Is the Scala compiler reentrant? - scala

For a multi-player programming game, I'm working on a background compilation server for Scala that supports compilation of multiple, independent source trees submitted by the players. I succeeded in running fast, sequential compilations without reloading the compiler by instantiating the Global compiler object via
val compilerGlobal = new Global(settings, reporter)
and then running individual compile jobs via
val run = new compilerGlobal.Run
I would now ideally like to parallelize the server (i.e. make multiple compilation runs concurrently), but still without reloading the compiler (primarily to avoid re-parsing the lib) from scratch each time. Is this possible, i.e. is the second part shown above (safely :-) re-entrant, or does it hold global state? If not, is there something else I can try? I am currently focused on supporting Scala 2.9.1.

Yes, compiler Runs share state, so you should not share them between threads. It's one of the issues that comes up in the Eclipse plugin. As #EJP noted, the symbol table is shared.
This is not so important in your case, but comes up in an IDE: the compiler uses laziness in types, meaning additional computation (and mutation) may happen when calling methods on Symbol. Because of visibility issues, it's important that these methods are called on the same thread as the one that created them.


What is the benefit of effect system (e.g. ZIO)?

I'm having hard time understanding what value effect systems, like ZIO or Cats Effect.
It does not make code readable, e.g.:
val wrappedB = for {
a <- getA() // : ZIO[R, E, A]
b <- getB(a) // : ZIO[R, E, B]
} yield b
is no more readable to me than:
val a = getA() // : A
val b = getB(a) // : B
I could even argue, that the latter is more straight forward, because calling a function executes it, instead of just creating an effect or execution pipeline.
Delayed execution does not sound convincing, because all examples I've encountered so far are just executing the pipeline right away anyways. Being able to execute effects in parallel or multiple time can be achieved in simpler ways IMHO, e.g. C# has Parallel.ForEach
Composability. Functions can be composed without using effects, e.g. by plain composition.
Pure functional methods. In the end the pure instructions will be executed, so it seems like it's just pretending DB access is pure. It does not help to reason, because while construction of the instructions is pure, executing them is not.
I may be missing something or just downplaying the benefits above or maybe benefits are bigger in certain situations (e.g. complex domain).
What are the biggest selling points to use effect systems?
Because it makes it easy to deal with side effects. From your example:
a <- getA() // ZIO[R, E, A] (doesn't have to be ZIO btw)
val a = getA(): A
The first getA accounts in the effect and the possibility of returning an error, a side effect. This would be like getting an A from some db where the said A may not exist or that you lack permission to access it. The second getA would be like a simple def getA = "A".
How do we put these methods together ? What if one throws an error ? Should we still proceed to the next method or just quit it ? What if one blocks your thread ?
Hopefully that addresses your second point about composability. To quickly address the rest:
Delayed execution. There are probably two reasons for this. The first is you actually don't want to accidentally start an execution. Or just because you write it it starts right away. This breaks what the cool guys refer to as referential transparency. The second is concurrent execution requires a thread pool or execution context. Normally we want to have a centralized place where we can fine tune it for the whole app. And when building a library we can't provide it ourselves. It's the users who provide it. In fact we can also defer the effect. All you do is define how the effect should behave and the users can use ZIO, Monix, etc, it's totally up to them.
Purity. Technically speaking wrapping a process in a pure effect doesn't necessarily mean the underlying process actually uses it. Only the implementation knows if it's really used or not. What we can do is lift it to make it compatible with the composition.
what makes programming with ZIO or Cats great is when it comes to concurrent programming. They are also other reasons but this one is IMHO where I got the "Ah Ah! Now I got it".
Try to write a program that monitor the content of several folders and for each files added to the folders parse their content but not more than 4 files at the same time. (Like the example in the video "What Java developpers could learn from ZIO" By Adam Fraser on youtube .
I mean this in ZIO is really easy to write :)
The all idea behind the fact that you combine data structure (A ZIO is a data structure) in order to make bigger data structure is so easy to understand that I would not want to code without it for complex problems :)
The two examples are not comparable since an error in the first statement will mark as faulty the value equal to the objectified sequence in the first form while it will halt the whole program in the second. The second form shall then be a function definition to properly encapsulate the two statements, followed by an affectation of the result of its call.
But more than that, in order to completely mimic the first form, some additional code has to be written, to catch exceptions and build a true faulty result, while all these things are made for free by ZIO...
I think that the ability to cleanly propagate the error state between successive statements is the real value of the ZIO approach. Any composite ZIO program fragment is then fully composable itself.
That's the main benefit of any workflow based approach, anyway.
It is this modularity which gives to effect handling its real value.
Since an effect is an action which structurally may produce errors, handling effects like this is an excellent way to handle errors in a composable way. In fact, handling effects consists in handling errors !

Haxe: define a function/macro which fires when an object goes out of scope?

Is this possible in Haxe to have the compiler automatically insert a function call / code segment at the point where an object instance goes out of scope? I have object instances that require manual cleanup beyond what garbage collection does (for the JS target).
More Info
I'm experimenting with allocating small data structures in JavaScript code manually inside a virtual heap (an ArrayBuffer), similar to what is done with compiled asm.js programs. I am using Haxe in part because I can create abstract types as convenient aliases/abstractions for their underlying data allocated in the heap (always some manner of ArrayBufferView), while suffering no runtime overhead from the abstraction.
The only issue is that deallocation must be done manually. It's simple enough to resort to calling a destructor function manually within code, but I find this error-prone and messy. I was hoping Haxe would have some mechanism I could use to automate the insertion of these function calls whenever a variable went out of scope, in a deterministic, compile-time manner.

Measuring the number of JVM instructions in a class

I need to count the number of JVM instructions for executing a method with multiple parameters. I give various arguments to the method to measure the number of JVM instructions executed for each case.
What tools can I use? The source is written in Scala, but it will produce class file anyway, so any JVM aware tool will work fine. I was thinking about profiler, but I think profiler may be used for different purposes.
There is an excellent tool for understanding the behavior of the Java HotSpot Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler during the execution of your program - JITWatch.
Warning: Modern JVMs are too complex, and do all kinds of optimization so the number of JVM's instructions means nothing from performance point of view. If you try to measure some small piece of code, it is really complicated to do it correctly without very, very detailed knowledge of what the JVM is doing. Please be aware( and use it on your own risk:
Always include a warmup phase which runs your method all the way through, enough to trigger all initializations and compilations before timing phase(s).
Be aware of the difference between -client and -server, and OSR and regular compilations.

Syncronous Scala Future without separate thread

I'm building a library that, as part of its functionality, makes HTTP requests. To get it to work in the multiple environments it'll be deployed in I'd like it to be able to work with or without Futures.
One option is to have the library parametrise the type of its response so you can create an instance of the library with type Future, or an instance with type Id, depending on whether you are using an asynchronous HTTP implementation. (Id might be an Identity monad - enough to expose a consistent interface to users)
I've started with that approach but it has got complicated. What I'd really like to do instead is use the Future type everywhere, boxing synchronous responses in a Future where necessary. However, I understand that using Futures will always entail some kind of threadpool. This won't fly in e.g. AppEngine (a required environment).
Is there a way to create a Future from a value that will be executed on the current thread and thus not cause problems in environments where it isn't possible to spawn threads?
(p.s. as an additional requirement, I need to be able to cross build the library back to Scala v2.9.1 which might limit the features available in scala.concurrent)
From what I understand you wish to execute something and then wrap the result with Future. In that case, you can always use Promise
val p = Promise[Int]
p success 42
val f = p.future
Hence you now have a future wrapper containing the final value 42
Promise is very well explained here .
Take a look at Scalaz version of Future trait. That's based on top of Trampoline mechanism which will be executing by the current thread unless fork or apply won't be called + that completely removes all ExecutionContext imports =)

How to run Akka Future using given SecurityManager?

For an open-source multiplayer programming game written in Scala that loads players' bot code via a plug-in system from .jar files, I'd like to prevent the code of the bots from doing harm on the server system by running them under a restrictive SecurityManager implementation.
The current implementation uses a URLClassLoader to extract a control function factory for each bot from its related plug-in .jar file. The factory is then used to instantiate a bot control function instance for each new round of the game. Then, once per simulation cycle, all bot control functions are invoked concurrently to get the bot's responses to their environment. The concurrent invocation is done using Akka's Future.traverse() with an implicitly provided ActorSystem shared by other concurrently operating components (compile service, web server, rendering):
val future = Future.traverse(bots)(bot => Future { bot.respondTo(state) })
val result = Await.result(future, Duration.Inf)
To restrict potentially malicious code contained in the bot plug-ins from running, it appears that following the paths taken in this StackOverflow question and this one I need to have the bot control functions execute in threads running under an appropriately restrictive SecurityManager implementation.
Now the question: how can I get Akka to process the work currently done in Future.traverse() with actors running in threads that have the desired SecurityManager, while the other Actors in the system, e.g. those running the background compile service, continue to run as they do now, i.e. unrestricted?
You can construct an instance of ExecutionContext (eg. via ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService) that runs all work under the restrictive security manager, and bring it into the implicit scope for Future.apply and Future.traverse.
If the invoked functions do not need to interact with the environment, I don't think you need a separate ActorSystem.