Basis to declare variables in Objective C - iphone

If we are having:
First way is
#interface MyClass : UIViewController{
IBOutlet UILabel* _label;
NSString *myString;
Second way is
#interface MyClass() {
IBOutlet UILabel* _label;
NSString *myString;
My question is what are the differences between the first way and the second way.
I do know that the second way is create private variables for MyClass. How is about the first way. Does it do the same or else.
Please advice me on this issue

The first way is the way you would declare it in the header file, MyClass.h. Whoever will use this class will always have your header file, so they'll see those instance variables.
The second way you would use it on your implementation file, MyClass.m. So if you would give me a framework with your class inside, with only the .h file, I would be able to use your MyClass class but I wouldn't know about your instance variables.

You can use #private keyword to make your variables from the first example private. That is not the main point of adding variables in a class extension. Rather, adding ivars in an extension lets you remove unwanted dependencies from the header without using forward declarations.
For example, if MySpecialClass is defined in MySpecialClass.h and you want to add MySpecialClass *special as a private variable, doing it in the header would require either a forward declaration #class MySpecialClass, or an inclusion of MySpecialClass.h header inside your own header. On the other hand, adding a variable to an extension (your second way) lets you include MySpecialClass.h in your implementation .m file, avoiding the clutter of forward declarations and unnecessary header dependencies.

Of the two, the second way is better. The first way requires you to put internal implementation details in the public interface of your class i.e. it breaks encapsulation by leaking those details to users of the class.
However, now there is a third even better way. You can put your instance variables in the implementation:
#implementation MyClass
IBOutlet UILabel* _label;
NSString *myString;
// method implementations


Objective-C when to declare what methods in #interface

When and what methods should be declared in the #interface section of a class? As I understand, methods that describe what your class does should be declared in the #interface section, but other "helper" methods should not be declared. Is this a correct understanding from my side?
One way is to declare the instance methods in .h file. And, declare the private methods inside the .m, using a Category.
For example, in MyOwnClass.h file.
#interface MyOwnClass
- (void)aInstanceMethod;
And, inside your MyOwnClass.m file, before the #implementation block,
#interface MyOwnClass (MyPrivateMethods)
- (void)aPrivateMethod;
You usually should add your methods to the .h file when you want an external class to have access to it (public methods).
When they're private (only used internally by the class) just put them in your .m file.
Anyway, it's just a pattern. As Objective-C works with messages, even if you don't set a method in your .h file an external file can access it, but at least your auto-complete won't show it.
You should declare all your methods in your .h
The tip from EmptyStack is nice but it's just a tip.
If you don't intend to ship your binary as an SDK, you don't really need it.
Objective-C doesn't have (yet) private methods.

How to declare instance variables and methods not visible or usable outside of the class instance?

I've looked through a bunch of posts on this subject. Maybe I didn't run across "the one" and someone will point me in that direction. The question is simple and probably has a simple answer.
If you have two ivars, say, "public_ivar" and "private_ivar", where/how should you declare them so that what is public is public and what is private is not exposed in any way to anyone looking at the header file?
Same question in the case of "public_method" and "private_method".
I like clean header files (in other languages) that only expose the methods and ivars I want someone else to see. You should be able to publish your header file and not run into the danger of someone accessing something they are not supposed to. How do you do that in objective-C.
For example, let's say that I decide that I need to use an ivar to keep track of some data, a counter or somthing like that, between various class methods that all need access to this information. If that ivar is declared conventionally in the header under #interface its existence is publicly advertised and it is usable by anyone creating an instance of the class. The ideal scenario would be that this ivar would not be visible at all outside of the class implementation.
You can declare instance variables or declared properties in a class extension. Since a class extension is declared in an implementation file (i.e., not a header file), they won’t be visible to someone inspecting the header file. For instance, in the header file:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
and in the implementation file:
#interface SomeClass ()
#property (nonatomic, assign) int privateInt;
#implementation SomeClass
#synthesize privateInt;
#interface SomeClass () {
int privateInt;
#implementation SomeClass
Note that there’s nothing preventing access to private/class extension instance variables (or the accessor methods for properties declared in a class extension) during runtime. I’ve written a rather detailed post about this as an answer to another question on Stack Overflow: Does a private #property create an #private instance variable?
Edit: Instance variables in class extensions were presented in WWDC 2010 session 144.
Edit: "Using the Clang/LLVM 2.0 compiler, you can also declare properties and instance variables in a class extension."
Use class extensions to add to a class in your implementation file. A class extension is basically an unnamed category with a few bonuses: properties declared in it can be synthesized and anything declared in it must be in the main implementation, so the compiler can check to make sure you didn't miss an implementation. You must put the class extension before your implementation. You can't add instance variables directly in a class extension, but you can add properties. When you synthesize accessors for properties which don't have corresponding instance variables, the new runtime (os x 10.5 and later and all versions of iOS, I believe) will create the instance variables automatically. This means you can't create your own accessors, however, unless you put the instance variable in your header. Private methods can be added to the class extension without restriction, but as Anomie noted, it is technically possible to use them if you know what they are called, and with class-dump, nothing is safe.
Example usage of a class extension:
#interface MyClass ()
#property (retain) id privateIvar;
#property (readwrite) id readonlyProperty; // bonus! class extensions can be used to make a property that is publicly readonly and privately readwrite
- (void)privateMethod;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize privateIvar; // the runtime will create the actual ivar, and we just access it through the property
- (void)privateMethod {
Another way of creating "instance variables" without putting them in the header or using a property is to use associative references, which add data to an object at runtime. They aren't technically the same as instance variables, and the syntax for them is more complex. Since they also require the new runtime, there are only two reasons you would ever really want to use them: you want to add an instance variable in a category (outside the scope of this question) or you need it to be really really private. An associative reference doesn't create any methods or add to the class's definition in the compiled code, so if you don't create wrappers for them it is impossible to find out about them without asking the object after you add the data. See the bottom of the page I linked for a complete usage example.
You can use #private to specify that ivars are private. There is no way to make a method private, however. Even if the method is not listed in the header file, if someone knows the name and arguments they can call it.

Why does this code example on Apple's dev site declare three interfaces for the same class?

I'm diving into iOS development while trying to grasp Objective-C and I'm still in that phase where, ever where I look, I see things that don't make any sense to a veteran C programmer like myself. In this Game Kit example on Apple's dev site, one of the header files declares a class interface, three different times...
#interface SessionManager : NSObject <GKSessionDelegate> {
NSString *sessionID;
GKSession *myGKSession;
NSString *currentConfPeerID;
NSMutableArray *peerList;
id lobbyDelegate;
id gameDelegate;
ConnectionState sessionState;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *currentConfPeerID;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableArray *peerList;
#property (nonatomic, assign) id lobbyDelegate;
#property (nonatomic, assign) id gameDelegate;
- (void) setupSession;
- (void) connect:(NSString *)peerID;
- (BOOL) didAcceptInvitation;
- (void) didDeclineInvitation;
- (void) sendPacket:(NSData*)data ofType:(PacketType)type;
- (void) disconnectCurrentCall;
- (NSString *) displayNameForPeer:(NSString *)peerID;
// Class extension for private methods.
#interface SessionManager ()
- (BOOL) comparePeerID:(NSString*)peerID;
- (BOOL) isReadyToStart;
- (void) voiceChatDidStart;
- (void) destroySession;
- (void) willTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void) willResume:(NSNotification *)notification;
#interface SessionManager (VoiceManager) <GKVoiceChatClient>
- (void) setupVoice;
I see that each interface is different, but specify the same class name.
What's the reason for this?
I've also noticed this same behavior in other code examples, only instead of declaring multiple interfaces in the header file, you'll see an additional #interface block declared towards the top of the .m implementation file, typically above the #implementation block. Why?
Thanks so much in advance for your wisdom!
These are called Categories, and you can see them by the parentheses after the class name.
They're used to group methods into chunks instead of having them all in one big bunch. They can also be placed separate from the main class declaration. This is particularly useful inside .m files, where you may need to create utility methods for your class, but you don't want them visible to other objects for any reason (so you don't put them in the .h, which is imported by the other classes). Another common use is to group methods which correspond to a certain logical category, informal protocol, or what have you. Categories can be named (#interface MyClass (MyCategory)) or anonymous (#interface MyClass ()). The latter is usually used for generic private methods in your header.
(The reason you need categories to declare private methods in your .m is so the compiler knows about the methods — otherwise, you'll get a warning when you try to call such a method.)
Also, you can use categories to add methods to existing classes. For example, UIKit contains a category on NSString called NSString(UIStringDrawing). Or if you wanted to make your own:
#interface NSString (MyFoo)
+ (NSString *)fooString;
//... somewhere else...
#implementation NSString (MyFoo)
+ (NSString *)fooString { return #"foo!"; }
Note that you can't add instance variables with a category.
It is not defining the interface 3 times - there is only one interface.
what you are seeing are categories that add methods to the class
There is a base interface that defines the attributes and some methods - there is only one of these ant it defines how the object is stored in memory and is the only one that is needed.
Objective C looks up methods at run time. These methods do not need to be found at compile time and thus do not need to be declared in headers/interfaces etc. If they are not declared and you code calls them then you will get compile time warnings.
In this case one category with an empty name is used for private functions. I usually only put this interface in the .m file of the class so is not visible to other code as not in a header.
The second category is to add the methods to make SessionManager meet the GKVoiceChatClient protocol. The usual reason for doing this is to group code covering a specific behaviour together.
Another reason for using categories is to add methods to an existing class like NSString -you can create your own category adding methods without subclassing the class as you have to do in many other OO languages including Java and C++
This is for code upkeep purposes i belive...its easier to looks through the different labeled interfaces, for example (VoiceManager) which is for voice manager setup and methods related to that, and you have the one interface dealing with the GK delegate methods and whatever interaction with gamekit there will opposed to looking at one huge interface file and having to pick out what you are looking for...They can also divide the implementations in this way too so its easier to look through and navigate.
In order:
The first interface declaration is the actual interface declaration that declares the class as a subclass of NSObject and implementing the GKSessionDelegate protocol. It also declares the instance variables and a selection of methods.
The second interface declaration is a class extension. It can be thought of as a kind of anonymous category. So we'll skip it for now and come back to it.
The third interface is a category declaration. Categories allow you to do two things. They allow you to split the class implementation across multiple source files. In the above, you'll have
#implementation SessionManager
// methods declared in the first #interface
#implementation SessionManager(VoiceManager)
// methods declared in the third #interface
The two #implementations need not be in the same source file.
The other thing a category can do is allow you to extend already existing classes.e.g. #interface NSString(MyStringMethods)...
Coming back to the class extension, this is a bit like an anonymous category. The implementations of the methods declared in it must be in the main #implementation block. The purpose of the class extension is to allow you to declare private API separately from the class's header file. I normally put one in the.m file at the top if I have methods that should only be used from the class. Although, note that this is only a compile time restriction. There is nothing to stop a class extension message from being sent by anybody at run time.

Confusion with header and Implementation files in Objective-C

First off, please forgive the stupidness of this question but Im not from a C/C++ background. I'm a little unclear about what the difference in roles between the .h and .m files when it comes to properties.
I understand the concept of interfaces, and I see that in part the .h file is an interface for the implementation, but what I am not clear on is this:
Why are properties/methods defined outside of the {} braces?
What am i defining in the braces when I write something like this:
IBOutlet UITextField *numberField;
Is this a field definition in an interface?
When I am adding the #Property lines to the .h files are these actual implementations of a n auto property or just an interface blueprint? If so is the #syntesis the actual implementation?
I guess my biggest confusion seems to be that if I want a property I'm defining what I need in three different places (1) in the interfaces braces, (2) as #property outside the braces and (3) with #synthesis in the .m file. This seems long winded, but its fine if I can work out what these three parts do.
Cheers, Chris.
I'll answer your questions below, but perhaps the best way to learn this stuff is to read some user-friendly notes intended for folks new to the language, such as the Learn Objective-C tutorial over at cocoadevcentral.
An example
I'd like to help answer your questions with an example (I love learning by example). Let's say you're a teacher writing a program that asks students a particular yes/no question, and keeps track of how many get it correct and how many students it has asked.
Here is a possible interface for this class:
#interface Question : NSObject {
NSString* questionStr;
int numTimesAsked;
int numCorrectAnswers;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* questionStr;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) int numTimesAsked;
#property (nonatomic) int numCorrectAnswers;
#property (nonatomic) int numWrongAnswers;
- addAnswerWithTruthValue: (BOOL) isCorrect;
The three variables inside the braces are instance variables, and every instance of your class will have its own values for each of those variables. Everything outside the braces but before #end is a declaration of a method (including the #property declarations).
(Side note: for many objects, it's useful to have retain properties, since you want to avoid the overhead of copying the object, and make sure it isn't released while you're using it. It's legal to retain an NSString as in this example, but it is often considered good practice to use copy instead of retain since an NSString* might actually point to an NSMutableString object, which may later change when your code expects it to stay the same.)
What #property does
When you declare a #property, you're doing two things:
Declaring a setter and getter method in the class's interface, and
Indicating how the setter and getter behave.
For the first one, it's enough to know that this line:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* questionStr;
is basically the same as this:
- (NSString*) questionStr; // getter
- (void) setQuestionStr: (NSString) newQuestionStr; // setter
in the header. You literally are declaring those two methods; you can call them directly, or use the dot notation as a shortcut to call them for you.
The "basically" part in "basically the same" is the extra info given by keywords like nonatomic and retain.
The nonatomic keyword indicates that they're not necessarily thread-safe. The common retain keyword indicates that the object retains any value that's set, and releases previous values as they're let go.
For example:
// The correct answer to both questions is objectively YES.
Question* myQuestion = [[Question alloc] init];
NSString* question1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Is pizza tasty?"];
// question1 has retain count of 1, from the call to alloc
myQuestion.questionStr = question1;
// question1 now has a retain count of 2
NSString* question2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Free iPhone?"];
myQuestion.questionStr = question2;
// question1 has a retain count of 1, and question2 has retain count of 2
If the #property declaration for questionStr had been assign instead, then all the myQuestion.questionStr = statements would not have made any changes at all to the retain counts.
You can read a little more about properties here.
What IBOutlet and IBAction do
These are basically no-op words which act only as a way to tell Interface Builder which pieces of the header file to pay attention to. IBOutlet literally becomes an empty string when the compiler looks at it, and IBAction becomes the void return value. We do need them to work with Interface Builder, though, so they are important -- just not to the compiler.
Quick note on C structs and arrow vs dot notation
By the way, the data part of an Objective-C object is very similar to a C struct. If you have a pointer to a C struct, you can use arrow notation -> to refer to a specific part of the struct, like this:
struct MyStructType {
int i;
struct MyStructType* myStruct;
myStruct->i = 3;
myStruct->b = TRUE; // or YES in Objective-C.
This same syntax works the same way in Objective-C:
Question* question = [[Question alloc] init];
question->questionStr = #"Is this a long answer?"; // YES
But when you do this, there is no method call happening behind the scenes, unlike the dot notation. With the dot notation, you're calling the setter (or getter if there's no = afterwards), and these two lines are the same:
question.questionStr = #"Chocolate?";
[question setQuestionStr:#"Chocolate?"];
It's often a good idea to avoid the arrow notation in favor of the dot notation, since the dot notation lets you enforce valid state -- for example, that the pointers your class has are always retained. You can even disallow others from using the arrow notation by declaring your instance variables as #private; they can still use the getter and setter to access it, if you declare a #property for it.
What #synthesize does
Now, when you get around to actually implementing your class, #synthesize says something like "make sure the getter and setter get implemented for this property." It does not say "implement both of these for me," because the compiler is polite enough to check for your own implementation first, and only fill in the pieces you've missed. You don't have to use #synthesize at all, even if you use #property out the wazoo -- you could always just provide your implementations for your setters and getters, if you're into that sort of thing.
You probably noticed in the Question interface above that there's a property which is not an instance variable (numWrongAnswers), which is fine because you're just declaring methods. In the example code here, you can see how this actually works:
#implementation Question
#synthesize questionStr, numTimesAsked, numCorrectAnswers;
- (void) setNumCorrectAnswers: (int) newCorrectAnswers {
// We assume the # increases, and represents new answers.
int numNew = newCorrectAnswers - numCorrectAnswers;
numTimesAsked += numNew;
numCorrectAnswers = newCorrectAnswers;
- (int) numWrongAnswers {
return numTimesAsked - numCorrectAnswers;
- (void) setNumWrongAnswers: (int) newWrongAnswers {
int numNew = newWrongAnswers - self.numWrongAnswers;
numTimesAsked += numNew;
- (void) addAnswerWithTruthValue: (BOOL) isCorrect {
if (isCorrect) {
} else {
One thing that's happening here is we're faking an instance variable called numWrongAnswers, which would be redundant information if we stored it in the class. Since we know numWrongAnswers + numCorrectAnswers = numTimesAsked at all times, we only need to store any two of these three data points, and we can always think in terms of the other one by using the two values we do know. The point here is to understand that a #property declaration is really just about declaring a setter and getter method, which usually corresponds to an actual instance variable -- but not always. The #synthesize keyword by default does correspond to an actual instance variable, so that it's easy for the compiler to fill in the implementation for you.
Reasons to have separate .h and .m files
By the way, the whole point of declaring methods in one file (the .h header file) and defining their implementation in another (the .m or methods file) is to help decouple the code. For example, if you only update one .m file in your project, you don't have to recompile the other .m files, since their object code will remain the same -- this saves time. Another advantage is that you can use a library that includes only header files and pre-compiled object code, or even dynamic libraries where you need the header file so the compiler is aware of which methods exist, but those methods aren't even linked in with your executable file. These advantages are hard to appreciate when you first start coding, but just the logical breakdown and encapsulation of implementation becomes useful after a short while.
I hope that's helpful!
methods are defined outside of the braces since the braces are meant to encapsulate the state of the object which can be argued does not include the instance or class methods.
What you are defining in the braces are instance variables that can be referenced as self.ivar
The #property and #synthesize directives simply setup accessors for you instance variables so you can set them by doing self.ivar = someVar. So in other words it sets up the "dot syntax" for you to use.
and to answer your finale question: To define a property or instance variable simply declare it in your .h file as a variable inside the braces. To setup accessor methods on that same property you need to do BOTH #property and #synthesize.
Well that is just Objective C syntax, methods and #property outside {} and variables inside {}.
#property is the way of telling that you are going to write getter and setters (kind of enforcing it), but you can write getter/setter without setting them #property. #property is in .h file because its declaration. And why it is outside {}, well as i said before its just the syntax, what we can do?
#synthesis will in actual implement getter and setters, if you dont synthesis but you have set them #property, you have to implement those getter and setters by your hand. And #synthesis is in .m file because its implementation.
Something more for you to read on this subject can be find here.
The variables inside the brackets define the physical structure of your class. Those are the actual instance variables that store information.
The stuff outside the brackets make up the class's interface — methods and properties. A property in and of itself does not reserve any storage space or affect any variable — it just declares a generic interface for accessing something. Remember that a property doesn't have to have an underlying instance variable — for example, the totalPrice property in a ShoppingCart class might dynamically sum the prices of all the items in the cart.
Inside the implementation file, you tell the class how to actually do its work. For methods, obviously, you just supply an implementation. For a property, you can either provide accessor implementations yourself or ask it to synthesize accessors for an instance variable.

How to declare and change global variable in Objective c

can anyone tell how to declare and change global variables in objective c
Just the same way that you would in C. Are you having any particular problem?
On a related note; global variables are (very) generally speaking considered a Bad Thing™. In Obj-C the more common approach is making them a property on a singleton object, ensuring at least some encapsulation is taking place.
In an AppKit/UIKit application; a global variable might more properly be a property on your application delegate; another, somewhat more involved, option is making a singleton class for encapsulating the variable and related methods.
Global Variable for Complete iPhone Project
For Declare/Define/Use a global variable follow these easy steps:-
Create a NSObject File with named "GlobalVars.h and .m" or as u wish
Declare your global variable in GlobalVars.h file after #import and before #implementation like-
extern NSString *Var_name;
initialize it in GlobalVars.m file after #import and before #implementation like-
NSString *Var_name = #"";
Define its property in AppDelegate.h File
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *Var_name;
synthesize it in AppDelegate.m File like-
#synthesize Var_name;
Now where you want to use this variable (in .m file) just import/inclue GlobalVars.h file in that all .h files, and you can access or can changes easily this variable.
Carefully follow these Steps and it'll work Surely.
Single source file:
int myGlobal;
Header file:
extern int myGlobal;
Any file including the header:
myGlobal = 10;