I still not clear about the publish.stream function.. help me please - facebook

I still not clear about the publish.stream function.. Anybody please help me, how to setting up the app authentication, so that we can publish a new status update to our new app user.. thanks..

You should always show us what you've tried and what is no working. Publishing to user's stream is one of the easiest things to do with graph api and a bit of reading of the documentation shows you exactly how:
Read about authentication - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/
Read about permissions - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/
Read about the news feed - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/
putting all those three together should be easy for anyone who has done a bit of web app development. Once you start and a particular thing is not working for you, you can post ask for help with the details, but no one here is going to write the code for you...


Feed limit request reached - Facebook Android SDK

I know it's kind of repeated but I've looked here and others forums trying to find a reason to this error.
I've found the cause but I really would like to see the explanation in Facebook's API, and other informations for my app about the limits and the limit of time necessary to 'back to normal', but I couldn't find it anywhere.
Do you know where can I find these informations directly on Facebook?
Thanks for your help.

How To: Delete a Facebook Test User

I was wondering if anyone happened to know how to delete a facebook test user. I've been perusing through this site for quite awhile now and haven't been able to uncover anything related besides a single unanswered post regarding deleting a facebook test user associated with 2+ apps. Facebook now offers a UI within their dev site which allows this functionality; however, I'm trying to perform the same operation through a C# script utilizing the Graph API and issuing the relevant HTTP commands. Tried monitoring the requests made through the UI using netmon/Fiddler but wasn't able to uncover anything useful. Help, any & all will be greatly appreciated.
See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/ - the section marked 'Deleting':
I was not able to get the TEST_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN to work. I did get the APP_ACCESS_TOKEN to work. Here is what worked for me.
Use FB graph API as follows:
You should get the following response:

Facebooks API. What should i choose ? (walltext inside)

I'm a little bit lost.
So, I'm not really trying to integrate facebook with my webproject, but in some point I need to get some information of a fb account... like friend's email, name, status and some other things...
From what I read so far, it seems that it's no longer possible to get friends' email and some other information without the friends authorize you app to do that, at least when using the last api from fb (graph api)... so I thought that was something impossible to do, until I see some sites (like yahoo) offering a possibility to import your contacts from your fb account without his friends authorize. Does anyone know how they do that?
I tried using other apis, like facebook-java-api, restFB, and others but in all cases I'm getting some kind of error... so if someone could at least give me a direction or something like that... have you done this? or know how to? using which api?
some info: I'm developing in Java with Eclipse, using tomcat as my web server.
well it's a little bit confusing since its not a technical issue, but if someone could help me pointing some direction I could tell each error i got when trying to go this direction or something like that.
You dont HAVE to use an SDK at all... Basically the only URL you need to be aware of is graph.facebook.com and you can just make HTTP requests to that URL. You might want to look into the facebook connect feature too.

fb-walls module for drupal

I'm learning my way around drupal a little bit by making someone a site. I'm asked to display facebook wall posts in a block.
I found this module. Now I have no clue how to get started on this.
What I do know is that in drupal>admin>configuration>facebook-wall I need to fill in an application ID of the wall and then the secret code. But I have no clue on how retrieve that. I searched here in SO and using google but all I'm lead to is the facebook developer's pages where it's talking about app creation and developer's stuff I don't understand (eventhough I know a little basic php).
I simply don't know where to start looking, so I guess all i'm asking is for a little more understandable resource to figure this out.
You would want to start here
And since your developing for a website you would want to click the website option, which brings you to here.
If you read that page, not even a quarter of the way down, you would see something about Authentication... Which in the first paragraph makes mention of your AppID, and gives you some other links to follow.
Which talks about how the authentication process works, and then there is
Which is used to register you application, which the paragraph it is linked in mentions you need to do in order to use Facebook on your website (which is what your trying to do). Clicking on that link should be pretty self explanatory at that point as to how to get your AppID and Secret.
There you go, I have reduced the amount of reading you now need to do to a level that should be manageable....
Hope this helps.

Is there a decent PHP Facebook Connect example anywhere online?

I have a very simple php site that I'm wanting to add facebook connect to. I have searched to and fro to find out how to do this. Even the developer docs at facebook are apparently wrong. I see many seasoned programmers replying that the docs are outdated and some of the methods won't work.. how one should create a new solution for this part, etc...
I know that Facebook changed a lot about the way facebook connect just before 2011. Isn't there someone out there who could provide a working example on how it's done? I will give my left leg to someone that could provide an updated and working tutorial.
The PHP Example shows you exactly how to do this. Short, redirect to $facebook->getLoginUrl() and then call $facebook->getUser().