Can not install WOLips Goodies Eclipse Plugin on CentOS 6 - eclipse

So, I'm using CentOS 6 desktop to do WebObjects development. Normally I do WO development on Mac, but our office only has Linux-based desktops so I'm going through the hassle of getting the team set up with the appropriate development environment. Anyway, when I try to install WOLips Goodies plugin through Eclipse I get the following error:
"Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable [3.7.1006251] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable."
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Or maybe can you tell me where to look to find the missing dependencies?


Cannot install subclipse on eclipse helios

When I try to install Subclipse (latest version) on Eclipse Helios v3.6.2, I got the following error message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile requires 'toolingorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64 [1.1.2.R36x_v20101222]' but it could not be found
Should I install equinox sdk?
I searched on the web on how to install equinox but did not found any tutorial. I found a Euinox p2 installer application but it did not worked (error message : internal error).
It seems like something is wrong with your Eclipse install. I would guess there will be other plugins you cannot install. I would try a clean install or a clean workspace and see if that makes a difference. It seems like some basic core Eclipse pieces are missing from the install or the configuration is somehow corrupt.

How do I build and install a plugin for KDevelop?

In particular, I am trying to install kdev-control-flow-graph
I have managed to clone the source from git, cmake the source to build a installed to /usr/local/lib, but when I restart kdevelop, I can find no sign of the plugin!
Under the Loaded Plugins window, it doesn't show up, and I can't seem to find a way to tell it about the existence of the new plug-in.
I am running KDevelop Version 4.2.3 using KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that "/usr/local/lib" is in your KDEDIRS var, and run "kbuildsyscocoa4 --noincremental"
If that doesn't work, perhaps the plugin's .desktop file needs to have its version modified.
Also note that you aren't running KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 because that doesn't exist (you probably mean KDE 4.7.2), you should be running KDevplatform 1.2.3.

A good Eclipse for PHP in Ubuntu 11.10 tutorial

Well I´m just moving in to Linux, so I´m using Ubuntu, I installed Ubuntu 11.10, so I was wondering if anyone can give me a hand on how to install succesfuly Eclipse to develope in PHP, I used to use Eclipse Helios (Windows 7), but helios is not inside Ubuntu´s repository, so I guess I´ll have to try it manually. Still prefer to download it from repository not so good with command lines.
Anyone knows a good tutorial?, I´m a newbie in linux so please be very descriptive.
This is an older thread so don't know whether this is still helpfull. Why do you need helios? If you go to the help -> install new software in eclipse then select indigo update site end search for pdt (php development kit). Then install and restart afterwards and their you have a php-perspective with pretty much everything you will need.
Welcome to ubuntu. Their forums are very good as well. To get started you should always use Synaptic or Aptitude APT to get and install packages (software) in Ubuntu. That way the system knows and tracks release and upgrade info.
So open Synaptic and search for Eclipse.. Check it "Marked for Installation" and apply it. It will then install the Eclipse distro for your release. From there it is the same as windows in terms of configuring and installing plug-ins, etc.. It will be installed in "Applications -> Programming"
There is also a Software Center in Ubuntu that may also have Eclipse and other dev tools. You may also need to install "server headers" in you Ubuntu environment to get the dev-tools. I am not sure in 11.10

Unable to install Plugins in Eclipse (jpbm)

I have a major problem with installing plugins in eclipse. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 64 bit and I installed:
Eclipse SDK
Version: 3.6.0
Build id: I20100608-0911
(Not by using the apt-get, via apt-get I get galileo, but that version didn't work as well)
The Plugin I want to install is: I have to use this plugin because its compatible with alresco (dms)
I tried to install the plugin via dropin and the normal way:
Help->Install new Software-> Add -> Archive -> select the downloaded *.jar.
When I hit OK, I get the following error message:
"Could not find jar:file:/home/xyxyx/jbpm.jar"
I tried to solve it by extracting the jar but no success. Putting the jar into the plugins folder and changing permissions won't help! I also tried different versions of eclipse on several systems. No success!
I have been looking for a solution all day! I tried some advice I found on stackoverflow. I don't use a proxy. I changed the update system to classic! Now I don't know what to do anymore.
Anything special I have to configure before I use eclipse on ubuntu besides installing the JDK?
Try to run the installed using the following command:
java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar
On the other hand, you may want to use JBoss IDE which has integrated support for jBPM.

installing glassfish on ubuntu karmic using synaptics package manager

I'm trying to learn to use glassfish for the first time. My IDE is netbeans and I've installed the glassfish plugin for netbeans. I opened up synaptics package manager and typed in glassfish. My choices were
I'm not sure what is in each package, or which package are needed. I can't seem to find anything that tells me anything descriptive about these packages.
I've seen a lot of tutorials on how to install glassfish, but I'd prefer to use apt-get / synaptics to install glassfish so that syntactics can take care of updating.
To strictly answer your question, I think that a typical install would at least include glassfish-appserv, glassfish-javaee, glassfish-toplink-essentials (for JPA).
But for development, I'd warmly recommend to use GlassFish v3 (because of the session preservation across deployments feature, to maximize productivity) and to install it manually in your home directory. Download the self-extracting installer file from here.
Do you want to run the latest and greatest software? It looks like Synaptic has Glassfish version 2 which is an entire major version out of date.
Just for the record: I love Ubuntu and their (well, Debian's) package management system. However, for any Java applications, I prefer to do manual installations. So, my Maven, Eclipse, Tomcat, Glassfish, etc. were all done through manual installs for the newest version... and because sudo apt-get install winds up throwing the app in some weird place and can have unexpected behavior.
Here is how you can do a manual install...
Download Glassfish: wget
Extract the archive anywhere on your filesystem
Inside your IDE such as Netbeans or Eclipse, setup a new server and point it at where you extracted the file
It's also useful to add a new environment variable to ~/.bashrc file, which will make it easier to start the server from the command-line, e.g. $GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1
Another cool thing to try, if you're into maven, is to use the maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin. It's a clean way to get a web app up and running and not need to manually install glassfish and not even have to use an IDE.
You might also try asking this question at if you really want to get it working with Synaptic.
i dont know if this here is still open...
but if you know how to handle shell commands on ubuntu then you might find this here helpful: