Why is the database of a Meteor app that has been run once (and never loaded) taking up nearly 3GB? - mongodb

UPDATE: this was fixed after Meteor v0.4 (2012). For historical purposes:
Excerpt from du:
2890768 ./Code/Meteor/QuarterTo/.meteor/local/db/journal
2890772 ./Code/Meteor/QuarterTo/.meteor/local/db
2890776 ./Code/Meteor/QuarterTo/.meteor/local
2890788 ./Code/Meteor/QuarterTo/.meteor
2890804 ./Code/Meteor/QuarterTo
I merely ask because it was in my Dropbox and pushed me over my limit.

When meteor run is executed, it starts mongodb with default mongo settings, so it creates (massive) prealloc files in .meteor/local/db/journal.
There is no obvious way to disable this behavior. What I have done as a workaround is change the file app/lib/mongo_runner.js and add a --nojournal parameter that gets passed to mongodb at startup.
I created an issue for this: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/15

Maybe you can use smallfiles=true parameter for mongoDB? It will create smallest prealloc files

You can turn off preallocation by passing the --noprealloc arg to mongod. The downside is that there will be pauses each time a new storage file needs to be allocated. Depending on the filesystem you are using (e.g., ext3 vs. ext4), this could result in noticeable latency for a user.

The commands that work for me are:
stop mongodb instance if it is running
sudo service mongod stop
create new mongodb instance without requiring 3+GB preallocated space and use smallfiles.
mongod --noprealloc --smallfiles
If you are getting “ERROR: dbpath (/data/db) does not exist.” when running 2,
then run these commands before 2.
sudo mkdir -p /data/db/
sudo chown `id -u` /data/db


I have to run mongod --dbpath every time I want to start Mongo

I have MongoDB installed and working on my computer (Using Ubuntu 14.04 for the operating system).
The problem is, every time I go to start it, it takes me messing with it for a few minutes before I can get it to successfully start. Usually, some combination of running
mongod --dbpath ~/data/db
rm -rf ~/data/db/mongod.lock
or finding and killing the running but broken isntance with
ps wuax | grep mongo
kill <pid>
is what it takes to get it working again.
What would cause this? Every time I google this issue, it's all the same answers to just get it fixed, but not permanently make it start and stop correctly, just to fix it when it happens incorrectly.
i had the same issue of having to specifying --dbpath every time so i just created the two folders /data/db in my root directory and now had just to type mongod to start MongoDB. Note that this requires superuser privileges. Hope it helps

MongoDB not using /etc/mongodb.conf after I changed dbpath

Ever since I changed the dbpath in /etc/mongodb.conf, MongoDB has not been starting automatically, nor using the new dbpath. Prior to the change, MongoDB would be running when the computer started and I was able to simply run the command mongo to get into the console or start my Ruby on Rails server with no issues.
After I made the modification (in order to switch to a new drive with more space), the only way I can get everything to work is by manually running the command mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf. If I don't run that, it doesn't seem like the service is running and running without the --config option give me the following error: ERROR: dbpath (/data/db/) does not exist. even though the config file says nothing about data/db.
Some other notes:
In addition to changing /etc/mongodb.conf, I moved all files out of /var/lib/mongodb and into /home/nick/appdev/mongodb.
I changed the owner and group from root to nick. Tried changing it back, but it didn't seem to fix anything.
I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 and Mongo 2.2.0 with Ruby on Rails 3.2.8
A late follow up on the above question...
I had a similar issue after moving the db to an ebs on ec2.
It turns out that just running mongod still directs the dbpath to /data/db/ (which exists).
The /etc/mongodb.conf is completely ignored unless specifically directed to.
I manage to work around this by using the directive --config or just the --dbpath(both work)
But was left wondering where does mongod takes it defaults from...?!
I was unable to locate and override these defaults anywhere.
Anyone ?
I am really annoyed by this behaviour of mongod...This is just bad design,and bad documentation.
It turns out that I needed to set the owner and group to mongodb. When I transferred the files to the new directory, I had set the owner and group to my user account nick and also tried root, neither of which worked.
To do so, here are the following commands:
sudo chown mongodb /home/nick/appdev/mongodb -R
sudo chgrp mongodb /home/nick/appdev/mongodb -R
To confirm that it worked, you can check the file permissions with:
ls -l /home/nick/appdev/mongodb
After checking all permission in the data, journal and log folders as suggested, my problem was solved by giving permission to a lock file in the /tmp folder
sudo chown mongod:mongod mongodb-27017.sock
I was running it as a AWS Amazon Linux instance. I figured that out by executing as the mongod user as below, and then, researching the error code. It might be useful for other troubleshooting.
sudo -S -u mongod mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf
MongoDB 1.6 is very old and the latest production version is 2.2, which contains a large amount of bug fixes and enhancements since 1.6.
Am I correct that you haven't installed 1.6 via a package manager such as yum or aptitude? I don't believe there are packages for 1.6 at present afaik. Therefore, mongod is behaving correctly as you have not started MongoDB with a control script.
Please see this link on configuration file options.

Moved Mongo Database to Different Drive: Unable to acquire lock for lockfilepath

I am in the process of moving my mongo data to a different drive. All of the data I want to move is stored in /data/db and I am moving it to a NAS (Network attached storage).
First step:
mongodump -d mydb -c mycollection -o nas/mongo-temp
This created a file tree in mongo-temp/ like so:
`-- mydb
`-- mycollection.bson
1 directory, 1 file
I then stopped the mongod service and created a new /data/db directory:
/etc/init.d/mongod stop
mkdir mongo-temp/data/db
...and changed the dbpath line in /etc/mongodb.conf
I successfully restarted the mongo server using /etc/init.d/mongod start.
When I try to connect:
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.4
Thu May 3 09:53:23 *** warning: spider monkey build without utf8 support. consider rebuilding with utf8 support
connecting to: test
Thu May 3 09:53:24 Error: couldn't connect to server (anon):1154
exception: connect failed
I've tried to start mongod with the command mongod --dbpath .../mongo-temp/data/db but I get an error that says:
Thu May 3 09:57:26 exception in initAndListen std::exception: Unable to acquire lock for lockfilepath: /home/dlpstats/nas-mnt/mongo-temp/data/db/mongod.lock
Removing the lockfile doesn't help. If I run the mongod command without --dbpath, the server starts fine and I am able to make queries on my old database.
First, you mentioned that you used mongodump to populate the new drive - was this just a method of backing things up or did you intend that to be the new database files? That is not how it works - mongodump output is not the same as a database file - it needs to be re-imported with mongoresore in fact. If you do a straight data file copy then the transfer will be seamless.
Then, as well as the permissions suggested by Wes in his answer, a few more things to check:
That you have shut down the old server successfully and completely - it's possible it's mis-reported error and you are getting it because it is trying to grab a port that is already open
You are using version 1.6.4 according to the mongo shell output, my guess is that you installed from the Ubuntu repo for 11.04 or similar, that is not a good option - 1.6 is very old at this point. Use the 10gen repos (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ubuntu+and+Debian+packages) or download the binaries and get a more recent version
Last but not least, when you start the mongod manually, make sure all the arguments are the same, like the port. When you connect via the mongo shell, specify the port you started the mongod on - don't rely on defaults when running into issues like this, be explicit.
I faced this problem and issuing following command solved my problem:
rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
And then restart the mongod.
But I'm not sure is it a good solution or not.
Check the permissions for the directory and parent directories of mongo-temp. Presumably it's running as the mongodb user?
You need execute permissions on the directory (and parent directories) in order to create files there. Execute permissions on a directory allow you to list the files there, which is needed to be able to open the file for writing.

MongoDB Path Change?

My server went down from an electrical failure and for a few horrifying seconds, I thought I'd lost all MongoDB data. I then realized that when the server restarted, mongo automatically restarted without the --dbpath option.
What I can't figure out is why, even though my mongodb.conf has the dbpath set to /var/lib/mongodb, mongo looked for the db files in /data/db on startup. Can anyone shed some light on this?
/data/db is the default path that mongod will look for data files in if it is started with no options. Does your startup script instruct mongod to load the correct config file? If not, that would explain this behavior.
When was the last time you updated Mongod on your system? and how did you update it?
Depending how you installed / updated Mongod it could happen that either the /etc/init.d/mongo script or the /etc/mongo.conf files could be overwritten.
Or somebody edited those files a long time ago, and this is the first time Mongo got restarted, and now it looks like there's suddenly a change.
I haven't seen either of those two things happen in a long time (but if you're using Gentoo, you would probably see this happen)
What OS do you use?
It's a good idea to keep backups of those files...
You should definitely ensure that your init script for Mongo includes the full pathname to the data directory. Here is a snippet of what we use in our production deployment:
ulimit -s unlimited
start() {
su $MONGO_USER -c "$MONGO_HOME/bin/mongod --master --fork --logpath $MONGO_LOGS/mongodb.log --logappend --dbpath $MONGO_DATA --maxConns 2400"
Check the startup options in /etc/default/mongodb most likely those will be set to the default path of /data/db instead of the one you selected when you started it up manually.

How do I force save the dbpath parameter?

I'm just starting out with developing with Mongodb locally and following the tutorials.
I want to use 1 path for all my development.
In the Mongodb documentation it says:
Create a data directory
By default MongoDB will store data in
/data/db, but it won't automatically
create that directory. To create it,
$ mkdir -p /data/db
You can also tell
MongoDB to use a different data
directory, with the --dbpath option.
I want to use one path for all my dbpaths so that I know where they all are and not get confused.
The path I want to use is:
sudo mongod --config=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mongodb/mongodb.conf
The mongodb.conf file I have is set up as thus:
# Store data alongside MongoDB instead of the default, /data/db/
dbpath = /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mongodb
# Only accept local connections
bind_ip =
However, I have noticed that I have to keep typing this config path in every time I want to run Mongo.
How do I make it so that Mongodb save the dbpath, or the path to the config without me having to type it out every time?
You can create a startup script, like a bash/cshc script. You must specify those options when starting up.
Make a bash script that runs the commands you want.
Make a file called startMongo.sh
#! /bin/bash
mongod --config=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mongodb/mongodb.conf
Run command
sudo startMongo.sh