ColdFusion Illudium PU-36 Code Generator - postgresql

When generating models from postgresql with ColdFusion Illudium Code generator the boolean values get converted to varchar in the cfqueryparam and varchar gets converted to char. Does anyone have a fix for this issue? the file cfcgenerator/com/cf/model/datasource/postgresql.cfc
2.around line 63 replace bit/bool with this
<!--- bit / bool --->
<cfcase value="bit,boolean">
<cfreturn "cf_sql_bit" />
<cfcase value="bool">
<cfreturn "cf_sql_varchar" />
3.around line 101 replace strings with this
<!--- strings --->
<cfcase value="char">
<cfreturn "cf_sql_char" />
<cfcase value="varchar,character varying,character">
<cfreturn "cf_sql_varchar" />
<cfcase value="text">
<cfreturn "cf_sql_longvarchar" />


How to create a ColdFusion REST end-point which accepts query parameters

Here is the code snippet I have tried to create a REST end point with query parameters,
<cfcomponent rest="true" restpath="api">
<cffunction name="getUsersQuery" restpath="Users?filter={query}" access="remote" returntype="struct" httpmethod="GET" produces="application/json">
<cfargument name="query" type="any" required="yes" restargsource="query" />
<cfset var response = {} />
<cfset response["message"] = "Test" />
<cfreturn response>
But when I tried to call the end point like below it gives "Method Not Allowed"
http://localhost:8010/rest/v1/api/Users?filter=userName eq "test"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to provide ?filter={query} in the rest path since you have mentioned restargsource="query" in the argument. Also the argument name should be the URL key value.
<cffunction name="getUsersQuery" restpath="Users" access="remote" returntype="struct" httpmethod="GET" produces="application/json">
<cfargument name="filter" type="any" required="yes" restargsource="query" />
<cfset var response = {} />
<cfset response["message"] = "Test" />
<cfreturn response>

How to pass parameter in Form Scope for REST services in ColdFusion?

Today while working with ColdFusion 10 REST, I got an issues. I am not sure how to pass data to a REST service in FORM scope.
Here is my REST enabled CFC,
<cfcomponent rest="true" restpath="/crudService" >
<cfset variable.myQuery = queryNew("Id,Name","Integer,Varchar",[[1,"Test1"],[2,"Test2"],[3,"Test3"]] )>
<cffunction name="getHandlerJSONForm" access="remote" httpmethod="GET" restpath="/formtest" returntype="query" produces="application/xml">
<cfargument name="customerID" required="true" restargsource="Form" type="numeric" >
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="local.qryGetUserName">
FROM variable.myQuery
WHERE Id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#customerID#">
<cfreturn local.qryGetUserName>
Here is the CFM code, calling the REST service,
<cfset restInitApplication("E:\Local Workspace\cfcs\rest","myfirstrest")>
<cfhttp url="" method="get" >
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="customerID" value="1" >
<cfdump var="#cfhttp#">
In StatusCode I am getting 500 Exception obtaining parameters ?
Please suggest whats going wrong here.

Coldfusion 9 Parse Soap results

I am trying to parse:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><LoginResponse xmlns=""><LoginResult><results><response value="UY+/9dD+Lz7DT3Oq/WG3CVJ/pFW7o6LEFNA4xOSIWr88Dh2RVAgy9qHP1BwpdiYA"/><exceptions></exceptions></results></LoginResult></LoginResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
So far I have:
<cfset soapResponse = xmlParse(httpResponse.fileContent) />
<cfset results = xmlSearch(soapResponse,"//*[local-name()='LoginResult' and namespace-uri()='']") />
I need the value of <response value="UY+/9dD+Lz7DT3Oq/WG3CVJ/pFW7o6LEFNA4xOSIWr88Dh2RVAgy9qHP1BwpdiYA"/>
I try looping, even try to do a deep xml path, nothing.
Please help me, if you have questions please let me know.
Update 1: "ScreenShot"
Update 2: "Screenshot long version"
I normally just use xmlSearch(soapResponse,"//*[local-name()='whatever']") and it works fine for me. It can return different types depending on how deep you search in the XML. Because of that, when developing the code I always use <cfdump> to view the results of the xmlSearch() function to know what I am dealing with.
I took the SOAP response that you shared and tested the following code successfully on ColdFusion 9.0.1. Notice that I have three different searches here each delving deeper into the XML tree. I left the <cfdump> in there so you can see what each returns.
<cfsavecontent variable="content">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<LoginResponse xmlns="">
<response value="UY+/9dD+Lz7DT3Oq/WG3CVJ/pFW7o6LEFNA4xOSIWr88Dh2RVAgy9qHP1BwpdiYA"/>
<cfset soapResponse = xmlParse(Trim(content)) />
<head><title>Test xmlParse</title></head>
<h3>xmlParse option 1</h3>
<cfset results = xmlSearch(soapResponse,"//*[local-name()='LoginResult']") />
<cfdump var="#results#" />
<cfset value = results[1].results.response.XmlAttributes.value />
<cfdump var="#value#" />
<h3>xmlParse option 2</h3>
<cfset results = xmlSearch(soapResponse,"//*[local-name()='results']") />
<cfdump var="#results#" />
<cfset value = results[1].response.XmlAttributes.value />
<cfdump var="#value#" />
<h3>xmlParse option 3</h3>
<cfset results = xmlSearch(soapResponse,"//*[local-name()='response']") />
<cfdump var="#results#" />
<cfset value = results[1].XmlAttributes.value />
<cfdump var="#value#" />
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#" />
All of the options result in setting the value variable to UY+/9dD+Lz7DT3Oq/WG3CVJ/pFW7o6LEFNA4xOSIWr88Dh2RVAgy9qHP1BwpdiYA from the XML.

Coldfusion REST - Serialize Array of CFC

Hi I'm trying to serialize an array of CFCs from one of my REST endpoints. I found this Example: Array of CFC Serialization in the Adobe Help, which pretty much is exactly what I want to do (I can post some code if necessary) Yet when I try to use returnType="myCFC[]" it fails with:
"Message":"array element type mismatch"
The strange thing is, if I instantiate the same object and call the method from a .cfm file, the cfdump shows the array of objects with data as expected. But from my AJAX call, the object's property values are all null. However, if I use return serializeJSON(myArrayOfCFCs) the properties have data. But I don't want to have to do that because it will negate the use of content negotiation.
Just curious if anyone has gotten this to work.
<cffunction name="getPatient" access="remote" httpmethod="GET" returntype="Patient[]" produces="text/json" restpath="/{PatientId}">
<cfargument name="PatientId" type="numeric" required="true" restargsource="Path" />
<cfset local.response = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset local.patient = getPatientGatewayObject().getPatient(PatientId)>
<cfset local.patientObject = createObject("component", "Patient").init(argumentCollection=queryRowToStruct(local.patient)) />
<cfset arrayAppend(local.response, local.patientObject) />
<cfreturn local.response />
This works, but not what I want in the end:
<cffunction name="getPatient" access="remote" httpmethod="GET" returntype="Patient" produces="text/json" restpath="/{PatientId}">
<cfargument name="PatientId" type="numeric" required="true" restargsource="Path" />
<cfset local.response = ArrayNew(1) />
<cfset local.patient = getPatientGatewayObject().getPatient(PatientId)>
<cfset local.patientObject = createObject("component", "Patient").init(argumentCollection=queryRowToStruct(local.patient)) />
<cfset arrayAppend(local.response, local.patientObject) />
<cfreturn serializeJSON(local.response) />

Orchard cms adding data-mediapicker-uploadpath to a custom type

I have created a custom type in orchard cms, that has a two column lay out
It has 2 header text fileds and 2 content HTML flavour fileds
Heres the migration :
public class MigrationTwoColumnPageType : DataMigrationImpl
public int Create()
// Define the project type
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("TwoColumnPage", cfg => cfg
.WithSetting("Stereotype", "Content")
return 1;
public int UpdateFrom1()
// Define project part - having a part with the same name will create fields in the project type
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("TwoColumnPage", builder => builder
.TextField("Column1Title", Flavour.Large)
.TextField("Column1Text", Flavour.Html)
.TextField("Column2Title", Flavour.Large)
.TextField("Column2Text", Flavour.Html)
return 2;
NOTE: TextField is a custom extension method to make things less verbose
When I try and use the media picker to up load an image into one of these content fields I get a folder not found error, - I have traced this back to the media path on the Request querystring not being set
// media directory to save uploaded files into
var mediaPath = Request["uploadpath"];
in ../../Orchard.MediaPicker/Views/admin/Tab_Url.cshtml
Is there some way to set this using filed settings ?
Seems to work fine for any pages I create, but custom types .... how do I set this value ?
Heres the xml meta data for a page...
<!--Exported from Orchard-->
<Name>Generated by Orchard.ImportExport</Name>
<Page ContentTypeSettings.Creatable="True" ContentTypeSettings.Draftable="True" TypeIndexing.Included="true" DisplayName="Page">
<NavigationPart />
<CommonPart DateEditorSettings.ShowDateEditor="true" />
<PublishLaterPart />
<TitlePart />
<AutoroutePart AutorouteSettings.AllowCustomPattern="true" AutorouteSettings.AutomaticAdjustmentOnEdit="false" AutorouteSettings.PatternDefinitions="[{Name:'Title', Pattern: '{Content.Slug}', Description: 'my-page'}]" AutorouteSettings.DefaultPatternIndex="0" />
<BodyPart />
<TagsPart />
<LocalizationPart />
<NavigationPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<CommonPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<PublishLaterPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<TitlePart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<AutoroutePart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<BodyPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" BodyPartSettings.FlavorDefault="html" />
<TagsPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<LocalizationPart />
Here's the XML meta for my custom type, using TestFiledSetting instead of BodyPartSetting
<!--Exported from Orchard-->
<Name>Generated by Orchard.ImportExport</Name>
<TwoColumnPage Stereotype="Content" OwnerEditorSettings.ShowOwnerEditor="false" ContentTypeSettings.Creatable="True" ContentTypeSettings.Draftable="True" DisplayName="Two Column Page">
<CommonPart />
<AutoroutePart AutorouteSettings.PatternDefinitions="[{Name:'/Title', Pattern: '/{Content.Slug}', Description: 'my-page'}]" />
<TitlePart />
<MenuPart />
<TagsPart />
<PublishLaterPart />
<TwoColumnPage />
<CommonPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<AutoroutePart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<TitlePart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<MenuPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<TagsPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<PublishLaterPart ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True" />
<TwoColumnPage ContentPartSettings.Attachable="True">
<Column1Title.TextField TextFieldSettings.Required="True" TextFieldSettings.Flavor="Large" TextFieldSettings.Hint="" />
<Column1Text.TextField TextFieldSettings.Required="True" TextFieldSettings.Flavor="Html" TextFieldSettings.Hint="" />
<Column2Title.TextField TextFieldSettings.Required="True" TextFieldSettings.Flavor="Large" TextFieldSettings.Hint="" />
<Column2Text.TextField TextFieldSettings.Required="True" TextFieldSettings.Flavor="Html" TextFieldSettings.Hint="" />
No mention of data-mediapicker-uploadpath in either. I'm still lost!