Lifetime of a sugar session - sugarcrm

1) What is the default lifetime of session returned by SugarCRM login REST call.
2) Can storing the session be deemed a good practice?
Please advise.

The session life is the same as the PHP session life on the server, which can be controlled somewhat via the session.gc_maxlifetime directive in your php.ini file.
When you say "storing" the session, do you mean trying to use it across multiple scripts. Not sure if there is a good reason to do that, mainly because of the weirdness of how PHP sessions GC. I would initialize a session for each script, or at the very least check to see if you session is valid on each call to see if you need to re-init or not.


URLSession cache only

Sometimes I want to get data from the cache only when using URLSession. For example when quickly scrolling in a UITableView, I would like to show images that are already in the cache, but do not fire any HTTP requests. Images are just an example could be anything.
So I'm currently looking into URLSession's CachePolicy but it doesn't support an option to only get valid (not expired, etc) data from cache.
I can look into the URLCache myself, but this also of course returns data that might be expired. Is there some API that can validate a CachedURLResponse? Because then I can do it myself. Or do I have to implement the validating myself.
That's a fairly unusual request. Normally, you're either writing code to operate in an offline mode (in which case you want to pull from the cache whether the cached results are still valid or not) or you are online (in which case you want to fetch new data if it isn't valid).
I would encourage you to really think long and hard about whether you really want to force cache validation if you aren't firing network requests.
That said, if you really want that behavior, there are two ways you can do it:
Use NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad and validate the age of the cached response yourself.
Perform the request in a custom session, use NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy, and in that session, install a custom NSURLProtocol subclass that overrides initWithTask:cachedResponse:client: and startLoading, and calls URLProtocol:didFailWithError: on the provided client at the top of its startLoading method.
The second approach is probably the best option, because you don't have to worry about knowing all the esoteric rules for cache validation. By making the actual load fail, the cache will work normally, but as soon as it actually would start making a network request, your custom protocol prevents that from happening. And because you'll register the protocol only in that specific session (via the protocolClasses array on the session configuration), it won't break networking in other sessions.

Global exception handling for REST calls in Ember-CLI

In my ember-cli app I use a token based approach to communicate with a secured REST interface on the server side. As tokens expire after some time, I would like to realize the following behaviour:
As soon as the client tries to access the REST service with an expired token, I would like the user to be redirected to the login screen.
Right now I use the 'catch' function on the store's find method while fetching data in the route's model callback. This works quite well. As a matter of fact, there are more REST invocations than the ones that refer to the model store.
What would be the best practice to deal with this situation? In what place should I implement the (exception) handling? As this seems to be a crosscutting concern, I'd like to implement it in a central place.
I prefer to follow an optimistic approach, thus not checking the validity of the token on each and every transition. It will be sufficient if the redirect will take place the moment the application tries to communicate with the REST interface (ie as soon as it gets the error message from the server).
You may want to consider the global jquery hooks so you can respond to an Auth fail uniformly. See:
It's up to you if you want to set window.location or lookup your application controller and use transitionToRoute() for switching to the login route. Make sure that if you use Ember functions to put your code in an from your jquery hook function so it occurs on the Ember run loop.
You could also consider using Ember SimpleAuth (which kind of locks you into its paradigm) or even better and a safer long term priposal IMO, doing it from scratch by first following these tutorials:
And then this which is newer and incorporates the above tutorials:

Managing non-serializable objects at the session level

My Wicket application integrates a couple of third party services. When a user authenticates to the app, one of the services instantiates a client object tied to that particular user.
Instantiating the client is quite expensive, so re-instantiating it with every request isn't quite an option. Were the client serializable, I'd keep a reference in the session, but since it isn't, I'm maintaining a map of clients at the application level, keyed by session. It works, but it's a little kludgy, particularly when a session expires or something else misbehave and the map is out of sync.
I'm wondering if there might be any other options to that problem. I was thinking along the line of intercepting the serialization of the session, and maintaining the client instances in memory instead.
Any suggestions?
As per tetsuo's comment, this approach wouldn't work.
Original, non-working proposition
Besides an HttpSessionListener, you could also use a WeakHashMap in your application. You can then keep the key to your client objects in the Wicket Session. When the session is destroyed, the corresponding key-value entry in the map will be garbage-collected automatically.
See this explanation of weak references in Java.

Logging requests of Zend Framework application

i need help with logging Zend Framewrok application ( version 1.11 ), every request..
I need to know time of beinning request and time of executing request. Each request i would like to save into database, but i'm not sure, where i would catch these informations.
Beggining of request i can probably catch in bootstrap.php via some _init method. But in which place should I cach information about end of execution request, if i need to be connected into database? In addition i'm using $this->_redirector->gotoSimpleAndExit() in my controllers and i need count with that case - no view is rendered and request is finished simply by exit() function.
I would like to write log information only once per request.
Thank's for help!
Registration of shut down function helped very well.
I created custom logger (singleton pattern), that i'm calling in bootstrap.. since php 5.4 is available $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']. Logger register his method as shutdown function in constructor and also call it in his destructor. Multiple calling of shutdown function is prevented.
This solution is working even if exit() function is called.
For one of my projects, I'm putting the "end of execution" logging code in my layout script. It's supposed to be one of the "last" things to be executed.
I'm not using redirections for this project, though. So, I'm not sure how it should be extended to consider your "gotoSimpleAndExit()" case.
Hope that helps,

SSL: Broken pipe accesing SOAP service with PHP's SoapClient

I have a SOAP WS which I access through PHP's SoapClient (wrapped with Zend Framework's Soap Client). The webservice runs through https, and the calls take quite some time (a few minutes each).
I am making 4 calls, one after another through the same instance of SoapClient. However, after some time running, and at a random point (not allways on the same method call) I see the following error:
Warning: SoapClient::__doRequest(): SSL: Broken pipe in pathtomyfile
I still have no idea why this happened, but I've got some extra insight and a workaround.
The issue arises when, after a SOAP call that took really long to run, I try to use the same connection for another request. The first one will succeed, but upon the new call, the error raises.
This means, that as long as you don't NEED the connection to be same (which is usually the case on SOAP web services), you can just reset the connection between calls. Not the most efficient use of resources, but will work flawlessly.
I found that adding the
'keep_alive' => false
option to
new SoapClient($url, $options)
solved the issue for me.
There is a related bug report here but very little documentation about it apart from that: