Automatically activate users' timeline on login - facebook

I am using the JavaScript SDK to login in the user on my website via Facebook, requiring the publish_actions permission. If I am getting it right, Open Graph stories published by using publish_actions are only visible for users who have their timeline enabled.
Is it possible to automatically activate the users' timeline after he logged in to my application and gave me the publish_actions permissions. I've seen authentication dialogs around the web where applications request the publish_actions permission and after granting the permission and logging in, the user automatically has the new timeline enabled.
I already searched a lot, but unfortunately I could not find anything in the developer documentation about how to do that.
How do I accomplish this?

If you request the publish_actions permission from the user and you have the action approved by Facebook, the message you talk about will appear in the login popup. Facebook automatically adds this message in as the features are only available with the new timeline profile. There isn't a setting you need to configure to add this message in.

What you describe is the intent of modifying user settings, and you can't do that.


Permission to get events from Facebook Page

I am attempting to get events from a specific page, through a person who is administrator of the site and the host of the events. This will not work unless i make the administrator a tester on my Facebook App. Anyone who knows which permission i am missing?
I have the following permissions already:
Facebook API Explorer
Facebook API Explorer
Access Token Info
This is a restricted edge. You cannot request access at this time.
Facebook has restricted this to specific partners; as a normal 3rd-party app developer you can not get page events at this time.

Error on posting on behalf of a Facebook page

I have an app that programmatically make post on a configured Facebook Page.
My app obviously have both the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions approved and I'm using pages access token
Everything work well since now, but recently when I POST on page feed
I get this error:
{"error": {
"message":"(#200) Requires either publish_to_groups permission and app being installed in the group, or manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission",
I know that Facebook has deprecated publish_actions scope, so that it's not possible anymore to post programmatically on the personal feed, but I can't find out why the post on a page return this kind of error.
Some further infos:
posting with a developer account actually work
the user by which the page access token is obtained, created the page on Facebook (so I think it's an admin for the page)
i recently migrated from graph_api v2.12 to v.3.1
Any suggestion will be appreciated
I figured it out what the problem with some pages is.
It seem that now, if the user grant the manage_pages and publish_pages permission, that will be valid only for already existing pages!
New pages haven't the permission granted by default.
The only way I can fix the problem was to remove my app from the user profile (Facebook Settings > Business Integrations > Select the app > Remove) and then prompt the user again with the Facebook OAuth permission dialog.
I don't know if there is a way to force the app removal programmatically, but I can't find out.
You can use the following URL:{access_token}

Graph API v2.2 : user_status permission is obtained from facebook but still cant get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data

I have an app & user_status permission is obtained from facebook after its submitted for review. I can get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data for the App's admin. No other fb accounts are able to get this data. When I login with facebook from my portal, the permissions requested are not shown to the users.
Is the issue related to FB API. I can use the obtained permissions only for the App's admin alone?
Is this issue related to not obtaining consent from the account while logging in from my portal. If yes, what is the method to get this done.
Anyone kindly help me regarding this.
It's all in the docs:
...your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.

Controlling Facebook oauth login experience

I'm building a Facebbook application that uses the Facebook oauth login. I see some existing sites that have a single-page experience that combines application authorization with asking for permissions. But when I build my application, I'm seeing a two-page authorization dialog: application authorization and basic permissions come on the first screen, the second screen asks for additional permissions.
I'd like to get to a single-screen dialog, similar to the one shown on this page:
but that's not what I'm seeing, even though I use the URL from that page, and even though I use the same Oauth redirect URL that I see in another app that shows the dialog as I want it.
Anyone have any ideas on how to have the older app authentication dialog?
Short answer: that's the way it works now. Facebook changed things. Go figure.
Facebook has changed the way the auth dialog works. It seems like they are trying to discourage use of publish_stream and other permissions and make it easier for users to grant the open graph publish_actions permission.
From the recent blog post:
Added functionality to the publish_actions permission
When we turn on the new auth dialog, we will also add some of the most frequently requested permissions to publish_actions to make the permission more robust and improve conversion. publish_actions now includes the ability to post status updates on the authenticated user’s own timeline, tag photos, publish photos and videos. Other actions such as posting to a friend's timeline still require the use of publish_stream.
Adding these common permissions to publish_actions eliminates the need for extended permissions and the second screen of the auth dialog for the majority of timeline apps built with the Open Graph. This makes the auth process clearer to new users and should improve conversion rates. Additionally, approved Open Graph actions are no longer required for the publish_actions permission. Apps should only ask for the stream_publish permission if they absolutely need functionality not present in publish_actions.
See this blog post for full details and references:
Subscribing to the Facebook devleoper blog and monitoring the platform roadmap at are good ways to see these changes coming.

Is it posible to change the scope of your Facebook Connect website?

I'm building a Facebook app with Facebook login via Oauth 2.0. Will it be possible to request more permissions (scope) from the user in the future as we add features or do we need to request them all up front?
Anyone implemented this with Facebook Connect?
From my experience, you can add permissions later and it'll prompt the user to accept those permissions. For my app, I started with just basic/email permissions and then added photo... and it would prompt for the photo.
You can call Facebook's permissions api ( to see if the user has authorized the permission you will need (perhaps they later when in and revoked part of your apps permission but not all of it). If they did, or you just later need different permissions, just show the authorization link like you did the first time with the additional permissions listed in the url (&scope=email,read_stream...) and it will prompt them for those.