JBoss 7, how to add library module to eclipse project build path - eclipse

I wanted to move from jboss AS 6 to 7 with hibernate 4 support and now all libraries are in subfolders with module.xml files.
And I have no idea how to add those to my eclipse project build path.
Where do I define my module dependencies?

The easiest way is to do Build Path > Add External Archives and select the jars you want.
Slightly better might be to define a JBOSS_HOME classpath variable, and add the jars as variable entries. That would make things easier if you ever move your JBoss installation.
If you wanted more automation, it would be possible to write a script, for whatever build tool you use, that parses your application's manifest to find which modules it depends on, and add those to your classpath automatically. If you're good at scripting, that should be quite easy.


Netbeans RCP module options. Felix, equinox or standard Netbenas module?

There are a few options for developing modules for Netbeans 7.0.1 RCP. I haven't found any clear comparison of them.
So I would like to know which of them is the easiest to:
install by user (e.g. user could choose proper jar with module
from a repository )
Which makes to write less non-reusable code (e.g. when you want to make web application of used classes later)?
Which is the most popular?
The easiest way is to use the traditional Netbeans way - build nbm's. This is well tested and good feature. After building module you will get the "nbm" file with all needed info inside (additional jars, settings, etc.)
You can use "Module Update" features from Netbeans.
The other way is to build modules as osgi bundles.
This feature was introduced in 6.7 version and up to now it has some problems.
First of all, bundle in normal understanding is one jar. If your bundle depends on other jar (f.e. apache-commons:beanutils), you will need to pack this jar into your bundle jar (using maven-bundle-plugin) or to install "beanutils" as independent bundle. The first solution is not the best, because if in the future another bundle wants to use "beanutils" you will need to link new bundle with old one, even if they don't need this. This cause high cohesion between modules. Or you can pack "beanutils" into your new bundle, but this can cause classloading issues in osgi-framework.
So, if you need to install netbeans module, you just install one nbm file and that's all.
If you need to install bundle, you need to install all dependent bundles separately beside yours bundle.
Another things are, for now you can't configure osgi-framework, which embedded in netbeans and process of loading bundles has some differences from loading standard netbeans modules which can cause some "strange" issues.
I'm sure that guys from netbeans will fix this issues and they are moving in right direction, but for now, if you don't need bundles, don't use it.

Build eclipse project with ant

I am developing JSR 268 compliant portlet and utility with eclipse.
Now, the utility is designed to be a separate JAR from the portlet itself.
Does anyone now how to write an ant build.xml that will
1. Compile and JAR my utility class
2. Move the JAR to the ./lib folder of the portlet
3. Compile and maybe even delpoy the portlet to a tomcat running on localhost?
My biggest problem right now are the build-time dependencies. I dont want to hardcode all the folders as I share this project with two other developers which are on another platform.
Is it possible to reuse the buildpath from eclipse?
Thank you in advance,
Does this wizard help
Rigth-click on project -> Export ... -> Ant buildfiles.
Though you probably have figured something out by now, for future references I would suggest taking a look at Eclipse's ability to use Ant files as project builders.
An advantage of this is, that will happen automatically as you build and since you only pack and copy the jar file, you don't have to worry about changes in e.g. the class paths, as you would in the two previous answers
Create a ant file that jar the utility project. Follow: [1]
Add it as a ant-builder to your utility project as described in [1]
Now Eclipse will automatically generate the jar file every time you build.
Extend the ant script to also copy to jar file to the lib dir.
Eclipse have ant task to convert workspace/project relative paths to
normal file paths. See [2]. Note that for those tasks to work, you must select ''Run is the same JRE as the workspace'' under the ''JRE'' tab when configuring the ant builder
In order to ensure your utility is build first add a project reference from your portlet to your utility project right click > properties > project references
When you build the following will now happen:
You utility project will build first, because of the project reference
The ant-builder will pack the jar, and copy it to the lib folder.
You portlet project will build using the new jar.
[1] http://help.eclipse.org/juno/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.user%2FgettingStarted%2Fqs-92_project_builders.htm
[2] http://help.eclipse.org/galileo/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/guide/ant_eclipse_tasks.htm
For 1. Just use the and Ant tasks
For 2. Is it on a remote server? How do you get it there? Windows share?
For 3. Set up the Tomcat manager and then use Tomcat's deploy/undeploy Ant tasks:
<taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask" />
<taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask" />
If you want to avoid hard-coding paths, try to use relative paths. Where are you dependencies right now? What do you feel you may have to specify an absolute path for?
In Eclipse,
Goto Window->preference->Ant->Runtime->Classpath->ant Home
Then add what are the thing u need to add,atlast click ok button to create ant file.

Installing Java libraries

As I'm quite new to Java, I would like to know the proper procedure of installing new libraries (those that are no available in my linux dist repositories).
Where should I place them? and how to install them?
For instance, I downloaded openCsv (http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/), and I have no idea how to install it.
Java libraries don't really need to be 'installed' like other applications. All you need to do is put the jar file in a specific location, and add the jar file to your classpath. How you do that depends on the linux distro you are using. If you are making a web application in eclipse, you can drop the .jar file in the WebRoot/web-inf/lib folder, and it will be bundled in with your project.
Be sure that the path, which you place the libaries at, is set in the $CLASSPATH Environment Variable.
For Eclipse: Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add JARs...
It's up to you really - I use /opt/javalib, but you might consider a directory in /usr/local as well.
You can store them wherever you wish. You can store them within the JRE distribution directories, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Instead I would store them per-project (so you can have different versions for each project easily - some libraries have different names for each version, some don't) and adopt a standard such as a lib/ directory. That way you can have standard build scripts (Ant etc.) that can operate in the same way (if you're using Maven, then there's a standard place per-project - src/main/resources)
You could use Maven to manage any dependencies to those libraries.
Maven will automatically download all needed JAR files and put them in a local repository (the location is configurable).
This makes upgrading to new versions of various libraries very easy as you just declare the version you want and Maven does the rest.
Beware: Maven is something to get used to and the initial learning curve is steep.
The rewards come if you have everything set up properly and maven takes care of compiling, packaging, distribution, site creation, release management etc. etc. etc.

JBoss Custom lib directory

I have this third party framework which comes with a huge set of dependent libraries, which by the way, have not yet been indexed in any Maven repository. I want to use this framework with some Web Apps, but for obvious reasons I don't want to put all those libraries under WEB-INF/lib, neither do I want just to place them all under server/default/lib to avoid mixing them with other local and third party libraries.
Is there some way under JBoss 4.2.2 or higher to specify a custom lib directory for certain Web Apps? It's possible and/or advisable to have something like server/default/lib/myAppLib?
Any suggestion on this regard?
You can add the following entry in your server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml for putting your jars in server/default/myLibDir:
<classpath codebase="myLibDir" archives="*"/>
To my knowledge, you have three options:
Package you WARs in an EAR and move the library JARs out of WEB-INF/lib and
place them in a lib folder at the root of the EAR. No extra configuration required. This (non portable) solution is described in Configuring JBoss shared libs.
Move the library JARs out of WEB-INF/lib and place them into server/xxx/lib.
Deploy the JARs in the deploy/ folder and disable WAR file class loader isolation.
I don't recommend option #3. Option #2 is what you don't want. This leaves us with option #1 (which is IMO the cleanest).
Related questions
Jboss shared library
In JBoss can I configure a “shared library” location?

NetBeans Library using JNI

Can I have a Library defined that makes use of JNI in NetBeans?
Seems the library definition only allows Jars or Folders.
How can I assure that the DLL follows the jar file when the app is built?
Assuming you are referring to building a NetBeans Platform App (or module), then you can place the DLL in the "release/modules/lib/" folder. This is per the platform FAQ:
Additional information here:
If you are asking more generally, then I think most people package the DLL inside the jar, then extract it to a temp location upon application startup. e.g.
How to make a JAR file that includes DLL files?
If that's not what you're looking for, then you'll need to provide more information as to what you're trying to do.
netbeans won't do it on its own, but since it uses ant behind the scenes there's a workaround.
you should create a subdirectory named jni in your project directory (c:\path\to\mynetbeansproject\jni), put all the .dll, .so and .jnilib files in there (the native stuff), and add the following lines to the build.xml file you find in your project directory, just before the </project> tag:
<target name="-post-compile">
<copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
<fileset dir="jni" />
then add the jar file to your project just like you always do. :)
the snippet you inserted in build.xml will make sure that the native libraries follow your jar files in the dist/lib folder when you invoke "Clean and Build" from within netbeans (or ant from the command line); the jvm will look for the .dll (.so, .jnilib) files in the same directory as the .jar that's loading them, so it will work.
note that this won't make your project run from within netbeans, because… I'm not really sure what goes on, but it looks like the library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) doesn't include your projects' libraries, and there's no way I know of changing it from within netbeans. just put your native libraries in /Library/Java/Extensions on mac os x, or just stash them in c:\windows\system32 under windows. if you're running a 64 bit windows with a 64 bit jvm, I have no clue; if you're running linux, you probably know where to stash them, but /usr/lib/java might be a good bet.
I tested the following solution while using NetBeans 7.0.1 and it worked, but I don't know if it works in early versions, too.
The solution is easy and works per NetBeans module. So, if you have a suite, don't place its JNI files into suite project, instead, place the JNI files that you want into the module itself. Do:
Find a NetBeans module project that you want (or need, or think) to place your JNI libraries (them with extension .DLL, .so and .jnilib, by eg);
At Projects, right click at the module node, click at Properties menu;
In the Project Properties dialog, click at Libraries and Wrapped JARs. You must add any external library there. I added the RxTX jar library. After add your external libraries, the Netbeans Ant script will copy all files/folders from the directory your_project_dir/release to the right location when you build the solution.
So, place your native libraries at your_project_dir/release/lib. If you want, you can create subdirectories for each target platform that you need, as: your_project_dir/release/lib/amd64, your_project_dir/release/lib/sparc32
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