Scala DRYing try/catch - scala

I find myself repeating simple try/catch blocks that should, IMO, be 1-liners.
For example, let's say I need to convert a uri string date in yyyymmdd format to Joda-Time. With a standard try/catch block the conversion method looks like:
def ymd2Date(ymd: Option[String]) = ymd match {
case Some(date) =>
try { Right( ymdFormat.parseDateTime(date) ) }
catch { case e =>
case None =>
Left(None) // no uri date param
val ymdFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd")
Works well enough, intent is clear, but when I do this kind of try/catch logging for all non-critical events, then I seek a way to DRY it out. The search led me to this SO post on scala.util.control.Exception. Helpful, but it's still a bit difficult to grok/make it work in the way I'd like it to. In plain English I just want to say, "catch some-action get-result log-error-type".
So, I hacked this out based on the part of control.Exception I'm interested in (or understand to be useful):
class Catcher[T](f: => T) {
type Logger = (=> Any) => Unit
def either[T]( logger: => Logger ) = {
try { Right(f) }
catch { case e =>
def catching[T](f: => T) = new Catcher(f)
And then use in place of try/catch like so:
catching( ymdFormat.parseDateTime(date) ) either
Can add on option, a msg prefix, etc., would probably be better to find a way to get control.Exception to work like the above, as the TypeSafe crew is going to produce code worlds better than I'll ever imagine writing.
Does anyone know how to create this kind of syntax using control.Exception where one can pass in a logger function by-name to be used in the catch block?
Would be great if there was a "use cases" for control.Exception, but I get the feeling this utility is for more advanced Scala devs

This should do what you want:
import scala.util.control.Exception
def log(logger: => Logger)(e: Throwable) = {
Exception.allCatch withApply log(logger) apply Some(ymdFormat.parseDateTime(date))
But this kind of stuff is better handled by Scalaz Validation, in my opinion.

A quick example:
import scala.util.control.Exception._
def throwingStuff {
throw new Exception("Hello World!")
catching(classOf[Exception]).withApply{err => println(err.toString); None}.apply(Some(throwingStuff))
You can use withApply to override the application logic of the Catch class to do something such as writing to a log.


How to Mock in Scala

I have object
object func1{
def something(arg1: Int): String{
// var date = something2()
// Using date
def something2(): LocalDate{
I want to write a test on something method, How can I mock something2
You can't make static methods. So, you need to do something like this:
def something(val now: () => Date = = ...
Then, in your production code, you do val foo = something() as you normally would, but in your test, you can do things like
something(_ => new Date(0l)) shouldBe foo
val date = mock[Function0[Date]]
when(date.apply()).thenReturn(new Date(0l))
something(date) shouldBe foo
If the code's functionality depends on the time, it's definitely recommended that you have a second look at the code you're testing and explicitly pass a Clock as a parameter or something along those lines (e.g. a function as suggested in other comments) to make its behavior easy to test.
If you are testing this to make sure that a field somewhere indeed contains the time returned by please consider that you might be testing the behavior of LocalDate rather than your own code's, so probably mocking that doesn't really give you anything.
If timing is fundamental to the function's behavior and you have no control over it, I believe you might somehow use Mockito's ability to mock static objects. I came up with the following which compiles, but I'm not sure about whether it works or not (since I believe it relies on some bytecode manipulation black magic which might make your testing suite brittle, so beware):
import scala.util.{Try, Using}
import java.time.{Clock, Instant, LocalDate, ZoneId}
import org.mockito.Mockito._
def withClock[A](clock: Clock)(f: => Unit): Try[Unit] = {
Using(mockStatic(classOf[LocalDate])) { mocked =>
mocked.when(() =>
withClock(Clock.fixed(Instant.ofEpochMilli(42), ZoneId.of("UTC"))) {
assert( == 0)

Scala, how to not use None

I have a bit of code that I am checking with Scala Scapegoat. I am not sure how to refactor this code the way it wants.
def strToDouble(valueParam: Option[String]): Option[java.lang.Double] = { => {
Try {
case e: NumberFormatException => {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass.getName)
logger.warn("error parsing string to double", e)
return None
Scapegoat is complaining about my use of return and the getOrElse(null). Unfortunately in this situation I can't figure out how to do what I want:
convert the string to double, returning Option[Double]
log an error if there is a parsing error
return None in the case of parsing error
any ideas?
In general in Scala, you never need to use return, and it has some surprising semantics so it's generally advised to never use return.
Instead of return, the result of a block expression (such as the body of a function) is the result of the last expression evaluated in the block.
I would write your code along these lines
valueParam.flatMap { value =>
val attempt =
Try {
attempt.recoverWith {
case e: NumberFormatException =>
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass.getName)
logger.warn("error parsing string to double", e)
The first key difference is that since we're transforming an Option into another Option, and might sometimes turn a Some into a None (e.g. Some("hello")), flatMap is called for.
Saving the Try[Double] in a local val enables us to get around there not being a foreach equivalent on a failed Try, thus the recoverWith which results in the same Try after side-effecting.
At the end, we convert the Try into an Option with toOption.
null is generally never used in Scala, with Option preferred (and an Option which could be null is especially verboten, as it's virtually guaranteed to blow up). If you have an Option[java.lang.Double] and need a possibly null java.lang.Double in order to work with a Java API, the orNull method on an Option is probably the most idiomatic thing to use.
I'm fairly sure that scala.Double is, on the JVM, a compiler-synthesized alias for java.lang.Double, so might not be needed.
Everything that #Levi said. I just have a preference for fold() in place of recooverWith().
import scala.util.Try
def strToDouble(valueParam: Option[String]): Option[Double] =
valueParam.flatMap { value =>
case e:NumberFormatException =>
.warn("error parsing string to double", e)
}, Some(_))

Dealing with errors using idiomatic Scala

I'm writing an HTTPS service for a chat bot and find myself dealing with a lot of Futures and Options. Usually if an Option returns None or a Future fails I want to log the exception and reset the user back to the start. Here's a toy example of how I accomplish this:
(for {
user <- userService.retrieve(userId)
userPet <- Future(user.userPet.get)
_ <- sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a $userPet!")
} yield {}).recover {
case ex: Exception =>
This works fine but it feels a little weird to wrap things in Future just so their exceptions are swallowed and dealt with in the recover block. It also feels weird to include an empty yield block. Is there a better way?
What you basically do is using onSuccess or onFailure to retrieve the futures result. What you also might try is Try.
There is an example of the underlying functionality.
I might suggest you this article: I can't summarize whats stated there in a few sentences. But if you look to the table of contents on the right side, the point Futures explains what happens and how to handle it is stated under Excepetions. Thats the idiomatic way.
I don't think it's too bad tbh, assuming userService.retrieve() returns a Future in the first place. I'd personnally rather use map in this case to make things a bit more explicit :
val futureMsg = userService.retrieve(userId)
.map(user => sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a ${user.userPet.get}!")
.recover {
case NonFatal(ex) => //Look it up ;)
You now have Future[Unit] to do whatever you want with.
I agree with you that that's an awkward use of a for-comprehension. This is how I would write this:
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
.map(userPet => s"You're holding a $userPet!")
.recover {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
Looking at your sendTextAsJson and fail functions you seem to want to side-effect when the future completes. I would not use map after you perform the Option.get and instead look at Futures onComplete method to either handle the success of the future or handle the exception throw. I am not sure how this way and recover are different though so double check that. I did like #sascha10000 link to the scala doc futures. Its been a long time since I read that but its a good resource from what I remember
Example implementation of your code with onComplete:
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object UserFuture extends App {
def fail = println("failed")
def sendTextAsJson(message: String): Unit = println(message)
case class User(userPet: Option[String])
object userService {
def userPet = Some("dog")
val someUser = User(userPet)
def retrieve(userId: Int): Future[User] = Future {
def getPet(userId: Int): Unit = {
.map(user => user.userPet.get)
.onComplete {
case Success(userPet) => sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a $userPet!")
case Failure(ex) => println(ex.toString); fail
Thread.sleep(10000) // I forgot how to use Await. This is just here to be able to make sure we see some printouts in the console.

What are the use cases for Scala 2.9's try...catch generalization?

I've read about and experimented with the Scala 2.9 try...catch feature, and it has me thinking about possibilities. What would I actually use it for other than saving a couple of lines of code?
Scala 2.9 Final Release Notes
The use case is to be able to have generic error handling throughout your application. Let's say you want to handle all FileNotFoundExceptions in your application by sending an e-mail to an administrator. Previously, you'd have to do it like this:
// Globally
val fileNotFound: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
// Create report and send the e-mail
// On each try-catch-block
try {
// Open file
catch {
case fnf: FileNotFoundException => fileNotFound(fnf)
Now you just do:
try {
// Open file
} catch fileNotFound
This also has the nice advantage that you can link several such exception handlers using the orElse method on partial functions:
val fileErrors = fileNotFound orElse endOfFile orElse invalidFormat
And then just use that everywhere where you need file exception handling. Such an error handler can be dynamically combined based on the configuration file for the application, for example. This is much less cumbersome than pattern matching everywhere and calling the correct handler.
One useful thing which could be pimped on top of partial functions is the andAlso operator, which acts as a sequencing operator on two partial functions. This would be useful when you want to do some error handling specific to a particular try-catch block after having done the generic error handling.
implicit def pf2ops(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]) = new {
def andAlso(localpf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]) = new PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] {
def apply(t: Throwable) = {
if (pf.isDefinedAt(t)) pf(t)
def isDefinedAt(t: Throwable) = pf.isDefinedAt(t) || localpf.isDefinedAt(t)
And then you can do this:
scala> try {
| throw new
| } catch fnf andAlso {
| case e: Exception => println("I don't know, but something is specific to this particular block.")
| }
I don't know, but something is specific to this particular block.
I guess you could play further with the exact semantics and the meaning (and the name) of andAlso.
Good answer by axel22, but I think the real reason for its introduction is something else. The try/catch/finally handling introduced a special case. You used a partial function literal, but you could not actually replace that with a partial function. Now, catch just receive a partial function, and one more special case in the language is gone.

Can I transform this asynchronous java network API into a monadic representation (or something else idiomatic)?

I've been given a java api for connecting to and communicating over a proprietary bus using a callback based style. I'm currently implementing a proof-of-concept application in scala, and I'm trying to work out how I might produce a slightly more idiomatic scala interface.
A typical (simplified) application might look something like this in Java:
DataType type = new DataType();
BusConnector con = new BusConnector();
con.waitForData(type.getClass()).addListener(new IListener<DataType>() {
public void onEvent(DataType t) {
//some stuff happens in here, and then we need some more data
con.waitForData(anotherType.getClass()).addListener(new IListener<anotherType>() {
public void onEvent(anotherType t) {
//we do more stuff in here, and so on
//now we've got the behaviours set up we call
In scala I can obviously define an implicit conversion from (T => Unit) into an IListener, which certainly makes things a bit simpler to read:
implicit def func2Ilistener[T](f: (T => Unit)) : IListener[T] = new IListener[T]{
def onEvent(t:T) = f
val con = new BusConnector
con.waitForData(DataType.getClass).addListener( (d:DataType) => {
//some stuff, then another wait for stuff
con.waitForData(OtherType.getClass).addListener( (o:OtherType) => {
Looking at this reminded me of both scalaz promises and f# async workflows.
My question is this:
Can I convert this into either a for comprehension or something similarly idiomatic (I feel like this should map to actors reasonably well too)
Ideally I'd like to see something like:
d <- con.waitForData(DataType.getClass);
val _ = doSomethingWith(d);
o <- con.waitForData(OtherType.getClass)
If you want to use a for comprehension for this, I'd recommend looking at the Scala Language Specification for how for comprehensions are expanded to map, flatMap, etc. This will give you some clues about how this structure relates to what you've already got (with nested calls to addListener). You can then add an implicit conversion from the return type of the waitForData call to a new type with the appropriate map, flatMap, etc methods that delegate to addListener.
I think you can use scala.Responder[T] from the standard library:
Assuming the class with the addListener is called Dispatcher[T]:
trait Dispatcher[T] {
def addListener(listener: IListener[T]): Unit
trait IListener[T] {
def onEvent(t: T): Unit
implicit def dispatcher2Responder[T](d: Dispatcher[T]):Responder[T] = new Responder[T} {
def respond(k: T => Unit) = d.addListener(new IListener[T] {
def onEvent(t:T) = k
You can then use this as requested
d <- con.waitForData(DataType.getClass);
val _ = doSomethingWith(d);
o <- con.waitForData(OtherType.getClass)
) ()
See the Scala wiki and this presentation on using Responder[T] for a Comet chat application.
I have very little Scala experience, but if I were implementing something like this I'd look to leverage the actor mechanism rather than using callback listener classes. Actors were made for asynchronous communication, they nicely separate those different parts of your app for you. You can also have them send messages to multiple listeners.
We'll have to wait for a "real" Scala programmer to flesh this idea out, though. ;)