GWT: Pragmatic unlocking of an entity - gwt

I have a GWT (+GAE) webapp that allows users to edit Customer entities. When a user starts editing, the lockedByUser attribute is set on the Customer entity. When the user finishes editing the Customer, the lockedByUser attribute is cleared.
No Customer entity can be modified by 2 users at the same time. If a user tries to open the Customer screen which is already opened by a different user, he get's a "Customer XYZ is being modified by user ABC".
The question is what is the most pragmatic and robust way to handle the case where the user forcefully closes the browser and hence the lockedByUser attribute is not cleared.
My first thought is a timer on the user side that would update the lockRefreshedTime each 30 seconds or so. A different user trying to modify the Customer would then look at the lockRefreshedTime and if the if the refresh happened more then say 35 seconds ago, it would acquire the lock by setting the lockedByUser and updating the lockRefreshedTime.

FWIW, your lock with expiry approach is the one used by WebDAV (and implemented in tools like Microsoft Word, for instance).
To cope for network latency, you should renew your lock at least half-way through the lock lifetime (e.g. the lock expires after 2 minutes, and you renew it every minute).
Have a look there for much more details on how clients and servers should behave: (note that, for example, they always assume failure is possible: "a client MUST NOT assume that just because the timeout has not expired, the lock still exists"; see )
Another approach is to have an explicit lock/unlock flow, rather than an implicit one.
Alternatively, you could allow several users to update the customer at the same time, using a "one field at a time" approach: send an RPC to update a specific field on each ValueChangeEvent on that field. Handling conflicts (another user has updated the field) is then made a bit easier, or could be simply ignored: if user A changed the customers address from "foo" to "bar", it really means to set "bar" in the field, not to change _from "foo" to "bar", so if the actual value on the server has already be updated by user B from "foo" to "baz", that wouldn't be a problem, user A would have probably still set the value to "bar", changing it from "foo" or from "baz" doesn't really matter.
Using a per-field approach, "implicit locks" (the time it takes to edit and send the changes to the server) are much shorter, because they're reduced to a single field.
The "challenge" then is to update the form in near real-time when another user saved a change to the edited customer; or you could choose to not do that (not try to do it in near real-time).

The way to go is this:
Execute code on window close in GWT
You have to ask the user to confirm to really close the window in edit mode.
If the user really wants to exit you can then send an unlock call.


How to specify OCL constraint in activity diagram using Eclipse Papyrus?

I have an activity diagram for Login section designed in Eclipse Papyrus. Now I have to write OCL constraints for the following conditions:
a username must be string and < 8 characters
a password must be numeric+special chars and > 10 characters
a user can attempt maximum up to 5 times otherwise the system will lock the login
My Effort
I already done this in class diagram like this but don't know how to apply constraints in activity diagram. I have read a lot of articles, watched videos and research papers and checked questions like this, this, this and this but none of them provide a proper answer.
Sample of my activity diagram image
This doesn't seem to have much to do with Activity Diagrams. Your new wording is clear, 5 attempts on one form or one attempt on each of five forms is bad, so User_Account::failedAttempts (rather than login::attempts) is a sensible model feature.
The Constraint is most eaaily defined as an upperbound of 5 on User_Account::failedAttempts. Note that a Constraint defines what is valid not how to react to invalidity. You could more use an invariant to upperbound against a maximumAttempts() computed value. You could inadvisedly use pre/ postconditions on operations or just knit your control operations.
You could sensibly have a User_Account::isLocked() operation whose body is failedAttempts >= maximumAttempts().
The Activity provides the Control for the Model. Presumably it has a lifeline associated with creation/destruction of a login. Presumably it makes use of a DataBase::checkPassword(userName, password) operation that return the User_Account and increments User_Account::failedAttempts as a side-effect. The enforcement of the maximum is therefore in User_Account::checkPassword.
(NB you should not do two stage access for User_Account lookup then password validation to ensure that hackers cannot distinguish, possibly just by response time, whether a failure is due to a bad username or bad password.)
You need to clearly identify what is in the Model; what persists for the duration of your system, perhaps being restored from backup following a system restart. Therefore User_Account must have username and password and failedAttempts properties to define the persistent state.
Conversely what is part of the View/Control can be lost and recreated when another user interaction is initiated. The login form therefore also has username and password properties to represent what is entered on the form and which will be correlated with the Model DataBase by perhaps DataBase::getUserAccount and UserAccount::checkPassword.
I would not pollute the persistent DataBase model with transient login content. If you require recreation of in-progress login attempts across a server failure, I would have a separate ViewDataBase of transient viewed state. If nothing else you would recover the server failure by reactivating the persistent DataBase before reactivating the transient activities.

Accessing multi-level fields in a CRM 2011 Workflow

Sorry if this is sort of confusing because I'm not sure how to word this. I am trying to create a workflow that runs off of Account's in Microsoft CRM 2011. One part of this workflow requires me to retrieve a field contained in the Business Unit of the User in the Account's "Created By" field. However, the workflow will only allow me to access the Business Unit itself, but not any of its fields.
I'm wondering if there is a simple trick or work-around that will allow me access to this data.
For reference, the Account has a User, who has a Business Unit, and the Business Unit has a field I need to access. CRM, however, doesn't want to let me get more than 2 levels deep when accessing fields.
Clunky but do-able if you accept a bit of denormalisation (temporarily or otherwise). I'll assume for the sake of example you want to get at the "cost centre" field from the BU.
Add a field on User entity to temporarily hold the value from the BU (so make it same type and length, text(100) in this case), optionally put it on the form.
Create a child workflow for the User entity to update the user with the "cost centre" value from their BU. Make it only available to run as a child, not onDemand or anything else. Activate
In your Account workflow, add a step to call the child workflow against the relevant user (eg Created By in your case).
Add a step to wait until the new cost centre field on the user record contains data.
Now do whatever you need to with the value from the user record, such as update the Account, or do some branched logic.
Whatever you do, once you have used the value, clear the field on the user record, or do this as the last step of the workflow.
Now, since Users don't change BU very often, you might actually just go ahead and keep that value on the User record permanently, and instead of a child workflow, simply run this on create of a new user, or on change of BU, and store the value permanently on the User record. Yes, it is 'denormalised' and not purest SQL design, but then you don't need a child workflow, you don't need a wait state and you don't have to clear the value at the end, or worry about what happens when two Accounts need to run their workflow at the same time. I include the more general approach above as this might apply to other records which do change their parent quite often.
Just an additional thought - you can access the "owning business unit" of the Account, but this will be the BU of the Owning User, rather than the Created By, but is your business process such that this would normally be the same person? (eg users only have Create priviledge to "user owned" depth, so can only create records they own).
If so, then you could get at the BU directly from the Account, and then any fields on it too (in a condition or to update the Account)
Alternative which is less ideal but a similar approach - add a relationship from Account to BU (eg "created BU"). Now you can update the Account with this by referring to the Created By User's BU, then in the next step, reference this value from the Account. This is again denormalised, and less preferable since number of Accounts is far greater than number of users, so the level of duplicate information is much higher.
You can't get deeper with the standard steps of a workflow.
The solution is to create a custom workflow activity, you can start from this article:

Creation Concurrency with CQRS and EventStore

Baseline info:
I'm using an external OAuth provider for login. If the user logs into the external OAuth, they are OK to enter my system. However this user may not yet exist in my system. It's not really a technology issue, but I'm using JOliver EventStore for what it's worth.
I'm not given a guid for new users. I just have an email address.
I check my read model before sending a command, if the user email
exists, I issue a Login command with the ID, if not I issue a
CreateUser command with a generated ID. My issue is in the case of a new user.
A save occurs in the event store with the new ID.
Assume two create commands are somehow issued before the read model is updated due to browser refresh or some other anomaly that occurs before consistency with the read model is achieved. That's OK that's not my problem.
What Happens:
Because the new ID is a Guid comb, there's no chance the event store will know that these two CreateUser commands represent the same user. By the time they get to the read model, the read model will know (because they have the same email) and can merge the two records or take some other compensating action. But now my read model is out of sync with the event store which still thinks these are two separate entities.
Perhaps it doesn't matter because:
Replaying the events will have the same effect on the read model
so that should be OK.
Because both commands are duplicate "Create" commands, they should contain identical information, so it's not like I'm losing anything in the event store.
Can anybody illuminate how they handled similar issues? If some compensating action needs to occur does the read model service issue some kind of compensation command when it realizes it's got a duplicate entry? Is there a simpler methodology I'm not considering?
You're very close to what I'd consider a proper possible solution. The scenario, if I may summarize, is somewhat like this:
Perform the OAuth-entication.
Using the read model decide between a recurring visitor and a new visitor, based on the email address.
In case of a new visitor, send a RegisterNewVisitor command message that gets handled and stored in the eventstore.
Assume there is some concurrency going on that, for the same email address, causes two RegisterNewVisitor messages, each containing what the system thinks is the key associated with the email address. These keys (guids) are different.
Detect this duplicate key issue in the read model and merge both read model records into one record.
Now instead of merging the records in the read model, why not send a ResolveDuplicateVisitorEmailAddress { Key1, Key2 } towards your domain model, leaving it up to the domain model (the codified form of the business decision to be taken) to resolve this issue. You could even have a dedicated read model to deal with these kind of issues, the other read model will just get a kind of DuplicateVisitorEmailAddressResolved event, and project it into the proper records.
Word of warning: You've asked a technical question and I gave you a technical, possible solution. In general, I would not apply this technique unless I had some business indicator that this is worth investing in (what's the frequency of a user logging in concurrently for the first time - maybe solving it this way is just a way of ignoring the root cause (flakey OAuth, no register new visitor process in place, etc)). There are other technical solutions to this problem but I wanted to give you the one closest to what you already have in place. They range from registering new visitors sequentially to keeping an in-memory projection of the visitors not yet in the read model.

How to generate one-time-use links? Any CMS or framework solutions?

I'm making a site for a writers management company. They get tons of script submissions every day from prospective and often unsolicited writers. The new site will allow a prospective writer to submit a short logline / sample of his or her idea. This idea gets sent to an email account at the management group. If the management group likes what they see, they want to be able to approve that submission from within the email and have a unique link dispatched to the submitter to upload their full script. This link would either only work once, or only for a certain amount of time so that only the intended recipient could use it.
So, can anyone point me in the direction of some sort of (I'm assumine PHP + mySQL) CMS or framework that could accomplish this? I've searched a lot, but I can't seem to figure out the right way to phrase this query to a search engine.
I have moderate programming experience, but not much with PHP outside of some simple Wordpress hacks.
I will just give you general guidelines on a simple way to construct such a system.
I assume that the Writer is somehow Registered into the system, and his/her profile contains a valid mail address.
So, when he submits the sample, you would create an entry on the "Sample" table. Then you would mail a Manager with the sample and a link. This link would point to a script giving the database "id" of the sample as a parameter (this script should verify that the manager is logged on -- if not, show the login screen and after successful login redirect him back).
This script would then be aware of the Manager's intention to allow the Writer to submit his work. Now the fun begins.
There are many possibilities:
You can create an entry in an appropriate "SubmitAuthorizations" DB table containing the id of the Writer and the date this authorization was given (ie, the date when the row was added to your DB). Then you simply send a mail to the Writer with a link like "upload.php?id=42", where the id is the authorization id. This script would check if the logged user is the correct Writer, and if he is within the allowed timeframe (by comparing the stored "authorization date" and the current date).
The next is the one I prefer: without a special table just for handling something trivial (let's say you will never want to "edit" an authorization, nor "cancel" it, but it may still "expire"). You simply simply give the Writer a link with 2 parameters: the date the authorization was given and an authorization key, like: "upload.php?authDate=20091030&key=87a62d726ef7..."
Let me explain how it works.
The script would first verify if the Writer is logged on (if not, show the login page with a redirection after successful login).
So, now it's time to validate the request: that is, check if this is not a "forged" link. How to do this? It's just a "smart" way of construction this authorization key.
You can do something like:
key = hash(concat(userId, ";", authDate, ";", seed));
Well, here hash() is what we call a "one-way function", like MD5, SHA1, etc. Then concat() is simply a string concatenation function. Finally seed is something like a "master password", completely random and that will not change (for if you change it all the issued links would stop working) just to increase security -- let's say a hacker correctly guesses you are using MD5 (which is easy) and the he tries to hack your system by hashing some combinations of the username and the date.
Also, for a request to be valid, it must be in the correct time frame.
So, if both the key is valid, and the date is within the time frame, you are able to accept an upload.
Some points to note:
This is a very simple system, but might be exactly what you need.
You should avoid MD5 for the hashing function, take something like SHA1 instead.
For the link sent to the Writer, you could "obfuscate" the parameter names, ie, call them "k" for the "key" and "d" for the "authDate".
For the date, you could chose another format, more "cryptic", like the unix epoch.
Finally, you can encode the parameters with something like "base64" (or simply apply some character replacing function like rot13 for instance, but that take digits into account aswell) just in order to make them more difficult to guessing
Just for completeness, in the validation script you can also check if the Writer has already sent a file on the time frame, thus making it impossible to him to send many files within the time frame.
I have recently implemented something like this twice on the company I work for, for two completely different uses. Once you get the idea, it is extremelly simple to implement it -- maybe less than 10 lines of code for the whole key-generation and validation process.
On one of them, the agent equivalent to your Writer had no account into the system (actually it would be his first contact with the system) -- there was only his "profile" on the system, managed by someone else. In this case, you would have to include the "Writer"'s id on the parameters to the "Upload" script aswell.
I hope this helps, and that it was clear enough. If I find the time, I will blog about it with an working example on some language.

How to Implement a Reliable Web Page Counter?

What's a good way to implement a Web Page counter?
On the surface this is a simple problem, but it gets problematic when dealing with search engine crawlers and robots, multiple clicks by the same user, refresh clicks.
Specifically what is a good way to ensure links aren't just 'clicked up' by user by repeatedly clicking? IP address? Cookies? Both of these have a few drawbacks (IP Addresses aren't necessarily unique, cookies can be turned off).
Also what is the best way to store the data? Increment a counter individually or store each click as a record in a log table, then summarize occasionally.
Any live experience would be helpful,
+++ Rick ---
Use IP Addresses in conjunction with Sessions. Count every new session for an IP address as one hit against your counter. You can store this data in a log database if you think you'll ever need to look through it. This can be useful for calculating when your site gets the most traffic, how much traffic per day, per IP, etc.
So I played around with this a bit based on the comments here. What I came up with is counting up a counter in a simple field. In my app I have code snippet entities with a Views property.
When a snippet is viewed a method filters out (white list) just what should hopefully be browsers:
public bool LogSnippetView(string snippetId, string ipAddress, string userAgent)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent))
return false;
userAgent = userAgent.ToLower();
if (!(userAgent.Contains("mozilla") || !userAgent.StartsWith("safari") ||
!userAgent.StartsWith("blackberry") || !userAgent.StartsWith("t-mobile") ||
!userAgent.StartsWith("htc") || !userAgent.StartsWith("opera")))
return false;
this.Context.LogSnippetClick(snippetId, IpAddress);
The stored procedure then uses a separate table to temporarily hold the latest views which store the snippet Id, entered date and ip address. Each view is logged and when a new view comes in it's checked to see if the same IP address has accessed this snippet within the last 2 minutes. if so nothing is logged.
If it's a new view the view is logged (again SnippetId, IP, Entered) and the actual Views field is updated on the Snippets table.
If it's not a new view the table is cleaned up with any views logged that are older than 4 minutes. This should result in a minmal number of entries in the View log table at any time.
Here's the stored proc:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[LogSnippetClick]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- check if don't allow updating if this ip address has already
-- clicked on this snippet in the last 2 minutes
select Id from SnippetClicks
WHERE snippetId = #SnippetId AND ipaddress = #IpAddress AND
DATEDIFF(minute, Entered, GETDATE() ) < 2
INSERT INTO SnippetClicks
(SnippetId,IpAddress,Entered) VALUES
WHERE id = #SnippetId
-- clean up
DELETE FROM SnippetClicks WHERE DATEDIFF(minute,Entered,GETDATE()) > 4
This seems to work fairly well. As others mentioned this isn't perfect but it looks like it's good enough in initial testing.
If you get to use PHP, you may use sessions to track activity from particular users. In conjunction with a database, you may track activity from particular IP addresses, which you may assume are the same user.
Use timestamps to limit hits (assume no more than 1 hit per 5 seconds, for example), and to tell when new "visits" to the site occur (if the last hit was over 10 minutes ago, for example).
You may find $_SERVER[] properties that aid you in detecting bots or visitor trends (such as browser usage).
I've tracked hits & visits before, counting a page view as a hit, and +1 to visits when a new session is created. It was fairly reliable (more than reliable enough for the purposes I used it for. Browsers that don't support cookies (and thus, don't support sessions) and users that disable sessions are fairly uncommon nowadays, so I wouldn't worry about it unless there is reason to be excessively accurate.
If I were you, I'd give up on my counter being accurate in the first place. Every solution (e.g. cookies, IP addresses, etc.), like you said, tends to be unreliable. So, I think your best bet is to use redundancy in your system: use cookies, "Flash-cookies" (shared objects), IP addresses (perhaps in conjunction with user-agents), and user IDs for people who are logged in.
You could implement some sort of scheme where any unknown client is given a unique ID, which gets stored (hopefully) on the client's machine and re-transmitted with every request. Then you could tie an IP address, user agent, and/or user ID (plus anything else you can think of) to every unique ID and vice-versa. The timestamp and unique ID of every click could be logged in a database table somewhere, and each click (at least, each click to your website) could be let through or denied depending on how recent the last click was for the same unique ID. This is probably reliable enough for short term click-bursts, and long-term it wouldn't matter much anyway (for the click-up problem, not the page counter).
Friendly robots should have their user agent set appropriately and can be checked against a list of known robot user agents (I found one here after a simple Google search) in order to be properly identified and dealt with seperately from real people.