar on the right side of the screenshot in this link with the overview, events and other options displayed in the image. Thanks!

A tabbar is nothing more then a bunch of buttons next to eachother where one (or none) button has a 'selected' state. To create a vertical tab-bar: Simply place a few buttons below each other and attach corresponding listeners from those buttons to your viewcontroller (delegate).
Everytime you press one of these buttons all the buttons go into the 'default' state and the button you pressed changes to 'selected' state. After that you can load a new view with (for instance) a UINavigationController


Showing a overlaying menu when tab bar item is clicked - IOS

Thanks for reading my question!
I have a 5-part tabbar which I use for app navigation, the center tab is covered by a UIButton and is slightly larger (much like the instagram app). This works fine.
But what I want is the far right tab bar item to show a overlaying menu when clicked. I don't want it to switch to a viewcontroller with a menu. I want the menu to be displayed no matter which of the other views you're in at the moment. So I want it to act much like a button which is in the tabbar. But I have no idea how to go about doing this.
Should I use a overlaying button over the tabbaritem or should I catch the tabbarclick, but how can I prevent the view from changing in that case?
Thanks you for any help!
You need to implement UITabBarDelegate. Then override tabBar:didSelectItem: and implement your custom displaying here. See below for reference
Then i would just make a custom UIView and fade it in when that specific tagged UITabBarItem is pressed.

Programmatically hiding a view controller from a tab bar application

I am working on a tab bar application. Is there a way I can programmatically hide one view controller from the scroll down list and from the "edit" list (but still be able to pop it on screen with a certain action, i.e. by calling its tabbarcontroller index)?
The problem is that I have now so many viewcontrollers that completely fill the "edit" screen. So I want to hide some of them and be able to trigger the hidden ones trough some action performed on one of the visible ones.

Implement UIToolBar so it acts like a UITabBar and UIToolBar at the same time

I have an interesting problem. I have an app that I'm developing that involves photos so screen space is at a premium. Also, using disappearing and reappearing nav / tool bar controllers (like in the camera app) doesn't make sense for me. In a perfect world, I'd use a UITabBar to switch between the 4 main navigational view controllers that my program implements, however I also am going to need space for a toolbar right on top of the tab bar most of the time. These two components take up too much space between the two of them so I need a way to save some space.
That's where I came up with the idea of using a toolbar to implement the functionality of both the TabBar and ToolBar. On the left side of the ToolBar would be the 4 buttons that allow access to my 4 main navigational view controllers. The one that is currently on the window would have it's button depressed. Then there would be a divider, and on the right side of the tool bar would be buttons specific to whatever view is currently on the window.
Anyhow, I'm just wondering if anyone has any clever ideas on how they'd implement this?
wat do u mean by left and right of toolbar??? adding a tab bar will not affect ur view size. when adding a toolbar, well yes it does affect ur view size.
my idea wolud be add a toolbar to the top of ur view and u can make it visible only when the user taps on the screen. until then keep the toolbar hidden. when the user clicks for the second time on the screen hide ur toolbar. this way u can have the whole view for ur pics and also have a toolbar for giving options.

displaying sub menus on tab bars in iphone apps

Is it possible to display a sub menu on a tab bar in iphone apps. I mean when a user clicks on a tab, instead of displaying a new view, displays a new set of buttons on the top of the tab.
Does anyone know how to implement this?
Well, you can't do it without displaying a new view but that view does not have to fill the screen. If you create a custom UIView subclass that positions itself under the button pressed, you can get the behavior you want.

iphone: Button/Image on top of TabBarController?

When in the Camera Roll section of the Photos app, you can click the top right button to edit the photos. This replaces the bottom tab bar with three new buttons.
I would like to do something similar, but I cannot get my buttons to be on TOP of the tab bar. Is there a way to specify the layer order? Or do I need to do something different?
I would add a new UIView. I would add it to the view your tab bar is in (like, let's say UIWindow). From there you can use -bringViewToFront (or something similar). That way you will have control over what is in front of the UITabBarController's view.