How do you cancel a drop command with Drag & Drop - drag-and-drop

How do you go about cancelling a drop event using the latest Silverlight Toolkit Drag and Drop framework? I'd assume this has to be stupid, but I don't seem to be able to find any valid information to get me to the right place.
Any guidance would be helpful.

Within the drag operation you can set:
e.Handled = True
e.cancel = True
You can set these on drag over as well. But you can also do a similar thing within the drop operation.

Do nothing in drop handler


My click trigger always fire in google tag manager

I'm having difficulties using the Click trigger in google tag manager.
I want to setup a trigger to fire on a click event, only when the element class contain "scrollto".
But the thing is, it keeps firing up even when the "scrollto" class isn't part of the element I clicked on.
Here are a few screenshot I hope will help you understand the problem:
Thank you for your help,
Ones you set up any click trigger you will get these events everytime a user makes a click but that doesnt mean the trigger it self is being fired. You can append the trigger to any tag and you ll see that if you click anywhere else the tag wont fire even when you see the event.
Hope it helps!
Instead of click classes contains scrollto,
Give click classes equals scrollto

Adding drag and drop support in a custom TreeView

I have successfully populated a TreeView via creating a TreeDataProvider and customized the icons and its collapse-able property. Now I want to be able to drag and drop its ViewItem(s) onto a WebView. There are unfortunately no samples for drag and drop. Reading through the TreeView source, ViewItem(s) are created in HeightMap.OnInsertItems() via the TreeView.createViewItem(), from the derived class.
The public TreeView.onInsertItem() would appear to be a great extension point, extending TreeView and onInsertItem() and capturing its ViewItem parameter. This Unfortunately, the creation of the concrete class, ExtHostTreeView, that is ultimately created, is buried in layers of private methods (createExtHostTreeViewer()).
Strangely, the ViewItem has a setter for draggable. However, how would you ever get a reference to the ViewItem to set it? If there is a way to do this please point me at an example. If there is not, I would be glad to fork and implement it. Leaving the existing onInsertItem and perhaps add an array of handlers to be added to with an addOnInsertItemListener() method? Or perhaps use RxJS?
There are so many places this could be used. You could drag template fragments into documents or code, DSL rules into a expert system, configuration file values into parameters or right hand values (generating the code to retrieve the value). Thank you for any assistance.
It seems that drag and drop in custom views is currently not supported. There's a (fairly popular) feature request for it here:
Add drag and drop for contributed tree views (#32592)
As of version 1.66 (March 2022) there is a TreeDragAndDropController which can be used for some drag & drop actions.
In April 2022, their sample focuses on drag & drop within a tree view:
It is also possible to use the text/url-list type as described in the documentation to allow for dragging files to the editor panel:
It is not clear to me yet whether it is possible to drag arbitrary data to webviews or to use standard HTML5 drag & drop API in a webview to allow dragging data to a custom tree view.

Drag & Drop issues AUI

I have been trying to use Drag and Drop functionality between two lists. I got an example from the link :
I have checked that all methods specified in YUI (in the link) is present for AUI too. The problem is that the drag event works perfectly but drop event does not work. The drag:drophit event does not get activated.
I am using Liferay 6.1.2 Ga3. Did anybody face this issue before? If yes, can you please provide me some clues on it?
Thank you,

What triggers the pyqt dragLeaveEvent

When I'm dragging an item from a tablewidget, what triggers the the drag events, is it the QTableWidget, or the QTableWidgetItem? Or, something all together different? I need to alter my mimeData when it gets selected and is being dragged to a list.
Ok, I figured out my problem:
It's the QTableWidget that triggers the event. The problem I was having was that I set setDragEnabled(True) after I was trying to use my overridden event function.

Dragging and dropping something onto an xna window?

I have an XNA4 wndow set up and was wondering if I could get it to accept drag+drop actions, what I envision is someone grabs a jpeg and drags it into the window, upon release of the mouse an event is fired off with a string pointing to the jpeg.
Is this doable and if so how?
First, here is a link to a tutorial on doing this with a windows form:
and here is a link to a post about doing just this (answer is past a few posts saying that it's impossible):
finally here is some code for ease of access (you need a reference to the System.Windows.Forms namespace):
protected override void Initialize()
Form gameForm = (Form)Form.FromHandle(Window.Handle);
gameForm.AllowDrop = true;
gameForm.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(gameForm_DragEnter);
gameForm.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(gameForm_DragDrop);
Also, it seems it's possible to run a game inside a Form control as of XNA 2
While I recognise that this is many years too late here is a direct link to a working demo.
The SLN might not want to autoload but you can just drop it into VS2013 and it will update it. I was getting a "licencing" popup when I tried to just run the SLN.
Hope this helps anyone who might still be working on this.